Dr. Bill Winston: Labor in the Word of GOD – A New Way of Living
Labor in the Word of GOD – A New Way of Living
Jesus taught his disciples how to operate by the kingdom of God’s system, in this teaching Dr. Winston teaches you to operate in the same manner. God has already blessed you with his word which is the door to your blessing. #ANewWayofLiving #BWOF
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston, ministry partners and viewers.
Jesus came and introduced a new system for the Kingdom of God.
It’s a government that is set up to meet every need that a person would have independent of what’s happening in this earthly economy.
Therefore, I say to you, stop being perpetually uneasy, anxious and worried about your life no longer.
Do you have to bear the weight of your own provision?
I’m telling you, you don’t have to earn a living. Your living has already been earned by Jesus Christ.
So your labor is not in overtime. It’s in the word of God.
Everything changes when the kingdom and the Kingdom has come inside of you.
One of the main reasons why you work is to manifest your potential because potential needs work to be manifested.
I’ll say it again. Potential needs work to be manifested.
Look what Jesus said over in John chapter five verse 17. Glory to God.
John chapter five verse 17, Jesus answered them. My father, what worketh hitherto and what happens?
I work because he’s got to bring out the fullness that is in Him.
So the glory, the fullness that is in you is manifested through work.
And somebody said, well, why do I work?
Well, one reason you work is to serve your fellow man or your fellow woman. That’s why you work.
Why do you work? Another reason you work is fulfill your assignment.
What God has called you in this earth to do? Why do you work to develop your gifts and talents?
Because you give and talent don’t come out except you exercise them except work takes place.
Why do you work to provide leadership for a dark world that people will see when you work?
He said that you will demonstrate your good works and it’ll glorify your father that people will see that you’ve been called by the name of the Lord.
Say amen to that. Why do you work to establish the kingdom of God on the earth?
Why do you work? It’s through superiority and skill and principles? Can you change the world?
Why do you work to bring heaven government to earth? Why do you work?
None of those have I said, why you work it to earn a living? And that is not in there?
So I’m telling you, you don’t have to earn a living. Your living has already been earned by Jesus Christ.
He stacked it up for you and all you have to do is learn how to tap into it.
Say amen to that. Now, if a person doesn’t work, he or she has nothing of value to offer to the world.
And so what you wanna do, and I’m talking about people who can work.
Now, I’m not talking about people who can’t, for some reason can’t work, but people who can work.
So God wants you to work. Work is a gift from God.
Say amen to that you go to school to be train to develop your skill and to be able to work.
Even when you’re in education, education doesn’t mean to put in education means to draw out that that’s why they have you study and so forth.
Why you’re drawing out learning all of a sudden you say things like this.
Oh I see why because it was there all the time and no, your eyes get open to it.
Say amen to that. Now most people have this attitude. I wanna work so I can stop working.
Now, just think about that for just a minute. I wanna work so I can stop working.
Now, what are we talking about here?
They’re trying to find rest from the toil and hard labor and tension of it.
All that they’ve been going through. They’re looking towards retirement. Notice the word tired is right in there.
So they’re looking forward to that work. And a matter of fact, we built things around it.
T G I F all that. Thank God is Friday. And then we call Mondays blue Monday.
So I’m just saying, I know who would that? Who does the Blue, blue Monday?
But anyway, my point to you, we built restaurants and everything else around it. Why?
Because we are designed to be motivated by vision and not by provision long.
No. What am I saying?
Here, we are designed to be purpose minded and not provision minded.
So Jesus had to come and he had to teach and bring people into that.
Here’s what he said in Matthew’s gospel chapter 11 and verse 28 come to me all who labor and are heavy laden and what do I do?
I’m gonna give you rest. Now, rest is what we’re looking for. Rest is what we’re looking for.
That’s the lure of the lottery when people can get that lottery and hit that number.
Oh Lord Jesus, I can go on vacation. Hallelu. They’re looking for rest.
Now, think about it. Suppose you had a job that this job was so good that and you were so motivated by vision until you said my Lord, is it five o’clock already?
Not? It’s just 4 30. You, you know what I’m saying? That’s a whole big difference.
That’s a shift there because we’re in that job for something else other than being motivated by vision.
You follow what I’m saying? See this working is supposed to bring something out of you.
You’re supposed to be creating something, something supposed to be coming forth to the point that you say, man, I gotta go to sleep.
I need to stay up another hour because if I can just do, uh, you follow I’m saying, I’m saying, man, I gotta eat.
I don’t, I don’t need to take time to eat today.
I, I’m working on something now and I’m saying sometimes I get in that word and you know, working in the word is labor.
You labor in the word of God and I’m in it.
I’m telling you, I get in it at four o’clock in the morning.
Next thing I know is 1 30 in the afternoon. What did I do? I’m excited. I’m hunting.
I’m finding stuff. I’m digging, I’m drilling, I’m striking oil down there. I got a going praise God.
So this is an idea of vision and provision is supposed to follow vision that God has provision for every vision you might have.
And so He gives you this creative ability inside that, that you continue to bring forth uh, new visions and so forth like that, say amen to that.
All right. So what I’m saying is Jesus began to preach this, put it back up there, please.
And let me just finish reading that.
He said, come to me all who labor in LA and I’ll give you rest.
Now, take my yoke upon you and learn of me for I’m meek and lo in heart and you shall find what rest for your souls.
Now, what is Jesus doing, uh, for my yoga, Jesus and my bird’s life. So what is Jesus doing?
He’s taking us back to the place where He is.
No longer we go no longer have to labor and bear the weight of our own provision.
He came up with something called the Sabbath and the Sabbath is a picture of the restoration of the provision that Jesus was and praised God was making possible to mankind.
He was taking us back to the garden back to the place of rest, back to that seventh day, back to the time that Adam didn’t have to be worried about what I’m gonna eat, what I’m gonna drink, what I’m gonna put on.
How is this gonna happen so forth and so on.
So look what he says in Matthew’s gospel chapter six and verse 24 we’ve gone through this.
But I’m going further look what he says here.
He says, no man can serve how many masters, two masters either.
He’s gonna hate one and love the other else. He’ll hold to the one and despise the other.
You cannot serve God and what the God of money.
So most people in the earth are in a survival mode. They are mastered by money.
Money is telling them what to think, how to, what the emotion is gonna be.
Money is dictating some of everything.
But God has taken us out of that system and He’s put us over here in the kingdom where there is righteousness, peace and joy in the holy ghost.
And so as we’re in the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of God has enormous wealth.
So we’re not even to be concerned about what gonna happen to us and what we’re gonna eat and drink.
Look at the next verse. Therefore, I say to you take no thought for your life, what you shall eat, what you shall drink or your body, what you shall put on, take that verse and put it up there in the amplified translation.
Plea. Let’s see if we can get another degree of uh understanding of that particular verse.
Therefore, I tell you, stop being perpetually uneasy, anxious and worried about your life, what you’re gonna eat, what you’re gonna drink or about your body.
What you shall put on is not the life greater in quality uh than food and the body far above more excellent than clothing.
In other words, stop chasing after these things because these things are designed to chase after you.
Look what he says, starting at verse 31.
Therefore, do not worry and be anxious saying, what are we gonna have to eat or what will we have to drink or what are we going to have to wear for the gentile to heath and wish for and crave and diligently seek all these things.
And your heavenly Father knows that you have need of all them all but seek ye first, seek aim and strive after first of all his kingdom and his righteousness, his way of doing and what being right.
So his way of doing and being right. Let’s take a trip now to the prodigal son.
Let’s go over to Luke’s Gospel chapter 11, please.
The prodigal son in verse 11, it said a certain man had two sons and the younger of them said to his father, give me the portion of goods that fall with me and he divided on to them, his living.
And not many days after the youngest son gathered all together and took his journey into far country and they’re wasted is substance with riotous living.
And when he had spent all that he had there that spin all there rose a great almighty famine in the land.
And he began to be in want, underline mighty famine in want.
And he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country, joined himself and he sent him into his fields to feed swine and he would fain have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat.
And no man gave to him say no man gave to him.
When this prodigal son went into this far country.
It’s a picture of Adam and how Adam left his place with the father and ended up join to a citizen of another country.
Now in this another country, this was the world system and this world system, the Bible says a famine came in it.
And because of this famine, this son gave out of everything and nobody gave to him because in that system, everybody is concerned about themselves first and only.
So now he gets a job and finds himself feeding hogs and would have eaten the hogs food right now.
What does that hog food represent? It represents things that other folk don’t want.
Ok. This relationship with the father has been broken and this son is now suffering.
But it’s an interesting thing What happens to him that in verse 17, when he came to himself, he said, how many hired servants in father’s house?
Have bread enough to spare. And I’m perishing with hunger, I’ll arrive and I’ll go to my father and I’ll say him, father, I’ve sinned against heaven and, and before the, I’m no more worthy to be called your son.
Make me as one of the hired servants.
All right, let’s deal with this when he came to himself.
Now, this is interesting, came to himself.
I believe that God can’t do much with you until you come to yourself.
Yeah. Now what he had invested in is the world system and you and I pretty much have been brought up in that system.
That system is a way that we think, you know, the, one of the first things that Jesus said is repent, that means to change your belief, that means think something different.
And you can’t think anything different.
If you’re getting it from the same source, you got to switch sources because the enemy has perverted God’s system and told you the way that you get ahead is to keep everything you got.
That’s not that new system. The kingdom says the way you get ahead is to give it.
Now notice nobody gave him and he ended up feeding hogs.
Now he came to himself.
And I truly believe that there’s three things that must happen for you to come to yourself.
The first thing is that you’ve got to have the most people that has got to come to the place where big mama won’t loan you another dime.
Now I’m, I’m, I’m, I’m coming home now with this.
You, you gotta come to a place where all the credit cards are at the limit.
There is no more. You gotta come to a place where you are tired of being tired.
You gotta come to a place where you don’t have another person.
You can put the spank on to get your needs met.
You gotta come to a place where they evict you and your cousin.
You got to come to a place because see you, you’re not tired yet. You haven’t come to that yet.
You still got doors and people you can call on, you still got, you can go down and get $500 from the bank or go over here to one of these high interest places and, and give them a car title.
You still got that. But you ain’t come to yourself because when you come to yourself, you’re gonna be willing to switch this system and watch it.
Faith is not a formula.
You just can’t throw a nickel up here and think you’re gonna get 100 fold back.
Faith is not a formula. You can’t get, look at me and say, well, we gave it and what he got so forth.
Hey, thank you. You can’t imitate me. You fold to imitate God.
You, you gotta have a revelation of what you’re doing.
See and religion says He Jesus said this.
You made the word of God of no effect because of your tradition.
In other words, it because of your tradition, meaning that you come to church on Sunday. You say to them.
Hallelujah, pray the Lord. So for but nothing really changed in your life.
That means you got a hold of something that ain’t real because the gospel will change your life, it will change your life.
You will never be broke another day.
I know when it happened to me when I meditated that word about leaving I B M.
Thank God for the company and blessed me and so far.
But God is saying it’s time for you to go in full time ministry. I tried to step out why?
Boom and a baby need a new pair of shoes. So I had to change the date again.
Tried to step out again. How snow came something came up popped I said, Lord, I can’t leave right now.
Why? Because I’m trying to go ahead without seeing anything and you ain’t designed to move forward without what you can see.
You got to see to go. And so I had to understand, wait a minute, I can’t see anything yet.
So I jumped in that word and begin to meditate it.
So your labor is not in overtime, it’s in the world I got. Yes.
Let me tell you, God is ready to change your life.
See, don’t be trying to perform for people anymore. Don’t ask big mama for nothing else.
Don’t be trying to run nothing else on that credit card.
What you need to do is say, wait a minute, I’m gonna put my flat feet on the ground and I’m gonna believe God boy, you got me preaching here.
They’ve got now you can trust him.
You can trust him because God is the one that can be trusted.
As a matter of fact, if you look in the scriptures, who y’all don’t mind if I say this, do you?
No person. This is a tweet.
No person on this planet can say no to God.
See, you’re under the same covenant as Abraham.
You’re under the same covenant and once you’re under a covenant, you locked in.
I said, once you’re under a covenant, you locked in and the covenant doesn’t work because you cry.
The covenant doesn’t work because you’re hurting. The covenant doesn’t work because you pray long.
The covenant doesn’t work because you fast, the covenant only worked when you step into it.
You got to have revelation of what you’re doing. Say amen to that.
So what did I say here?
I’m saying here because a lot of people think they can’t trust God.
See, but what this man did here is he said, wait a minute.
The people in daddy’s house have more than enough to spare the servant do. And I’m perishing with hunger notice.
What was sending him back home? Provision? Provision, provision can send the man to church.
But if he comes to church and and I broke same intended for a bunch of broke people to be in church, they expect there to be no poor among you.
I can show it to you in the scripture.
Sure enough, you might come here broke but you ain’t gonna be broke long.
Jesus is saying, come to me all that labor and heavy laden and I’m gonna give you help you.
Jesus came and introduced a new system for the kingdom of God.
It’s a government that set up to meet every need that a person would have independent of what’s happening in this earthly economy.
Therefore, I say to you, stop being perpetually uneasy, anxious and worried about your life no longer.
Do you have to bear the weight of your own provision?
I’m telling you, you don’t have to earn a living. Your living has already been earned by Jesus Christ.
So your labor is not in overtime. It’s in the word of God.
Everything changes when the kingdom and the Kingdom has come inside of you step into the door of divine provision and experience a supernatural rest with an unlimited increase in every area of your life in Pastor Winston’s life changing.
Teaching a new way of living to order on CD or DVD.
Contact us online at Bill Winston dot org or by phone at 1 807 119327.
Order a new way of living today.
Today’s teaching a new way of living is part of a four disc series.
Now, the purpose of this message is to teach you a new way of living and an open door to supernatural provisions.
Now, one of the things that’s happening in the world is the world is under provision crisis.
They’re trying to get, you know, blood out of a turnip.
My mom used to say in other words, they’re trying to get something out of nothing.
It’s, it’s not there because the world is limited in their supply.
But once you come into the kingdom of God, remember this, that it’s an unlimited supply and you were designed with potential, an unlimited amount of potential.
So work is designed to bring that potential out.
It was never meant that work be a way of earning a living for people for a believer.
It, it was never meant for that because your labor is in the word of God and that’s where you come work.
So as you work, you bring out hidden abilities outside of you.
There are things that you can do right now that you don’t know you can do until the Holy Ghost kind of challenges you and brings you into some areas perhaps or problems or whatever have you or solves some solution.
And then all of a sudden ideas come out of you, why they will put there all the time?
And that’s called work. Remember Adam named the animals that was called work.
Now all this goes against a paycheck mentality.
True enough, we get a paycheck but that paycheck should be a seed. Praise God.
You see, my God shall supply all your need.
So as far as you’re concerned, as you’re connected up with God, you have no more limits and I want you to know right now that creativity is in you.
You have the ability to see things other people can’t see.
And when you can see things other people can’t see, you can have things others can’t have.
Here’s what it says in Matthew chapter 11 verse 28 he said, come unto me all that labor in a heavy laden and I will give you rest.
He said, take my yoke upon you and learn of me.
See, Jesus is a teacher for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
So I’m here to tell you right now from now on, no more toil, no more heavy burdens because God is giving you supernatural provision.
Well, this is Bill Winston saying we love you. Until next time. Keep walking by faith.
Doctors, Bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer.
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We know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life, contact us by phone at 1 807 75439443 or submit your prayer request online at Bill Winston dot org forward slash prayer.
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Well, hello, I have written a new book.
It’s called a Revelation of Royalty.
Now, this book was written because many Christians have not been receiving the divine inheritance because they really don’t know their identity in Christ Jesus.
They really don’t know who they are.
I’m talking about in the eyes of God not talking about uh your your relatives or, or the boss man or whatever, but who you are in the eyes of God because your image affects everything.
It affects how high you climb. It affects how rich you become.
It affects all of that and nobody really can affect that.
But you now what we do is we allow other people to call us names or put us in certain position and we take on that identity.
But God is telling you who you really are. He sees you as royalty.
He sees you as one of his family.
It is the richest and wealthiest family that has ever been known to mankind. You are in that family.
If you’re born again, now, this book will help you.
It’ll help you identify who you are, what you have and how to get it.
We have been missing out on our inheritance and that’s wrong.
We want you to get what God says is yours. The first step to it. Change your image.
Go and understand who God says you are and be that praise God.
Well, this is Bill Winston saying we love you and keep walking by faith.
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers.
Now remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
So don’t forget to subscribe and click on the notification bell so that you don’t miss any of our videos.
This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
Jesus came and introduced a new system for the Kingdom of God.
It’s a government that is set up to meet every need that a person would have independent of what’s happening in this earthly economy.
Therefore, I say to you, stop being perpetually uneasy, anxious and worried about your life no longer.
Do you have to bear the weight of your own provision?
I’m telling you, you don’t have to earn a living. Your living has already been earned by Jesus Christ.
So your labor is not in overtime. It’s in the word of God.
Everything changes when the kingdom and the Kingdom has come inside of you.
One of the main reasons why you work is to manifest your potential because potential needs work to be manifested.
I’ll say it again. Potential needs work to be manifested.
Look what Jesus said over in John chapter five verse 17. Glory to God.
John chapter five verse 17, Jesus answered them. My father, what worketh hitherto and what happens?
I work because he’s got to bring out the fullness that is in Him.
So the glory, the fullness that is in you is manifested through work.
And somebody said, well, why do I work?
Well, one reason you work is to serve your fellow man or your fellow woman. That’s why you work.
Why do you work? Another reason you work is fulfill your assignment.
What God has called you in this earth to do? Why do you work to develop your gifts and talents?
Because you give and talent don’t come out except you exercise them except work takes place.
Why do you work to provide leadership for a dark world that people will see when you work?
He said that you will demonstrate your good works and it’ll glorify your father that people will see that you’ve been called by the name of the Lord.
Say amen to that. Why do you work to establish the kingdom of God on the earth?
Why do you work? It’s through superiority and skill and principles? Can you change the world?
Why do you work to bring heaven government to earth? Why do you work?
None of those have I said, why you work it to earn a living? And that is not in there?
So I’m telling you, you don’t have to earn a living. Your living has already been earned by Jesus Christ.
He stacked it up for you and all you have to do is learn how to tap into it.
Say amen to that. Now, if a person doesn’t work, he or she has nothing of value to offer to the world.
And so what you wanna do, and I’m talking about people who can work.
Now, I’m not talking about people who can’t, for some reason can’t work, but people who can work.
So God wants you to work. Work is a gift from God.
Say amen to that you go to school to be train to develop your skill and to be able to work.
Even when you’re in education, education doesn’t mean to put in education means to draw out that that’s why they have you study and so forth.
Why you’re drawing out learning all of a sudden you say things like this.
Oh I see why because it was there all the time and no, your eyes get open to it.
Say amen to that. Now most people have this attitude. I wanna work so I can stop working.
Now, just think about that for just a minute. I wanna work so I can stop working.
Now, what are we talking about here?
They’re trying to find rest from the toil and hard labor and tension of it.
All that they’ve been going through. They’re looking towards retirement. Notice the word tired is right in there.
So they’re looking forward to that work. And a matter of fact, we built things around it.
T G I F all that. Thank God is Friday. And then we call Mondays blue Monday.
So I’m just saying, I know who would that? Who does the Blue, blue Monday?
But anyway, my point to you, we built restaurants and everything else around it. Why?
Because we are designed to be motivated by vision and not by provision long.
No. What am I saying?
Here, we are designed to be purpose minded and not provision minded.
So Jesus had to come and he had to teach and bring people into that.
Here’s what he said in Matthew’s gospel chapter 11 and verse 28 come to me all who labor and are heavy laden and what do I do?
I’m gonna give you rest. Now, rest is what we’re looking for. Rest is what we’re looking for.
That’s the lure of the lottery when people can get that lottery and hit that number.
Oh Lord Jesus, I can go on vacation. Hallelu. They’re looking for rest.
Now, think about it. Suppose you had a job that this job was so good that and you were so motivated by vision until you said my Lord, is it five o’clock already?
Not? It’s just 4 30. You, you know what I’m saying? That’s a whole big difference.
That’s a shift there because we’re in that job for something else other than being motivated by vision.
You follow what I’m saying? See this working is supposed to bring something out of you.
You’re supposed to be creating something, something supposed to be coming forth to the point that you say, man, I gotta go to sleep.
I need to stay up another hour because if I can just do, uh, you follow I’m saying, I’m saying, man, I gotta eat.
I don’t, I don’t need to take time to eat today.
I, I’m working on something now and I’m saying sometimes I get in that word and you know, working in the word is labor.
You labor in the word of God and I’m in it.
I’m telling you, I get in it at four o’clock in the morning.
Next thing I know is 1 30 in the afternoon. What did I do? I’m excited. I’m hunting.
I’m finding stuff. I’m digging, I’m drilling, I’m striking oil down there. I got a going praise God.
So this is an idea of vision and provision is supposed to follow vision that God has provision for every vision you might have.
And so He gives you this creative ability inside that, that you continue to bring forth uh, new visions and so forth like that, say amen to that.
All right. So what I’m saying is Jesus began to preach this, put it back up there, please.
And let me just finish reading that.
He said, come to me all who labor in LA and I’ll give you rest.
Now, take my yoke upon you and learn of me for I’m meek and lo in heart and you shall find what rest for your souls.
Now, what is Jesus doing, uh, for my yoga, Jesus and my bird’s life. So what is Jesus doing?
He’s taking us back to the place where He is.
No longer we go no longer have to labor and bear the weight of our own provision.
He came up with something called the Sabbath and the Sabbath is a picture of the restoration of the provision that Jesus was and praised God was making possible to mankind.
He was taking us back to the garden back to the place of rest, back to that seventh day, back to the time that Adam didn’t have to be worried about what I’m gonna eat, what I’m gonna drink, what I’m gonna put on.
How is this gonna happen so forth and so on.
So look what he says in Matthew’s gospel chapter six and verse 24 we’ve gone through this.
But I’m going further look what he says here.
He says, no man can serve how many masters, two masters either.
He’s gonna hate one and love the other else. He’ll hold to the one and despise the other.
You cannot serve God and what the God of money.
So most people in the earth are in a survival mode. They are mastered by money.
Money is telling them what to think, how to, what the emotion is gonna be.
Money is dictating some of everything.
But God has taken us out of that system and He’s put us over here in the kingdom where there is righteousness, peace and joy in the holy ghost.
And so as we’re in the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of God has enormous wealth.
So we’re not even to be concerned about what gonna happen to us and what we’re gonna eat and drink.
Look at the next verse. Therefore, I say to you take no thought for your life, what you shall eat, what you shall drink or your body, what you shall put on, take that verse and put it up there in the amplified translation.
Plea. Let’s see if we can get another degree of uh understanding of that particular verse.
Therefore, I tell you, stop being perpetually uneasy, anxious and worried about your life, what you’re gonna eat, what you’re gonna drink or about your body.
What you shall put on is not the life greater in quality uh than food and the body far above more excellent than clothing.
In other words, stop chasing after these things because these things are designed to chase after you.
Look what he says, starting at verse 31.
Therefore, do not worry and be anxious saying, what are we gonna have to eat or what will we have to drink or what are we going to have to wear for the gentile to heath and wish for and crave and diligently seek all these things.
And your heavenly Father knows that you have need of all them all but seek ye first, seek aim and strive after first of all his kingdom and his righteousness, his way of doing and what being right.
So his way of doing and being right. Let’s take a trip now to the prodigal son.
Let’s go over to Luke’s Gospel chapter 11, please.
The prodigal son in verse 11, it said a certain man had two sons and the younger of them said to his father, give me the portion of goods that fall with me and he divided on to them, his living.
And not many days after the youngest son gathered all together and took his journey into far country and they’re wasted is substance with riotous living.
And when he had spent all that he had there that spin all there rose a great almighty famine in the land.
And he began to be in want, underline mighty famine in want.
And he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country, joined himself and he sent him into his fields to feed swine and he would fain have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat.
And no man gave to him say no man gave to him.
When this prodigal son went into this far country.
It’s a picture of Adam and how Adam left his place with the father and ended up join to a citizen of another country.
Now in this another country, this was the world system and this world system, the Bible says a famine came in it.
And because of this famine, this son gave out of everything and nobody gave to him because in that system, everybody is concerned about themselves first and only.
So now he gets a job and finds himself feeding hogs and would have eaten the hogs food right now.
What does that hog food represent? It represents things that other folk don’t want.
Ok. This relationship with the father has been broken and this son is now suffering.
But it’s an interesting thing What happens to him that in verse 17, when he came to himself, he said, how many hired servants in father’s house?
Have bread enough to spare. And I’m perishing with hunger, I’ll arrive and I’ll go to my father and I’ll say him, father, I’ve sinned against heaven and, and before the, I’m no more worthy to be called your son.
Make me as one of the hired servants.
All right, let’s deal with this when he came to himself.
Now, this is interesting, came to himself.
I believe that God can’t do much with you until you come to yourself.
Yeah. Now what he had invested in is the world system and you and I pretty much have been brought up in that system.
That system is a way that we think, you know, the, one of the first things that Jesus said is repent, that means to change your belief, that means think something different.
And you can’t think anything different.
If you’re getting it from the same source, you got to switch sources because the enemy has perverted God’s system and told you the way that you get ahead is to keep everything you got.
That’s not that new system. The kingdom says the way you get ahead is to give it.
Now notice nobody gave him and he ended up feeding hogs.
Now he came to himself.
And I truly believe that there’s three things that must happen for you to come to yourself.
The first thing is that you’ve got to have the most people that has got to come to the place where big mama won’t loan you another dime.
Now I’m, I’m, I’m, I’m coming home now with this.
You, you gotta come to a place where all the credit cards are at the limit.
There is no more. You gotta come to a place where you are tired of being tired.
You gotta come to a place where you don’t have another person.
You can put the spank on to get your needs met.
You gotta come to a place where they evict you and your cousin.
You got to come to a place because see you, you’re not tired yet. You haven’t come to that yet.
You still got doors and people you can call on, you still got, you can go down and get $500 from the bank or go over here to one of these high interest places and, and give them a car title.
You still got that. But you ain’t come to yourself because when you come to yourself, you’re gonna be willing to switch this system and watch it.
Faith is not a formula.
You just can’t throw a nickel up here and think you’re gonna get 100 fold back.
Faith is not a formula. You can’t get, look at me and say, well, we gave it and what he got so forth.
Hey, thank you. You can’t imitate me. You fold to imitate God.
You, you gotta have a revelation of what you’re doing.
See and religion says He Jesus said this.
You made the word of God of no effect because of your tradition.
In other words, it because of your tradition, meaning that you come to church on Sunday. You say to them.
Hallelujah, pray the Lord. So for but nothing really changed in your life.
That means you got a hold of something that ain’t real because the gospel will change your life, it will change your life.
You will never be broke another day.
I know when it happened to me when I meditated that word about leaving I B M.
Thank God for the company and blessed me and so far.
But God is saying it’s time for you to go in full time ministry. I tried to step out why?
Boom and a baby need a new pair of shoes. So I had to change the date again.
Tried to step out again. How snow came something came up popped I said, Lord, I can’t leave right now.
Why? Because I’m trying to go ahead without seeing anything and you ain’t designed to move forward without what you can see.
You got to see to go. And so I had to understand, wait a minute, I can’t see anything yet.
So I jumped in that word and begin to meditate it.
So your labor is not in overtime, it’s in the world I got. Yes.
Let me tell you, God is ready to change your life.
See, don’t be trying to perform for people anymore. Don’t ask big mama for nothing else.
Don’t be trying to run nothing else on that credit card.
What you need to do is say, wait a minute, I’m gonna put my flat feet on the ground and I’m gonna believe God boy, you got me preaching here.
They’ve got now you can trust him.
You can trust him because God is the one that can be trusted.
As a matter of fact, if you look in the scriptures, who y’all don’t mind if I say this, do you?
No person. This is a tweet.
No person on this planet can say no to God.
See, you’re under the same covenant as Abraham.
You’re under the same covenant and once you’re under a covenant, you locked in.
I said, once you’re under a covenant, you locked in and the covenant doesn’t work because you cry.
The covenant doesn’t work because you’re hurting. The covenant doesn’t work because you pray long.
The covenant doesn’t work because you fast, the covenant only worked when you step into it.
You got to have revelation of what you’re doing. Say amen to that.
So what did I say here?
I’m saying here because a lot of people think they can’t trust God.
See, but what this man did here is he said, wait a minute.
The people in daddy’s house have more than enough to spare the servant do. And I’m perishing with hunger notice.
What was sending him back home? Provision? Provision, provision can send the man to church.
But if he comes to church and and I broke same intended for a bunch of broke people to be in church, they expect there to be no poor among you.
I can show it to you in the scripture.
Sure enough, you might come here broke but you ain’t gonna be broke long.
Jesus is saying, come to me all that labor and heavy laden and I’m gonna give you help you.
Jesus came and introduced a new system for the kingdom of God.
It’s a government that set up to meet every need that a person would have independent of what’s happening in this earthly economy.
Therefore, I say to you, stop being perpetually uneasy, anxious and worried about your life no longer.
Do you have to bear the weight of your own provision?
I’m telling you, you don’t have to earn a living. Your living has already been earned by Jesus Christ.
So your labor is not in overtime. It’s in the word of God.
Everything changes when the kingdom and the Kingdom has come inside of you step into the door of divine provision and experience a supernatural rest with an unlimited increase in every area of your life in Pastor Winston’s life changing.
Teaching a new way of living to order on CD or DVD.
Contact us online at Bill Winston dot org or by phone at 1 807 119327.
Order a new way of living today.
Today’s teaching a new way of living is part of a four disc series.
Now, the purpose of this message is to teach you a new way of living and an open door to supernatural provisions.
Now, one of the things that’s happening in the world is the world is under provision crisis.
They’re trying to get, you know, blood out of a turnip.
My mom used to say in other words, they’re trying to get something out of nothing.
It’s, it’s not there because the world is limited in their supply.
But once you come into the kingdom of God, remember this, that it’s an unlimited supply and you were designed with potential, an unlimited amount of potential.
So work is designed to bring that potential out.
It was never meant that work be a way of earning a living for people for a believer.
It, it was never meant for that because your labor is in the word of God and that’s where you come work.
So as you work, you bring out hidden abilities outside of you.
There are things that you can do right now that you don’t know you can do until the Holy Ghost kind of challenges you and brings you into some areas perhaps or problems or whatever have you or solves some solution.
And then all of a sudden ideas come out of you, why they will put there all the time?
And that’s called work. Remember Adam named the animals that was called work.
Now all this goes against a paycheck mentality.
True enough, we get a paycheck but that paycheck should be a seed. Praise God.
You see, my God shall supply all your need.
So as far as you’re concerned, as you’re connected up with God, you have no more limits and I want you to know right now that creativity is in you.
You have the ability to see things other people can’t see.
And when you can see things other people can’t see, you can have things others can’t have.
Here’s what it says in Matthew chapter 11 verse 28 he said, come unto me all that labor in a heavy laden and I will give you rest.
He said, take my yoke upon you and learn of me.
See, Jesus is a teacher for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
So I’m here to tell you right now from now on, no more toil, no more heavy burdens because God is giving you supernatural provision.
Well, this is Bill Winston saying we love you. Until next time. Keep walking by faith.
Doctors, Bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer.
Our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you.
We know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life, contact us by phone at 1 807 75439443 or submit your prayer request online at Bill Winston dot org forward slash prayer.
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We want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call center possible together, we are transforming lives throughout the world.
If you are not a partner, we encourage you to pray about joining us in partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry.
We love you and look forward to praying and partnering with you.
Well, hello, I have written a new book.
It’s called a Revelation of Royalty.
Now, this book was written because many Christians have not been receiving the divine inheritance because they really don’t know their identity in Christ Jesus.
They really don’t know who they are.
I’m talking about in the eyes of God not talking about uh your your relatives or, or the boss man or whatever, but who you are in the eyes of God because your image affects everything.
It affects how high you climb. It affects how rich you become.
It affects all of that and nobody really can affect that.
But you now what we do is we allow other people to call us names or put us in certain position and we take on that identity.
But God is telling you who you really are. He sees you as royalty.
He sees you as one of his family.
It is the richest and wealthiest family that has ever been known to mankind. You are in that family.
If you’re born again, now, this book will help you.
It’ll help you identify who you are, what you have and how to get it.
We have been missing out on our inheritance and that’s wrong.
We want you to get what God says is yours. The first step to it. Change your image.
Go and understand who God says you are and be that praise God.
Well, this is Bill Winston saying we love you and keep walking by faith.
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers.
Now remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.