“Godly Living Obtained by thePower of God”

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“Godly Living Obtained by thePower of God”

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Say this out loud with me, striving versus yielding.
Now, you know, when you yield in a car, you pause and let the car go ahead of you.
And then you follow. Same thing with god, rather than you striving going ahead to god, trying to produce this expect way of living.
He says, yield to the power of god. Yield to the power of god.
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A place.
If you have your bibles, go to Ephesians chapter 2 in verse 8.
Gonna read out of the NLT and then chapp and John chapter 6 verse 2829.
Now this is very interesting.
I’m gonna talk about godly living obtained by the power of god. Godly living.
It’s something that that that we all strive for. It it’s something that we all want.
It’s something that know, we want we want to achieve godly living.
You know, I I I wanna do right. I wanna live right.
I mean, I love god. But I keep bumping into this, um, kind of roller coaster ride where, you know, sometimes it’s working like post to work, and then sometimes it doesn’t, and sometimes I’m up, and then sometimes I’m down.
Maybe it’s something else we need to look at, especially with this phrase, by the power of god, What does that look like?
What does that look like when I decide that I’m going to, by the power of god, live right?
By the power of god do right.
By the power of god, operate in the fruit of the spirit. By the power of god.
And I think the key is right there in our faces by the power of god, But I’m not sure if Christian people really understand that phrase by the power of god.
Now I’m gonna drop some nuggets out just and just handle them bit by bit.
I probably won’t finish this sermon today.
It’s okay, but I want your thinking to kinda get on the same page with what what what what what what what I’m gonna teach to today, and I think you’ll you’ll see this.
It is difficult for, for, for many people to grasp fully and understand the truth that salvation from the penalty of sin, salvation from the penalty of sin is the work of god and of him alone.
Your salvation is a work of god.
You being saved is all because of god all by itself.
And that that seems to be kind of a weird thing because you’re like, well, I got saved.
It I thought it was me. Who, you know, made the decision.
I thought I in in in in essence, you’re like, I thought I got myself saved by the decisions I made.
Now you had to believe, absolutely. Look at this in Ephesians chapter 2 and verse 8.
Many people can’t grasp this fully that the truth that salvation from the penalty of sin is a work of god and of him alone.
First eight says, god saved you by his grace when you believed.
And you can’t take credit for it, because it was a gift from god.
God saved you by his grace when you believed. Alright?
His part was by his grace, he did the work and saved you.
Your part, our part is, we believed.
Now that’s a huge part, but we keep adding on to our part. Our part is believed.
His part is everything else. Our part is none of his part.
Uh, look at the look at John chapter 6 1st 28 through 29 in NLT.
I I thought it I thought it was necessary to just just show you this as we got started today.
There was a group of guys that saw Jesus feeding, uh, the, uh, uh, uh, feeding some folks who by multiplying bread and fish, and they wanted to do the works of god.
And, um, verse 28 said, and they replied, we want to perform god’s works.
And I think that’s how the churches, they wanna perform god’s work.
We want to accept responsibility and do what god is actually responsible for. Okay?
We want to perform god’s works too. What should we do? And here’s what Jesus said.
Jesus told them, this is the only work. The only work god wants from you, here’s the only work.
Believe in the one he has sent.
So the only work that we have under this new testament is to believe.
That’s the work. And somehow, that’s so hard for the Christians to kind of accept.
It’s like, alright, I believed and and and and and look at me now.
I’m I’m I’m doing better, but that’s the it’s not because of you that you’re doing better.
You believe, and god worked all of that stuff that you’re seeing. Does everybody find me so far?
Now All that god does in in reconciling everything that god does in redeeming us, everything that god does, in justifying us and in giving us a new eternal life, all of that is of god alone.
God by himself is responsible for reconciling. God by himself is responsible for redeeming.
He’s he’s responsible for justifying us and making us righteous. He’s responsible for us to have a new eternal life.
God alone, and god by himself is responsible for that.
Man can contribute nothing to reconciliation, redemption, justification, justification, and new eternal life, god, by himself.
Now as difficult as this is for man to see.
It seems even more difficult for the saved, for saved people to realize that the life which god expects for us to live is not of us, but by his own power.
God expects for us to live this life as Christians.
And we think that we’re the one that’s gonna produce this life that he expects.
All my life, I thought it was my responsibility to produce this life that god specs for me as a Christian to have.
And now I’m telling you today that it is not me that should be responsible nor can I produce what’s necessary to live this Christian Life?
This Christian Life, the life that god expects for me to live, the life that god expects for you to live, this Christian life is by his own power.
So he’s he’s expected for me to live a certain way, and it’s gonna be by his power that that comes to pass.
Are y’all are y’all are y’all with me? You’re still on the bus?
Oh, okay. So this this really blew my mind.
He’s expecting for god’s god’s expecting for me to to live this way.
He’s expecting for me to to to live righteous, to live holy, to live He’s expecting for me to live this way, but he’s not expecting for me to produce that way of living.
He by his own power is going to produce the expected life that he expects for us to live.
God, dog. It maybe didn’t do you like it did me, but it was like it was like a Paul’s mama right there.
I said, I got to hold up here because maybe I’m a little bit too high strong, but I thought that was my responsibility.
Now hold on to this.
I’m I’m I’m just gonna just kinda drop this bit by bit, and then it’ll all come together.
Now So because of this lack of understanding, many believers, listen to this word, I’m about to use, strive a striving, self effort.
Many believers strive in their own strength for a high for this high moral conduct of living, instead of yielding, strive to try to get it to happen rather than yielding themselves to the power of god which will enable them to live according to that high standard of living that’s under the grace of god.
And so, basically, what we’ve been doing is we’ve been working hard and striving heart to produce this way of living that’ll be pleasing to god.
And he says, no, I don’t want you striving. I want you yielding.
Want you yielding to the power of god and through the power of god.
That web living will be produced. By him, you. Your job is to believe.
His job is to do the work. You’ll get it.
I promise you’ll get it. I’m on I’m on I got I got three pages of me emphasizing and overemphasizing the same thing.
Say this out loud with me, striving Driving. Versus yielding.
Versus yielding. Now, you know, when you yield in a car, you pause and let the car go ahead of you, and then you follow.
Same thing with god.
Rather than you striving going ahead of god trying to produce this expected way of living, he says, yield to the power of god.
Yield to the power of god.
Don’t don’t yield to the power of self, yield to the power of god.
See, if you could yield to the power itself, then you you you you didn’t necessarily have to get saved.
You you’re saying to yourself, I can produce this well living. Well, why’d you get saved?
Because all hair broke loose, and you couldn’t figure out nothing.
You didn’t know to every time, every time you tried it, it didn’t work. It got worse.
It got and then you finally said, well, somebody said, you need a save.
And then, and then you, you, you, you got saved, and and and he came, and he saved you.
And you really thought that you had a lot to do with getting saved, but he had that thing worked out the whole time.
He knew what it was gonna take to bring you to that spot where you said I need to save you.
Then he said, I’m gonna go ahead and save you.
He said, now I can go ahead and save you, I’m gonna go ahead and produce the life I expect for you to live.
I ain’t asking you to do nothing but to believe in the old testament you worked for me, but in the new testament I worked for you.
Are you following me now? Are you following me?
Uh, so when this high standard of living under grace when it seemed to be on this divide when you when you look at this this this way or this expectation of living, this high standard living, that’s under the grace of god.
It become and then you, you, you compare it to, like, I’m living in a crazy world.
I got temptation in my face all day.
I got And I thought about this this morning when I was praying.
Our our minds are so busy and occupied, and, uh, fluttered.
And it’s like, it just keeps coming.
You wake up. Something’s going on. You turn television on.
Something’s going on. You you go to the store. Something’s going on.
And then something’s going on with your family, and it’s like Satan is working overtime to just keep you distracted.
And you’re not even recognizing that to live this life that he’s talking about, is, it’s gonna be something more than human resources that’s needed to live this life.
Uh, after you’ve you’ve lived a little while, and then You recognize I have done this over and over and over again, and still it’s not working.
You know? I’m trying to do right. I’m trying to live right.
I’m trying to make the right decisions.
I’m trying to stay away from, those habits that you had that you just couldn’t seem to break.
You prayed and you prayed, but it it it it it kept seeing, like, it was just too late.
And so you turned it over to Jesus, and then you stopped worrying about it.
You gave it over to the lord, and he worked it out.
That’s a song, but you weren’t paying no attention to it because you were so occupied.
We the the answers tried to they tried to sing the answer to you and everything, but but we were so occupied.
And somehow religion told you, you’re responsible for all of this, And if you really look at what god’s asking for, it is impossible for you to be a Christian in your own human resources.
What you’re asking me to do, I can’t do that in my own re resources.
I never forget when there was a relative of ours, who was found murdered.
And he’s like, oh, well, just go ahead and forgive them. Do not tell me that.
I am not ready to forgive somebody that killed somebody that had my blood. I’m not ready for that.
You’d and you never will be on your own.
I don’t the human resources to to to dish out that type of forgiveness.
We had a Bible says we ought to love.
I know what the Bible says, but my I don’t have the human resources to love.
Like you telling me the Bible say, lot of love.
But we pretend like we do.
We act like we do, only to fail in private enough where we don’t wanna come in public with a church people believe all of this stuff, but we really don’t.
That’s our big secret. Our big secret is we really don’t believe God the way you heard us say that we believe god.
And when it gets worse, I just stay away from you, people who say you believe god like that because I ain’t figured it yet.
What I have discovered is that I don’t have human resources to live the way the Bible telling me to live.
Oh, y’all looking at me going all off my mind.
Sometimes I feel like, oh my god. They don’t know what I’m talking about. They’re there. Adam, I don’t know.
I went too deep. I don’t got off there. Uh, no. No. You know what I’m talking about?
You know what I’m talking about?
You get a period act like you, the greatest parents in the whole world, and you preach that stuff.
Like, you actually have the human resources to parent like god tells you the parent.
And then with all of us, I must have thought, well, what the what the world role with us?
I don’t have human resources to pair it the way the Bible says.
I don’t have the human resources to be a it tells me to.
I don’t have the human resources to be the pastor like the bible tells me to, but he didn’t ask me to have the resources That’s why he, by his power.
Divined power alone can produce this divine order of living that he is expecting.
He’s able.
But are we yielded or are we striving?
Under grace, we gotta yield to the power.
Under religion, we think we got the power.
And your human resources without god’s divine power will not produce this divine life.
And all we do is just we go keep a listen. Well, he did that wrong.
I did that right. Self righteousness. He did that wrong. Actually, I did that right.
Oh, they gotta they gotta been divorced twice. I’m still with my wife. And you brag about that.
I I ain’t I ain’t never messed up since I’ve been married for 30 years.
First of all, you lied. Let us so let’s see what she got to say about you. Okay.
You don’t have the I thought I had the power to heal myself.
I thought my intellect and my knowledge and my studies was enough.
And I discovered I needed his divine power to produce the promise of healing.
His divine power to give me peace that passes all understanding.
His divine power to pay to rent when all my money spent and little bit to buy some food, and the baby needed past shoes.
That’s another song. You won’t listen to that one. Look, you got a light bill due.
You ain’t got a gas bill too. Tell phone disconnect. Wait till your next paycheck. Paycheck bounced on you.
What are you gonna do? Sheet and scam somebody to get the money to do that?
That’s in your human resources, but there is a power of god that can get you all get you through all that because that’s a part of living.
And so we keep trying to teach principles Without no, holy ghost.
Because you think you have the equipping and the resources to do it.
But, honey, just in case you don’t know it now, you gonna need the power of god.
You can’t do it without Now the fact that the true life under grace, the fact of the true life, the somebody says, I live my life under the grace of god.
So what you’re saying is I live my life in complete dependence upon god, because that’s what it that’s what it is to live your life under the grace of god.
There’s still people who think that under the grace of god, that allows for loose living.
It doesn’t. The grace of god is responsible for the highest level of character.
It teaches you how to live a high level.
But what religion did is took the grace of god and says, it allow it allows you loop holes.
It allows you to just, uh, you know, to live a a loose life.
Now if you’re really living under the grace of god, you’re living a life of complete dependence upon god.
And the more you depend upon god, the more you’re going to see his strained operation of love in your life.
So, really, all of our lives, here is the main subject And you’ve heard me teach this subject for, like, what, uh, at least 2 years depend on god, depend on god, depend on god, learn how to depend on god.
Declare your dependence upon the god. Depend on god. Learn how to depend on god.
What it looks like to depend on god. That’s it.
Complete dependence upon god is evidence that that life must be lived by the power of god.
Our lives must be lived by the power of god.
That’s why we got to depend on him.
I depend on him because my life has gotta be lived by the power of god.
If I if I don’t live my life by the power of god, I won’t ever achieve.
If that life could be lived in the power of the believer, it would become a life of dependence upon self and not a life of dependence upon god.
If I could successfully live this expected life that god has for me to live.
And it doesn’t change. It’s not like god’s it it this the attitude of, well, god’s lord hits standards because yours are low.
No. His standards are are high, and they will always be high.
And he’s not lowering them because society changed. Well, you know, times change, so god’s lowered his standard. No.
He hadn’t. He hadn’t lowered his standards? It’s it’s it’s never lord.
It’s never been adjusted to society.
Or to you or what you think it is now. No. It just requires what is always required.
Depends on him. It’s always required, dependence on him. Well, you know, god loves.
Yeah. God, but, see, god loves you while he was a son. Don’t be talking god love to justify sin.
God loves and has always loved can’t do nothing but love because his nature is love. Alright.
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