Going Beyond Ministries with Priscilla Shirer – Passion Conference
Priscilla Shirer – Passion Conference
There have been quite a few occasions when I’ve been so overwhelmed (and frankly nervous) to deliver a message that my voice cracked and my hands shook.
This was one of those times.
And yet, this Word about integrity, freedom and holiness was burning a hole in my heart.
For me, personally
For Gods people, corporately.
And so, shaky as I was, I refused to let myself mince words and delivered it anyway.
Minister, speak truth. In season and out. When you’re nervous and when you’re not. When your voice cracks and when it doesn’t. When you can gain your composure and when you can’t.
Then trust the Father with the rest.
This was one of those times.
And yet, this Word about integrity, freedom and holiness was burning a hole in my heart.
For me, personally
For Gods people, corporately.
And so, shaky as I was, I refused to let myself mince words and delivered it anyway.
Minister, speak truth. In season and out. When you’re nervous and when you’re not. When your voice cracks and when it doesn’t. When you can gain your composure and when you can’t.
Then trust the Father with the rest.
Interruptions. They’re aggravating. Sometimes infuriating.
The prophet Jonah’s existence was interrupted by a call of God that would require a complete change of life, and it scared him enough to make him run in the opposite direction.
We, like Jonah, tend to run from interruptions. When major pains and minor problems cause a hiccup in our carefully calculated plans and goals, we head in the opposite direction. Who knows what we might be missing by running from what could very well be God’s means of steering us towards the most magnificent outcome of our lives.
There is freedom and fulfillment that comes from going with God even when He’s going against your grain.