Day of the Trumpet

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Day of the Trumpet

Day of the Trumpet #2291. The Feast of Trumpets is one of the most prophetic of all God’s appointed times – And it’s the Next Prophetic feast to be fulfilled. Discover the keys that the trumpets hold for the end-time believer – How to live and overcome in such a time as this.

What’s the next great prophetic event?
God sends his spirit down Pentecost. But what is Pentecost?
Pentecost is actually a Hebrew holiday that just happens to have a Greek name that throws everybody off.
Moses was Pentecostal. Moses is the one, you know, if you got a problem with Pentecostals, talk to Moses because he came up, God through him, came up with Pentecost.
Pente. I mean, not the name he came up with. I mean, he came through him.
He said count seven sevens. And then the 50th day called v so orthodox Jews are celebrating Pentecost.
Orthodox Jews are Pentecostal in a sense without knowing it.
They may not act that way, but they are Pentecostal because they’re celebrating Pentecost.
And in fact, in some of the Jewish books, I mean, the books where they don’t know, they’re not those I’m not talking about Messianic, they call it, they call it, this is our holiday.
It’s Pentecost, we celebrate Pentecost. So here you’ve got now the spirit, what is, what is Shabu Pentecost?
It’s the feast where God dedicates the first fruits of the summer harvest. And so what did God do?
He took that 120. And he dedicated them with the Holy Spirit and they spoke in other tongues because they represent, it’s the first fruits, represents all the nations that will come in this harvest.
And so then what happens? They go out from Jerusalem because what’s next in the Hebrew year? Just like clockwork.
It’s the summer harvest go out, the fields are ripe, go out and reap. Now, where are we right now?
On the prophetic calendar? We are right now in the summer somewhere because this is the time of the summer harvest.
This is the time when you’re reaping this time. When you’re sowing the gospel.
This time, whatever you’re gonna do, whatever you get fruit, you’re gonna bear. This is the time to do it.
But what happens now, now we here we are.
But the thing is so we have on the Hebrew calendar, you’ve got the spring, holy days beginning, then you have the autumn holy days, the end.
So you’ve got these two things here.
And so if you just now, if you just didn’t know when we just went by the Hebrew calendar, you could basically preach the gospel because you would be saying first, we are saved by the blood of the lamb.
It begins with Passover my salvation.
Secondly, we have new life coming, we have, then, then comes resurrection, first fruits, then comes Pentecost, the spirit.
These are all Hebrew holidays. So you’ve got the gospel there.
Now, the, the, the early church, they knew they celebrated all these holidays and, and Christians celebrate them to this day, the crucifixion, the resurrection and Pentecost.
But they’re all Hebrew holidays. You think about it.
Why did the early church celebrate these things and not those?
Why are these holy days that we are entering into now? Why are they a mystery to most Christians?
Most Christians know Pentecost Passover, but they don’t know trumpets, Yom Kippur and Tabernacle. Why?
Very simple God fulfilled the first ones in his first coming.
He has not fulfilled them prophetically yet into the second coming.
There’s two, there’s two periods of holy days and there’s two comings of the Messiah, the first is the spring and so he fulfilled it.
But these are just as much a part of your faith as these are, the only difference is prophetically, they have not happened yet.
I mean, I mean, atonement has happened, but that’s not the day the Lord has not happened.
These have not yet come. So, you know, so we know, you know, so the the Christians know Passover, you know, and, and, and you know, and you know, they use the word Easter.
Easter is not a good word to use because I mean, because, and it’s not, there’s actually confusion about it.
It’s not exactly ishtar but it’s another goddess.
And so the thing is you don’t want to use a pagan word to speak about the resurrection of God, but you’re not going to condemn people.
But listen, it is not Easter, it is Passover in the Bible and it doesn’t say Easter, it says actually Passover whenever it talks about that in the, in the new, the Greek, it says Passover.
So here it’s all there. And now if you go outside of English, most Latin languages are gonna call this Passover, that’s what they call it.
But these things are a mystery.
Most of you who grew up didn’t know about the, when you’re, if you’re in church, you did, they didn’t blow this and you didn’t know about and all well, but, but as much as Passover is part of your faith, these are part of your faith, they just haven’t been fulfilled, but they’re gonna be so this is all part of it.
And so the thing is now, now we talk about the end of the age.
These things are all about what is yet to come.
We just saying who was, who is and who is to come? The holidays in spring.
He was the, the summer he is, this is where we are. Now, this is what is yet to come.
So all these things, the autumn, holy days speak of what is coming.
So therefore now we are somewhere prophetically in the summer, probably near the end of the summer.
But now the big, the next big prophetic event, the last one was Pentecost.
The next big event is this event that we are Commemorating tonight.
The next big event is the feast of trumpets. That is the next thing that has to come.
So now you might say, well, you know, you know, actually I, I remember I was in Africa and I was ministering and I sounded the shofar and, and, and some people said, well, well, you know, the shofar that’s not, or the trumpets are not in the New Testament.
That’s the Old Testament. I said, wait a minute, they are in the New Testament.
But since this is not about the beginning, it’s about the end. Where are you going to find them?
You’re gonna find the trumpets at the end of the Bible, you’re gonna find the trumpets in the prophecies that speak of the end of the age.
So what happens when you read about the, the end of the age and the coming of Messiah?
What do you get? You get this Matthew 24 they will see the son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with great power and glory.
He will send forth his angels with a great trumpet. We’ll gather his elect with a great trumpet.
First Thessalonians four says this, then the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and with a trumpet of God and the dead in Messiah will rise.
So you shall be caught up in the clouds with what with the sound of the trumpet?
So the Lord will come with the sound of the trumpet.
The Lord will gather his people with the sound of the trumpet.
The Lord will will will rise to him and the dead and Messiah with the sound of the trumpet to find out how you can receive more of Jonathan’s teachings to receive special free gifts or get in touch.
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