Here’s How a Holy Spirit Encounter will Change Your Life
Here’s How a Holy Spirit Encounter will Change Your Life
The Holy Spirit can do more in an instant than we can do in a lifetime without His presence. In the glory of God, all things are possible, and everything about you becomes transformed by His power. Here’s how a Holy Spirit encounter will change your life.
Here’s how a Holy Spirit encounter will change your life. Number one, an encounter with the Holy Spirit.
Will make you realize and hate your sin.
The closer you’re drawn to god, The less power that the cravings of the world and the flesh have over you.
Let’s go to Isaiah chapter six. I’m gonna read verses one through eight.
It was in the year king Uzziah died that I saw the lord.
He was sitting on a lofty throne, and the train of his robe filled the temple.
Attending him were mighty seraphim. Each having six wings with two wings they covered their faces.
With two, they covered their feet. And with two, they flew.
They were calling out to each other wholly, holy, holy as the lord of heaven’s armies.
The whole earth is filled with his glory.
Their voices shook the temple to its foundations, and the entire building was filled with smoke.
This is quite the encounter. And Isaiah the prophet is having with the lord. Then I said it’s all over.
I am doomed for I am a sinful man. I have filthy lips.
And I live among a people with filthy lips. Yet I have seen the king, the lord of heaven’s armies.
Well, isn’t that just like us? We’ve seen the king yet we also recognize the flaws within us.
Verse six, then one of the seraphim flew to me.
But the burning coal he had taken from the altar with a pair of tongs.
He touched my lips with it and said, see, this coal has touched your lips Now your guilt is removed, and your sins are forgiven.
Then I heard the lord asking whom shall I send as a messenger to this people?
Who will go for us. And I said, here I am. Send me.
So Isaiah, the prophet is tending to his duties. He’s serving as he should.
When suddenly, the glory of god is displayed before him in a way that shakes him to his very core.
And immediately, he recognizes his own humanity. This is what an encounter with the Holy Spirit will do.
Number one, again, it will cause you to recognize and disdain your sin.
You begin to see the flaws within yourself the more that god’s light shines on you.
Now some of us take this to mean that god is distancing himself from us.
We become frustrated with ourselves, We become more sensitive to our wrongdoing. Our standards become raised.
And the more you begin to recognize and hate your sin, the more you sometimes will feel like you’re messing up.
But the reality is that as god’s presence begins to shine a brighter light in our lives, as we become more aware of his always abiding presence within us.
Then we begin to see all of the details of the flesh.
We begin to see all of those nuances in our disobedient ways.
We begin to recognize more and more how we should become more like Jesus.
And so you might think that god is distancing himself from you.
You might think you’re actually going backwards in the spirit when, in fact, as you begin to recognize and disdain your sin, as your tolerance, I’ll put it this way.
As your tolerance for sin becomes lessened, it can feel like you’re becoming more distant from where you want to be.
But it’s not that you’re becoming distant from god. It’s that you’re becoming hyper aware of those flaws. Why?
Because the light is shining brighter.
So the more you mature in the faith, the more frustrated you’re gonna become with the sin nature.
The more you mature in the faith, the more likely you are to disdain your sin.
You see, many are praying that god will set them free from a habitual sin.
They’re praying that god will set them free from an addiction of sorts.
But do you realize that the further you go in Christ, the more you mature, the closer you are drawn to the Holy Spirit?
That eventually what once tempted you will begin to disgust you, and that’s a wonderful reality that there will be a day Where not only are you saying, no.
I don’t wanna do it. No. I’m fighting it. No. I’m resisting it.
Not only where will you go from being broken from that bondage?
But you’re gonna come to a place where you’ll never wanna return again, where what once tempted you, where what once pooled on you.
Will be of no interest to you anymore. Why? Because you’ll be so focused on him.
But here we see that Isaiah, the prophet comes into this encounter with the Holy Spirit.
This power that’s being demonstrated there We know it’s the Holy Spirit because if you cross reference this portion of scripture with the last chapter of the book of acts, you see that it was the Holy Spirit who said this to Isaiah the prophet.
So in this encounter with the Holy Spirit, he begins to recognize his humanity, begins to see his own flaws, and maybe that’s where you are right now.
And you’re saying to yourself, my goodness, I’m just getting worse and worse. I’m going further and further backwards.
It’s not that you’re going deeper into darkness It’s that you’re becoming more aware of the flaws that you carry.
It’s not that you’re being rejected by god. It’s that you’re becoming hyper aware of the sin nature. Why?
Because the light is shining brighter in you.
Now we have to be able to address those things, repent of those things, get those things right so that we can continue to move forward.
But notice here that the doesn’t even communicate with the father god.
The Sarafem just goes and cleanses the prophet. Why?
Because the Sarafem knew the nature of God, and God cleanses him, and the very thing that Isaiah the prophet thought disqualified him, god uses.
So here we see that god can take that which is sinful about us.
Break us from that bondage of sin, clean us up after we repent, of course, and then use us, even though we have a past.
And this is the beauty of an encounter with God.
When you encounter that glory, when you receive a touch from the Holy Spirit’s presence and power.
When you begin to encounter realms of god’s presence and power, There is a breaking from the flesh.
There is a breaking from sin. You begin to tolerate it less and less and less.
And now Whereas, maybe you allowed certain things in your life.
About a year ago or two years ago, now you don’t even wanna look in that direction.
And your sensitivity to sin begins to heighten, and it bothers you more and more.
And it takes less sin to agitate you more now. And that’s a good thing.
Because now after you’ve encountered the lord, after you’ve touched something heavenly, you don’t wanna touch something earthly.
After you’ve encountered something holy, you don’t wanna touch anything that’s filthy.
And so that presence on your life becomes the motivation now to continue walking on that correct path that you might avoid the things of this world that cause us to be contaminated in our souls and minds.
And so an encounter with the Holy Spirit will cause you to recognize and then stain your sin.
Number two, an encounter with the Holy Spirit will give you a burden for the lost.
Exit is chapter three, please. I can begin reading at verse number one.
One day Moses was tending the flock of his father-in-law Jethro, the priest of midian.
He led the flock far into the wilderness and came to sinai the mountain of god there, the angel of the lord appeared to him in a blazing fire from the middle of a bush.
Moses stared in amazement. Though the bush was engulfed in flames, it didn’t burn up. This is amazing.
Moses said to himself, Why isn’t that bush burning up? I must go see it.
When the Lord saw Moses coming to take a closer look, god called to him from the middle of the bush Moses Moses, here I am Moses replied.
Do not come any closer the Lord warned. Take off your sandals, for you are standing on holy ground.
Let’s stop there just for a moment. Take off your sandals.
For you are standing on holy ground.
That’s the presence of almighty god alluding back to the first point I made.
The presence of god is holy. The presence of god is pure light. Rightsness.
He is the righteous king.
And when we encounter his presence, we have to recognize that we are encountering something very holy.
And we must approach the presence of god, not casually, but reverently.
Not with an unhealthy fear, but a heavenly fear. God is Holy, don’t you forget it?
We come to him trembling, not for fear of punishment, but simply for who he is, the beauty the glory of his presence.
So beautiful, it’s terrifying. So so otherworldly it will shake you up.
And here’s what Moses is encountering.
A physical manifestation of god’s presence and power Now to be clear, the Holy Spirit abides in you.
God is everywhere at all times.
What I’m talking about when I say that the encounter in the Holy Spirit’s presence will affect you.
What I’m talking about is encountering the manifested presence of god or becoming aware of that presence on your life.
That begins to shape you in ways that are more profound to even describe here.
Verse six, I am the god of your father, the god of Abraham, god of Isaac, and the god of Jacob.
When Moses heard this, he covered his face because he was afraid to look at god he’s shaken to his very core.
Then the Lord told him I have certainly seen the oppression of my people in Egypt.
I have heard their cries of distress because of their harsh slave drivers. Yes. I am aware of their suffering.
So I have come down to rescue them from the power of the Egyptians and lead them out of Egypt into their own fertile and spacious land.
It is a land flowing with milk and honey.
The land where the canaanites, hittites, Amorites, parasites, hivites, and jebusites now live. Look.
The cry of the people of Israel has reached me.
And I have seen how harshly the Egyptians abused them.
Now go for I am sending you to pharaoh, you must lead my people out of Egypt.
Now, of course, Many of us know that in this particular narrative, that Moses goes back and forth with the Lord for a while until he finally is convinced to obey god and do as he was commanded to do and set a people free.
But this scripture reveals something so beautiful about the heart of god.
And if we just read over it really quickly, we might miss it.
This particular portion of scripture reveals that god lends an ear to the suffering of those who are in bondage.
God lends an ear to those who are crying out for something more in their lives.
Do you remember what it was like? To live life without the lord?
No purpose? No hope. No true love. No everlasting peace.
No everlasting joy. Do you remember what it was like to live in the chains of the kingdom of darkness?
Do you remember what it was like to live under the weight of the guilt and the shame of your sin?
And do you remember what it was like when it was first lifted from off of your shoulders when you confessed Jesus as lord and believed in your heart that god raised him from the dead and you for the first time experienced the forgiveness of God and you felt the love of God wash over you.
And as you felt the love of god wash over you, you felt that burden of sin and shame being lifted off of you.
You were cleansed from unrighteousness. You were taken from the kingdom of darkness.
You were rescued and translated into the kingdom. Of light who has delivered us from the powers of darkness?
Well, you remember that?
But there are people all over the world who’ve yet to experience that.
There are people who are bound in darkness.
There are people who don’t know the hope and the future that is in Christ.
They don’t know the hope of glory. They don’t know the wonderful news, which is the gospel message.
They don’t know that salvation is found in Christ Jesus. God knows them.
And god sees them, and he is not deaf to their pleas.
God Can hear the cry? Can you?
Can you hear the cry of the suicidal?
Can you hear the cry of the drug addicted?
Can you hear the cry of those bound by Satan?
Can you hear the cry of those lost in deep darkness, of those bound by dark deception?
Can you hear the cry? I want you to write that in the comment section.
I hear the cry. Why do you hear the cry? It’s an encounter with the Holy spirit.
You see, you become like who you spend time with.
And when you spend time with the precious Holy Spirit, His burden and love for the lost becomes your burden and love for the lost.
His burden and his love for the lost becomes your burden. And your love for the lost.
You begin to see what he sees. You begin to sense what he senses.
And that heart for the lost soul becomes yours.
It’s impossible to be touched by the fire of the holy ghost and not have a passion for the loss.
If you do not have a desire to see the loss saved, then it wasn’t encountered with the Holy Spirit you had.
It was an encounter with your emotions. It was an encounter with hype. Why?
Because a true encounter with the Holy Spirit will always transform you in some way.
And one of those ways that brings transformation is you develop a burden for the lost.
There’s something in you that longs to see the bounds set free.
The unsaved to be redeemed, this heart becomes yours.
The heartbeat of heaven and souls, God’s heart is for the lost.
Jesus deserves to reap the reward of his suffering.
And when you encounter the Holy Spirit, He will commission you hear me now.
He will commission you to win the loss.
You cannot touch that fire of evangelism and not have your heart set ablaze for the loss.
Yes, the Holy Spirit sets your heart ablaze with a love for Jesus.
Yes, The Holy Spirit sets your heart ablaze with a love for your fellow brother and sister.
But the Holy Spirit will also set your heart ablaze for the lost.
This is what an encounter in the Holy Spirit’s presence will do.
We’ll give you a burden for the lost.
Number one, An encounter with the Holy Spirit will make you recognize and hate your sin.
Number two, An encounter with the Holy Spirit will give you a burden for the lost.
Number three, and go with me to acts chapter two, please.
Number three, an encounter with the Holy Spirit will give you boldness to stand for truth.
Acts chapter two, go down please to verse number twelve.
I’m gonna read verses twelve to twenty one, and then we’ll jump down to verse forty one.
So let’s go now. Acts two verse twelve. They stood there amazed and perplexed.
What can this mean they asked each other?
But others in the crowd ridiculed them saying they’re just drunk. That’s all.
Now, what these people just witnessed was the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Church.
Tungs of fire, they heard a sound of a mighty rushing wind, The people of god were filled with the Holy Spirit.
They began to speak in other tongues. Some were amazed. Some were perplexed.
And some began to mock. That’s a response when the Holy Spirit begins to move.
Is people become amazed? People become perplexed, and they begin to mock. Listen.
Just because people mock the move of the Holy Spirit, just because they’re perplexed by it, doesn’t mean that it’s not genuine.
But in fact, that’s what happened here.
Now you have to realize that next we see Peter stand and begin to proclaim the gospel.
Here is a man who denied the lord Jesus. Just a few.
It wasn’t that too long before this. It was in the crucifixion narrative.
Jesus was set to trial. Peter denies that he even knows him.
In his darkest moment, Jesus was denied by Peter three times.
And now this same man, and this, by the way, I’m not criticizing Peter.
I’m not saying that, you know, he was just some, you know, horrible person, all of us, fail the lord.
Let’s just thank god he never fails us. But still, we see a transformation here.
This man, Peter, who denies the lord three times, now all of a sudden filled with boldness to stand and proclaim the gospel, even when others are mocking him.
Then Peter stepped forward with the eleven other apostles and shouted to the crowd. I love it.
Where where he went he went from secrecy and shame to shouting it with boldness.
He stepped forward and he shouted to the crowd.
Listen carefully all of you, fellow Jews and residents of Jerusalem. Make no mistake about this.
These people are not drunk as some of you are assuming.
Nine o’clock in the morning is much too early for that. No.
What you see was predicted long ago by the prophet Joel.
In the last days, god says, I will pour out my spirit upon all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.
In those days, I will pour out my spirit even upon my servants, men, and women alike, and they will prophecy.
And I will cause wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below.
Blood and fire and clouds of smoke.
The sun will become dark, and the moon will turn blood red before that great and glorious day of the lord arrives, verse twenty one, but everyone who calls on the name of the lord will be saved.
Those who believe what Peter said were baptized.
Watch this verse forty one, jump down to verse forty one now.
Those who believe what Peter said were baptized and added to the church that day, about three thousand, you know, think about that.
Three thousand people now believing on the lord Jesus.
So this was interesting to me because Peter denied Jesus three times.
So for every time Peter had denied Jesus, He was redeemed and won a thousand to the lord.
That’s the difference the Holy Spirit makes.
When you encounter the presence of the Holy Spirit in this way, There’s a boldness that comes upon you.
Maybe you’re listening to this. And you’re saying within your heart, my goodness, I would love to have that kind of courage that allows me to speak truth to others.
I would love to have that kind of spiritual backbone that causes me to stand for truth even under the highest pressure, when others ridicule, when others mock, when others look down on me, when others are condescending toward me, I wanna be able to stand for truth even then.
I don’t wanna be ashamed. I am not ashamed of the gospel. I don’t wanna be ashamed of Jesus.
I don’t wanna be ashamed of the Holy Spirit. Don’t wanna be ashamed of the father god.
I don’t wanna be ashamed of the gospel, and the Holy Spirit is the one who will give you that boldness.
If you lack boldness, you need an encounter with the Holy Spirit.
So far, we’ve seen an encounter with the Holy Spirit will cause you to recognize and hate your sin.
We’ll give you a burden for the lost. We’ll give you a boldness to stand for truth.
And number four, An encounter with the Holy Spirit will set you on a path of purpose.
Genesis chapter twelve verses one through four.
The Lord said to Abraham, leave your native country, your relatives, and your father’s family, and go to the land I will show you.
I will make you into a great nation.
I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others.
I will bless those who bless you. And curse those who treat you with contempt.
All the families on earth will be blessed through you.
So Abraham departed as the lord had instructed and lot went with him.
Abraham was seventy five years old when he left Tehran.
Now here we see The Holy Spirit guiding Abraham, setting him on a path of purpose.
We often see this throughout the scripture. Where the spirit of the lord will come upon a prophet.
The spirit of the lord will come upon a king.
The spirit of the lord will come upon a judge.
The spirit of the lord will come upon the disciples upon the church.
The spirit of the lord was upon Jesus. For what, always for a purpose.
He hath anointed me to what ultimately to the work of the kingdom to preach to deliver the captive, to spread the gospel, to advance the kingdom of god.
When the Holy Spirit touches your life in a fresh way, There is there is a clarity that comes.
Perhaps you’re in a season right now, and you’re wondering about next steps.
Well, where do you want me to go? I don’t know what’s next.
I don’t know what you want me to do.
I’m obeying your word as best I can. I see in the scripture that I should pray, that I should attend a church, that I should know the word, that I should serve locally, that I should be about my father’s business.
But lord, show me that next step, please. You need an encounter in the Holy Spirit presence.
You need a touch of god, fresh on your life.
And when that happens, There’s like a heavenly download that comes on you.
And there’s a clarity for the next season.
I truly believe that god wants to give to you clarity for the next season.
But god wants to give to you a clear picture of where he’s taking you.
And that comes in encounter with the Holy Spirit.
An encounter with the Holy Spirit will make you recognize and hate your sin.
We’ll give you a burden for the loss.
We’ll give you boldness to stand for truth and will set you on a path of purpose.
Encounters in the Holy Spirit presence will always produce transformation.
Whether that transformation is revealed now or later, it doesn’t matter. The transformation just has to be there.
Whether that transformation is something apparent in your circumstance sense, or something slight done within you.
As long as that transformation happens, it’s a mark of the Holy Spirit’s presence and power upon your life.
One, encounter in the presence of the Holy Spirit, and everything changes.
You may be discouraged now.
Maybe confused, maybe wondering what’s next. Maybe you’re struggling in one area or another One touch.
You don’t know how the Holy Spirit can turn it around like that.
I’m talking everything different within twenty four hours. He can do that.
The Holy Spirit can do more in a single moment, and we can accomplish with one hundred years of striving.
A single moment spent in the presence of the Holy Spirit can transform your life.
But a life spent in the presence of the Holy Spirit. He transformed the nations.
He wants to use you. Let him use you.
Lift your hands begin to pray with me now. Father, I thank you.
That your people are coming into fresh encounters. That’s what I’m hearing now. Fresh encounters.
Spirit tells me fresh encounters. I want you
to say this out loud, even type it
in the comments I Don’t be ashamed of him. Type this out. Just say, welcome Holy Spirit.
Welcome Holy Spirit. Say it out loud, say with boldness.
Welcome Holy So precious lord, I pray that your people would come into encounters with you.
Even now, touch their life in a fresh way. Transform them and use them.
Pore out their life like a drink offering before for you and take every last drop I pray.
Let your hand say holy spirit
I surrender. Say it out loud, say, holy spirit, I surrender.
Touch them with your power. I pray.
Some of you just felt like electricity come on your body.
Others are feeling like a warmth that’s the presence of the Holy Spirit. Just receive that touch.
Welcome Holy Spirit. Welcome Holy Spirit. I thank you lord.
Touch your people bring healing and deliverance, break every bondage, let them encounter the glory of the I am. I want you to be bold enough to pray this prayer now.
I want you to be bold enough to say this. Close your eyes if you’re able to.
Lift your hands. And pray this simple prayer, say, show me your glory.
Ask them. Say show me your glory.
Now, Laura let your presence come upon them in a fresh way. We thank you, Lord.
We give you the honor and the glory in Jesus’ name.
I want you to say it because you believe it.
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The gospel is free. But the means to deliver it on a mass scale that takes resources, and we’re seeing lives transformed.
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I want you to pause. Look, I know your flesh maybe wants to click on the next thing. Right?
The flesh is always looking for a distraction.
But I want you to just take a moment and ask the Holy Spirit. Just say Holy Spirit.
How do you want me to help? Ask him. Ask him Holy Spirit.
Should I give one time or should I become a monthly supporter? Ask him what you should do.
Ask him and then let him speak to you. He’ll speak to you. He’ll speak to you about frequency.
He’ll speak to you about amounts, he’ll put that on your heart. And then you just trust and obey.
And by doing that, you’re helping this ministry do its work.
So do that now one more time, become a monthly supported by going to David Hernandez ministries dot com slash partner, give a single gift by going to David Hernandez ministries dot com slash donut.
I thank you for your support. And until next time, remember, nothing is impossible with god.
Will make you realize and hate your sin.
The closer you’re drawn to god, The less power that the cravings of the world and the flesh have over you.
Let’s go to Isaiah chapter six. I’m gonna read verses one through eight.
It was in the year king Uzziah died that I saw the lord.
He was sitting on a lofty throne, and the train of his robe filled the temple.
Attending him were mighty seraphim. Each having six wings with two wings they covered their faces.
With two, they covered their feet. And with two, they flew.
They were calling out to each other wholly, holy, holy as the lord of heaven’s armies.
The whole earth is filled with his glory.
Their voices shook the temple to its foundations, and the entire building was filled with smoke.
This is quite the encounter. And Isaiah the prophet is having with the lord. Then I said it’s all over.
I am doomed for I am a sinful man. I have filthy lips.
And I live among a people with filthy lips. Yet I have seen the king, the lord of heaven’s armies.
Well, isn’t that just like us? We’ve seen the king yet we also recognize the flaws within us.
Verse six, then one of the seraphim flew to me.
But the burning coal he had taken from the altar with a pair of tongs.
He touched my lips with it and said, see, this coal has touched your lips Now your guilt is removed, and your sins are forgiven.
Then I heard the lord asking whom shall I send as a messenger to this people?
Who will go for us. And I said, here I am. Send me.
So Isaiah, the prophet is tending to his duties. He’s serving as he should.
When suddenly, the glory of god is displayed before him in a way that shakes him to his very core.
And immediately, he recognizes his own humanity. This is what an encounter with the Holy Spirit will do.
Number one, again, it will cause you to recognize and disdain your sin.
You begin to see the flaws within yourself the more that god’s light shines on you.
Now some of us take this to mean that god is distancing himself from us.
We become frustrated with ourselves, We become more sensitive to our wrongdoing. Our standards become raised.
And the more you begin to recognize and hate your sin, the more you sometimes will feel like you’re messing up.
But the reality is that as god’s presence begins to shine a brighter light in our lives, as we become more aware of his always abiding presence within us.
Then we begin to see all of the details of the flesh.
We begin to see all of those nuances in our disobedient ways.
We begin to recognize more and more how we should become more like Jesus.
And so you might think that god is distancing himself from you.
You might think you’re actually going backwards in the spirit when, in fact, as you begin to recognize and disdain your sin, as your tolerance, I’ll put it this way.
As your tolerance for sin becomes lessened, it can feel like you’re becoming more distant from where you want to be.
But it’s not that you’re becoming distant from god. It’s that you’re becoming hyper aware of those flaws. Why?
Because the light is shining brighter.
So the more you mature in the faith, the more frustrated you’re gonna become with the sin nature.
The more you mature in the faith, the more likely you are to disdain your sin.
You see, many are praying that god will set them free from a habitual sin.
They’re praying that god will set them free from an addiction of sorts.
But do you realize that the further you go in Christ, the more you mature, the closer you are drawn to the Holy Spirit?
That eventually what once tempted you will begin to disgust you, and that’s a wonderful reality that there will be a day Where not only are you saying, no.
I don’t wanna do it. No. I’m fighting it. No. I’m resisting it.
Not only where will you go from being broken from that bondage?
But you’re gonna come to a place where you’ll never wanna return again, where what once tempted you, where what once pooled on you.
Will be of no interest to you anymore. Why? Because you’ll be so focused on him.
But here we see that Isaiah, the prophet comes into this encounter with the Holy Spirit.
This power that’s being demonstrated there We know it’s the Holy Spirit because if you cross reference this portion of scripture with the last chapter of the book of acts, you see that it was the Holy Spirit who said this to Isaiah the prophet.
So in this encounter with the Holy Spirit, he begins to recognize his humanity, begins to see his own flaws, and maybe that’s where you are right now.
And you’re saying to yourself, my goodness, I’m just getting worse and worse. I’m going further and further backwards.
It’s not that you’re going deeper into darkness It’s that you’re becoming more aware of the flaws that you carry.
It’s not that you’re being rejected by god. It’s that you’re becoming hyper aware of the sin nature. Why?
Because the light is shining brighter in you.
Now we have to be able to address those things, repent of those things, get those things right so that we can continue to move forward.
But notice here that the doesn’t even communicate with the father god.
The Sarafem just goes and cleanses the prophet. Why?
Because the Sarafem knew the nature of God, and God cleanses him, and the very thing that Isaiah the prophet thought disqualified him, god uses.
So here we see that god can take that which is sinful about us.
Break us from that bondage of sin, clean us up after we repent, of course, and then use us, even though we have a past.
And this is the beauty of an encounter with God.
When you encounter that glory, when you receive a touch from the Holy Spirit’s presence and power.
When you begin to encounter realms of god’s presence and power, There is a breaking from the flesh.
There is a breaking from sin. You begin to tolerate it less and less and less.
And now Whereas, maybe you allowed certain things in your life.
About a year ago or two years ago, now you don’t even wanna look in that direction.
And your sensitivity to sin begins to heighten, and it bothers you more and more.
And it takes less sin to agitate you more now. And that’s a good thing.
Because now after you’ve encountered the lord, after you’ve touched something heavenly, you don’t wanna touch something earthly.
After you’ve encountered something holy, you don’t wanna touch anything that’s filthy.
And so that presence on your life becomes the motivation now to continue walking on that correct path that you might avoid the things of this world that cause us to be contaminated in our souls and minds.
And so an encounter with the Holy Spirit will cause you to recognize and then stain your sin.
Number two, an encounter with the Holy Spirit will give you a burden for the lost.
Exit is chapter three, please. I can begin reading at verse number one.
One day Moses was tending the flock of his father-in-law Jethro, the priest of midian.
He led the flock far into the wilderness and came to sinai the mountain of god there, the angel of the lord appeared to him in a blazing fire from the middle of a bush.
Moses stared in amazement. Though the bush was engulfed in flames, it didn’t burn up. This is amazing.
Moses said to himself, Why isn’t that bush burning up? I must go see it.
When the Lord saw Moses coming to take a closer look, god called to him from the middle of the bush Moses Moses, here I am Moses replied.
Do not come any closer the Lord warned. Take off your sandals, for you are standing on holy ground.
Let’s stop there just for a moment. Take off your sandals.
For you are standing on holy ground.
That’s the presence of almighty god alluding back to the first point I made.
The presence of god is holy. The presence of god is pure light. Rightsness.
He is the righteous king.
And when we encounter his presence, we have to recognize that we are encountering something very holy.
And we must approach the presence of god, not casually, but reverently.
Not with an unhealthy fear, but a heavenly fear. God is Holy, don’t you forget it?
We come to him trembling, not for fear of punishment, but simply for who he is, the beauty the glory of his presence.
So beautiful, it’s terrifying. So so otherworldly it will shake you up.
And here’s what Moses is encountering.
A physical manifestation of god’s presence and power Now to be clear, the Holy Spirit abides in you.
God is everywhere at all times.
What I’m talking about when I say that the encounter in the Holy Spirit’s presence will affect you.
What I’m talking about is encountering the manifested presence of god or becoming aware of that presence on your life.
That begins to shape you in ways that are more profound to even describe here.
Verse six, I am the god of your father, the god of Abraham, god of Isaac, and the god of Jacob.
When Moses heard this, he covered his face because he was afraid to look at god he’s shaken to his very core.
Then the Lord told him I have certainly seen the oppression of my people in Egypt.
I have heard their cries of distress because of their harsh slave drivers. Yes. I am aware of their suffering.
So I have come down to rescue them from the power of the Egyptians and lead them out of Egypt into their own fertile and spacious land.
It is a land flowing with milk and honey.
The land where the canaanites, hittites, Amorites, parasites, hivites, and jebusites now live. Look.
The cry of the people of Israel has reached me.
And I have seen how harshly the Egyptians abused them.
Now go for I am sending you to pharaoh, you must lead my people out of Egypt.
Now, of course, Many of us know that in this particular narrative, that Moses goes back and forth with the Lord for a while until he finally is convinced to obey god and do as he was commanded to do and set a people free.
But this scripture reveals something so beautiful about the heart of god.
And if we just read over it really quickly, we might miss it.
This particular portion of scripture reveals that god lends an ear to the suffering of those who are in bondage.
God lends an ear to those who are crying out for something more in their lives.
Do you remember what it was like? To live life without the lord?
No purpose? No hope. No true love. No everlasting peace.
No everlasting joy. Do you remember what it was like to live in the chains of the kingdom of darkness?
Do you remember what it was like to live under the weight of the guilt and the shame of your sin?
And do you remember what it was like when it was first lifted from off of your shoulders when you confessed Jesus as lord and believed in your heart that god raised him from the dead and you for the first time experienced the forgiveness of God and you felt the love of God wash over you.
And as you felt the love of god wash over you, you felt that burden of sin and shame being lifted off of you.
You were cleansed from unrighteousness. You were taken from the kingdom of darkness.
You were rescued and translated into the kingdom. Of light who has delivered us from the powers of darkness?
Well, you remember that?
But there are people all over the world who’ve yet to experience that.
There are people who are bound in darkness.
There are people who don’t know the hope and the future that is in Christ.
They don’t know the hope of glory. They don’t know the wonderful news, which is the gospel message.
They don’t know that salvation is found in Christ Jesus. God knows them.
And god sees them, and he is not deaf to their pleas.
God Can hear the cry? Can you?
Can you hear the cry of the suicidal?
Can you hear the cry of the drug addicted?
Can you hear the cry of those bound by Satan?
Can you hear the cry of those lost in deep darkness, of those bound by dark deception?
Can you hear the cry? I want you to write that in the comment section.
I hear the cry. Why do you hear the cry? It’s an encounter with the Holy spirit.
You see, you become like who you spend time with.
And when you spend time with the precious Holy Spirit, His burden and love for the lost becomes your burden and love for the lost.
His burden and his love for the lost becomes your burden. And your love for the lost.
You begin to see what he sees. You begin to sense what he senses.
And that heart for the lost soul becomes yours.
It’s impossible to be touched by the fire of the holy ghost and not have a passion for the loss.
If you do not have a desire to see the loss saved, then it wasn’t encountered with the Holy Spirit you had.
It was an encounter with your emotions. It was an encounter with hype. Why?
Because a true encounter with the Holy Spirit will always transform you in some way.
And one of those ways that brings transformation is you develop a burden for the lost.
There’s something in you that longs to see the bounds set free.
The unsaved to be redeemed, this heart becomes yours.
The heartbeat of heaven and souls, God’s heart is for the lost.
Jesus deserves to reap the reward of his suffering.
And when you encounter the Holy Spirit, He will commission you hear me now.
He will commission you to win the loss.
You cannot touch that fire of evangelism and not have your heart set ablaze for the loss.
Yes, the Holy Spirit sets your heart ablaze with a love for Jesus.
Yes, The Holy Spirit sets your heart ablaze with a love for your fellow brother and sister.
But the Holy Spirit will also set your heart ablaze for the lost.
This is what an encounter in the Holy Spirit’s presence will do.
We’ll give you a burden for the lost.
Number one, An encounter with the Holy Spirit will make you recognize and hate your sin.
Number two, An encounter with the Holy Spirit will give you a burden for the lost.
Number three, and go with me to acts chapter two, please.
Number three, an encounter with the Holy Spirit will give you boldness to stand for truth.
Acts chapter two, go down please to verse number twelve.
I’m gonna read verses twelve to twenty one, and then we’ll jump down to verse forty one.
So let’s go now. Acts two verse twelve. They stood there amazed and perplexed.
What can this mean they asked each other?
But others in the crowd ridiculed them saying they’re just drunk. That’s all.
Now, what these people just witnessed was the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Church.
Tungs of fire, they heard a sound of a mighty rushing wind, The people of god were filled with the Holy Spirit.
They began to speak in other tongues. Some were amazed. Some were perplexed.
And some began to mock. That’s a response when the Holy Spirit begins to move.
Is people become amazed? People become perplexed, and they begin to mock. Listen.
Just because people mock the move of the Holy Spirit, just because they’re perplexed by it, doesn’t mean that it’s not genuine.
But in fact, that’s what happened here.
Now you have to realize that next we see Peter stand and begin to proclaim the gospel.
Here is a man who denied the lord Jesus. Just a few.
It wasn’t that too long before this. It was in the crucifixion narrative.
Jesus was set to trial. Peter denies that he even knows him.
In his darkest moment, Jesus was denied by Peter three times.
And now this same man, and this, by the way, I’m not criticizing Peter.
I’m not saying that, you know, he was just some, you know, horrible person, all of us, fail the lord.
Let’s just thank god he never fails us. But still, we see a transformation here.
This man, Peter, who denies the lord three times, now all of a sudden filled with boldness to stand and proclaim the gospel, even when others are mocking him.
Then Peter stepped forward with the eleven other apostles and shouted to the crowd. I love it.
Where where he went he went from secrecy and shame to shouting it with boldness.
He stepped forward and he shouted to the crowd.
Listen carefully all of you, fellow Jews and residents of Jerusalem. Make no mistake about this.
These people are not drunk as some of you are assuming.
Nine o’clock in the morning is much too early for that. No.
What you see was predicted long ago by the prophet Joel.
In the last days, god says, I will pour out my spirit upon all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.
In those days, I will pour out my spirit even upon my servants, men, and women alike, and they will prophecy.
And I will cause wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below.
Blood and fire and clouds of smoke.
The sun will become dark, and the moon will turn blood red before that great and glorious day of the lord arrives, verse twenty one, but everyone who calls on the name of the lord will be saved.
Those who believe what Peter said were baptized.
Watch this verse forty one, jump down to verse forty one now.
Those who believe what Peter said were baptized and added to the church that day, about three thousand, you know, think about that.
Three thousand people now believing on the lord Jesus.
So this was interesting to me because Peter denied Jesus three times.
So for every time Peter had denied Jesus, He was redeemed and won a thousand to the lord.
That’s the difference the Holy Spirit makes.
When you encounter the presence of the Holy Spirit in this way, There’s a boldness that comes upon you.
Maybe you’re listening to this. And you’re saying within your heart, my goodness, I would love to have that kind of courage that allows me to speak truth to others.
I would love to have that kind of spiritual backbone that causes me to stand for truth even under the highest pressure, when others ridicule, when others mock, when others look down on me, when others are condescending toward me, I wanna be able to stand for truth even then.
I don’t wanna be ashamed. I am not ashamed of the gospel. I don’t wanna be ashamed of Jesus.
I don’t wanna be ashamed of the Holy Spirit. Don’t wanna be ashamed of the father god.
I don’t wanna be ashamed of the gospel, and the Holy Spirit is the one who will give you that boldness.
If you lack boldness, you need an encounter with the Holy Spirit.
So far, we’ve seen an encounter with the Holy Spirit will cause you to recognize and hate your sin.
We’ll give you a burden for the lost. We’ll give you a boldness to stand for truth.
And number four, An encounter with the Holy Spirit will set you on a path of purpose.
Genesis chapter twelve verses one through four.
The Lord said to Abraham, leave your native country, your relatives, and your father’s family, and go to the land I will show you.
I will make you into a great nation.
I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others.
I will bless those who bless you. And curse those who treat you with contempt.
All the families on earth will be blessed through you.
So Abraham departed as the lord had instructed and lot went with him.
Abraham was seventy five years old when he left Tehran.
Now here we see The Holy Spirit guiding Abraham, setting him on a path of purpose.
We often see this throughout the scripture. Where the spirit of the lord will come upon a prophet.
The spirit of the lord will come upon a king.
The spirit of the lord will come upon a judge.
The spirit of the lord will come upon the disciples upon the church.
The spirit of the lord was upon Jesus. For what, always for a purpose.
He hath anointed me to what ultimately to the work of the kingdom to preach to deliver the captive, to spread the gospel, to advance the kingdom of god.
When the Holy Spirit touches your life in a fresh way, There is there is a clarity that comes.
Perhaps you’re in a season right now, and you’re wondering about next steps.
Well, where do you want me to go? I don’t know what’s next.
I don’t know what you want me to do.
I’m obeying your word as best I can. I see in the scripture that I should pray, that I should attend a church, that I should know the word, that I should serve locally, that I should be about my father’s business.
But lord, show me that next step, please. You need an encounter in the Holy Spirit presence.
You need a touch of god, fresh on your life.
And when that happens, There’s like a heavenly download that comes on you.
And there’s a clarity for the next season.
I truly believe that god wants to give to you clarity for the next season.
But god wants to give to you a clear picture of where he’s taking you.
And that comes in encounter with the Holy Spirit.
An encounter with the Holy Spirit will make you recognize and hate your sin.
We’ll give you a burden for the loss.
We’ll give you boldness to stand for truth and will set you on a path of purpose.
Encounters in the Holy Spirit presence will always produce transformation.
Whether that transformation is revealed now or later, it doesn’t matter. The transformation just has to be there.
Whether that transformation is something apparent in your circumstance sense, or something slight done within you.
As long as that transformation happens, it’s a mark of the Holy Spirit’s presence and power upon your life.
One, encounter in the presence of the Holy Spirit, and everything changes.
You may be discouraged now.
Maybe confused, maybe wondering what’s next. Maybe you’re struggling in one area or another One touch.
You don’t know how the Holy Spirit can turn it around like that.
I’m talking everything different within twenty four hours. He can do that.
The Holy Spirit can do more in a single moment, and we can accomplish with one hundred years of striving.
A single moment spent in the presence of the Holy Spirit can transform your life.
But a life spent in the presence of the Holy Spirit. He transformed the nations.
He wants to use you. Let him use you.
Lift your hands begin to pray with me now. Father, I thank you.
That your people are coming into fresh encounters. That’s what I’m hearing now. Fresh encounters.
Spirit tells me fresh encounters. I want you
to say this out loud, even type it
in the comments I Don’t be ashamed of him. Type this out. Just say, welcome Holy Spirit.
Welcome Holy Spirit. Say it out loud, say with boldness.
Welcome Holy So precious lord, I pray that your people would come into encounters with you.
Even now, touch their life in a fresh way. Transform them and use them.
Pore out their life like a drink offering before for you and take every last drop I pray.
Let your hand say holy spirit
I surrender. Say it out loud, say, holy spirit, I surrender.
Touch them with your power. I pray.
Some of you just felt like electricity come on your body.
Others are feeling like a warmth that’s the presence of the Holy Spirit. Just receive that touch.
Welcome Holy Spirit. Welcome Holy Spirit. I thank you lord.
Touch your people bring healing and deliverance, break every bondage, let them encounter the glory of the I am. I want you to be bold enough to pray this prayer now.
I want you to be bold enough to say this. Close your eyes if you’re able to.
Lift your hands. And pray this simple prayer, say, show me your glory.
Ask them. Say show me your glory.
Now, Laura let your presence come upon them in a fresh way. We thank you, Lord.
We give you the honor and the glory in Jesus’ name.
I want you to say it because you believe it.
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I want you to pause. Look, I know your flesh maybe wants to click on the next thing. Right?
The flesh is always looking for a distraction.
But I want you to just take a moment and ask the Holy Spirit. Just say Holy Spirit.
How do you want me to help? Ask him. Ask him Holy Spirit.
Should I give one time or should I become a monthly supporter? Ask him what you should do.
Ask him and then let him speak to you. He’ll speak to you. He’ll speak to you about frequency.
He’ll speak to you about amounts, he’ll put that on your heart. And then you just trust and obey.
And by doing that, you’re helping this ministry do its work.
So do that now one more time, become a monthly supported by going to David Hernandez ministries dot com slash partner, give a single gift by going to David Hernandez ministries dot com slash donut.
I thank you for your support. And until next time, remember, nothing is impossible with god.