Breaking The Chains Of Sin – Jack Hibbs

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Breaking The Chains Of Sin –  Jack Hibbs

Each of us has been sold into sin. We are slaves to the sinful nature that causes us to make destructive and rebellious choices. But God has made a way to break the chains that hold us in captivity. Learn to live a life of freedom as Pastor Jack teaches about the power of Jesus to break the chains of sin in your life.

well did you know that as a follower of Jesus and I I want to use that accurately and and with affection mind you a lot of people today will claim that they’re Christians but the real proof is are they a follower of Jesus now that doesn’t mean we’re going to be perfect you and I cannot be perfect we cannot live a life that is perfect and morally uh stellar and spiritually um so constantly miraculous no no no no listen you and I wake up to the realization that as a follower of Jesus one of the great struggles is that we now realize

there’s two people living inside of us there’s the old Jack or the old you who used to be but still makes visits in our minds or in our fleshly appetites but thank God there’s the new you there’s the new Jack that wants to live for God that wants to do what God wants to have done in our lives that’s a very brief description of what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ there’s two of you living inside of this life of yours now that you’re a Believer see listen when you’re not a follower of Christ

there’s only you but when you realize the gospel that for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that you are the whosoever would believe in him would not perish but have everlasting life God is announcing to you this good news that he wants to give you a new life when you wake up to that realization something happens to you you actually take God at his word and you want to follow him you realize that he is waiting right now to forgive you of your sins and to love you into the kingdom of God and so when that happens

there is now the existence of your past that still talks to you and now there’s the presence of the future that beckons you forward and there’s this wonderful struggle that takes place so in our study today we are going to be looking at what really should result in you discovering are you truly a follower of Jesus and so waking up to the realization that we’ve been sold into sin is quite a shock but it’s true we have been sold into sin in fact when we wake up to God’s salvation we realize

that our whole life has been spent on trying to fill the Gap and the void of things missing in our lives so listen grab your Bibles get a notebook out piece of paper take some notes let’s dive in to see what God has to say to us about really being free [Music] keep this in mind three things I’ll enumerate them in a second everybody get this down remember some Scholars say Paul is talking about the man who’s not born again yet this is a carnal individual not a Christian I disagree some some will say no he’s

actually talking about somebody who is a Christian but living a carnal life I disagree I actually believe that Paul the Apostle is talking about a Christian revealing to us the great struggle listen of a mature believer’s life this is the word of a man of God who is honest enough and transparent enough to tell you this is what it’s like to live a life that is torn between two wills and it’s the born again you it’s the new you fighting with the old you there’s the new Jack that’s pull that’s

pulling and being pulled by the Holy Spirit and sometimes I agree with them and then there’s the old Jack that is being pulled by the Flesh and the world of Satan and sometimes I agree with him and I’m torn between two I submit to you today that only a mature believer can acknowledge that Discovery think about it it’s brilliant three things let God’s law be your judge we learned that in verse 13 let God’s law judge you stop listening to people people and don’t let someone or something judge you nothing

but God’s word let God’s word be your judge by the way if you let God’s word be your judge you’ll never be condemned think of that man will condemn you Satan will condemn you your psychology will condemn you God’s word will never do that God’s law will always point you to the Cross always secondly we saw that God’s love will be your Assurance I like this God’s love will be your Assurance you don’t need the approval of anybody so long as you have the approval of God do you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that

God loves you and do you know that he has forgiven you of your sins that gives you an assurance that cannot be in any way separated from you listen there’s nothing in this world economy that can separate you from the love of God the Bible tells us not even a balloon not even a bomb no terrorist no imprisonment nothing because our God is everywhere and remember he’s promised to dwell in you which we looked at the third thing let God’s light be your guide remember did I do it in this service did I shine that highbeam light

right now in this room we have ambient lighting that is um ambient or atmospheric lighting it’s it’s disorganized light you’re not thinking about that but it’s very disorganized which serves the purpose it’s just filling the room it’s it’s just here and it’s very very uh non-directed light but I held that beam up to you last week and shined it right on your face what was happening a very very powerful beam was being generated to be delivered right at your uh pinpoint seat location and um what what that means is

it was no longer ambient lighting it was direct lighting it would be like if I held a laser out to you where that could have done damage that light was bright that I had but just super defined lighting and frequency and directional power would be like a laser and you could put it right on your chest or right on your forehead what’s going on all of that light has been controlled and brought down to a a point and you can be in a church service just like this right now and the truth is going out and you’re

here but then God moves sovereignly we don’t know how and when it happens in your life and all of a sudden you sense as though God is pointing you out and calling you right out of the audience it’s it’s as though God is pointing to you there can be a room of thousands of people and all of a sudden you feel like you’re the only one in the room that’s God shining that light and he’s taking what is common and bringing it into your life to make it relatable to you and that’s when he begins to stoke life Romans 7:14 says

for we we know that the law is spiritual but I’m carnal sold under sin you got to Mark those words those words I’m bound to sin you and I I don’t mean bound like I have to I mean I’m tied to it I was born this way if anybody ever has an excuse sorry I was born this way it’s you and I being Sinners isn’t it funny people always I was born this way or you were born that way and then you really tell the truth about it the truth is we’re all born Sinners and people will get all upset at

you for telling the truth the Bible says David said I was conceived in sin that doesn’t mean David’s mom was goofing around or something it means that the you and I are sinners we listen we naturally think thoughts that are not pleasing to God and you just have to you just you and I have to own that it’s real um babies lie they steal they’re cute as a button but they’ll rob you blind they’ll eat every cookie if they could reach the drawer they’ they’d eat every cookie there is they lie to you thank God they have

horrible motor skills because they get so angry instantly can you imagine if there was a can you imagine if your baby had a gun in his diaper you know how they’re like they’re happing crazy and the next moment they’re grinding their gums and they’re about ready to attack you can you imagine if they had a 45 in their underwear that’d be a that’d be a bad day man they put they’d shoot you and then they’d cry about oh Mommy they’re emotionally crazy why because we’re sold into sin

we’re humans but we’ve received that what I said last week was sin n positive condition from Adam and Eve and then you guys all got real quiet when I said and also STD and people went what spiritually transmitted disease it’s called sin and the Bible says that God’s law point that out like a beam of light and begins to speak to us Galatians 5:24 said and those who are Christ notice possessive those who Christ owns have crucified the flesh with its passions and its desires what does that mean by the way it’s in the continuous

it’s very interesting we’re owned by Christ past tense I belong to him but I currently have to Crucify My Flesh because it keeps popping its head up I want to live for God and the moment I embark upon that my mind goes off into the weed somewhere or my flesh has some dumb idea and I’ve got a war going on inside of me and if again if you’re not a real Christian you don’t even know what I’m talking about you may be very religious but you don’t know what I’m talking about I can honestly tell

you that I don’t hate anybody but if there’s somebody I dislike the most on this planet you’re you’re looking at him I am my problem whenever I’ve made a dumb decision did a dumb thing it was me wasn’t it you and when you face that there’s freedom because that truth shines in you and it drives you to Jesus and you say Lord forgive me I ask you to forgive me we’ve been deceived by sin listen Satan’s smart number one as a Christian listen Christian your name is written down in heaven you’re going to heaven

Christian Satan lost you isn’t that a beautiful thought he lost you you’ve been plucked as it were a black some black you you think about some black uh Pebble as it were some little black rock in Satan’s Crown Christ plucks you from Satan’s crown and he’s washes you in his blood and you turn out to be an incredible gem you’ve been listen the salvation of Christ has captured you and delivered you out of Satan’s Realm Of Glory but just because he lost you doesn’t mean he gives up and


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