David Diga Hernandez – What Does it ACTUALLY Mean to Surrender to the Holy Spirit?
What Does it ACTUALLY Mean to Surrender to the Holy Spirit?
Experiencing the supernatural, walking in God’s power, and seeing the fruit of the Spirit manifested in your life all come from one thing: Surrender to the Holy Spirit. But what does it actually mean to surrender to the Holy Spirit?

Surrender to the Holy Spirit is strict obedience to his word.
Surrender to the Holy Spirit is strict obedience to his voice.
Surrender to the Holy Spirit is Jesus in the garden just before his crucifixion.
Crying out, father, if it’s possible that this cup pass from me, but nevertheless, not my will, but your will be done.
That’s surrender every time that you choose holiness over sin, that’s surrender.
Every time you choose prayer over Netflix, that’s surrender every time you choose the sacred over the entertaining that surrender.
Every time you choose to read the scripture instead of scrolling down some social media feeds. That’s surrender.
Every time you choose to walk out when a movie is filthy and get made fun of by your friends.
That’s surrender. Every time you choose to not participate in gossip, that’s surrender.
Every time you choose to say no to that secret sin that surrender every time you choose to give when your flesh wants to withhold, that’s surrender every time you evangelize when you’re too tired to do it, that’s surrender every time you choose his will over yours.
Every time you bow to Jesus as Lord instead of yourself as Lord, any time you choose God over others, any time you choose the approval of God over the approval of man that’s surrender.
Surrender is the utter giving away of your life piece by piece to die.
1000 deaths a day to say no to the flesh 1000 times a day to say yes to the Holy Spirit 1000 times a day to say God, I’ll serve you even when I don’t feel like it.
God, I’ll serve you even though I’m facing trial and heartache, God, I’ll serve you.
Even when my doubt is clouding the judgment of my mind.
God, I will serve you even when things aren’t going the way I want them.
God, I will serve you even if it means giving up my dreams to accomplish your will.
God, I will serve you. Even if no one else goes with me, God, I will serve you even if my family and my friends call me crazy.
And I’m the only one with my last name serving you God.
I will serve you even if it means death to self, that is surrender, my friend, surrender unto the Holy Ghost.
Every part of your being, surrender unto the Holy Spirit.
Every aspect of who you are to pour your life out like a drink offering and squeeze until every last drop has been given to put yourself on the altar and not get off to put your flesh on that cross.
And not to let it have a resurrection, to choose a lifestyle of worship, to choose a lifestyle of prayer, to consecrate your every day, to lock yourself away in times of seclusion with the Lord.
As we see in Matthew chapter six, to choose to say yes to the spirit and no to the flesh, to subject that part of you, which desires against what the Holy Spirit desires to surrender all, surrender everything.
This is what it means to yield to the Holy Ghost, to surrender your life.
That’s what I want more than anything so that you start to disappear now and they don’t see you.
They see Jesus. I wanna see that power flow through me to let him begin to mold and shape me to where my insecurities turn to confidence in who I am in him to where my anger turns to patience.
My confusion turns to clarity. My depression turns to joy. My anxiety turns to peace.
My selfishness is dealt with and I begin to love others as Christ loved me.
So I can let go of offense, even though I feel justified in holding on to offense to, I can say no to every root of bitterness that would try to affect different aspects of my life to where I adhere to the scripture.
Even when it goes against what culture tells me to speak the truth.
Even if speaking, the truth causes people to lash out.
This is surrender, my friend to give yourself in that way. That’s how you get power.
You don’t get power by taking an eco.
You don’t get power by having someone lay hands on you that will only work.
If you’re doing these things, you don’t get power by sowing a seed for it.
My friend, you can’t buy the anointing. That’s sorcery.
Simon, the sorcerer tried that in acts chapter eight and he got rebuked for it.
You don’t get power with a title. You don’t get the anointing by marrying into an anointed family.
You don’t have power manifested on your life just because you have a ministry business card or a website or 1000 ministry followers.
Power comes to the death of self.
Power comes through surrender, giving yourself unto him and saying, Lord, anything you wanna do with me do it.
I just want to live unto your glory and then things begin to happen, things begin to manifest in your life that are transformative.
I’ll never forget when I first began to truly surrender to my friend, the Holy Spirit.
When I first began to surrender to him in a meaningful way, suddenly, supernatural manifestations began to abound.
The way I talked, started to change. The way I looked at, things started to change.
Everything about me started to transform and people who knew me best started to see a transformation.
That’s how you really know when the Holy Spirit starts to work in you. When people in your home.
Take a second look and go. You’re different. Something’s different about you. And there are things that manifest.
There are benefits that arise. When you begin to surrender to the Holy Spirit, he helps you to pray.
Suddenly there’s this desire, this hunger to go and pray.
You desire to lock yourself in the room and not go anywhere else.
You just want to be locked away with the Lord for hours.
That is a real thing that begins to happen.
See, before you surrender to the Holy Spirit, you hesitate, you maybe push prayer off your flesh.
Doesn’t want to pray. You’re not, not really something you want to do.
Your flesh fights you and it fights you really hard on that.
And when you begin to surrender to the Holy Spirit, suddenly, now there is this strong desire to just be locked away in the presence of the Holy Ghost.
Once you begin to surrender to the Holy Spirit in this way, not only do you no longer have to fight to get into the prayer room, but the fight reverses.
Now, you see before you surrender to the Holy Spirit, you would fight to get into the prayer room.
It was a struggle to start. But once you begin to surrender to him, it’s a struggle to stop.
You won’t want to leave. Even for a minute, you’ll be in your prayer room for an hour, two hours, three hours.
And you’ll say, ok, eventually I have to go, I have to go and get to work.
You know, someone has to feed these kids at some point, someone has to take care of these responsibilities and it will take everything in you to pull yourself out of that prayer room.
That’s what begins to happen. Another thing that begins to happen is as you begin to look over the scripture, the Bible comes alive suddenly what was dull and lifeless because you were in, the flesh comes alive.
Guys. It’s a electrified, it’s, it’s brilliant.
It’s illuminated when the Holy Spirit begins to breathe on your life in a fresh way.
And as you go through the scripture, you’re not falling asleep, you’re not forgetting what you read.
You’re not misunderstanding, you’re not having to start over because you realize you weren’t paying attention as you were reading instead, as you begin to read the scripture, truths and realities of the spirit begin to jump out at you.
And as those realities begin to jump out at you, there’s this transformation that begins to take place in you and the word starts to cause you to become more and more like Jesus.
He becomes your teacher. Well, doesn’t John 14 26 tell us that the Holy Spirit will remind us and he’ll reveal the truths of what Christ has said unto us.
And as you begin to read, you’re highlighting and taking notes, it’s no longer this obligation. It becomes an opportunity.
It’s no longer a discipline, it becomes a delight.
And as you’re reading through the scripture, your tears are pouring down your face because Jesus is made real to the scriptures by the holy ghost.
That’s one of the things that happens when you begin to surrender to his power.
Another thing that happens is you gain power unto holiness.
You see, you may be wondering how you’re ever going to overcome that sin.
You may have gone through cycle again and again and again, I’m talking to someone right now where you’ve gone through the same thing again and again and again, the same sin over and over and over and you’ve mistaken regret for repentance and they’re not the same thing.
And you tell yourself I’m never gonna do that again. That’s the last time I’ll commit that sin.
Now I move forward and then you find yourself in the same trap.
You find yourself overcome with shame and guilt.
The Holy Spirit breaks that cycle and there will come a day, my friend, not only where you will not have to fight that sin anymore or where you’ll overcome it when you fight, but the desire won’t even be there.
The Holy Spirit doesn’t just help you fight against the desires for sin.
The Holy Spirit takes away those desires for sin. I know that I may sound crazy.
I know some people may say to you that would never happen.
But I’m here to declare to you that the Holy Spirit’s work goes so deep as you begin to surrender to him, that, that desire for sin changes into a desire for the things of the spirit.
There will come a day where the sin that once tempted you will disgust you.
Where the sin that once was alluring, you’ll find repulsive where the sin that you had to fight just to resist.
That temptation won’t even be a thought in your mind because you’ll be so full of his presence, eating the word and feasting on the goodness of God’s presence to where you won’t be hungry for the things of the world anymore.
That’s what begins to manifest in your life as you surrender as you die, those 1000 deaths a day as you begin to give your life unto the holy ghosts, use that begins to happen in you.
Those desires change. Then he helps you to worship.
Well, John 4 24 tells us that those who worship God must worship in spirit and in truth, what does that mean spirit in that?
It only comes by the Holy Spirit and truth in that. It’s a revelation.
All true worship is a response to revelation. That’s why you need the Holy Spirit to truly worship.
You can sing without a revelation, you can dance without a revelation, you can jump up and down without a revelation.
You can even blow the without a revelation, but you cannot worship without a revelation.
It’s only when you’ve captured a glimpse of who God is.
That the spirit is so inspired that worship begins to flow out of you.
That’s a work that begins to happen in your life.
When you lay down your life unto the Holy Spirit’s control, you see glimpses of God’s glory.
Worship is giving God glory. As you see God’s glory, reflecting his image becoming like him as an act of worship.
And that’s what the Holy Spirit truly does.
Worship is everything in your being responding to what you know about God.
And only the Holy Spirit can reveal that.
Now, you’re not standing in worship services looking around at people lifting their hands.
You’re not watching people have encounters saying, oh, I hope have an encounter like that one day rather when you begin to surrender to the Holy Spirit, his work is so complete that it begins to stir worship in your heart.
That work begins to cause you to see God in new dimensions like you never were able to see Him before.
You know, sometimes I get lost in worship and it’s not like just looking at a painting.
It’s like flying through the cosmos, passing the stars and the constellations and the planets moving into depths, unknown, discovering world that are mysterious and wonderful God is eternity himself.
And when you worship, you get caught in the essence of who he is, you get raptured in that presence and the Holy Spirit reveals His glory, you go from glory to glory.
So now the Holy Spirit reveals God.
You respond and worship and because you respond and worship, the Holy Spirit reveals more of God.
And it’s this never ending cycle of glory to glory, to glory.
That’s what the Holy Ghost does in our worship. He ignites our worship. He sets it on fire.
It’s no longer dead or dry, it’s no longer lifeless.
You’ll forget about yourself and you’ll be so obsessed with the image of Jesus that everything in you will respond with praise and adoration.
That’s what the Holy Ghost does. Then you become convinced of your son.
Ship Romans 8 15, tells us that it’s by the Holy Spirit that we cry.
Father, you become confident in who you are in Christ Galatians 35 refers to the miracle working power of the Holy Spirit.
You start to see demons flee sickness, flee prophecy, flow, spiritual gifts become potent through your life.
When you begin to surrender to the Holy Spirit, he gives you faith.
Second Corinthians 4 13, he gives you boldness.
Acts chapter two, he develops the character of Christ in you Galatians chapter five verses 20 and 23.
These are just some of the many benefits that are brought about when you finally begin to surrender to the Holy Spirit.
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Surrender to the Holy Spirit is strict obedience to his voice.
Surrender to the Holy Spirit is Jesus in the garden just before his crucifixion.
Crying out, father, if it’s possible that this cup pass from me, but nevertheless, not my will, but your will be done.
That’s surrender every time that you choose holiness over sin, that’s surrender.
Every time you choose prayer over Netflix, that’s surrender every time you choose the sacred over the entertaining that surrender.
Every time you choose to read the scripture instead of scrolling down some social media feeds. That’s surrender.
Every time you choose to walk out when a movie is filthy and get made fun of by your friends.
That’s surrender. Every time you choose to not participate in gossip, that’s surrender.
Every time you choose to say no to that secret sin that surrender every time you choose to give when your flesh wants to withhold, that’s surrender every time you evangelize when you’re too tired to do it, that’s surrender every time you choose his will over yours.
Every time you bow to Jesus as Lord instead of yourself as Lord, any time you choose God over others, any time you choose the approval of God over the approval of man that’s surrender.
Surrender is the utter giving away of your life piece by piece to die.
1000 deaths a day to say no to the flesh 1000 times a day to say yes to the Holy Spirit 1000 times a day to say God, I’ll serve you even when I don’t feel like it.
God, I’ll serve you even though I’m facing trial and heartache, God, I’ll serve you.
Even when my doubt is clouding the judgment of my mind.
God, I will serve you even when things aren’t going the way I want them.
God, I will serve you even if it means giving up my dreams to accomplish your will.
God, I will serve you. Even if no one else goes with me, God, I will serve you even if my family and my friends call me crazy.
And I’m the only one with my last name serving you God.
I will serve you even if it means death to self, that is surrender, my friend, surrender unto the Holy Ghost.
Every part of your being, surrender unto the Holy Spirit.
Every aspect of who you are to pour your life out like a drink offering and squeeze until every last drop has been given to put yourself on the altar and not get off to put your flesh on that cross.
And not to let it have a resurrection, to choose a lifestyle of worship, to choose a lifestyle of prayer, to consecrate your every day, to lock yourself away in times of seclusion with the Lord.
As we see in Matthew chapter six, to choose to say yes to the spirit and no to the flesh, to subject that part of you, which desires against what the Holy Spirit desires to surrender all, surrender everything.
This is what it means to yield to the Holy Ghost, to surrender your life.
That’s what I want more than anything so that you start to disappear now and they don’t see you.
They see Jesus. I wanna see that power flow through me to let him begin to mold and shape me to where my insecurities turn to confidence in who I am in him to where my anger turns to patience.
My confusion turns to clarity. My depression turns to joy. My anxiety turns to peace.
My selfishness is dealt with and I begin to love others as Christ loved me.
So I can let go of offense, even though I feel justified in holding on to offense to, I can say no to every root of bitterness that would try to affect different aspects of my life to where I adhere to the scripture.
Even when it goes against what culture tells me to speak the truth.
Even if speaking, the truth causes people to lash out.
This is surrender, my friend to give yourself in that way. That’s how you get power.
You don’t get power by taking an eco.
You don’t get power by having someone lay hands on you that will only work.
If you’re doing these things, you don’t get power by sowing a seed for it.
My friend, you can’t buy the anointing. That’s sorcery.
Simon, the sorcerer tried that in acts chapter eight and he got rebuked for it.
You don’t get power with a title. You don’t get the anointing by marrying into an anointed family.
You don’t have power manifested on your life just because you have a ministry business card or a website or 1000 ministry followers.
Power comes to the death of self.
Power comes through surrender, giving yourself unto him and saying, Lord, anything you wanna do with me do it.
I just want to live unto your glory and then things begin to happen, things begin to manifest in your life that are transformative.
I’ll never forget when I first began to truly surrender to my friend, the Holy Spirit.
When I first began to surrender to him in a meaningful way, suddenly, supernatural manifestations began to abound.
The way I talked, started to change. The way I looked at, things started to change.
Everything about me started to transform and people who knew me best started to see a transformation.
That’s how you really know when the Holy Spirit starts to work in you. When people in your home.
Take a second look and go. You’re different. Something’s different about you. And there are things that manifest.
There are benefits that arise. When you begin to surrender to the Holy Spirit, he helps you to pray.
Suddenly there’s this desire, this hunger to go and pray.
You desire to lock yourself in the room and not go anywhere else.
You just want to be locked away with the Lord for hours.
That is a real thing that begins to happen.
See, before you surrender to the Holy Spirit, you hesitate, you maybe push prayer off your flesh.
Doesn’t want to pray. You’re not, not really something you want to do.
Your flesh fights you and it fights you really hard on that.
And when you begin to surrender to the Holy Spirit, suddenly, now there is this strong desire to just be locked away in the presence of the Holy Ghost.
Once you begin to surrender to the Holy Spirit in this way, not only do you no longer have to fight to get into the prayer room, but the fight reverses.
Now, you see before you surrender to the Holy Spirit, you would fight to get into the prayer room.
It was a struggle to start. But once you begin to surrender to him, it’s a struggle to stop.
You won’t want to leave. Even for a minute, you’ll be in your prayer room for an hour, two hours, three hours.
And you’ll say, ok, eventually I have to go, I have to go and get to work.
You know, someone has to feed these kids at some point, someone has to take care of these responsibilities and it will take everything in you to pull yourself out of that prayer room.
That’s what begins to happen. Another thing that begins to happen is as you begin to look over the scripture, the Bible comes alive suddenly what was dull and lifeless because you were in, the flesh comes alive.
Guys. It’s a electrified, it’s, it’s brilliant.
It’s illuminated when the Holy Spirit begins to breathe on your life in a fresh way.
And as you go through the scripture, you’re not falling asleep, you’re not forgetting what you read.
You’re not misunderstanding, you’re not having to start over because you realize you weren’t paying attention as you were reading instead, as you begin to read the scripture, truths and realities of the spirit begin to jump out at you.
And as those realities begin to jump out at you, there’s this transformation that begins to take place in you and the word starts to cause you to become more and more like Jesus.
He becomes your teacher. Well, doesn’t John 14 26 tell us that the Holy Spirit will remind us and he’ll reveal the truths of what Christ has said unto us.
And as you begin to read, you’re highlighting and taking notes, it’s no longer this obligation. It becomes an opportunity.
It’s no longer a discipline, it becomes a delight.
And as you’re reading through the scripture, your tears are pouring down your face because Jesus is made real to the scriptures by the holy ghost.
That’s one of the things that happens when you begin to surrender to his power.
Another thing that happens is you gain power unto holiness.
You see, you may be wondering how you’re ever going to overcome that sin.
You may have gone through cycle again and again and again, I’m talking to someone right now where you’ve gone through the same thing again and again and again, the same sin over and over and over and you’ve mistaken regret for repentance and they’re not the same thing.
And you tell yourself I’m never gonna do that again. That’s the last time I’ll commit that sin.
Now I move forward and then you find yourself in the same trap.
You find yourself overcome with shame and guilt.
The Holy Spirit breaks that cycle and there will come a day, my friend, not only where you will not have to fight that sin anymore or where you’ll overcome it when you fight, but the desire won’t even be there.
The Holy Spirit doesn’t just help you fight against the desires for sin.
The Holy Spirit takes away those desires for sin. I know that I may sound crazy.
I know some people may say to you that would never happen.
But I’m here to declare to you that the Holy Spirit’s work goes so deep as you begin to surrender to him, that, that desire for sin changes into a desire for the things of the spirit.
There will come a day where the sin that once tempted you will disgust you.
Where the sin that once was alluring, you’ll find repulsive where the sin that you had to fight just to resist.
That temptation won’t even be a thought in your mind because you’ll be so full of his presence, eating the word and feasting on the goodness of God’s presence to where you won’t be hungry for the things of the world anymore.
That’s what begins to manifest in your life as you surrender as you die, those 1000 deaths a day as you begin to give your life unto the holy ghosts, use that begins to happen in you.
Those desires change. Then he helps you to worship.
Well, John 4 24 tells us that those who worship God must worship in spirit and in truth, what does that mean spirit in that?
It only comes by the Holy Spirit and truth in that. It’s a revelation.
All true worship is a response to revelation. That’s why you need the Holy Spirit to truly worship.
You can sing without a revelation, you can dance without a revelation, you can jump up and down without a revelation.
You can even blow the without a revelation, but you cannot worship without a revelation.
It’s only when you’ve captured a glimpse of who God is.
That the spirit is so inspired that worship begins to flow out of you.
That’s a work that begins to happen in your life.
When you lay down your life unto the Holy Spirit’s control, you see glimpses of God’s glory.
Worship is giving God glory. As you see God’s glory, reflecting his image becoming like him as an act of worship.
And that’s what the Holy Spirit truly does.
Worship is everything in your being responding to what you know about God.
And only the Holy Spirit can reveal that.
Now, you’re not standing in worship services looking around at people lifting their hands.
You’re not watching people have encounters saying, oh, I hope have an encounter like that one day rather when you begin to surrender to the Holy Spirit, his work is so complete that it begins to stir worship in your heart.
That work begins to cause you to see God in new dimensions like you never were able to see Him before.
You know, sometimes I get lost in worship and it’s not like just looking at a painting.
It’s like flying through the cosmos, passing the stars and the constellations and the planets moving into depths, unknown, discovering world that are mysterious and wonderful God is eternity himself.
And when you worship, you get caught in the essence of who he is, you get raptured in that presence and the Holy Spirit reveals His glory, you go from glory to glory.
So now the Holy Spirit reveals God.
You respond and worship and because you respond and worship, the Holy Spirit reveals more of God.
And it’s this never ending cycle of glory to glory, to glory.
That’s what the Holy Ghost does in our worship. He ignites our worship. He sets it on fire.
It’s no longer dead or dry, it’s no longer lifeless.
You’ll forget about yourself and you’ll be so obsessed with the image of Jesus that everything in you will respond with praise and adoration.
That’s what the Holy Ghost does. Then you become convinced of your son.
Ship Romans 8 15, tells us that it’s by the Holy Spirit that we cry.
Father, you become confident in who you are in Christ Galatians 35 refers to the miracle working power of the Holy Spirit.
You start to see demons flee sickness, flee prophecy, flow, spiritual gifts become potent through your life.
When you begin to surrender to the Holy Spirit, he gives you faith.
Second Corinthians 4 13, he gives you boldness.
Acts chapter two, he develops the character of Christ in you Galatians chapter five verses 20 and 23.
These are just some of the many benefits that are brought about when you finally begin to surrender to the Holy Spirit.
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Also help us spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, make a one time donation or become a monthly supporter by clicking on the donate link now.