Day 1 – Infinity in a Jar | The Book of Mysteries by Jonathan Cahn

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Day 1 – Infinity in a Jar

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Day one Infinity in a jar  It was morning.

The teacher came to my room holding a little clay jar.

A question he said, Can that which is little contain that which is big. No! I answered.

Can that which is finite? Encompass that which is infinite. No, I said again.  But it can, he replied.

How  he lifted the jar and removed the cap from its top. It can, he said. It can.

If it’s an open vessel, a closed vessel can never contain anything larger than its own size, but an open vessel has no limitations.

It now can contain the blowing of the wind or the outpouring of the rain.

It could even contain the flowing of a river.  It would take a long time to contain a river.

It could take forever. But the principle is the same.

And the reason you’re showing me this which is larger that which you know or that which you don’t know that.

Which I don’t know. I would think so.

Then It’s only wise that you seek that which you don’t know,  I guess.

But how do you contain that? Which is bigger than you? That which is bigger than your ability to comprehend?

By becoming an open vessel? I said. Yes, said the teacher. Only by opening yourself up.

Can you come to know that which you don’t already know, and only by becoming an open vessel.

Can you contain that which is greater than yourself?

The truth is always greater than now knowing your mind and heart are finite clay jars, but the truth has no end.

God has no end. The eternal is infinite. Always flowing like the river, I said. Yes, he said.

But when the jar opens itself it becomes unlimited. It can contain the waters of the river.

So open now your mind, your heart and your life for it is only the open vessel and an open heart that can contain the infinity of God.

The mission today open your mind, your heart and your life to that which you don’t yet know that you might contain that which is greater than yourself.

I say A chapter 55 verse one through nine Jeremiah chapter 33 verse three second Corinthians chapter four verse seven,  filled up with the fullness.

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