Can you be a Christian and Anti-Semitic?

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Can you be a Christian and Anti-Semitic?

Can you be a Christian and anti-Semitic? The answer is that it is impossible. The Holy Spirit, the author of the Word of God, exalts Jesus Christ, a Jew. The true church of Jesus Christ will be friends of Israel, reaching out to lead Israel to Christ. If your church is not pro-Israel, it’s not a church. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and hug a Jew today.

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Everybody listening to this. Um, I love what I’m about to say. That sounds crazy. Right?
I love what I’m about to say. You wanna know why?
It is like, um, just pulling back the the the the shades, the curtains, and light comes in.
Here it is. Can you be a Christian?
A Christ follower, a Bible believer, and be anti Semitic?
That’s right. The answer is impossible.
The Holy Spirit is the author of the word of god.
The word of god exalts not only Jesus Christ who was a Jew but was born in Bethlehem and under during the time of Roman occupation of what country, of what nation, what does the Bible say?
Israel, not Palestine. Israel. There was no Palestine. In 1st century, Israel.
There was no Palestine in 1st century, Middle East. Didn’t exist. It didn’t exist until 135 AD.
But having said that, a lot of people today are saying they’re Christians, but the Jews have no right to the lamb The Jews have no right to exist.
The Jews, uh, should be either chained up, boxed up shipped away, whatever, and they call themselves Christians.
They’re wearing a cross. Listen, you say, Jack, how come you’re so upbeat about this?
Ah, because I’ve read my Bible. Listen, Hallelujah. The church is being divided.
Like going to a a butcher shop, and you’re gonna buy some big piece of meat and the butcher begins to carve away the the bony part are the the part that’s not good for you to the fat or whatever it is.
And he separates what you need from what you don’t need. The church right now is being separated.
The church is being separated. Friends don’t lose heart. This is good news.
The an amazing indicator of the last days.
The true church of Jesus Christ, the true believers We’ll be friends of Israel. We’ll pray for Israel.
We’ll reach out to Israel to lead Israel to Christ because Book of Romans chapter 2 beginning at verse 26 out to about verse 30 Romans chapter 2 tells us that a true Jew is someone who’s been circumcised in the heart and that we are to be people who provoke the Jews to jealousy in that we know their Messiah.
God came to this world as a Jew.
He’s coming back as a resurrected man, Jesus Christ, not only the king of in the lord of lords, but he’s Jesus Christ, king of the Jews.
His throne will be in Jerusalem. The Jewish capital.
In the nation of Israel, the Jewish state, and he will sit upon the throne of David.
An amazing Jewish musician and warrior and king. All this rhetoric you’re hearing, everybody, get pumped.
We’re in the last days. It’s gotta go this way. Listen.
If your church is not pro Israel, it’s not a church.
If your church is not pro Israel and pro reaching the Jewish people with the love of god, you’re not in a new testament church.
You’re actually a attending a fraud. It’s fraudulent. Get up, get out.
And if you have any doubts about this, Read the 7 letters to the 7 churches that Jesus gave us in the book of Revelation.
Please do that. But by all means, pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
And when you find a Jew, hug them. Tell them that you’re praying for them.
And that Jesus Christ, according to Proverbs 30, verse 4 is the son of god to the Jewish people.

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