Buried Alive – Sarah Jakes Roberts
Buried Alive X Sarah Jakes Roberts
Get ready, get ready, get ready for your your exclusive first look at Pastor Sarah’s first session at the Woman Evolve 2023 Conference.
This woman helped me overcome my depression. I started watching her videos after i’d watch my TD Jakes videos, and my life has been different ever since. My last day of therapy was yesterday. I’m in such a better place. I owe it all to God and im so happy i stumbled across her videos because watching them everyday gave me so much comfort and peace. Thank you, Jesus!
Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..
Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
Somebody feel better already.
Somebody got breakthrough already. OK. Yeah. Yeah. OK.
All right.
Ezekiel 37 verse seven.
This text for all the church girls.
They’re familiar with it. We in the Valley of Dry Bones.
If you’re not a church girl, that’s all right. We end up did you?
Most of the church girls became club girls and then we back to being church girls.
So don’t let the church. Now y’all know now y’all know some of the church girls still club girls be straddling the fence and that’s all right.
God is still working. It’s not alright or is it alright? I don’t know. I’m confused.
Can’t remember if it’s right or not. All right. It’s confusing. It’s all confusing up here.
Um ok, here we go. Ezekiel 37 and seven.
If you’re a pastor’s wife, will you wave at me?
Hey, thank you pastors, wives for being here, bringing your community and your sisters P K S wave at me.
Oh, I know y’all tired of church. Thank y’all for giving us another chance. Coming to another conference.
I see my sisters over there are standing for the reading of the word that is a thing that we do.
I want you to feel comfortable here, but we could just honor this moment.
I’m gonna try and be fast. It’s all right.
37 7, the prophet Ezekiel has been taken out into the spirit and dropped into the valley of dry bones.
He’s in this valley and the Lord is showing him things.
Verse seven is right in the middle of what God has shown him.
I’m gonna give you the cliff notes for those of you unfamiliar.
The spirit of the Lord takes him into this valley. It’s nothing but dry bones.
And God asked the prophet Ezekiel can these bones live?
And he says, Lord only, you know, he says prophesy to these bones and he prophesized as he was commanded and the bones, they get muscle and tissue and flesh comes over them.
But there is no breath in the bones.
When we enter the text in verse seven, they are what I would call the walking dead.
Their look put together, they look like they should have breath in them.
But they don’t traditionally, when I’ve heard anyone kind of preach this text, they start from the moment that they are dry bones.
But when I was studying, God told me to start from the point where they are put together, but don’t have breath because so many of us in this room are put together, but we just don’t have any breath or we’re down to our last breath, we don’t start holding our breath because we have plenty of it.
We’re holding our breath because it’s the only thing I got that’s keeping me together.
And when we find this text in verse seven, it says that Ezekiel says, so I prophesized as I was commanded and as I prophesized, there was a noise and suddenly a rattling and the bones came together, bone to bone.
Indeed. As I looked, the sins and the flesh came upon them and the skin covered them over, but there was no breath in them.
So also the Lord said to me prophesy to the breath, prophesized son of men and say to the breath.
Thus says, the Lord come from the four winds of breath and breathe on the slain that they may live.
So I prophesized as he commanded me and breath came into them and they lived and stood upon their feet in exceedingly great army.
Then he said to me, son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel.
They indeed say our bones are dry. Our hope is lost and we ourselves are cut off.
Therefore prophesy and say to them. Thus says, the Lord God behold all my people.
I will open your graves and cause you to come up from your graves and bring you into the land of Israel.
Then you shall know that I am the Lord.
When I have opened your graves, all my people and brought you up from your graves.
I will put my spirit in you and you shall live and I will place you in your own land.
I got territory set aside just for you. You’re not just gonna live, but I’m gonna position you.
It’s one thing to live, but you’re not gonna live lost.
I’m gonna take you into your own land and then you shall know that I Lord have spoken it and performed it.
I’m not just a God who speaks, I perform. I can back up anything.
I say, I’ll put my money where my mouth is, I’ll put my power where my mouth is.
If God says it, he’s gonna perform it.
Spirit of the living God woman evolve is an idea that started in your mind.
And what an honor it is to be a part of Him.
God, I spent all last year and some of this year thinking I’d never see these women again that maybe somewhere along the way, the need wouldn’t exist anymore.
God, but you are so faithful that you kept this thing alive. God.
And now we stand and we wait to hear what you have to say.
God, I turn myself over to you and I say, have your way. Bless this word.
God is only you can do. Let it touch every woman connected to this experience.
33 countries, God let your word go forth in 33 countries. 10,000 women.
God let your word meet each and every last one of them gathered in churches to receive this experience.
God let your word touch each and every last one of them to the extent that lives would be changed, touched and transformed.
God. I pray for the spirit of wisdom, of prophecy, of power and authority.
Bless me, God that I may stay in one ft in heaven and the other foot in the potter’s house, Dallas prophesying as you say, pouring as you pour.
Bless this moment, bless this conference. Bless our time together. God in Jesus name.
I pray amen and men.
And now y’all can sit down, you can stood and sit down, stood and sit down if you’re watching online, I hope you typed Amen in the comments because you know, if you don’t put amen in the comments that this like the prayer never happened.
It’s like I have to tell you this story.
I went to um one of those like chain wax places a few years ago when I first moved to Los Angeles and I went, I went this one time and you know, it was one of my sisters, a little black girl there and she was waxing me up and she was like looking at me funny and um you know, I didn’t know why she was looking at me funny, but she was looking at me funny and then she gets down to wax in the areas and um she looks up from the areas and goes that’s where I know you from.
And I was like, don’t do me, you don’t know me?
Don’t, that’s not, you don’t, don’t try me cause OK, don’t do that.
She was like, I see your videos on youtube.
I was like, oh thank you Jesus the blood covers because I didn’t know what she was talking about.
So I was like, OK, as much as I love the delegation, like I don’t wanna necessarily, you know, because and then, and that’s not, you know, and so I said, I’m gonna go to the whitest part of town.
I can go on and pray they didn’t see girl get up because so I went to this side of town and I found me a white girl and hey, white girls, thank y’all for coming to this mostly black event.
We love y’all. Come on Latinas. Thank y’all for coming. We always go to y’all stuff.
Y’all come to our stuff. It’s almost like this is what heaven gonna look like.
We thank y’all feel comfortable here. OK? Um Listen, no, I do.
I love to see when my white sisters come because I’m like we sisters and we ought to be able to experience each other’s cultures.
I’m at the wax place with the white girl and she getting ready to wax me and then she asked me what ethnicity are you?
And I’m like black. I didn’t want to get into the whole racism and social construct.
It was just like a limited time and I was like, I’m black, black.
Like, do I look like something else? I’m black. OK.
And uh she was like, yeah, but like, you know, where did you, like, originate from?
And I was like Charleston, West Virginia girl, I’m black. What are we, what are we doing?
Why can’t I just get a wax when I go places? OK.
And then she was like, OK, but like, have you ever done ancestry?
Because I’ve heard Nigerians have a tighter curl pattern and like she is, yes. Come on Nigerians, right?
Ancestry dot com, right? So, um so I was like, let me go and do my ancestry test because I can’t have a white girl telling me more about how black I am than I know that I’m black.
So I wanna have an answer next time somebody asked me about how black I am.
I wanna know where my black came from.
And so I went on ancestry dot com and they told me that, you know, I’m mostly Nigerian.
Bishop Jakes is here. Can we honor Bishop Jakes?
He’s a, hey daddy, my mama is here too.
I think I’m just glad she’s here because she said she was hosting a conference called Bob this weekend.
I like to call her Sarah senior.
Um All right, just one more pasta to is here too because that’s my man right here.
OK. Y’all stay focused. I’m trying to preach every time I get started.
Y’all start and that’s not what we’re here for.
Um So I go to ancestry dot com and I find out that most of my Nigerian thanks to Bishop Jake’s like, I’m like 70% you know, which, that’s a lot.
I’m, I just so, you know. Yes.
Um And so now that I started like googling more about my ancestry and where I came from, there are certain features that I can identify as Ibos, certain like body builds where I guess I’m like, they’re probably Nigerian.
Like me. It was so interesting to me though, because until I had an awareness of where I’d come from, I couldn’t identify things from that native country.
As a black woman in America, we were exiled from our ancestry.
And for some reason, I believe that my history began where the exile occurred.
And it wasn’t until I did the work to understand my ancestry that I realized that my history began long before the exile occurred.
So there are certain things that I see as uniquely IBO uniquely Nigerian that I can identify now.
And I feel more connected to that native country, even though I experienced a period of being exiled.
That was interesting to me in the landscape of this conference and this experience because I felt like so many of us understand what it’s like to be exiled, exiled as having been expelled and barred from one’s native country.
The thing about being exiled like I experienced is that if you’re exiled long enough, you’ll forget what life was like before you begin living in a foreign land.
Some of us in this room have been exiled away from our native land.
I’m not talking about our ethnicity.
Now I’m talking about us being exiled to the foreign land of grief to the foreign land of depression, the foreign land of worry, the foreign land of doubt and sometimes it starts off foreign, but eventually it becomes our norm.
I’m just kind of getting used to walking around broken.
I’m just kind of used to walking around with no expectations anymore.
If you’ve been exiled long enough, you’ll start to give up on what life was like before I got barred from joy before I got barred from peace.
Some of us it’s not like we can just access joy.
I feel barred from it, feel barred from hope, barred from confidence.
There are some circumstances that take place in our life that are so devastating that we feel exiled.
And I was thinking about this in the context of what’s happening in the text because these Children of he the Hebrew Children, the Israel’s in this text have been exiled from their land.
And spiritually, they are beginning to take on the characteristics of the foreign land that they’re living in.
They’re hopeless, their bones are dry, they feel cut off and they have forgotten, maybe like some of you in this room that your spirit has a native country.
And Jeremiah one and five, it says before I formed you in your mother’s womb.
Let’s do King James. Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee.
You live somewhere else before you were formed in your mother’s womb.
I’m putting you in your mother’s womb. But technically, your mother’s womb should be foreign to you.
Because before I placed you in your mother’s womb, you were from somewhere else. I knew you in heaven.
I knew you in the spiritual realm.
I understood and connected with you on a level that humanity can’t even connect with before I formed the in your mother’s belly, I knew you that word, it’s an intimacy.
We were one with God. My spirit used to be one with God.
There was no separation between me nor God.
I was so intimate with God that I took on the attributes of God.
I was holy because I was connected to holiness. I was whole because I was connected to wholeness.
I had peace because I was connected to peace.
I had love because I was connected to love before I even touched down in this earth.
Before I even took my first breath. I was connected to the holiness of God.
Put it on the screen for me before I formed the in the belly, I knew thee.
And before that came his fourth out of the womb, I sanctified thee that word sanctified means I made you holy and I ordained a prophet unto the nations.
And I gave you something to say. I put words in your mouth.
Come on, can we rest on that for a minute?
I know it’s hard to remember what it was like before you were exiled from heaven.
But I want you to know that even though we are no longer tapped into heaven, the way we were before we were formed in our mother’s womb that we still have access to that native country.
And if you don’t believe that you still have access, then this conference is just is gonna be something cute for you and you’re gonna go home the same way that you came.
But if you can remember that I did not start from the place where I was exiled.
I started from a place that you cannot see. That means heaven’s got a house with my name on it.
Heaven knew exactly where I was gonna be in this season in my life.
Because before I came here, heaven laid out the road map.
Heaven gave me enough spirit for the life ahead of me.
Heaven gave me enough strength for the life ahead of me. Heaven knew me. Heaven is saying my name.
Heaven understood why I needed to be in this room because heaven knew that it was saying my name something in this room was gonna echo and it was gonna remind me of where I’ve come from.
You see, somebody came to a conference but somebody else came because they heard something that sounds like their native language.
It sounds like you speak heaven. The way that I understand heaven, it sounds like you speak God.
The way that I understand God, it sounds like you speak Deliverance.
And I’m trying to get back to my native land.
It would be one thing if I was OK being exile, but I came all the way to Dallas.
I’m logged on at work because I’m trying to get back to my native land.
I don’t believe what this hell is trying to say about me. I don’t believe what this circumstance.
I’m trying to step over my situation and step back to the place where heaven formed me.
I’m trying to get back connected to holiness.
I’m trying to get back connected to who I was before I touched down here because who I was there had enough power for here.
God, I wish I could say it the way that I feel it.
If I can get a revelation about who I was before they left me.
If I could get a revelation about who I was before my daddy walked away from me.
If I could get a revelation about who I was before I lost the job.
See all of this is human stuff and I didn’t start in human stuff. I started in the spirit.
I started with a God that is greater than anything you can understand.
And the problem is that hell is trying to push me back down. But I remember where I came from.
Don’t you forget where you came from? Don’t forget where you came from. You are not of this earth.
You are a God daughter of the most high God before God formed you in your mother’s womb.
He New Year. He said, I know Tanya.
I know Sarah, I know Cora and I’m only sending her down because she’s ready. God didn’t make you.
He didn’t give you just a little bit to work with.
I’m gonna give her everything she needs for the road ahead of her.
And I’m not gonna release you from heaven until you got enough power for the journey.
You don’t understand. But that’s alright.
I only need a few of us to understand you feel like you’re running out of breath.
God said impossible because before I formed you in your mother’s womb, I put enough breath in you for the life ahead of you.
You think you’re running out of strength?
I came to tell you it’s impossible because before I formed you in your mother’s womb, I knew you and I didn’t put you in this earth with just enough to get you halfway there.
We ain’t doing no half stepping. Who came all of this way to do some half stepping.
If I’m gonna step in this world, if I’m gonna step in this earth.
I’m gonna step in it with all of heaven’s resources backing me up. I wish a half step in.
Somebody would run up on a woman evolve conference.
What you think this is, I will push you back into the fullness of who God called you to be.
You’re not running out of breath.
As a matter of fact, you’re about to dig deeper.
I hear God saying you gotta exhale because when you exhale, you can inhale.
See you holding on to that breath. And God says, I wish you would let it go.
I wish you would just cry. The ugly cry. I wish you would just say that you’re broken.
I wish you would just say that you’re worried because if you and finally let that thing go, I can show you what else I put down in you.
You think we serve a God of one breath.
God said I will multiply the He’s not just multiplying your money. He’s not just multiplying your friends.
He’s multiplying your breath. If you bad, I dare you to take a breath.
If you bold, I dare you to take a breath.
If you really bad about it, I dare you to take a breath.
Because if you take a breath, heaven says I’m gonna show you you got more in you than you think I’m gonna show you what I knew when I formed you in your mother’s womb.
I made you hold it. You are not a broken little girl. You are not so lovable.
You are not someone who cannot be held down. I was holding you down before your mother ever held you.
I gotta get back to Holy, I gotta get back to glory.
God. Increase my thoughts. God increased my mind. God change my focus.
I’m focused on what’s happening here, but you’re focused on what’s happening there.
And God, if you’re not gonna change here, then pull me up to there. I’m trying to get a revelation.
I’m trying to get breakthrough. And this breakthrough I can’t get right here.
Pull them up, pull em up, pull them up, pull them up, pull them up, pull them up, pull them up, pull them up, pull them up, pull them up, pull them up, pull them up, pull them up, pull them up.
We got fire. We got fire, the spirit.
Holy spirit, holy spirit, pull them up.
Holy Spirit, pull them up up, out of that depression, up, out of that despair up out of that boring old life they live in, pull them up, pull them up, bring them back to life.
Awake my soul. Help me to see why I’m here again.
Pull them up, pull them up, pull them up.
God, pull them, pull me up, pull me up, pull me up, pull me up, pull me up, pull me up.
I feel like having fun. Pull me up, pull me up, pull me up, pull me up, pull me up, pull me up, God, pull me up, out of this God.
I’m depressed. Pull me up out of this God. I’m broken. Pull me up out of this God.
I don’t have resources but my God has infinite resources. There’s a disconnect here. I’m the one disconnected.
Pull me up to the way you think.
Pull me up to the way you pray, pull me up to the way you do miracles.
Pull me up until hell doesn’t just get nervous, but gives up and goes back and picks on somebody else who don’t have a revelation.
Hell being nervous is over. Hell got to back up off of me.
You then call me up, throw me out, gotta get back to my native country.
I’m not of this world. I didn’t start here. I started with God.
You didn’t start here. You started with God.
Your life did not begin when the divorce happened. Your life did not begin when the abortion occurred.
Your life did not begin when the addiction happened, nor did it end?
That didn’t have anything to do with what who God is. God says.
I’m holy enough to be with you when you’re in addiction and I’m still holy enough to be with you when you’re in ministry.
And if you get a revelation of my holiness, then you’ll start tapping into holiness and get out of your feelings and get out of your past and get out of your emotions and you’ll step into my holiness and you’ll say God, I wanna be sanctified again.
God, can you make me holy again?
Remove anything in me that’s making me dirty when you’ve called me to be pure.
And I hear God saying, I don’t care how, how dirty you’ve been.
I can still sanctify you because I’m just that holy, I’m holy enough to be in Dallas and holy enough to be in Africa.
I’m holy enough to be in Dallas and holy enough to be in your house.
I’m holy enough to be in your finances and holy enough to be in your mind.
I’m holier than you’ve ever seen before.
Holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy.
You lack nothing holy, holy, holy. You got everything you need. Holy, holy, holy. Do you know who I am?
You forgot how holy I am. I am not your father. I am not your mother.
I am not your mother. I am not your friend, Jesus is not your boyfriend.
You serve a Holy God.
I’ll clean you right up.
I’m holy enough to comfort your grief and in their pain, you don’t have to worry about what will happen if it doesn’t go the way you want it to because God is holy enough to see you through whatever it is.
I got wisdom I got inside.
I got power for my job is to become sanctified.
Again, I’m not asking you to be something you’ve never been before.
God says I wouldn’t call you to it if I didn’t already put it in you before I formed you in your mother’s womb.
I knew you. I sanctified you. Not, I was going to sanctify you. Not, I had plans.
You were holy before you got in your mother’s womb.
No wonder the serpent’s intention in Genesis three is to make us question God’s intentions.
Because if I can get you to question God’s intentions, then you will question the holiness of God.
And you’ll think that God is trying to keep something from you.
But when you have a revelation about God’s holiness, you’ll know that if God is keeping it from me, then it must, it’s not gonna harm me.
It must not mean well, Bobby, and in my text, this moment has taken place.
If you read Ezekiel 36 because God says my holiness is on the line.
Somebody came into this room and they think it’s about their circumstance.
They think it’s about their situation. But the truth is I’m questioning God’s holiness.
God, I don’t know if I’m honest that you know what you’re doing, right?
OK. I don’t know if you know what you’re doing because if you knew what you were doing, certainly, why would you allow this pain, this grief, this disease.
So you took your breath back and you took your worship back and you took your trust back and you took your faith back because I lost faith in God’s holiness.
God, how can my marriage be in trouble?
I’m gonna take my, I’m gonna take my faith back.
I’m gonna hold on to it.
Mm Because when I gave it to you, you, you kind of disappointed me when I gave it to you, it didn’t go the way that I thought it should.
So I’m gonna just take that back when we find Israel in the text.
They started serving other guys.
They probably didn’t know it fully because they probably still had God somewhere in the mix.
But they started serving because you don’t just take your trust back from God.
You place it in something else. I took my trust from God.
Now I’m gonna trust my Brokenness because my Brokenness says I can’t trust God.
So it’s not like you just move your faith from God. You just switched it to another pot.
Now I’m gonna have faith in my own decisions. I’m gonna have faith in my own plans.
I’m gonna have faith in other people.
I’m gonna have faith that someone else will fix me because when I gave it to God, he didn’t perform the way I thought he should perform.
But Israel has spent 70 years now exiled from the land that God gave them.
And because they have spent 70 years here, exiled from this land, they’re now in a dilemma because their bones are dry.
This text buried alive. What I’m calling this message.
This is what happens to us when we find ourselves in predicaments where we are alive.
But we feel buried by what has exiled us.
Does anybody in this room buried alive? I’m alive. But I’m buried.
I’m buried in uncertainty. I wouldn’t even call it depression. I wouldn’t call it grief.
I’m just buried and I don’t even know why I’m here and I can’t see beyond that any longer.
Israel is buried alive.
And I wanted to study three things about what happens to us when we’re buried alive.
What happens to us when we’re down to our last breath.
Israel says it for us, but I wanna break it down in Ezekiel 37.
It says that they said that their bones were dry.
So he gives the revelation that this is Israel and he says to them, our bones, the Israel says our bones are dry.
Let’s talk about that for a second.
If you’re taking notes, if you’re looking for three signs, you’re down to your last breath.
Number one, your bones are dry. Somebody says, sis I put on lotion.
I don’t know what you’re talking about. You lost me.
These bones are not dry, put on Vaseline just like my grandmother told me that word bones.
It it means substance. I don’t have any substance anymore.
If faith is the substance of things hoped for and my substance has ran dry when your bones are dry.
It means I don’t even know what I’m made of anymore.
I don’t even know who I am anymore. That’s what it feels like when your bones are dry.
My substance is dried up. Number two says that our hope is lost. I love that.
It says the hope is lost.
It didn’t say hope is gone because hope being lost means that I have it one day.
I don’t have it. The next, that word loss literally means wondering.
So I don’t have any substance. One day, I have hope the next day I don’t.
And then it says you’re cut off.
That means that where I was once standing tall, I’m now cut off.
Maybe it’s not in my career. Maybe it’s in my relationship. Maybe it’s not in my relationship.
It’s in my career. Maybe it’s my faith. My faith feels cut off. I experienced church hurt.
I wasn’t able to get over why God didn’t deliver the way that I thought that he would.
And so I have been cut off. This is where Israel is when we find them in the text.
And he says to the prophet Ezekiel that this is exactly where they are.
But I have an assignment that’s gonna bring them back to life.
When God gets ready to restore Israel, he gives a prophet a vision.
So while Israel feels cut off, there’s a prophet that sees them alive.
While Israel feels like they have no more hope there’s a prophet somewhere that sees them alive.
So you have to understand what’s happening behind the scenes of the text, behind the scenes of the text, Israel is down to their last breath.
But on the other side of the text, God is given a word saying exhale because I want them to come to a place where they feel like they’re out of breath.
But the moment that you begin speaking, breath is going to come back to them.
I’m not even talking about Ezekiel anymore. I’m talking about what’s happening at the woman evolve experience.
God says I’m gonna give them just enough breath to get in the room because when they get in the room, I need you to see them alive.
I need you to see them functioning, got their highest version of themselves. I need you to see them powerful.
I need you to see them holy ghost field. I need you to see them stronger than they’ve ever been.
God gave me a vision that somebody was gonna be connected to this experience and because they were connected to this experience, that breath was gonna come back to the number of God.
The breath of God is coming back. That word, it means spirit.
He says that they, they’re alive but they don’t have breath, they’re buried alive.
But my, my breath, my spirit is coming to them.
They don’t know it yet, but the spirit is on the way. They don’t know it yet.
But they just took a breath of my spirit.
They were worshiping, but they thought they was just singing a song.
They didn’t realize that my breath was coming back to them.
And the prophet Ezekiel says, he says, command the wind, let’s go.
He says, prophesy to the breath, I prophesy to your breath in the name of Jesus.
I prophesized to the breath that God breathed in you when he formed you in your mother’s womb, I prophesized to that breath he put in Adam.
And then into Eve I prophesy to your breath in Africa, I prophesy to your breath in India, I prophesy to your breath in Australia.
And because you don’t believe that the breath can come from you.
God says, I’m gonna send the four winds from the earth because the breath isn’t even in you.
It’s outside of you and the wind is gonna blow.
And when the wind blows, you better catch the breath when the wind blows.
I hear God saying that’s coming from the north, the south, the east and the west, the north, the south, the east and the west, the north, the south, the east and the west, south make some noise in this place.
East coast make some noise in this place. North make some noise in this place.
West coast, where are you at? The north? The south, the east and the west.
Somebody brought some wind with them. Did anybody pack a little wind. I know you packed your eyelashes.
But did anybody pack a little wind? That word wind means a violent exhale.
It means the kind of exhale that blows depression out of the way this breath isn’t coming from in.
You stop trying to dig down. I hear God saying the breath is coming from around you.
The north, the south and the east and the west.
Man, the wind to come into your body In the name of Jesus, I command the wind to come into your situation.
In the name of Jesus, the wind, the wind, the wind, the wind, the wind, the wind, the wind, the wind, my breath is coming from the wind.
My strength is coming from the wind. I hear a sound. I hear a sound.
I hear a sound like a mighty Russian, a mighty Russian, a mighty Russian wind. I hear the sound.
The wind is coming for cancer.
The wind is coming for depression. This wind is not coming from in you.
You’re in the right place at the right time sitting by the next woman and you better secure your win.
Because I have a feeling that before these 48 hours are up that there’s gonna be a wind blowing in this place.
Did anybody come to experience the wind?
I hear God saying you could get the wind going right now that your worship is a sign to the wind.
That your praise is a sign to the wind. Yeah.
He says who brought their wins?
Who brought their wind? If you breathe it out, it’ll get violent. That word wind means violent exhale.
That violent exhale means that that wind is coming to go to war.
It means that wind is coming to come up against every weapon that has been formed against you.
That wind is coming for your Brokenness. That wind is coming for your anger.
That wind is coming for your joy. That wind is coming for your pieces. Period.
The wind carries things with it.
The wind carries things with it and anything that God didn’t send is gonna get swept away in the wind.
And when the dust settles, there’s not gonna be any doubt that the wind was in this room.
And I wish I had about two crazy people who wouldn’t mind lifting up their wind, who wouldn’t mind lifting up their voices?
Exhale, exhale, exhale, exhale, exhale, exhale, I’m out of breath.
But I got a little wind. I’m barely here, but I got a little wind.
If you take your little wind and I take my little wind, then maybe the wind of all winds, maybe the great I am.
Maybe the Holy Spirit wind will take this little bit of wind that we got left and blow it in the direction of our circumstances.
God throw your weight around. How is God gonna throw his weight around?
The wind is gonna throw his weight around?
I’m gonna be in this room one day, I’m gonna be in Africa the next day, I’m gonna throw my way.
It’s happening right now. The wind, the wind, the wind, the wind, the wind, the wind, the wind that God says to Israel, I’m gonna open your grave.
I’m gonna open your grave.
You can’t open this grave by yourself.
There are some graves that you cannot open by yourself and that’s why you’ve been struggling to get out and that’s why you’ve been struggling to find.
How do I make my way out of this situation?
God says, you’re gonna need the wind for this.
I’m gonna open your grave and I’m gonna cause you to come out of your grave.
That word yours is possession.
You’ve gotten so comfortable in that grave that if I don’t call you cause you to come out of it, I could open the grave and you would still stay in it, open your grave and I’m gonna cause you to come out of it, garden the grave can’t keep you that grave that’s holding what’s trying to die on the inside of you.
God says I’ll open your grave if you’ll trust me, if you’ll believe me, if you’ll have just a little bit of faith, I’ll open, I open your grave.
You’re buried, but you’re still alive, you’re buried, but you’re still here.
I hear God saying I am the God of your grave and I’ll open your grave and I’ll give you the strength to come out of it.
You were not dead. Your spirit is still alive. Your hope is still alive.
Your miracle is still alive. God’s love is still alive on the inside of you.
Come out of your grave, come out of those grave clothes. It is not time for a funeral.
You still have life left to live. You still have joy yet to tap in.
Come out of your grave, Have joy again. I dare you to laugh. I dare you to have peace again.
I dare you to come out of your grave so that God can put his spirit in you.
Does anybody want to receive God’s spirit?
I’m gonna pray with you.
You’re in this room and you want the grave to let you go.
Somebody’s experience something devastating lethal.
She’s trying to kill my marriage, trying to kill my family. I’m addicted.
I’m strung out. I can’t tell the truth.
If you paid me, I can’t get this Brokenness off of me.
I can’t see myself the way other people see me and I keep sabotaging even my relationship with God.
This thing is trying to kill you. It’s not cute. It’s not something that you’re just gonna live with.
I don’t care how many women in your circle are coping with it.
God is calling you out of that grave and if you’re gonna wait for any woman to come with you, you may be in that grave one minute longer than you’re supposed to be in there.
Somebody’s gonna have to come out of that grave.
If they’re the only one to do it, I may have to leave my mother in that grave.
I may have to leave my friends in that grave, but I am not gonna keep living this way.
I’m not gonna keep questioning my worth. I’m not gonna keep putting myself on clears.
God is calling me out of this grave. He’s calling me out of depression. He’s calling me out of Brokenness.
He’s calling those drugs out of my vein. He’s pulling me out of despair.
God is calling me out of that grave.
If that’s you, I want you to step out of your seat and rush down to this altar.
If you’re watching online, I want you to step out of where you are.
Just take one step, you’re in the office, take one step away from your desk.
I want you to come out of your grave. Come out of your grave.
God is calling you out of your grave, out of your grave.
I want I went out of this grave.
I went out of this grave. This grave is trying to take me out.
This grave is trying to change my name.
This grave is trying to make me believe that I’m not worthy is trying to kill me.
This grave is trying to kill me. It’s trying to bury me alive that I would be alive.
But not really be present that I would be alive, but not really be awake.
I’m buried alive. I’m here but I’m not here.
I won out.
I went out, I went out, I want that I want to be delivered.
I wanna be sanctified. I wanna experience holiness. Yes. Me, me with the abortion.
I want holiness, me with all of the lovers.
I want holiness, me with the wounds, me with the divorce.
Yeah, I want out God, I want to come out of this grave, this place that has become comfortable to me.
I don’t know what life is like outside of this grave.
I was born in a grave.
Generations of women in my family battling the same thing over and over again.
Somebody said I never stood a chance.
God says you didn’t start with those women in your family. You started with me.
You didn’t start in that city. You started with me. You didn’t start in that relationship.
You started with me and it ain’t over until God says that it’s over.
You might have to fight this thing.
I’m not even gonna lie to you.
I’m not gonna tell you that God is just gonna pull that thing up off of you for somebody that may happen.
But that’s not everybody’s testimony. Some of us have to face off with the grave.
Some of us have to fight some battles that we don’t wanna be in.
Some of us have to sign up for some wars that we would rather not be in.
But you don’t do it with your own strength. You will end up in a grave.
If you try to fight it with your own strength, you will be tired if you fight it with your own strength.
But if you say God, you allow this thing to happen in my life and I don’t have strength to face it.
So God, I’m gonna need you to cause me to come out of the grave.
I was reading this text and I couldn’t help but wonder God, why didn’t you just pull them?
Why didn’t you just move your God? Why you got to open the grave?
That’s too many steps for you personally. I have to do that. But why do you have to do that?
Because Israel is going to end up in a grave again.
But they need to know that the grave has an opening that the grave isn’t sealed shut.
And if I just pull them out the next time they end up in a grave, they’ll forget that this grave has an opening.
So even when I’m in the grave, I’m in the grave with expectation that this thing has an opening.
This is not gonna be the death of me. My life is not gonna end here.
My memory, my life see will not end here. This grave. Your grave has an opening.
It’s gonna suck for a little bit. It’s gonna be dark for a minute.
But my God is gonna be a light unto my path.
He’s gonna be a lamp unto my feet and he’s gonna help me see in the middle of the grave and you’re here in this room and all God wants is access to your grave.
And faith is the only response that you can give to him just a little bit of faith that God will pull you out of the grave.
Guys, we’ve seen some graves, not just over the last two years, over our lifetime, buried alive over and over again, every time I thought my head was coming out of the water, got just six ft under again.
Gus says I can open that grave, but you gotta give me access and you have to break covenant with your grave.
You gotta wanna come out of it. It’s your grave.
But when you say this grave don’t belong to me anymore.
This grave was sent by hell and because this grave was sent by hell, I don’t want anything to do with it.
So God, any time you’re ready to come open this thing, I’m ready to come out of it.
Any time you’re ready to pull me up out of it.
I’m ready to do the work to climb out of it.
I want you to lift your hands and worship in this place.
Want us to begin to allow God access access to those graves.
God, God only, you know the graves in this room, God only, you know, the pain, only, you know, the Brokenness only, you know, the despair.
And God, we offer ourselves as a living sacrifice.
God, you called us, holy God. You sanctified us before we were in our mother’s womb.
God, that’s what you did. And so when I offer myself as a living sacrifice, it’s because I want anything that’s in me that doesn’t look like what you sanctified to be burnt off.
And God, I know that that includes the grave. I want this grave to get up off of me.
I smell like dead stuff. I smell like bitterness.
I smell like Brokenness and I don’t want it in me any longer.
I don’t want it in me any longer. God, pull her out of her grave.
God pull her out of her grave.
God, pull this woman out of her grave, help her to come to a place God.
I want to get to each and every last one of you.
Sorry God, I want out, let your spirit fall, resurrect and power.
God in the grave, resurrecting power in the grave. God.
We open our spirits to you God and we acknowledge your holiness.
There is no one like you in all the earth God, we’ve tried, we’ve searched and we came up empty God and we make room for you in this tomb.
Recognizing that your desire is to pull us out and to allow us to experience your glory and your presence in a fresh way.
God thank you for this time to be reminded of why we were sanctified for this time, of being reminded of why you chose us.
Spirit of the living God fall fresh in the lives of my sisters fall fresh in their souls.
God, God, let your wind blow in this room. Let your wind fill this place as only it can.
From the north, the south, the east and the west, let it blow through the technology.
Let it touch Halima God, let it touch all of the Hamas who we didn’t even get a chance to meet God.
Let your wind blow in this place. Let there be fresh power and fresh fire. Let your holy ghost fall.
God. We speak to every ted thing and we cause it to be resurrected in the name of Jesus.
You are not what you’ve gone through. You are not who your mother said you are.
You are not who your father said you are.
You are a daughter of the most high God and who the son has set free. My God. You’re free.
Indeed God. I thank you for what you’ve decided to do in this place.
Let there be breakthrough God in her belly and her belly.
Let there be rivers of living water flowing like never before God.
And we speak power and we speak authority and we speak impart, let the rivers flow, let it flow.
Let it flow, let it flow.
Let know where fall and the name of the street.
Just a lot of thank you.
Spirit of the living.
We decree and declare this is your daughter and death cannot have her Brokenness will not have the last say God, I thank you that you’ve already doing the work done on the end.
Make it whole, make it whole. I bind you saying I rebuke you in the name of Jesus.
We speak wholeness, we speak breakthrough.
We speak power God, rivers, rivers, rivers, rivers of living water, let it float of her mouth until she prophesies until the dry bones come back to life.
I’ve been wanting to get you for, you know, hi, this is the fight and part God and we think that is already done that we got victory in this place that this will not have the last say.
- Day 217 of 365! God Bless you!Tháng tám 5, 2023