How God Used Rejection to Make You His Priest! | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
How God Used Rejection to Make You His Priest!
Message Of The Week – An ancient secret from the courts of the temple. A world-changing moment from the Book of Acts, and the specific key to unlock and fulfill your calling.
Wednesday, September 13, 2023 – Tashlich: The Casting
There’s a Jewish ceremony called Tashlich. It takes place during the high holy days when observant Jews symbolically cast their sins into the water. Micah 7:19 says “You will cast away their sins into the sea.” Cast away is the word tashlich. God wants to have mercy on us, to save and forgive us more than we want. He wants us to be free more than we want it. Salvation comes from God. So God’s the one who ultimately performs tashlich – He casts your sins into the sea of forgetfulness. It’s His work. On the other hand, since God has cast away your sins, it doesn’t mean you don’t do anything. It means you do the same thing. He gives you the power and responsibility to cast your sins away from your life, their stain, their guilt, their habits, their presence, their remembrance and practice. Cast away every trace as far as possible. God hasn’t only removed it. He’s cast it away as far as the east is from the west. You need to do the same. You have the charge, the call and the power. So, start casting.
What is the church? What we call the church? It’s the called ones. The calling together, the calling out.
You are one of the called ones. You’re only here because god holds you.
Jona could not fulfill his calling while he was running away from god.
He he couldn’t do both. Only when he said, okay. I go. He give a fill hit.
So sin, whatever that thing is in your life, that sin, you already know it, And it’s not that we’re perfect.
You might fall. You might mess up, but you get up, but you gotta make a resolution that I want that out of my life because I want I don’t want I don’t want anything to hinder that that god has for me, but it’s not only sin.
It could be something else. It could be separating from other things.
In other words, I’ll get another category, that which is distracting you.
That which is distracting you from god’s highest That which you’re so wrapped up like Martha wrapped up wrapped up wrapped up wrapped up that she’s not gonna you’re not gonna fulfill your phone because you’re so wrapped up and you gotta separate something that that may not be able to say if it’s not sin, but it may be mundane.
It may be something that’s not the highest. It might be good, but it’s not the best.
Or something that’s an, uh, substitute for god.
It’s taken up your thing, money, or career, or what it’s taken up your your it’s not that these things are wrong, but it’s taken up your heart.
That’s gonna that’s gonna you have to separate your heart from that so you can get it back to god to fulfill your calling.
That which is draining your time and your energy may not be gone. You gotta separate.
How can you you can’t do both or anything you’re doing That’s not you’re spending you’re spending hours and hours and hours in front of the television set.
How are you gonna fulfill your calling? I’m not saying all television is bad.
It’s getting worse and worse, but but but if you’re all you’re doing is entertaining yourself, how are you gonna fulfill the calling of god?
And if the so the thing is here, it’s an act.
You have to be part of it. You have to say yes to it. Now I’m gonna go to it.
We’re gonna go to another realm of this in a moment.
In Galatians 1, Paul writes of how he came to the lord. He says this. Listen.
But when god who separated me from my mother’s womb called me by his grace, separated me from my mother’s womb, Paul separated from the womb.
Now now now you got the word call, but he first says separated.
It’s the separation of the priest. Everyone who’s called in the lord, it’s the separation of the priest.
A separation of destiny. Now it was in the, you know, it had not manifested.
It was in the plans of god. It was in the it was in the purposes of god.
But Paul was separated before he even knew it.
He went through his whole life, not knowing it until he came to god.
And when he looked back, he said, ah, now I know.
But he was living, and he was trying to be a rabbi. And then he was coming again.
His zeal was I’m gonna wipe out this heresy.
And yet all this time, he was separated by god preach the gospel.
And so, actually, when he was he went to Jerusalem for other reasons, and then he went against this faith for other reasons, And yet as he was coming to persecute them, it was actually if if you could look in the great scheme of god in the cosmic realm, it was not that he was just It was that god was bringing him closer and closer to the gospel.
So even when he’s hating it and warring against his own purpose, god is bringing his purpose to pass.
And then once he came to the lord, it all is manifested on Damascus Road.
His separation from the womb is manifested on Demascus Road. In fact, you know what?
What what was it that what was it that he came to the lord?
He he he says, why are you persuading me? The lord says to him.
And he says, Who are you, lord? Who are you? He asked the question.
You know what Saul means to ask the question?
His whole life was waiting for that, but it was only manifested that separation for that.
And the first thing he did was separate himself, get ready for his calling.
And then when he was an anti op, the Holy Spirit speaks and says, separate this guy.
It was both of them. He needed born of this.
He couldn’t have done it without born of this that first one, but god knew what was gonna happen with Paul.
Separate this one, separate him.
Now, the word for in the new testament, the word church is the translation, but it’s not a great translation.
The word in Greek is Echlessia. Try it. You get ekklesia from that.
It it’s a translation of a Hebrew word, Kehila. Let’s try it Kehila.
Ekklesia comes from the root word to call What is the church? What we call the church?
It’s the called ones. The calling together, the calling out. You are one of the called ones. You’re only here.
Because god called you. We are not here because I didn’t I didn’t come up with this in my life.
I wasn’t my plan at all. God had a plan. God had a plan for you. He called you.
You’re here because you’re actually called.
You know, I I would my my background, as many of you know, and I’m only gonna use this for your your edification, right, is I’m I was born of the line of Aaron.
So I’m one of these things, and but it meant nothing.
I mean, it was a they said, oh, you’re one of the cohener, but it meant nothing.
It it didn’t do anything. It didn’t matter. Because there was no way it could ever be fulfilled.
There’s no temple. There’s no priest. There’s no priesthood. I mean, there’s no temple.
The priest starts, but within there’s no ministry.
So so, you know, I didn’t ever thought about it, except that, okay, I know that.
And yet, when I came to the lord, that’s when what I was born for came to fruition, minister, but you see, you’re all you all we all equally have that calling.
What I have to flesh and blood is that flesh and blood, but it was on could only be fulfilled through Jesus.
Now I said, wow, how could how could some how could my family?
How could my line ever do anything for god when they’re only through the messiah?
Can we actually minister the life of god? And that’s every one of you.
That’s that he gives calling to the priest. That’s all of you. Wherever you’re from.
So in that sense, so you were called from your mother’s womb.
In that sense, you were separated from conception.
And god, not only that, as did he did with Paul, god was working that together, that holy separation from the womb.
You’re bow you’re in the womb in Gus, as I know, I’ve got I’ve got all the days in my book.
Remember, he had all your days in his book before you were born, and his god is then gonna work out that calling through everything in your life.
He was using all the things of your life to bring you out and to him.
In fact, he used the hard times, the times you hated.
He used the rejection of men He used anything.
He used he actually used things that separated you. It’s, you see, it’s human nature. We wanna fit in.
Wanna fit in. Wanna fit in. I actually don’t wanna fit in anymore with the world.
I don’t wanna make anything to do with it.
But it’s god’s calling for you to not fit in because you’re called priest.
When Messiah said, listen, blessed are you when men hate and reproach you? For my sake.
You know what the word you use? The word you use in Greek is is Aforizo.
What men will do to you hate you reject you.
Aforizo Aforizo is the same word that’s used when god says, separate them for me. Get this.
God uses the conflicts and the hatred and the rejections of man in your life to separate you to him.
He did it. He did it in your life.
If you look back at your life, things that that hurt you may be broken.
You know, things that separated you set up separated you sorrows, you know, or or what you’re arguing, you cried out.
God, why? Why yet behind it? God was using it all to separate you to himself.
That would be manifested on the day that you came to him.
But all those you can look at all those things in your life that were leading up to that moment.
God was using you. It was the separation of his holy priest.
All those things And you made it some of you might have fit.
I I never I never fit in. You know, most people feel that they don’t fit in anyway.
But beyond that, god’s grace was on it It was his hand saying I have to separate them now.
This one, this one, I will use all these things.
I mean, the enemy used it for bad, but he’s I’m gonna use it, all the sorrows, all the heartbreak, all the broken things.
I’m gonna use it to bring them to my court, to my presence, to use them because this is my priest.
The day you turned to god, it all kicked in. It all kicked in.
It all can get and sometimes you can look back at your life in retrospect and say, wow.
That was that. That was that. That was that. Two people came up to me after the first service.
Two people who are who minister here.
One of them told me, you know, they as a I didn’t know as a child, if I got it right, he had polio.
And a little kid, and and his father’s Catholic lifted up and said, I’m looking up.
This one is gonna be a priest. Yeah.
Well, he became a priest, a different kind of priest in the lord.
And the other one said, I almost died. He almost died.
It was like he got with operating, but use this all these things in his life in your life.
Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan,
and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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- Priscilla Shirer | SHARE the DreamTháng 4 12, 2023