The Infinite Power of the Resurrection – Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Infinite Power of the Resurrection
“That which God designs, in smiting us, is to turn us to himself and to set us a seeking him; and, if this point be not gained by lesser judgments, greater may be expected…”1”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future
And what happens after the resurrection in the hebrew calendar? This links to what we just did.
He recounted on the day of the resurrection and he rose on the day.
This is 50 days ago where they lifted up the first fruit.
So he was the first fruit and he was lifted up. It’s actually wasn’t weed.
It was barley 50 days ago. He was lifted up as the first fruit of new life.
That’s what that while they were lifting up the first fruit of new life.
But then it begins account Down from that very day.
You have 50 days that are counted down until you reach today with the feast of Pentecost, the feast of.
So here’s what does it tell you right there. Pentecost is timed to the day of the first route.
So it means that the power of Pentecost is linked time to the day of the resurrection.
So what is the power of Pentecost? It’s the power of the resurrection coming into your life.
The power of the spirit of God is the power that raised him up and it’s the power in your life.
So it’s connected the power of the resurrection is the power of heaven shammy um breaking through the barrier in your life.
Messiah, now, now Messiah is in heaven and the father is in heaven, but the spirit is specifically on earth.
So the power of heaven that’s gonna give you the answer to the question, the power, how to live in a world of limitations but live unlimited is you live it by the spirit of God.
Because in the spirit is the power of heaven. Shamayleh breakthrough. The spirit is always flowing. Why?
Because you cannot contain the spirit, you cannot bottle up the spirit.
You can’t box it in, it’s too big, it’s infinite. So it’s gonna flow, it’s gonna flow.
And those who are living in the spirit are those who flow. The spirit has no limitations.
You can’t see it with your eyes.
You can’t measure the spirit or any more than you can measure the wind.
The spirit has no limitation in time. It doesn’t get old, never gets old. The flesh gets old.
The flesh is the art of the flesh is limited. So therefore, it gets old. Anybody doubt that.
Look in the mirror, it gets old when you tell you when you live by the flesh, that means you’re living limited.
Even if you have a lot of things. Well, I got a lot of things. You can be rich.
You say you have a lot of things. You got a lot of limitations.
Those things are limited So if you don’t have the spirit, you’re gonna get weighed down by them, you’re gonna get in prison, you’re gonna get bound to them.
There’s no more things to bind you, but the spirit never gets old and there’s no end.
There’s never not enough to go around.
If you live by the spirit in the spiritual realm, then your life will become more and more unlimited.
When you truly live in the spirit, you’ll actually have what Jesus said, I came that you might have life and more abundantly see in science, when something is limited, it’s called a closed system.
The audits, the earth is limited. So it’s a closed system.
So if you live by earthly things, you get all wrapped up in what’s happened to the earthly thing, you get so wrapped up, you’ll end up getting closed, your heart will be closed.
You know, when you, when you get into things, your heart gets closed, I have it. I own it.
But the shammy um the heaven is not limited. And so it’s not a closed system, it’s open.
And therefore the only way we can live by it is to live with an open heart, open mind, open life, a life that gets flows in and flows out.
Continue. That’s the life of the spirit. And that’s when you have a sense of abundant.
That’s just I came that you might have life. Hi, I’m Jonathan Cahn. Thanks for checking out my youtube. Channel.
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