Hanging On By A Thread – Sarah Jakes Roberts
Hanging On By A Thread – Sarah Jakes Roberts
A Night of Soul Care with you and Jesus.
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week.. Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First……. #boomchallenge
Just like Jesus is one of my absolute favorite songs.
I cannot wait until it is available on your phones because I have a hook up.
I’ve got a dropbox link and I’ll be abusing that thing.
One of my favorite parts of that song is when they say here you go again, showing up as friend.
I don’t know if you’re like me and you’ve had moments in your life where it is undeniably clear that Jesus like really came through for you.
God. I thank you that you laid me on the heart of that person who text me randomly.
Thank you so much for that increase that I wasn’t expecting.
There are some moments in our life where Jesus literally shows up as friend.
I haven’t talked much about this. But last month I was in Atlanta for women that weren’t loose.
And while I was there, I had this incredible moment that um my dad passed the torch of women’s empowerment to me and we’re still just over the moon excited about what that means and the incredible harvest connected to it.
And yet that Friday night before I preached a message called Take the Wall and I was really about preaching that message.
Um Well, I’m, I’m always nervous about preaching that. Let’s be honest. OK?
She’s always a little bit nervous, but I was nervous because it’s the final woman. Thou weren’t loose.
And there are so many powerful women who have added value to what woman thou aren’t loose is.
And I wanted to do the moment justice and I was playing that song over and over again just like Jesus.
And there was a moment in the message where I could just tell God showed up as friend.
I wanna encourage you to take note of the moments where you feel like Jesus showed up his friend for me, man.
He allowed me to be in that room. He allowed me to have that conversation.
He gave me this gift and talent and then created room for it to grow. When we miss the opportunities.
When Jesus shows up as friend, we end up feeling a little bit more lonely or isolated than we have to be.
I’ve been praying about this time that we’re gonna spend together.
And I feel like I’ve got something that can add value to your life or at this time of the year where if you’re like me, if we are being honest, like we’re running on fumes a little bit.
Some of the vision that we started with at the beginning of the year begins to tamper and we begin to question whether or not we have what it takes.
Do I have what it takes to show up for this grand vision?
Do I have what it takes to show up in this family?
Do I have what it takes to simply make it through the day?
My subject for today’s time together is called hanging on by a thread.
And if you like me, you know exactly what that feeling is like, I wanna share a scripture with you and just a few thoughts that I think will add value to value to you.
I am in Jeremiah 29 11 through 14.
I’m gonna read from the new King James version because that’s what I do.
And the scripture begins, it says for thus says the Lord little context, this is the Lord speaking to the prophet Jeremiah.
He’s about to send the Children of Israel into captivity.
And yet in this scripture, he gives him something to hold on to in the midst of the pressure in the midst of the captivity, in the midst of the oppression.
And some of us know exactly what that’s like to be in a circus stand where we just need something to hold on to.
I just wanna encourage you before I get into the scripture that this could be the very thing you’re looking to to help you hold on to in this season of your life.
This message, this time together someone in the chat is probably going to be that reminder that God is sending you that there is something to hold on to in the middle of the stress in the middle of the pressure.
You are not in it by yourself.
For that says the Lord after 70 years are completed at Babylon, I will visit you and perform my good word towards you and cause you to return to this place.
I know the thoughts that I think toward you says the Lord thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you a future and a hope.
Then you will call upon me and go and pray to me and I will listen to you and you will seek me and find me.
When you search for me with all your heart, I will be found by you.
Says the Lord and I will bring you back from your captivity.
I will gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven.
You says the Lord and I will bring you to the place from which I cause you to be carried away captive.
God. I thank you. Thank you for the gift of connection. Thank you for vulnerability.
Even though there aren’t many places where we have the ability to be vulnerable.
You move past our walls, you move past our excuses and you create undeniable evidence that you know what’s happening underneath the surface.
God. There’s a woman connected to this message, maybe even a man who’s overhearing it.
And God, you want more than anything for them to be known, for them to be seen and for them to be guided into a place of hope, into a place of peace and strength.
And God, I pray that at some point during this message, we’ll get them one step closer to that.
God asked for me. I pray that there would be no nerves, no anxiety, just your strength, your word, our relationship, this conversation we have been having let it flow and maybe share it with those who need it the most in Jesus name.
Amen. When I talk about hanging on by a thread, I am thinking of a night.
I had not too long ago, my husband and I had had a very busy traveling weekend.
We were in Boston on Friday, New York on Saturday, Dallas on set on Saturday, New York, then Dallas and then we came to church on Sunday and then my girls had school.
I had meetings. It was just I was in over my head.
I was stressed out and um my husband went out.
He asked me, you know, like, hey, do you need me at the house or can I go hang out with one of my friends?
So he’s always checking to make sure the house is in a good space before he dips on me.
And I was like, no, I’m good at the time. I was good. Little.
Did I know that my Children were going to haze me for about four hours straight after he left.
So now I’ve given him a permission slip to go. Not realizing that I was going to be struggling.
I’m in the middle of dealing with sibling rivalry, meetings, decisions that need to be made bills that needs to be paid dinner, that needs to be cooked or ordered.
And who knows which one that’s gonna be?
By the time my husband came home, it was probably eight o’clock by eight o’clock, Ella is showered.
She’s in the bed by eight o’clock, Mackenzie is settled in for the evening doing whatever teenagers do when they’re in their room.
I was in the bed. Ok. He came home, my bonnet is on the lights are off.
He was like, are you OK? I was like, this is, this is who I am today.
Have you ever had one of those moments where you’re like, you know what?
We turning the lights off and starting this over it. It today wasn’t strong. It wasn’t my best.
He begins to unpack what happened to him while he was away.
And I realized that he was running on fumes too when he made it home.
He was hanging on by a thread just like me. I was hanging on by a thread.
And there we are in the midst of our connection, in the midst of our intimacy, dealing with the reality that we were both at a place where we’re hanging on by a thread.
What does it mean to be hanging on by a thread?
Simply means that I’m one phone call, one text message, one more responsibility away from losing it all from giving up, from throwing in the towel.
I don’t feel like I have the ability that I need to show up for the demand that is outside of me hanging on by a thread.
Of course, this is not the first time that I have found myself in such a position where I felt like I was hanging on by a thread.
The difference between this moment when I was hanging on by a thread in previous moments, when I had found myself hanging on by a thread is I knew a good night’s rest was going to fix that and I could wake up in the morning and feel better.
But there are some times in our lives where a good night’s rest won’t fix it.
As a matter of fact, there are moments where a good night’s rest is not even possible because going to bed means that I would have to quiet my mind and quiet my spirit long enough to come to a place of peace.
13 years old, hanging on by a thread, divorced, hanging on by a thread, dealing with the trauma of molestation, hanging on by a thread, having to rebuild after loss, hanging on by a thread.
Should I file for bankruptcy or should I try?
And, and stay in the game a little bit longer hanging on by a thread.
There are women who are connected to this message right now.
And if we’re honest, we know what it’s like or we’re currently dealing with the reality of hanging on by a thread.
I want you to know that when God begins to create that expected end, Jeremiah 29 11.
And King James version says that God knows the plans that he has towards us, plans to prosper us.
And then it ends by saying to get us to an expected end.
The only struggle with getting to an expected end is that we gotta go through all of these different ends and outs.
Before the end, I am reminded of fine tapestry.
I don’t know if you’ve ever seen these, perhaps we could have someone who would throw a picture of tapestry on the screen.
So you have it in your mind.
Some of the finest tapestries create these beautiful visuals, they’re gorgeous, they look amazing.
And yet the maker of the tapestry understands that in order for us to see the beauty on the outside that there was a weaving and in and out of different threads that created the finished product that we marvel at.
I’m one of those people who are crazy enough to believe that when God is creating the tapestry, that will be our lives, that He recognizes that those moments of being in and out those moments where the threads are just taking us on a journey are actually creating that expected end, that masterpiece, that tapestry.
And yet in the moment, we don’t care about that.
In the moment, we wish that we were finally settled in the moment.
We wish that we finally had joy. We finally had peace.
Well, friend, I wanna offer you something that will help you in the midst of you hanging on by a thread.
My job when I find myself in instances where I don’t know what the end is.
Those moments where I feel so disappointed, so depressed that I’m questioning my ability and God’s ability to bring me out of whatever circumstance I’m in is to find the thread.
Maybe that needs to be our prayer.
You’re watching this right now and my prayer for you is that you would stop wondering about the future and bring yourself into the present for just a moment and begin to ask yourself, God, where are the threads that you’re still with me?
Where is the threat that I’m not in this by myself?
Maybe I’m hanging on to a threat of doubt, maybe I’m hanging on to a threat of fear.
Maybe I’m hanging on to the threat of my pride. Maybe I’m hanging on to the threat of my ego.
If you can find the threat that you’re hanging on to, that’s powerful.
But if you wanna experience transformation, if you wanna begin to see your life begin to pick up pace and for you to come to a place of persistent peace, you can’t do it by identifying the thread you’re hanging on to.
You gotta swing Tarzan style to another thread.
You have to find the other thread of hope, the other threat of faith.
And it is buried in your life.
I know that it might be a little old school and maybe we don’t do it anymore more.
But I remember when we were growing up in church and people would just be thanking God that they woke up this morning.
And I’m like God, I mean, we woke up this morning. Yeah. But what about the job?
What about the Children? What about these expenses?
But you know why we were proclaiming that we were grateful that we were awakened that morning is because that’s a thread.
That’s a thread that God is not finished.
That’s a thread that there’s still work being done on the inside of me.
That’s a thread that though he blame me.
I can still trust in Him because I am alive means that there is purpose connected to my breath.
There’s purpose connected to my identity and sometimes that’s the only threat I can hold on to.
But then there are other moments where God sends a for sure sign that He has shown up as a friend and I have to swing and allow that to be my next thread.
I want you to understand that this is not just a message that we have curated to help you feel better.
This is a moment for you to recognize nice that God is giving you another thread to hold on to.
If you are in the comments section and you’re watching this, I want you to take a minute and just testify about what thread you’re holding on to.
My kid. Got a good grade. I got a good grade. I applied for a job.
I never thought I would apply for. That is my faith in action because I’m hanging on by a thread.
Sometimes we have to take the terminology that the enemy uses in our life to depress us, to oppress us to me, make us feel like we’ve got nothing left and flip the script and say I am hanging on by a thread.
But the thread I’m hanging on is God’s word.
The threat I’m hanging on is the evidence that God hasn’t left me or forsaken me.
The thread that I’m hanging on is the truth that God is still with me.
I’m hanging on by a thread, but this is not just any ordinary thread.
This is a thread that was help made to help me endure the vicissitudes and the trials that I’m currently facing you may be hanging on by a thread.
But I want you to recognize that if you can allow that thread to be the promises of God, if you can allow that thread to be the faithfulness of God.
Even if it’s the faithfulness of God in someone else’s life, sometimes we are exposed to people’s testimonies because their testimonies are a thread for us to hold on to.
So many people were excited and proclaiming about God’s goodness.
Last month when they saw my dad pass me the torch.
And for a moment, I thought that they were happy for me.
But then I dug a little bit deeper and I realized that my life represented a thread that it was something to hang on to.
That God could take people with imperfect past and still use them for his glory.
That God could take a girl that feels nervous when she speaks and still allow her to utilize a gift that God gave her in spite of her.
Sometimes God is exposing you to people’s victory so that you can have a thread to hang on to so that you can be reminded of who God is in every season.
Where is your thread? The constant persistent thread that is a reminder to you that God is with you in every season.
I love studying this text, this scripture that I gave you in Jeremiah 29 11 through 14 because we use this scripture.
I’ve grown up in church. This is a scripture that I have seen used quite often for.
I know the plans I have for you. We use it all of the time.
But I think out of context, it can make us feel like God, you’re gonna give me to a hope in the future.
But I’m not gonna have to go through anything in the process.
And yet in between this verse, this verse is actually sandwiched in between the reality of captivity, the reality of oppression.
That means that when God was having this moment with his prophet Jeremiah, that he was creating a picture and he says, in the midst of this picture, I’m gonna put this thread of hope for you to hang on to.
Yes, you’re gonna go through it. But there’s gonna be a thread of hope for you to hang on to.
Yes, you’re gonna struggle. Yes. You’re gonna wonder where I am. 70 years is a long girl child.
Listen, we be in it for 70 minutes ready to give up like Lord, I know that this ain’t your will for me.
70 months of struggle, 70 years seems unfathomable.
But Jesus is allowed us to recognize God rather is allowing us to recognize that in the midst of all that we are facing.
All that Israel is facing in this text that there’s a thread of hope for you to hang on to this month.
We’re talking about revolutionary care. If you sign up for our devotionals, you get them every week.
We’re talking about the woman with the issue of blood.
If this is your first time hearing about the devotional child, go ahead and subscribe you wanna get these every week, we send out a devotional.
Each month we focus on a different woman in the Bible.
And this month we’re focusing on the woman with the issue of blood.
I love this so much because you’re talking about hanging on by a thread.
This woman with the issue of blood has had this issue for 12 years.
She’s gone from physician to physician because to have this issue of blood at this time in this culture meant that she would be isolated and meant that she would be dejected and unable to be in connection and relationship with other people.
And yet she hears about Jesus and the moment she hears about Jesus, she has to make the decision that we all have to make.
Do I let go of this threat? That feels practical. That feels logical.
How many of us are hanging on to threads that feel like this is the threat that I, if I don’t worry about it, then I won’t see what’s gonna hit me.
If I’m not constantly thinking about doubt, how will I know the ways that I can fail?
If not, if I’m not hanging on to the heartbreak, how can I ensure that it won’t happen again?
The thing about hanging on to threads of fear is that it feels practical until we recognize that it is actually keeping us captive.
This woman is hanging on to this threat.
She’s got this issue of blood and she’s hanging on to it because hanging on to it is the only way that she feels that she can survive.
And then she hears about Jesus. I’m reminded of the scripture that faith comes by hearing.
She hears about Jesus and it ignites her faith. And now she has a decision to make.
Will I move from hanging on to this thread to hanging on to the thread, the threat of hope, the threat of joy, the threat of peace, the only threat of prosperity that really matters as in being in relationship with Jesus.
The threat of healing, guaranteed healing, not something that will numb the pain, not something that will make me just feel better temporarily.
But the threat of hope that can only come from being in relationship with Jesus.
And many of us know how the story ends.
She makes the decision to push through the multitudes and to hang on to that thread that is Jesus.
She grabs onto the thread, the hymn of his garment, the hymn of his garment. Come on thread.
The hymn of his garment represents a new thread for her to hang on to.
And I was thinking about you and I was thinking about the ways that we can show revolutionary care for you and your soul in this season of your life.
The first thing that came to my mind, maybe I just need to offer my sister an opportunity to hang on to a different thread.
This woman with the issue of blood pushes through the multitudes and we don’t have to push through the multitudes in order to have an encounter with Jesus doesn’t seem like that on the outside.
But the truth is that if Jesus lives inside of us and I know for some of us that is, and if, but if we have accepted Jesus inside of us, accessing him should be easy.
But the truth is we often have to push through the multitudes of what’s happening inside of us.
The multitude of excitement, the multitude of success, the multitude of things going well, the multitude of things going wrong.
There are so many things we have to navigate in order to hang onto that thread.
But my job, my responsibility and being in this thing called life with you is to remind you that the only care that is revolutionary enough to change your life is the care that you apply to your faith.
We call this soul care. We hear about self-care.
But for a moment, if I can abandon terminology that I love and use and apply in my life every single day and ask you, when is the last time you took the time to nurture your faith to add a revolutionary care to your faith.
We can get so caught up in the motion, so caught up in the routine of our lives that we’re not even doing it from a place of faith anymore.
We’re doing it from a place that this is what we always do.
This is how things are always done and yet faith is so unexpected.
It is so unusual that you would be doing a disservice to yourself and a disservice to God.
If you did not plan with great intentionality, how can I begin to show revolutionary care for my faith?
As I was reading this scripture and thinking about the woman with the issue of blood.
I was thinking to myself, how can I begin to help you retrace the steps to find your way back to a place of faith?
Faith is my belief that God’s love and strategy has been woven into every single day.
So when I wake up, of course, like many of you, I have this a similar routine every single morning.
But then I pause and I take a minute and I ask God to help me be present in my life.
God help me to be in tune with the people I will encounter with the demand that they may place on the gift that you have given me and not just the gift of speaking, but the gift of love, the gift of empathy, the gift of understanding.
When I begin to ask myself, God, how can I show up in my life from a place of faith?
It changes my expectation for the day coming to life with that expectation.
And faith is the only way that we can begin to nurture that faith that we need for our lives.
When I wake up and I realize something in this world is gonna make a demand on my kindness.
It’s gonna make a demand on my empathy. It’s gonna make a demand on my patience.
It changes the way I engage with worship. It changes the way that I pray.
I wanna offer you an opportunity to be in a relationship with God in such a way that you wake up and you are automatically living in faith.
So here’s your homework. Here’s some things that I want you to consider as we begin to dig deeper into the revolutionary care required for our faith.
I want you to grab your journal after our time is over.
And I want you to consider retracing your steps.
Maybe you are in faith when it comes to work.
But are you in faith when it comes to relationships?
Maybe you are in faith when it comes to relationships, but you’re not in faith when it comes to your destiny and your purpose.
I want you to retrace your steps.
And I want you to determine, when did I start hanging on to fear, rejection, abandonment.
And from that place, I wanna offer you an opportunity in your prayer time with God to really ask for repentance.
Because the truth is when we begin to hang on a different thread, it means that we have changed our mind about the possibilities.
We’ve changed our mind about what God can do to us and through us, we’ve changed our mind about God’s goodness.
And we have decided instead that it is safer for us to hang on to a thread of fear to hang on to a thread of a memory that haunts us and taunts us to hang on to shame.
And little by little as you begin to retrace your steps to determine when you begin to hang on that thread.
I want you to invite God into your mind into your heart and ask God to help you release the grip that you have on that threat of shame, release the grip that you have on that threat of fear and not just releasing it so your hands can stay free for any old thread, but to release it with the goal in mind of hanging on to faith.
God. I want you to bring me to a place of faith in this stage of my life.
I want you to bring me to a place of faith as it relates to our ministry.
I’m gonna tell you, I’m gonna give you some insider information. So we’re planning woman evolve 2023.
And my father was so gracious and generous to offer us his facility for conference.
Last year at conference, we had about 3500 women.
And so I thought, you know, let’s do it again at the Potter’s house, Dallas.
I think it’s gonna be great. We’ll have room to grow.
And then within one week, we had over 11,000 people registered with still a year left for people to decide if they were coming.
The facility in Dallas holds 8000 people. That means in one week we outgrew that space. Now, I’m stressed.
So I’m thinking to myself, where do we move to? We’ve got a year, anything can happen.
We can double that number in a year. Where am I supposed to go?
And so there was an arena in the Dallas area and they’re like, yeah, but you’ll probably outgrow that too.
I think you should start looking at stadiums. Now, my wig is sliding.
What is life that I am looking for a stadium for a conference that had 3500 people before I’m like, why can’t we just do what’s safe?
Let’s stay at the Potter’s house, Dallas. Let’s go to the place that holds 20,000.
Let’s go to a place that doesn’t require faith.
I know that I’m already reading somebody’s mail because sometimes the next step that we want to take is a step that doesn’t require faith.
I’ll stretch myself a little bit, but I don’t wanna depend on faith and faith alone. Well, guess what?
I got on my big girl. You know what? And I said, you know what, I’m gonna trust God.
If God is sending us this harvest, if God is sending women in our direction, then I’m gonna make sure that I have this space that says God, I trust you, God.
I have faith that you’re gonna bring exactly who needs to be in this room in this room.
And my job is to make sure that there’s room for them.
I am hanging on by a thread planning this conference.
I am hanging on by a thread trying to show up in my life as a wife and mother.
I am hanging on by a thread.
But when I look and I take inventory of what that thread is made of.
I recognize that that thread is made up of faith. It’s not a thread that is made up of doubt.
I don’t wanna gas you up and make you believe that you’re gonna come to a stage in your life where you’re no longer hanging on by a thread where you feel like you have it in control and you know your next move and you feel confident about it.
But what I can tell you is that there is power in the thread, there is power in you hanging on to that word that God is giving you.
Even when the word doesn’t match the outside, even when the word doesn’t match the resources, even when the word doesn’t look like what he’s done in the past.
Even if the word doesn’t make a logical sense.
If God has given you a word to hang on to, then that word is more than enough for you to hang on to.
You’re balancing many hats, you’re balancing many roles.
You still have dreams and desires down on the inside of you and you don’t know how you’re gonna get it done.
And you are hanging on by a thread.
I cannot say anything that will change everything that you were going through.
But I can say that there is one perspective, one shift, one commitment that you can make.
And that commitment is that if I’m gonna hang on by a thread, it’s gonna be a thread of faith.
When I was thinking about this message, I wanted to see what is the strongest thread in the world because now we’re down a road, we’re down a road with this analogy.
And I’m like God, what is the strongest thread in the world?
What can I do to really bring this home? And I found it. It’s called Kevlar thread.
The strongest sewing threat today is the Kevlar thread.
It is fire retardant, ballistic resistance and has the ability to withstand heat up to 800 degrees Fahrenheit, Fahrenheit.
It has the capability to go into fires.
This is why it’s the threat that is used by military first responders and other consumers who need a heavy duty product.
It may not seem like a thread is enough.
But when God gets finished taking all of the threads, I feel God on this, when God gets finished taking all of the threads that you’ve been hanging on to since you were a little girl, a little girl.
All of the threads that God has been throwing your direction in your twenties, your thirties, your forties and your fifties when you get finished is taking all of those, all of those threads.
You’re gonna see that God was making you fire resistant.
You’re gonna see that God was making you unbreakable in areas of your life where you once felt broken.
This is not just one thread, this is one thread that will be a part of the tapestry that changes the way you see God and reveals the way that God sees you.
This thread was built for the fire. This thread was built to be tested.
This thread was meant to be isolated but also to be compiled with other threads.
When one or two of us are gathered in his name, there he shall be in the midst.
He is the thread that brings us together and he is the thread that will take us to the next stage.
That thread of hope, that threat of God’s love, that threat of God’s presence is all that you need.
My friend. We’ve got a world to change and I don’t just mean like the landscape of the earth.
I mean your own personal world, the world that lives inside of you.
Those thoughts that are constantly swirling, those doubts that take up space within you, that friendship circle.
That’s got that little nice nasty thing. Going those relationships that bring you down instead of propelling you forward.
We’ve got a world to change. But first it’s gonna begin with us, changing the world within us.
I wanna pray with you.
I wanna pray for my sisters and my friends who wanna hang on by a different thread.
Maybe at some point during this message, you realize that you’ve been clinging to grief, you’ve been clinging to that sadness.
You’ve been clinging to the memory of what was and it has robbed you of the ability to see what is no matter what you’re hanging on to.
If it is not a threat of faith, it’s not a threat of hope, then it is a threat that can slip out of your hand.
But the beautiful thing about allowing God to be your thread is that you don’t have to just hang on to that thread that’s gonna hang on to you too.
And all of a sudden what looked like just hanging on by a thread is actually you hanging on to a friend, a friend that shows up when you need him.
A friend that’s always there to listen.
A friend that understands all of those feelings and emotions that you have experienced and still found a way to the other side.
I wanna be that friend for you, but I know that I may not ever meet all of you.
Maybe my life will serve as that thread.
But at the end of the day, the thread that you are connected to when you connect with me is really just the thread of Jesus that I’ve been hanging on.
It’s me swinging from thread to thread to thread until I found something that wouldn’t let me go.
God, I thank you. I thank you for the women connected to this movement.
And I thank you that we are connected by a thread.
The strongest thread, a silent thread that not many see not many understand and yet it is there, it is strong, it is durable and it is helping us to feel seen God.
I thank you that as I was speaking, that someone felt your presence, your love, your kindness, caring for them, that our time together may be coming to an end.
But your time with them is just beginning.
God, I pray that you would look into their hand that you would understand what exactly is wrapped around that thread, the fear, perhaps the doubt, the shame, the self deprecation.
God, you know what’s having them hold on to that threat that’s keeping them from knowing who you are.
And God, I thank you as they begin to open up and worship as they begin to come to a place where they repent for hanging on to this thread and change their mind about what that thread can do for them.
That that is all that it takes for them to begin reaching for you.
And God, I thank you that when they reach for you, that your arms are open, that you don’t condemn that you don’t shame that you don’t wag your finger at them, but you embrace them.
God makes someone feel the embrace of your love, the embrace of your presence and the joy and the peace that comes with them.
God, I pray that this word has gotten them one step closer to who you have in mind for what they can do on the earth God.
I pray that as our time ends, that their hearts would be open for that next thread of hope and faith that is connected to this season of their lives.
God, I just want to pray for a hedge of protection around them.
A hedge of protection around their purity, around their creativity around their heart and their love.
God, I feel like doubt is waging war on the best of who they are and there’s a part of them that wants us to come and never write again and never produce again and never connect again.
But God may they find this thread and this prayer and may they choose to hang on just a bit longer and then keep their eyes open so they don’t miss the next thread.
Thank you for this time together. Thank you for my girls. Take care of them until we meet again.
In jesus’ name. Amen.
You know how I do if you don’t type a man in the comments like the whole message didn’t happen.
It’s like a man in black pan.
It’s like if you don’t at least like it and respond and say this word, you gotta say it out loud or something.
It’s like it didn’t happen before we go.
I just wanna take a minute and I wanna thank you all for partnering with us to make sure that the Lullaby House in Dallas had diapers for their teen moms.
Your giving helped us send over 6512 individual diapers of varying sizes to the Lullaby House.
Did, did you hear me? 6500 diapers sent to the Lullaby House.
And not only that, we also donated registrations for our 2023 Woman Evolve conference. It’s gonna be in Dallas.
So these teen moms who are on a journey of taking care of themselves have diapers for their babies and a little thread to hang on to until 2023.
If you are joining us for, your girl is out here hanging on by a thread, help me continue to hang on by registering for you and your squad.
I cannot wait to see what God’s gonna do when we all get together.
I was thinking for a minute when I was thinking about conference, I’m like, jeez, you know, like I kind of liked when it was three 2000 women that was already big.
I thought that we would grow and scale within size and yet it has been multiplied.
And I heard God tell me you can lament the fact that it’s not gonna be the intimate journey that you thought it was gonna be.
Or you can have faith that the same way I showed up when the room was smaller, I can show up with just as much strategy, just as much intentionality, no matter how big the room is.
So we are going big, we are not going home and I hope to see you there before I go.
I want to tell you that next, our next initiative for woman evolve is for the holiday season.
As you know, it is rapidly approaching and it is our heartfelt hope that woman evolve would be able to do radical giving last year around the holidays.
We did a campaign, we paid rent, we paid mortgages, we paid various bills.
That’s exactly what we wanna do because we recognize that some of you may be hanging on a thread spiritually, but others are hanging on a thread financially and it is our responsibility to make sure that we can be the hands and feet of God.
And so our goal is to make sure that you have just another thread of hope through financial giving that will help you to see you’re not in it on your own.
Please, please please give to women involved this month so that we can begin to plan our holiday thread thread again.
It’s giving extravagance of the thread again so that we can help as many women as possible.
See that they are not alone. Instructions are on the screen.
God just bless this offering, bless this seed, bless the heart in which we’re giving it together.
We can touch thousands on our own. We can help maybe one or two or three.
But God together, we believe that if we come that we can be, if we come together, that we can create radical change in the lives of women who need it the most.
And so God, I thank you that you’re gonna to multiply this seed and that mothers are not gonna have to worry about keeping a roof over their children’s head.
Families are gonna be taken care of during the holiday season because a woman evolve decided that no woman would be left behind in Jesus name.
Amen. I love you guys. I will see you next month. Hey, you take care of yourself.
- Adrian Rogers: Isaiah 53 – The Messianic Prophecies of JesusTháng năm 31, 2023