God Wants you Greater | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
God Wants you Greater
Tuesday, October 3, 2023 – The Gracias of God
When someone gives you something good, you say “thank you.” In Spanish the word for thank you is “gracias.” Gracias looks and sounds like the English word grace. Grace is the unmerited, undeserved, unwarranted and wonderful love with which God showers us. We’re saved and cleansed by God’s grace. So what does gracias have to do with grace? Because the only appropriate reaction to grace is “gracias.” The only appropriate thing to do in the face of God’s grace is to say “thank you.” So if you’ve been saved and received God’s grace, if you consider yourself to be a person of grace, then you must be a person of gracias. You want to show the world the power of grace? Then show them your gracias. The proof of God’s grace is your gracias. And the more thankful you are, the more open you’ll be to receiving more of His grace. You want to know grace? Then be a person of gracias. Be thankful in all things. Be more than that. Be a person of “muchas gracias.” Be very thankful and your life will be filled with much grace.
Abraham believed god and followed him, and he has impacted the history of this world more than the world what the world calls great.
Israel was called to be a great nation. Not it says I’ll make you a great nation. That’s Israel.
Not because it had more it didn’t have more money or more wealth.
Or more more conquest or more land, but it was great in god. It brought god to the world.
It brought god to you. And so all these other nations that all these kingdoms that tried to destroy it are gone.
And yet Israel’s still here? Because god said, I will make of you a great nation.
Should you aspire? Yes. To be great in god. To live a life of greatness in god.
God calls you to that. He says, I’m I want to enlarge your tent.
Look at the difference god makes when he enlarges a life.
Had god not made Abraham great, had not enlarged him, had Abraham not followed him, you never would have heard of the guy.
Abram, you would have probably have the name Abraham wouldn’t be your name today.
He would be one of countless people who lived and died in ancient times, in ancient Babylonia, never heard of him.
Look at the effect of god on this shepherd boy, David. God enlarged him. David followed him.
God made him great. You never if he if that amount happened, you never heard, every guy named David.
You wouldn’t probably not you wouldn’t have known anybody named Dave. David Crockett, gone.
The Dave Clark Five, David Letterman, gone because of that little shepherd boy.
Because of god enlarging a little Hebrew boy named David.
He would have been an obscure Hebrew shepherd in the 11th century instead of the great king and and servant of god and psalmist.
This guy named Amos, he was a fig tree farmer.
You would never would have think all he would have done is fig trees instead of the great prophet.
Esther would have been an orphan lost in exile the exile of Well, you never would heard the name Esther instead of the great heroine who saved her people.
The apostle John would have ended up just a fisherman.
No one ever heard of instead of the disciple who the beloved, the author of the gospel of John, the book of Revelation, and Simon.
He would have been the same and obscure Judean Fisherman of the 1st century that would have lived and died without you ever hearing of him instead of the man who was known as Peter, the apostle, the author of the book of Peter, the the beginning, the the head of the church itself, and all the people named Peter, they would have disappeared.
No Peters. And the young Hebrew woman named Miriam, who would have lived her life in a obscure hilltop village, poor in the heart of Israel, poor and unknown, in an obscure town, living and dying without anybody knowing of her from the ancient world instead known to the world today as Mary, the virgin Mary.
That the difference god makes. God came to each of them and basically said, I want to enlarge your tent.
I wanna enlarge your life. I wanna make you great. He called them to greatness.
And the thing is that is what he wants to do with you.
He said, well, he can’t no. Yeah. Everybody’s different, but the call is just as great. Enlarge your life.
Enlarge that calling. What kind of great great in god, great in god. It’s a true greatness lasting great. Hi.
I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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