Fashioned To Fit The Plan Of God — Part 1 | Pastor Paula White-Cain

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Welcome to Sunday service! I am thrilled you’re joining us today. You were created to fit perfectly into God’s plan. As we reflect on 40 years of ministry, I am in awe of how God has sustained Paula White Ministry and enabled us to do incredible work worldwide. I am deeply grateful for each of you. I encourage you to share this message with five people because I believe God’s word makes a difference. You never know who might be touched by it. You are an evangelist, and I’m commissioning you to reach out to someone, invite them to join us, and send them the link to Paula White Ministry. This word is going to impact them just as it will impact you.

40 years in ministry has brought moments when God delivered timely, prophetic messages. Today, I bring you a word that is as relevant now as ever. God has a specific plan and purpose for your life. You are not here by accident; you were meticulously designed before you ever arrived. Everything about you, from your nose and toes to your ethnicity, nationality, and even the hardships you’ve faced, is part of God’s plan. According to Romans 8:28, God uses all things for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. You are perfectly fashioned to fit His divine plan, so don’t curse your crisis.

Before we dive deeper into today’s message, I want to give you an opportunity to worship through giving. My husband, John, will soon lead us in worship, but before he does, let’s honor God with one of the highest forms of worship—giving. Living a generous life is not only good for your health but it aligns with God’s word. Science is now proving what the Bible has taught all along: God calls us to be generous. The Bible instructs us to bring the tithe—the first tenth of our income—and then give offerings as we are able.

I encourage you to not just give, but to become a partner with Paula White Ministry. Your partnership helps sustain the powerful work we are doing around the world. We are reaching over 1.9 billion homes in 190 countries with the gospel. In the past four years alone, we’ve distributed over 29 million pounds of food. Our work in Israel, disaster relief, and prisons continues to expand. You can learn more about becoming a partner at Join us in making a lasting difference in the lives of others. As you give, remember that what you make happen for others, God will make happen for you.

Thank you for your generosity. You can give via Cash App, PayPal, or mail your offering to our PO Box. Your faithful giving allows us to continue our mission.

Now, let’s welcome my husband, Jonathan Cain, as he leads us into worship. Together, let’s enter the holy of holies and praise God with all our hearts.

We love because You first loved us, Lord. From Your throne, You reign over the heavens and the earth. You gave us eternal riches in Your glory. We praise You, Lord, for Your love is deeper than deep, like the well of living waters, beyond anything we could dream. Father God, Your mysteries are deeper than deep, and Your devotion is limitless.

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