Expect Favor From God – “The GOD Factor”

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All things impossible. I call it the God factor.
The word of God is gonna come with its own power that you don’t have any power in this earth that can match the kingdom of God.
You got to believe this, the enemy wants to keep you strung out and make you believe that there is no solution to what you just got.
There is not a problem on this earth. That is a problem for God. Your problem is the God.
You got to get Babylon out of you and get God back in is anything too hard for the Lord.
That’s all you got to ask yourself because see you up against something and using your reasoning facilities, but you are not designed to believe with your head.
You’re designed to believe with your heart that God that we serve. He will deliver us.
The word of God. The gospel is gonna come with its own evidence.
It’s gonna come with its own power that you don’t have any power in this earth that can match the Kingdom of God.
And you and I have the kingdom within us. I’m not talking about just miracles happening on the church.
I’m talking in the church house. I’m talking about miracles happening in the marketplace.
I said a miracle happening in your business. A miracle turning that thing around.
No, as you look at this, what I’m talking about pretty much is the God factor.
Turn a Mark chapter 10, please. Yeah. Mark chapter 10.
Look what he says. And we read this last time verse 27 and Jesus looking upon them, say this with men.
It is impossible but not with God. Come on, help me now with God.
All things uh possible. I call it the God factor.
That what has happened in church a lot is Babylon has crept into it and when Babylon crept into it, it brought that getting God out of it into the church.
So now the church is full of people with what I call a mental assent.
They busy saying this. Praise the Lord. Do you believe the Bible? Oh Yeah. Praise God.
I believe it from Genesis to revolution. Praise God.
I believe it, but they can’t pay their rent. Got it.
Something’s wrong with that. Now, I’m exposed this thing now so you can deal with it.
The next thing is intellectualism.
They think they can use enough big words that can cause you to cow, cow down and you not get any results.
Come on. Now, I’m saying some people it’s because of unbelief. Some, uh, it’s because of ignorance.
They’ve just never heard it. But I’m here to tell you, Babylon has tried to creep in the church and I’m here to say right now that what we need to do is get back to the old fashioned holy ghost.
I said, don’t be ashamed to say the holy ghost told me, don’t be ashamed if God tells you to do a little dance, call the Holy Ghost is on you.
I’m saying we’ve got too high minded for God and we gonna get God out.
But we’re putting him back in that miracles are coming back. Signs and wonders are coming back.
That time for debating is over.
The time for manifestation is oh, according to the history of Paul, the Apostle, Paul was an extremely learned man.
He said, I counted all dong is manure for Christ cause one anointing on your life will take you so far above the intellect until it’s pathetic.
Now, there’s nothing wrong with structured learning. I understand that.
But you got to add the Super to the natural. Can I get a inch?
Well, what has happened? It hadn’t been taught.
The God factor has been on somebody up against something.
I mean, look like all hope is gone.
Well, I just don’t know what I’m gonna do. Well, why don’t you pray?
See the moment you pray, you cross over into the super.
Come on, you gotta hear what I’m saying the enemy wants to keep you strung out and make you believe that there is no solution to what you just got.
Let me tell you something. My friends, there is not a problem on this earth.
That is a problem for God. God had the answer before you came with the problem.
I’m not talking about before you came with a problem physically before you got here on earth.
He knew you were gonna have that problem and he’s got an answer reserved. Come on for you.
He’s not talking about an answer after you get beat up your eye, get knocked out and so forth.
He talking about as soon as you have that problem, he will deliver you speedily.
And I’m saying you got to believe this.
Say amen to this.
Now, what am I telling you with God? Come on all things possible. All right.
Now, let’s just, just examine that for just a minute.
Say God factor somehow we have taken the supernatural out of our situation and that’s not right because what you’ve done is allowed Babylon to come in and influence you and talk to you and tell you some junk about God can’t heal this or you can’t save you on this or he can’t provide for you in time on this or whatever have you.
Are you with me here? But folks, this is your hour and you are a spiritual gladiator.
Praise God. Oh, that came up. So what did.
I do kinda put some things down here because there are some impossible situations in the Bible and sometimes you have to build your hope up.
Somebody said, keep hope alive, you have to build your hope up.
And in the impossible situations, one, when you go back in the Old Testament, here was a man named Abraham.
Let’s turn to it. Turn to Genesis chapter 18. I’m almost done.
This is when the angel came and he told Abraham that his wife, he gonna have a child.
I understand Abraham is knocking at the door of 100 years old and his wife, Sarah was 90.
She had never born Children and Abraham was too old to have them. Verse nine.
And they said to him, he said, they said, the angel said, where is Sarah? Thy wife?
And he said, behold, she’s in the tent.
And he said, I will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life.
And Sarah, thy wife shall have a son.
And Sarah heard it in the tit door which was behind him.
Now, Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken.
It is again old, well stricken in age and it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women, meaning that she couldn’t uh have any more miserable cycles or whatever have you.
Therefore, Sarah laughed within herself saying after I am wax old, shall I have pleasure? My Lord being old also.
Well, she didn’t leave him out. Did she say he old everybody up in their home?
Come on now. But with God, come on now. Come on now.
I said with God and verse 13 and the Lord said unto Abraham Abraham, where for did Sarah laugh?
Oh goodness saying, shall I of a sure to bear a child? Which I’m old.
Verse 14, undelighted is anything too hard for the Lord. It too hard. So that’s what you gotta ask yourself.
Wait a minute. I know I can’t do this. But is anything? Come on too hard for God.
That’s all you got to ask yourself because see you up against something and using your reasoning facilities.
But you’re not designed to believe with your head, you’re designed to believe with your heart.
And if I put you in enough scriptures in here, all of a sudden what’s in this book will get into your heart and all of a sudden you’re gonna see that.
Wait a minute, I’m with God. And if I’m with God, with him, all things are possible.
Nothing is too hard for Him.
He can do anything but or you start acting, your joy comes back, your peace, come your, all that sorrow, all that depression jumps off of you.
Next thing you know, you start a little bit of a holy ghost dance, laughter there.
Nothing too hard for Him. You’re in the kingdom where there’s righteousness, peace and joy in the holy ghost.
That’s the benefit package. So now let’s just finish it.
So notice Abraham and Sarah had a baby.
The Bible says in Romans chapter seven chapter four, verse 17 to 21 he considered not his own body.
You gotta stop looking at your own body.
You gotta look into the promise of God because the circumstances won’t let you gender faith that you need.
So amen to that. So here they are, that was Abraham.
But how about in Exodus 14? He was a man named Moses.
He ran all the way up with three million people to the shores of the Red Sea.
He couldn’t get across. He looked behind him and there wasn’t nothing but dust pharaoh was coming after.
What could he do?
The Lord says, stop crying to me, take that rod and stretch it out and the Red Sea split.
I’m saying you might be up against a Red Sea right now in your life. Got news for you.
Stretch out rod, the rod is in your mouth. It’s a word of God.
Stretch that thing out, speak it right now. Speak it. I said speak it speaking.
I’m telling you the enemy had me cornered this week. But this is what I said.
Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord will deliver them, them all. Praise God.
And I kept that thing going. All of a sudden, my peace came back.
All of a sudden I begin to kind of sing in my study up there. I’m by myself.
I’m saying you get that thing in back in your life.
And once joy comes back, the Bible says, now you can draw water out of the well of salvation.
You know what that means? It means you’ll start getting revelation.
Revelation, stop popping into you because you believe in God.
Daniel chapter three, the three Hebrews impossible situation.
Why? Because they stood for their God, they stood for what was right?
But the king gonna throw them in the fire. How many of, you know, the fire wouldn’t burn them?
It wouldn’t burn them because it wasn’t fire. It wouldn’t burn them because of what they said.
They said the God that we serve, he will deliver us when you’re in a tight spot.
Get your mouth to working money, you need your mouth, you need to speak what God said and watch him deliver.
Oh, yeah.
Numbers chapter 11. Children of Israel in the wilderness. They didn’t have no food.
They wanted some meat in the middle of nowhere.
God said I’ll give him meat, but I’m not gonna give him meat for one day, nor two days, nor five days, nor 10 days.
I’m gonna give them meat for a whole month until they run out of their nose.
What did he do? Moses asked him? I said, wait a minute, what are you gonna do?
I mean, are that that many fish in the sea or are that many quails? Or whatever God said.
Wait a minute is the Lord’s hand w short. See, we gotta believe God can do what he said.
He can do. God fed them so much meat until the meat was piled up three ft high for as far as they could walk in a day.
Folks don’t tell me he can’t pay your rent.
Come on, your problem is the God factor.
You got to get Babylon out of you and get God back in.
All right, just a couple more and I’m out.
Are y’all with me? Luke chapter one out to preach hard today.
Luke chapter one. This is when angels came to a woman named Mary.
The angel said, hell, Mary say it three times.
No, don’t you do that, don’t you do that to highly favorite among women?
Somebody have faith. See favor.
Wait a minute now, favor is something that God grants you out of his goodwill rather than you earning it.
You can’t buy it or you can’t be so good.
You see favor a fair praise God is I’ve got a whole teaching here on and I’m not gonna go through it.
But remember in the kingdom, you get exactly what you expect and you gotta expect favor from God in his last days.
Say amen to that. Expect doors to open for you. Expect policies to be changed for you. Expect preferential treatment.
Like expect God to fight battles for you that you didn’t have to fight, expect somebody to recognize you and give you a prominent position for no reason at all.
Expect honor in the midst of your adversaries, expect restoration of everything that’s been stolen. Lord have mercy.
You are entitled to divine favor.
As a covenant child of God is one of your covenant rights. His favorite.
So, what did angel do? Said, Mary, you’re gonna have a child.
She said now, how is this gonna happen to me? I don’t know a man.
In other words, this is, it’s impossible.
Angel said, well, the holy ghost won’t come on you.
And I believe right there is where she did a dance.
Verse 37 for with God.
Nothing shall be impossible for 37. Nothing should be impossible.
How about Peter in jail? Next day? They won’t cut his head off.
The bible says the church prayed God said angels in the jail, put every guard to sleep and brought Peter out what he did.
Then he going to do now he can do it.
Now last place action 27 acts 27 look what he said in verse 18.
And we being exceedingly tossed with a tempus. The next day they lighten the ship.
And the third day we cast out our own hands, the tackling of the ship with our own hands.
Pardon me? The tackling of the ship.
In other words, they threw out a cargo and now they’re throwing out the food and everything else why trying to keep the ship afloat?
Verse 20. And when neither sun nor stars in many days appeared and no small Tempus lay on us all hope that we should be saved was then taken away.
No more hope. No more hope that your business is gonna make it no more hope that this disease can be healed.
No more hope that this thing will turn around itself in the my household. No hope.
But that’s when you haven’t heard from God. Yeah.
The Bible says when Abraham had no hope, he believed in hope, what does it mean?
This bobble is designed to get your hopes up the camp. So what happened?
Verse 22? And now I exhort you to be of good cheer.
This is Paul talking in the midst of this mess.
He’s saying be of good cheer where there shall be no loss of any man’s life among you but of the ship for they stood by me this night, the angel of God whose I am and who whom I serve saying what fear not.
I’m delighted, Paul, thou must be brought before Caesar. You’ll make it to your destiny.
I said your business will survive and thrive. I’m talking about God.
Whatever’s going on in your body, you will overcome.
God has given the all them that sail with the where serves be of good cheer for.
I believe God. Stop right there. Do you believe God?
I know what the newspaper said, I know what the daily said, the Tribune and the whatever.
I know what the CNN said. I know what the physician said.
I know what the e economists have said. But did you get what God said?
Because one word from God will change your life forever.
Say this with me. I believe God with God.
All things impossible. I call it the God factor.
The word of God is gonna come with its own power that you don’t have any power in this earth that can match the kingdom of God.
You got to believe this, the enemy wants to keep you strung out and make you believe that there is no solution to what you just got.
There is not a problem on this earth. That is a problem for God.
Your problem is the God factor.
You got to get Babylon out of you and get God back in is anything too hard for the Lord.
That’s all you got to ask yourself because see you up against something and using your reasoning facilities.
But you are not designed to believe with your head.
You’re designed to believe with your heart that God that we serve.
He will deliver us, discover mighty signs and wonders that will come through you today with Pastor Bill Winston’s four disc series entitled The God Factor to Order on CD or DVD.
Simply write to Bill Winston Ministries P O box 9 47 Oak Park, Illinois 60303 by bank card at 1 to 807 119327.
Or online at Bill Winston dot org. I’m Bill Walton.
I’m the founder and ceo of accelerated wealth.
I was raised in a Christian family and uh I have uh I’m one of seven brothers.
We were raised on a, a ranch and uh one beautiful parents that uh raised us.
Um you know, to follow after, to follow after the Lord. When I graduated, I went to seminary.
And um when I finished seminary, I came out and had kind of a equal desire to do both, you know, in the pastoral world.
But I had this uh this same desire in the, in the business.
Um I, you know, I graduated from seminary.
Uh but from that time, I’ve always ran businesses as well, always done both uh between, you know, different pastoral work and different types and styles of companies.
And there’s just this idea in Christianity of, well, if you’re quote unquote called into the ministry, that means you’re gonna be a pastor somewhere.
And so, you know, that idea really kind of kept me always feeling somewhat odd about running companies as well as the pastoral uh work that I was doing.
And I went back and forth this feeling of, you know, guilt and I chasing some type of financial thing.
And really, it was under uh Doctor Winston’s Ministry uh that I learned that it is not an either or it’s a both end.
And we are to do that. We are to be kings and priests in the marketplace.
And, and really that is what has helped the launch of accelerated wealth.
Our company uh we were in the process of launching that uh and in its infancy when we really met uh Doctor Winston and his ministry and his uh teaching on the revelation of royalty.
And that idea, I listened to that series over and over and over and over again.
At that time, we had um between various investments that we had and investments in real estate and the different pieces that we had going on.
We were, you know, well over, we were well over a million in debt at that point.
And um I still remember the place I was standing listening to Doctor Winston teach and was talking about um the aspects of your covenant, right of being debt free.
He had the whole congregation at that moment and we were, I was listening to this, I wasn’t there in Chicago.
I was listening to the, the video afterwards, but I stood up right where I was at and I did the exact thing I just, I, I started from that point on every time I thought about it, whatever was going on, started thinking God, I’m debt free over the course.
It wasn’t very long. I wanna say 18 months, uh maybe, maybe a little bit less than that.
Maybe a little more. We’re debt free and our office in our home or this business, we operate 100% debt free from the time we started to listen to Dr Winston’s Ministry which was early on in our company to current.
We have grown every year and every year by double digits and high double digits on an annual basis.
So we’ve now grown to 15 offices in seven different states and our footprint continues to grow. Doctor Winston’s teachings.
He is one of the of uh just a couple voices out there that clearly articulate the idea of ministry in the marketplace.
And business leaders are responsible is to hear that and not just hear it, but begin to apply it to our lives, apply it to our businesses because it is not the hero of the world that gets the power to prosper.
It is the doer, it’s practically applying it.
I love uh Doctor Winston is one of his favorite sayings that I love to say over and over again is we’re not here to take sides, we’re here to take over.
That’s the spirit of faith that we have to operate.
And there there will be obstacles in any industry. You will have to answer it with faith.
Doctors, Bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer.
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