Children of the Enlarged Father | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Children of the Enlarged Father
Thursday, July 27, 2023
When you read a biography, there’s usually some description of the person. Even before photographs, there were drawings, paintings, records and descriptions. Julius Caesar was tall and thin. Alexander the Great was clean-shaven and so on. But in the Gospels, there’s no description of what Messiah looked like, other than he had a beard. Messianic prophecy about Him in Isaiah 53 says, “He has no form that we should be attracted to Him.” Paul says, “We do not know Messiah after the flesh.” Because He’s about truth and truth is not about appearance. So when you follow Him, you must live by faith and not by sight. We’re to be people who don’t live by what we see. God wants you to be less dependent on your physical senses and more in tuned with living by His Spirit. The things that we see are passing away. The things that we can’t see are forever. So look away from what’s seen and live more by His Spirit, by truth, the Word and by Him who is beyond description. He’s the One who can only be seen with the eyes of faith.
You’re born again. The Bible says you are a child of Abraham.
Abraham is the father of the faithful, but his name wasn’t originally Abraham. It was Abraham, try it.
Avraham, or we say Abraham, but it was avraham, which means father. But god changed avraham to Avraham.
And that means such as the father.
He’s the father of the many masses multitudes and look at all of you.
You in one way or the other. If you’re born again, you’re a child of Abraham.
The lord took Abraham and said, I’m going to enlarge you. Says he brought him forth.
He said, look now to the heavens. And count the stars.
If you can count them, you can number the children you’re gonna have.
It’s it was god’s delight to enlarge Abraham.
To enlarge the tent of Abraham, and you are of the you are in that tent.
The one of the one that the god that god enlarge.
And you are a child of the one that the that god enlarged.
And so god wants to enlarge you. He wants to enlarge your faith.
He wants to enlarge your joy, your love, your vision, your your ministry, the impact of your life, your anointing.
I wanna look at let’s look at this tremendous scripture.
And now we’re gonna apply it to your life. It says enlarge.
First thing, enlarge the place of your tent. Enlarge the Hebrew word is Rajav. Try it.
Rahab means to broaden to make room make room open wide is what it means.
Open wide the place of your tent. God wants to open wide your life. He always wants a more.
He wants our our the reach and our scope and our heart and our vision to be larger than we do it.
See, we have certain borders in our life. You got a routine. You go home. You have a routine.
You may be maybe Routines can be okay, but maybe you fell into a rut. Well, it’s everything’s the same.
God is saying enlarge your life. I want you to I want you to open up the borders of y’all.
I want you to broaden that there’s more and it’s something bigger. How do you enlarge your life?
Listen to the scripture. It says, It says in Psalm one nineteen, it says I will go in the way of your commandments when you shall enlarge my heart.
Enlarge my heart. You want in order to our life to be enlarged by god, we have to enlarge our hearts.
In god. In large, your vision. Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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