David Diga Hernandez – Is My Dream or Vision from God? Here’s HOW to Discern It

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How to know a dream or vision is from the Lord.
Now because we have the Holy Spirit, we can interpret the things of the spirit.
When people of the world tap into the spiritual realm, it’s all very topsy turvy.
They kind of catch glimpses and maybe some things aren’t structured.
Maybe there’s no form or shape to the things that they’re seeing. Maybe there’s no detail in what they’re hearing.
Maybe there’s a muffled voice or certain figures and shadows and parts and things that don’t always make sense.
That’s not the way God speaks. If you look throughout scripture, it was always clear and coherent.
Now, whenever you see that someone had trouble understanding their dream, you would find that it was always someone who wasn’t spirit filled, someone who wasn’t connected to God in the way that they should have been pharaoh.
Had to go to Joseph, um had to go to Daniel.
Different people have to go to different men of God to say, hey, interpret my dream.
Why did they have to do that?
Well, they had to do that because they didn’t have the spirit and because they didn’t have the spirit, they couldn’t interpret the dream.
Here’s what the Bible says in Genesis chapter 40 verse eight.
And they replied, we both had dreams last night, but no one can tell us what they mean.
And here is where Joseph speaks, interpreting dreams is God’s business. Go ahead and tell me your dreams.
So here we see in the scripture that when it comes to the interpretation of dreams, this is something that God does and this is something that God’s servants do.
So those who have the Holy Spirit are able to interpret dreams.
In fact, I think this is one of the ways that God can evangelize the lost.
They have, have a dream. They don’t know what it means. God’s speaking to them, but they don’t understand it.
Then you get a spirit filled believer to come along and interpret their dreams using biblical truths, pointing, always, always, always, always pointing to Jesus and once things have clicked in them, it makes sense and the message is delivered in a way that they’re ready to receive it.
If you aren’t hearing from God, it’s not gonna be clear and coherent.
So we have to get rid of this idea that sometimes God just kind of takes a bunch of little images, throws them at us and goes figure it out.
He’s not doing that. He’s not hurling imagery and shapes and sounds into our heads at night from the balconies of heaven going hey, do something with that.
I’m sure you’ll figure it out. He doesn’t leave us puzzles per se when we’re spirit filled.
Now, of course, we understand in the Old Testament, the prophet spoke in shadow, but they never spoke in nonsense.
Anything they ever said was descriptive, clear coherent.
You could picture what they said, you could grasp at least the descriptions they were giving.
And ultimately, it led to a message.
So dreams from God for the spirit filled believer are going to be clear and coherent.
They’re not just gonna be left up to random interpretation in the way that people look at fortune cookies.
No, when God speaks, he speaks clearly and coherently.
So this is an important thing to note because some believers get stuck here.
They’ll eat maybe some food really late at night, go to bed super late, watch some weird documentary and then have some strange dream and go, what is God trying to say to me?
I don’t know what he’s trying to say to me. What did it mean? What did it mean?
And they obsess about it for weeks, months. I know people who obsessed about dreams.
They didn’t stand for years and then they’re all fearful, wondering God did I miss it?
What were you trying to say?
And they think God’s going well, you didn’t figure out the puzzle I sent that’s on you.
No, he’s not doing that. God is not doing that when he speaks by the Holy ghost, the Holy spirit speaks with clarity and coherency.
Now, this doesn’t mean that we’re not gonna get bits and pieces.
What this does mean is that the bits and pieces he speaks will at least have coherency to them.
So dreams from God are always clear for the spirit field. That’s one of the signs, it’s from God.
If it’s not perfectly clear, at least it will be coherent.
So it’s not gonna be just something you can’t describe, put into words or even write down. Why?
Because God at least is gonna give you the coherency with that dream.
So that if He hasn’t given you the interpretation, for some reason, he will give the interpretation to someone else and you can go to those who have counsel and those who have wisdom, you can go to other belie s, you could pray about it.
And if it’s from God, he’s gonna reveal that meaning to you and that’s important to note.
So if not perfectly clear, at least they’ll be coherent and there will be a purpose to them.
Now, if you live right, your dreams will be clear. If you live wrong, your dreams will be confusing.
You see God speaks to his servants through dreams and we who are spirit filled.
If we’re walking with the Holy Spirit are gonna be in the right frame of mind to decode and interpret that dream by the spirit.
So the people who have confusing dreams, the people who don’t understand what God is trying to say.
A, it’s because God wants to possibly cause you to go and seek another believer who can help you figure it out.
Pray about it, maybe a wise leader. But there’s gonna be some coherency to it.
B it’s because they’re an unbeliever. So it’s not gonna make any sense, of course.
Or c it’s because they’re a believer who’s not living. Right? And because they’re not living right.
it’s not that God isn’t speaking, it’s that they’re not listening with their lives, they’re not listening.
And when you live right, there’s a clarity that comes a perfect picture that begins to unfold before you.
So if you don’t understand a dream, a make sure you’re saved, which of course, if you’re watching this, you probably aren’t b see if God perhaps is maybe giving you something that will take counsel of other believers.
And that’s OK. Not always, is it 100% clear?
But again, it will at least always be coherent so that you can describe it for the sake of counsel.
And if none of those work, see, ask yourself, is there something in my life that’s not in line with the will of God?
Am I living in sin in some areas? Is there some area of my heart that I’ve not fully started?
Am I too busy, too distracted to lend my spiritual ear to the voice of God?
And if none of those are the case, then I think you can safely dismiss the dream.
If none of those are the case, I think you can say, ok, maybe that wasn’t from God.
So number one, it’ll be clear and if not clear, at least coherent. Number two, it will always be biblical.
Second, Timothy chapter three verses 16 and 17 say all scripture is inspired by God and it is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives, it corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.
God uses it to prepare and equip His people to do every good work.
The word, the word, the word, the word never will. God contradict His word in your dream.
Never, not a chance. Oh The Lord told me in a dream to date that unbeliever, not a chance.
That was God or oh, you know, I had a dream that I was demon possessed last night.
That must be true. No. If you’re a believer, we know biblically speaking, you can’t be so no, God would not tell you you’re possessed in a dream if you’re a Christian at least, or a true believer.
So there are things that people have dreams of and they’ll say, well, this must be God and it’s not because they never check it with the word.
And therefore they elevate their experience above the truth of the scripture.
They elevate their dreams above the authority of what God has already said.
So your dreams from God will always be biblical. They will never in their message contradict the word.
Now you may have dreams about, for example, this may be a bit of a violent example.
But let’s say you have a dream of someone being murdered and God showing you a certain individual murdering another individual.
Maybe God is showing you that that person has hate in their heart toward that individual or even toward you.
Ok. That could be the message.
But you say, oh, but David, you know, murder is not allowed in the scripture. So was that biblical?
What I’m saying is that the overall message of the dream won’t be unbiblical.
But you may see some unbiblical things in your dream like for instance, uh demons attacking people or another person getting dealing with another person or maybe somebody lying in their dream.
So things like that do happen, you may witness wrongdoing in your dream when I say it needs to be biblical.
What I mean is that in the overall message that the dream is delivering, it will ultimately align with the scripture.
Never will the message of the dream contradict the ultimate truth of God’s word.
So number one, how do you tell your dream or vision is from God? Number one, it’s clear and coherent.
Number two, it will always be biblical and number three, it will be faith producing Romans 10 17 says.
So faith comes from hearing that is hearing the good news about Christ.
In other words, the word produces faith for what it promises.
So when God communicates a truth through a dream, he’s gonna give you the faith to go along with it.
So if God through a dream tells you, start that ministry, he’s gonna give you the faith to start that ministry.
If God through a dream tells you make that sacrifice so you can give to that ministry.
He’s gonna give you the faith to make that sacrifice. So you can give to that ministry.
If God tells you separate yourself from that person, because they’re not in line with my will.
He’s gonna give you the faith to separate yourself from that person. Even dreams of warning, even dreams of correction.
God will give you the faith to obey that which He has commanded you to do so, no matter what it is.
God will give you the faith. If it’s your mistake, he’ll give you the faith to correct your mistake.
If it’s the mistake of others, he’ll give you the faith to pray that they correct that mistake.
But God’s dreams and visions will always produce faith. They may not always produce pleasant emotions.
They may not always produce the, the thought patterns that we would prefer.
Sometimes God will warn us things and we’ll say, Lord, why did you show me that?
I wish I didn’t see that and sometimes He’ll just show you those things. Ok?
But in the end, they will always produce faith to go along with what God is saying.
So number one, always clear and coherent. Number two, biblical and number three faith producing.
So what really causes dreams and visions to happen?
Nothing you can do in your own strength and power can increase your dreams and visions.
It’s not like you can go and just kind of pool on heaven and say, hey, give me more dreams, give me more visions.
God is sending dreams and visions to who he wants to send dreams and visions to.
But if you wanna make sure that you’re in a position to clearly hear from God in those dreams to clearly hear from God in those visions, then here’s how you do that.
First of all, in acts chapter 22 verses 17 to 22 we see that Paul was praying.
So prayer when he had a vision in revelation, chapter one verses 9 to 13, we see John, the revelator was worshiping when he had a vision.
So worship. And number three, we see in Isaiah chapter six verses one through eight, that Isaiah, the prophet was serving when he had a vision.
So you should serve. So if you’re praying, worshiping, serving through both ministry and holy living, you’re in a position, you’re a candidate to be a recipient for these dreams and visions from God.
I remember one time I was working in the sound of guys of all places, the sound room, I was working the laptop.
Nothing fancy switching the words on the lyrics and all of a sudden the holy spirit told me.
Look, I look over to my left and I saw a white flame guys before the Lord.
I’m telling you this, I saw a white flame with the face of a lion in.
It just flashed toward me and like it hit my body.
I remember when it hit my body, I like reacted it like hit me.
And I noticed from then on that there was a real increase in the prophetic and healing on my ministry.
I don’t really know what it all meant. Again, it was coherent.
I can explain it to you and it had a real purpose in that I was able to see a manifestation of that in the ministry, but it just happened while I was serving.
So how do you tell your dream or vision is from God? Number one, it’s clear and coherent.
Number two, it will always be biblical. And number three, it will be faith producing.
I believe God positioned you by his divine providence to hear this message and receive this prayer because he has a message for you.
Wow Lord. I thank you for the anointing of the holy ghost.
And I pray father that you would begin to speak to your people.
Open our spiritual eyes, open our spiritual eyes type these simple words chat just type.
Let me see. Wow, whichever one you’re led type.
Let me see or open heaven or both, whatever you’re led to write live or on replay this anointing is flowing.
Thank you Jesus. I give you the glory. Father.
Let them take your word and apply it. Now we lend our ear to you.
Speak for your servants or listening.
Lord, trust us with the mysteries of heaven and revelation.
I pray, dreams and visions, open heaven, open heaven, open heaven.
Lord, I pray that many even tonight when they sleep, that she would speak to them clearly.
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