Antichrist – Coming Of The Lawless One
Antichrist – Coming Of The Lawless One
In a world filled with division, wars, and rumors of wars, the Antichrist’s promise of peace will secure the affection of the masses. But that peace will be short-lived, and he will then reveal his true colors as a demonic, destructive tyrant.
This Real Life TV program is taken from a recent teaching by Pastor Jack. It has been formatted for TV and contains some additional material. We hope you gain new insights as you enjoy this message.
Anti Christ coming of the lawless one. That’s what the Bible talks about.
The Bible talks about this one who’s going to come on the world scene while the world is in a state of panic of turmoil.
And you think about what’s going on in our world today.
According to the scriptures, the world is going to be in economic peril at the same time, a peril of peace, meaning there’s going to be war.
And the book of Daniel announces that this coming lawless one will be one who brings peace and prosperity to the world around us.
And in a remarkable act of simultaneously juggling the issues of global upheaval and he’s going to solve the world’s problems.
Now, you say Jack. That’s crazy.
Well, wait a minute, if you’re not familiar with the Bible, isn’t it interesting that politics promises all that stuff?
But it’s never able to produce it.
Isn’t it funny that people want someone to answer all their problems for them?
We live in a world right now where governments are trying to figure out how to pay for everything for their citizens, but they can’t afford it.
People want handouts, sad to say we’re watching a destabilization of nations, quite frankly, the man is going to come on the scene.
That’s what he’s all about. And the Bible is clear.
Jesus said it’s going to be during a time of wars and rumors of wars.
It kind of sounds like today’s newspaper, right?
Or today’s broadcast, the world stage is being set by friends for the anti Christ.
He’s going to be the anti Christ, the coming of the lawless one.
It means that he’s going to make up the rules and people will love him.
He’s going to bring demonically energized ideas to the forefront and people will swoon over his demonic genius.
I know I’m sounding a little bombastic but the man is on his way.
So grab your Bibles and let’s dive into this teaching today.
How about we let the Bible talk to us.
What’s that? The Bible teach us?
Nobody knows when the rapture is going to take place the day of the Lord Jesus Christ.
But watch this, watch my hands because I lack the skills to communicate it. I have to use.
If your fingers can walk through the yellow pages, then I can show you this. OK?
Watch this when Jesus Christ comes for the church, the day of the Lord Jesus Christ.
When he takes us up in that instant, the day of the Lord begins.
And how long is that?
As soon as the rapture takes place the day of the Lord begins and it goes all the way through the seven years.
It goes all the way through the second coming of Christ and it goes all the way through the millennium.
It’s called the day of the Lord.
In fact, the day of the Lord doesn’t end until the day of God begins, which is in revelation chapter 22.
Keep that in mind what triggers the day of the Lord? The rapture?
That’s the day of Christ when he comes for his people.
The moment that happens now, we don’t know, does the tribulation period start five minutes after that, does the antichrist pop up two minutes later or two months or two years?
We don’t know, we just know this, that the hope of you going to heaven.
Now through Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, knowing the gospel that he died on the cross for your sins because he loves you.
But he asks of you. He won’t make you.
He ask of you to repent of the sins, my sins, your sins that put him on the cross and become a follower of his.
The Bible makes it very clear that when that opportunity is exhausted for this age, there will be a time of tribulation that comes upon the earth.
You mean, wait a minute. Can’t I accept the Lord after the rapture? Apparently not, not.
If you know it. Can you tell me the gospel?
If you can tell me the gospel, then you’re not going to have a second chance.
If you don’t know the gospel, you’ll have a chance. And that’s terrifying.
He will send them strong delusion that would not receive the love of the truth.
Very powerful statement. We’re talking about the day of the Lord Melech chapter four verse one, Mechai 41 says, for behold, the day is coming, burning like an oven and all the proud, yes, all who do wickedly will be stubble and the day which is coming shall burn them up.
Thus says the Lord of host that will leave them neither root nor branch but to you who fear my name, the son of righteousness shall arise with healing in his wings and you shall go out.
This is speaking about the millennial period to come that brings the the start of that millennium at the end of the tribulation period.
He says here that will grow fat like stall fed calves, you shall tramp, trample the wicked for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day that I do.
This says the Lord of host, remember the law of Moses, my servant which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel with the statutes and judgments.
Behold, I will send you listen, he’s talking to Israel.
I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.
And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the Children and the hearts of the Children to the fathers.
I come and strike the earth with a curse.
The signs of the coming anti Christ Isaiah chapter 13 verse nine.
For behold, the day of the Lord comes cruel with both wrath and fierce anger to lay the land desolate and he will destroy its sinners from it.
The day of the Lord. You don’t want to be involved in the day of the Lord friends.
You want to be in heaven. Jeremiah 30 verse seven.
Alas for that day is great so that none is like it and it is the time of Jacob’s trouble.
Anybody know another name for Jacob Israel. A time of Israel’s trouble.
This seven years is God refocusing on Israel thus says, the Lord of hosts that I will break his yoke from your neck and I will burst your bonds.
Foreigners shall no more enslave them. Speaking of the Jew verse nine, but they shall serve the Lord, their God.
And this is amazing, David, their king whom I will raise up. It’s resurrect. It’s amazing.
Listen, this is the book of Jeremiah. David had already been dead.
Is that a wild David’s gonna get resurrected? Watch this verse 10.
Therefore, do not fear. Oh, my servant, Jacob says the Lord, nor be dismayed.
Oh Israel for behold, I will save you from afar and your seed from the land of their captivity.
Jacob shall return, have rest and be quiet and no one shall make him afraid.
That’s all about the second coming of Christ, establishing his kingdom. And Israel is the issue.
Can you just remember that regarding the seven years?
It’s not about the church, it’s about Israel so important.
It’s so defining and clear.
But you would not know that if you don’t know the Old Testament, it’s very important.
And verse nine of second Thessalonians two right there, it says that the coming of the lawless one, this anti Christ figure, this person, he’s a human, but it says that the lawless one is according to the working of Satan with all power, signs and line wonders Church.
Remember this, the deception that Satan is bringing through this global politician, he will have miraculous powers to uh speak and to say and to do that will absolutely shake the world’s foundations in the sense of this guy is the greatest thing it’s ever been.
He is the Messiah. This guy is the answer to all of our needs and he’s gonna look amazing so to speak early on.
Now, first Thessalonians, when Paul wrote to them, listen to this, this is beautiful.
So this actually applies more to you and I than anything else. First Thessalonians chapter change it.
There you go. Five. But concerning the times and the seasons brethren, that’s you and I, you have no need that I should write to you for you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord.
So comes as a thief in the night, the day of the Lord is not a good time.
Watch this so comes as a thief in the night.
Verse three, for when they say not you, when they say peace and safety, then sudden destruction comes upon them as labor pains upon a pregnant woman, they shall not escape.
I find that fascinating. Hold that up there for a second.
I find that fascinating because if you might want to write down in your margins, Luke 21 36 tells us that we shall escape.
We, it says that we will escape all those things that are coming upon the earth and we will stand before the son of man.
It actually uses the word escape.
What are we living for right now to do what God wants us to do?
But at the same time, we’re living in a way ready to meet him, but you brethren are not in darkness so that this day should overtake you as a thief.
He’s announcing that if you know the word of God and you’ve got the Bible open and you’re looking at the headline news and you’re gonna let the Bible speak to you instead of some pastor priest or Pope, let the Bible talk to you.
You’ll be fine, you’ll be completely fine.
So back to Second Thessalonians.
Now, chapter two, now brethren, concerning the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to him, we ask you not to be soon shaken.
Don’t be upset. You guys and mind are troubled either by spirit word or letter as if from us.
As though the day of Christ had come. You didn’t miss the rapture.
We are not in the time of the Lord’s Day.
When all this stuff’s gonna be happening, you didn’t miss it. You’ve been lied to.
That’s what he’s warning them.
And again, I stress, if they didn’t expect to be delivered, then why are they concerned and worried?
Very, very cool. So here we go. Signs of us coming. The anti Christ.
That is number one is the destabilization among the nations. Ask yourself, mark it down.
Are the nations of the world today on a global scale destabilizing.
Now, I don’t know how many news gurus freaks we have in this place, but I understand that people say I haven’t watched the news in years.
Yeah, I wish I were like you, I don’t want to watch it either, but I feel like I owe it to you to know it.
And so the world is really hurting right now.
The globe is destabilizing on a scene never before experienced before in a, in a post COVID world, global economies are so messed up.
By the way. Are you watching right now?
The next wave, the next wave from the result of being shut down as an economy.
Have you noticed some of the stores in your nation in this nation? Are closing down.
Now, now the numbers they’ve run out of the PPP. Money. Wait, no P P, which one?
What P P is this? Which one there is the, you know, that money that was, the money’s run out but their, but their, their inability to get back to business, they didn’t recover.
Be it bad management, be it whatever. We don’t know, but they’re closing down.
That’s not just here, it’s around the world and that adds to destabilizing factors.
It’s remarkable in Luke chapter 21 verse 25.
Now, look, this is a verse regarding the tribulation period. But how much does it sound like today?
Jesus said, there will be signs in the sun and the moon.
Now that’s not exactly happening unless there’s another Chinese balloon outside right now.
But, and then the stars and on earth here it comes distress of nations.
The word distress of nations means unable to keep it together.
I find that fascinating because the world wants to come together. We have to unite. That’s unite.
Well, they’re falling apart and the next word with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring.
Speaking about just tumultuous times. That word perplexing means having no ability to bring it together or that, which has just been lost.
The world is in a bit of a panic right now.
Governance wise, world leaders, they’re shaken, the markets are unstable.
No one knows what’s going to happen next.
See Jack, why do you bring this up because the Bible tells us that at a time when there’s economic instability and wars and rumors of wars, this anti Christ character will come onto the world scene and I’ll submit to you today that the world is pretty leaderless right now.
The second thing is increasing natural disasters.
The Bible said there would be an increase in natural disasters. Matthew chapter 24.
Again, the all of the discourse. So what does that mean?
Jesus speaking to the disciples about the time of the end in relation to Israel, Matthew 24.
And there will be famines, pestilence, earthquakes. All of it means by the way, unusual increasing earthquakes, increasing pestilence.
A pestilence is incurable diseases, incurable viruses, incurable sicknesses. They can’t, we can’t stop them.
Isn’t that, isn’t that amazing? This is 2000 years old.
Immediately after the tribulation of those days, seven years at its end, the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light, the stars will fall from heaven.
The atmosphere. Can you imagine? Wow.
Now look, everybody said ma’am I just, I’m visiting here today.
I’m freaking out this like blow my mind. Hey, you don’t have to see any of this stuff.
You don’t have to see any of this.
This is going to be seen by either a tribulation believers who come to faith during the tribulation period.
Those remnant of Israel who believe, are they unbelieving?
Not the church, not the church and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
Then the sign of the son of man.
That’s a name for Christ from the book of Luke will appear in heaven and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn all people who are nonbelievers will mourn.
And when they see the son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory, they’re not happy about it.
It’s the day of the Lord.
They’re freaking out and he will send his angels with a great shout of a sound of a trumpet and they will gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
That’s not the rapture. He’s going to return.
Christ is physically returning the world that doesn’t believe in Him will be angry at the one they don’t believe by the way, they always cracks me up about atheists.
They, they get, they’re so angry at God and they say, I don’t believe in God. Well, what are you?
So, what are you so angry about? Well, look how messed up the world is. Ok?
If you don’t believe in God, what are you so upset about?
What do you, you’re blaming him about everything. You don’t even believe in Him.
That’s a weird inverted way of having faith, isn’t it?
When all this is taking place and Jesus returns, he’s going to gather together his elect.
That’s not the church. It’s all the saints that is all the believers who are on earth who are still alive at his second coming.
But if you are into replacement theology, you’ve always been taught that that’s the church.
See, we have to go through the tribulation period because look where we’re at.
This is where we end up right here. That’s us. It’s not us.
Old Testament Saints wear robes, white ones, tribulation, saints wear robes, white ones, Israel redeemed white robes told you this last week.
The church is the only group mentioned in the Bible that wears fine white linen, clean and bright. Why?
She’s the bride of Christ? The Bible says the church is the bride of Christ. That’s pretty exciting.
I mean, I’m not, it’s just amazing how God’s gonna set that up.
All even us guys are gonna say put on the dress. Let’s do this for this.
I’ll do it for this increasing disasters, natural disasters, a world coming apart seemingly with no healing, but there’s one coming that will heal.
His name is Jesus. He’ll set it straight.
Number three, listen, signs of the coming of Christ is a time of wars and rumors of wars.
So this week, Israel announced that they will probably be in full scale war within a matter of weeks.
Could be as long as a month from right now, from middle of last week.
Did you all hear that Israel? They’re surrounded right now.
Rockets are pointing from Lebanon, Syria, Persia or Iran and down south from the Houthis all pointed at Israel.
And the Bible says, there’s a time that this man will come onto the world scene and broker peace because obviously it’s going to be needed.
Matthew chapter 24 verse three. Now, as he said, Jesus sat on the mound of olives.
This is the olive at discourse. The disciples came to him privately saying to him, listen, three things, three questions.
Number one, tell us, when will these things be? Number two, what will be the sign of your coming?
And number three, the end of the age or the end of the world?
And Jesus answered and said to them, take heed that no one deceives you for many will come in my name saying I am the Christ and will deceive many and you will hear of wars and rumors of wars.
Listen to this, see that you’re not troubled for all these things must come to pass.
But the end is not yet for all these are the beginning of sorrows.
Did you see why I mentioned stage setting earlier?
Like the like the events of the world are being put up on a stage in a way where things are put into position.
If we’re starting to see this stuff now and if Jesus is gonna come before the anti Christ is revealed, are you ready to meet him today?
So listen, Anna Christ, coming of the lawless one.
This is a, this is something that is not a fairy tale people. I understand that.
If I were here pitching a movie, if I were saying to you, you got to go see this Blockbuster, man.
It’s awesome. It’s about this guy. He comes onto the world scene.
He seems like just some normal dude and he’s starting dreaming up these great ideas.
He pitches them to some movers and shakers and the guy winds up being catapulted to the front of the line and the world loves him.
And you say, man, I want to go see that movie. Listen, this is not a movie, this is Bible.
The scripture is very clear. In fact, it’s not only not a Hollywood script, 27 to 33% of the Bible is what’s known as scatological.
That’s a big word. It simply means this, that the nature of God’s Bible.
The Bible, no other book in the world has had the audacity to do this.
The Bible announces the future in advance. It’s called eschatology.
Future events written down in advance by God working through his prophets.
And oh, by the way, 100% of the prophecies that have been fulfilled have been fulfilled.
100% accurate as revealed in the Bible, whatever you think about Christians or whatever you think about faith, I understand.
But the Bible stands alone, my friend Bible prophecy. So listen, God gave it to us.
Jesus said, I’ve told you these things in advance that when they come to pass when they happen, you will know that I am He.
That’s the term I am the self contained, eternal God, who is the God of time.
So listen, if you want to know more and study with us and share what you’re learning, please go to Jack Hibbs dot com and spread the word God bless you guys.
Until next time you are watching Real life with Jack Hibbs.
The Bible speaks of future events so colossal in magnitude, they will shake the world in order to wake people up and show them their need.
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Each of these important events will grab the attention of the world but will people find the unshakable truth of Jesus in the midst of these earth shattering events?
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Welcome to real life radio with Jack Hibbs.
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The Bible talks about this one who’s going to come on the world scene while the world is in a state of panic of turmoil.
And you think about what’s going on in our world today.
According to the scriptures, the world is going to be in economic peril at the same time, a peril of peace, meaning there’s going to be war.
And the book of Daniel announces that this coming lawless one will be one who brings peace and prosperity to the world around us.
And in a remarkable act of simultaneously juggling the issues of global upheaval and he’s going to solve the world’s problems.
Now, you say Jack. That’s crazy.
Well, wait a minute, if you’re not familiar with the Bible, isn’t it interesting that politics promises all that stuff?
But it’s never able to produce it.
Isn’t it funny that people want someone to answer all their problems for them?
We live in a world right now where governments are trying to figure out how to pay for everything for their citizens, but they can’t afford it.
People want handouts, sad to say we’re watching a destabilization of nations, quite frankly, the man is going to come on the scene.
That’s what he’s all about. And the Bible is clear.
Jesus said it’s going to be during a time of wars and rumors of wars.
It kind of sounds like today’s newspaper, right?
Or today’s broadcast, the world stage is being set by friends for the anti Christ.
He’s going to be the anti Christ, the coming of the lawless one.
It means that he’s going to make up the rules and people will love him.
He’s going to bring demonically energized ideas to the forefront and people will swoon over his demonic genius.
I know I’m sounding a little bombastic but the man is on his way.
So grab your Bibles and let’s dive into this teaching today.
How about we let the Bible talk to us.
What’s that? The Bible teach us?
Nobody knows when the rapture is going to take place the day of the Lord Jesus Christ.
But watch this, watch my hands because I lack the skills to communicate it. I have to use.
If your fingers can walk through the yellow pages, then I can show you this. OK?
Watch this when Jesus Christ comes for the church, the day of the Lord Jesus Christ.
When he takes us up in that instant, the day of the Lord begins.
And how long is that?
As soon as the rapture takes place the day of the Lord begins and it goes all the way through the seven years.
It goes all the way through the second coming of Christ and it goes all the way through the millennium.
It’s called the day of the Lord.
In fact, the day of the Lord doesn’t end until the day of God begins, which is in revelation chapter 22.
Keep that in mind what triggers the day of the Lord? The rapture?
That’s the day of Christ when he comes for his people.
The moment that happens now, we don’t know, does the tribulation period start five minutes after that, does the antichrist pop up two minutes later or two months or two years?
We don’t know, we just know this, that the hope of you going to heaven.
Now through Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, knowing the gospel that he died on the cross for your sins because he loves you.
But he asks of you. He won’t make you.
He ask of you to repent of the sins, my sins, your sins that put him on the cross and become a follower of his.
The Bible makes it very clear that when that opportunity is exhausted for this age, there will be a time of tribulation that comes upon the earth.
You mean, wait a minute. Can’t I accept the Lord after the rapture? Apparently not, not.
If you know it. Can you tell me the gospel?
If you can tell me the gospel, then you’re not going to have a second chance.
If you don’t know the gospel, you’ll have a chance. And that’s terrifying.
He will send them strong delusion that would not receive the love of the truth.
Very powerful statement. We’re talking about the day of the Lord Melech chapter four verse one, Mechai 41 says, for behold, the day is coming, burning like an oven and all the proud, yes, all who do wickedly will be stubble and the day which is coming shall burn them up.
Thus says the Lord of host that will leave them neither root nor branch but to you who fear my name, the son of righteousness shall arise with healing in his wings and you shall go out.
This is speaking about the millennial period to come that brings the the start of that millennium at the end of the tribulation period.
He says here that will grow fat like stall fed calves, you shall tramp, trample the wicked for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day that I do.
This says the Lord of host, remember the law of Moses, my servant which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel with the statutes and judgments.
Behold, I will send you listen, he’s talking to Israel.
I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.
And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the Children and the hearts of the Children to the fathers.
I come and strike the earth with a curse.
The signs of the coming anti Christ Isaiah chapter 13 verse nine.
For behold, the day of the Lord comes cruel with both wrath and fierce anger to lay the land desolate and he will destroy its sinners from it.
The day of the Lord. You don’t want to be involved in the day of the Lord friends.
You want to be in heaven. Jeremiah 30 verse seven.
Alas for that day is great so that none is like it and it is the time of Jacob’s trouble.
Anybody know another name for Jacob Israel. A time of Israel’s trouble.
This seven years is God refocusing on Israel thus says, the Lord of hosts that I will break his yoke from your neck and I will burst your bonds.
Foreigners shall no more enslave them. Speaking of the Jew verse nine, but they shall serve the Lord, their God.
And this is amazing, David, their king whom I will raise up. It’s resurrect. It’s amazing.
Listen, this is the book of Jeremiah. David had already been dead.
Is that a wild David’s gonna get resurrected? Watch this verse 10.
Therefore, do not fear. Oh, my servant, Jacob says the Lord, nor be dismayed.
Oh Israel for behold, I will save you from afar and your seed from the land of their captivity.
Jacob shall return, have rest and be quiet and no one shall make him afraid.
That’s all about the second coming of Christ, establishing his kingdom. And Israel is the issue.
Can you just remember that regarding the seven years?
It’s not about the church, it’s about Israel so important.
It’s so defining and clear.
But you would not know that if you don’t know the Old Testament, it’s very important.
And verse nine of second Thessalonians two right there, it says that the coming of the lawless one, this anti Christ figure, this person, he’s a human, but it says that the lawless one is according to the working of Satan with all power, signs and line wonders Church.
Remember this, the deception that Satan is bringing through this global politician, he will have miraculous powers to uh speak and to say and to do that will absolutely shake the world’s foundations in the sense of this guy is the greatest thing it’s ever been.
He is the Messiah. This guy is the answer to all of our needs and he’s gonna look amazing so to speak early on.
Now, first Thessalonians, when Paul wrote to them, listen to this, this is beautiful.
So this actually applies more to you and I than anything else. First Thessalonians chapter change it.
There you go. Five. But concerning the times and the seasons brethren, that’s you and I, you have no need that I should write to you for you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord.
So comes as a thief in the night, the day of the Lord is not a good time.
Watch this so comes as a thief in the night.
Verse three, for when they say not you, when they say peace and safety, then sudden destruction comes upon them as labor pains upon a pregnant woman, they shall not escape.
I find that fascinating. Hold that up there for a second.
I find that fascinating because if you might want to write down in your margins, Luke 21 36 tells us that we shall escape.
We, it says that we will escape all those things that are coming upon the earth and we will stand before the son of man.
It actually uses the word escape.
What are we living for right now to do what God wants us to do?
But at the same time, we’re living in a way ready to meet him, but you brethren are not in darkness so that this day should overtake you as a thief.
He’s announcing that if you know the word of God and you’ve got the Bible open and you’re looking at the headline news and you’re gonna let the Bible speak to you instead of some pastor priest or Pope, let the Bible talk to you.
You’ll be fine, you’ll be completely fine.
So back to Second Thessalonians.
Now, chapter two, now brethren, concerning the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to him, we ask you not to be soon shaken.
Don’t be upset. You guys and mind are troubled either by spirit word or letter as if from us.
As though the day of Christ had come. You didn’t miss the rapture.
We are not in the time of the Lord’s Day.
When all this stuff’s gonna be happening, you didn’t miss it. You’ve been lied to.
That’s what he’s warning them.
And again, I stress, if they didn’t expect to be delivered, then why are they concerned and worried?
Very, very cool. So here we go. Signs of us coming. The anti Christ.
That is number one is the destabilization among the nations. Ask yourself, mark it down.
Are the nations of the world today on a global scale destabilizing.
Now, I don’t know how many news gurus freaks we have in this place, but I understand that people say I haven’t watched the news in years.
Yeah, I wish I were like you, I don’t want to watch it either, but I feel like I owe it to you to know it.
And so the world is really hurting right now.
The globe is destabilizing on a scene never before experienced before in a, in a post COVID world, global economies are so messed up.
By the way. Are you watching right now?
The next wave, the next wave from the result of being shut down as an economy.
Have you noticed some of the stores in your nation in this nation? Are closing down.
Now, now the numbers they’ve run out of the PPP. Money. Wait, no P P, which one?
What P P is this? Which one there is the, you know, that money that was, the money’s run out but their, but their, their inability to get back to business, they didn’t recover.
Be it bad management, be it whatever. We don’t know, but they’re closing down.
That’s not just here, it’s around the world and that adds to destabilizing factors.
It’s remarkable in Luke chapter 21 verse 25.
Now, look, this is a verse regarding the tribulation period. But how much does it sound like today?
Jesus said, there will be signs in the sun and the moon.
Now that’s not exactly happening unless there’s another Chinese balloon outside right now.
But, and then the stars and on earth here it comes distress of nations.
The word distress of nations means unable to keep it together.
I find that fascinating because the world wants to come together. We have to unite. That’s unite.
Well, they’re falling apart and the next word with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring.
Speaking about just tumultuous times. That word perplexing means having no ability to bring it together or that, which has just been lost.
The world is in a bit of a panic right now.
Governance wise, world leaders, they’re shaken, the markets are unstable.
No one knows what’s going to happen next.
See Jack, why do you bring this up because the Bible tells us that at a time when there’s economic instability and wars and rumors of wars, this anti Christ character will come onto the world scene and I’ll submit to you today that the world is pretty leaderless right now.
The second thing is increasing natural disasters.
The Bible said there would be an increase in natural disasters. Matthew chapter 24.
Again, the all of the discourse. So what does that mean?
Jesus speaking to the disciples about the time of the end in relation to Israel, Matthew 24.
And there will be famines, pestilence, earthquakes. All of it means by the way, unusual increasing earthquakes, increasing pestilence.
A pestilence is incurable diseases, incurable viruses, incurable sicknesses. They can’t, we can’t stop them.
Isn’t that, isn’t that amazing? This is 2000 years old.
Immediately after the tribulation of those days, seven years at its end, the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light, the stars will fall from heaven.
The atmosphere. Can you imagine? Wow.
Now look, everybody said ma’am I just, I’m visiting here today.
I’m freaking out this like blow my mind. Hey, you don’t have to see any of this stuff.
You don’t have to see any of this.
This is going to be seen by either a tribulation believers who come to faith during the tribulation period.
Those remnant of Israel who believe, are they unbelieving?
Not the church, not the church and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
Then the sign of the son of man.
That’s a name for Christ from the book of Luke will appear in heaven and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn all people who are nonbelievers will mourn.
And when they see the son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory, they’re not happy about it.
It’s the day of the Lord.
They’re freaking out and he will send his angels with a great shout of a sound of a trumpet and they will gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
That’s not the rapture. He’s going to return.
Christ is physically returning the world that doesn’t believe in Him will be angry at the one they don’t believe by the way, they always cracks me up about atheists.
They, they get, they’re so angry at God and they say, I don’t believe in God. Well, what are you?
So, what are you so angry about? Well, look how messed up the world is. Ok?
If you don’t believe in God, what are you so upset about?
What do you, you’re blaming him about everything. You don’t even believe in Him.
That’s a weird inverted way of having faith, isn’t it?
When all this is taking place and Jesus returns, he’s going to gather together his elect.
That’s not the church. It’s all the saints that is all the believers who are on earth who are still alive at his second coming.
But if you are into replacement theology, you’ve always been taught that that’s the church.
See, we have to go through the tribulation period because look where we’re at.
This is where we end up right here. That’s us. It’s not us.
Old Testament Saints wear robes, white ones, tribulation, saints wear robes, white ones, Israel redeemed white robes told you this last week.
The church is the only group mentioned in the Bible that wears fine white linen, clean and bright. Why?
She’s the bride of Christ? The Bible says the church is the bride of Christ. That’s pretty exciting.
I mean, I’m not, it’s just amazing how God’s gonna set that up.
All even us guys are gonna say put on the dress. Let’s do this for this.
I’ll do it for this increasing disasters, natural disasters, a world coming apart seemingly with no healing, but there’s one coming that will heal.
His name is Jesus. He’ll set it straight.
Number three, listen, signs of the coming of Christ is a time of wars and rumors of wars.
So this week, Israel announced that they will probably be in full scale war within a matter of weeks.
Could be as long as a month from right now, from middle of last week.
Did you all hear that Israel? They’re surrounded right now.
Rockets are pointing from Lebanon, Syria, Persia or Iran and down south from the Houthis all pointed at Israel.
And the Bible says, there’s a time that this man will come onto the world scene and broker peace because obviously it’s going to be needed.
Matthew chapter 24 verse three. Now, as he said, Jesus sat on the mound of olives.
This is the olive at discourse. The disciples came to him privately saying to him, listen, three things, three questions.
Number one, tell us, when will these things be? Number two, what will be the sign of your coming?
And number three, the end of the age or the end of the world?
And Jesus answered and said to them, take heed that no one deceives you for many will come in my name saying I am the Christ and will deceive many and you will hear of wars and rumors of wars.
Listen to this, see that you’re not troubled for all these things must come to pass.
But the end is not yet for all these are the beginning of sorrows.
Did you see why I mentioned stage setting earlier?
Like the like the events of the world are being put up on a stage in a way where things are put into position.
If we’re starting to see this stuff now and if Jesus is gonna come before the anti Christ is revealed, are you ready to meet him today?
So listen, Anna Christ, coming of the lawless one.
This is a, this is something that is not a fairy tale people. I understand that.
If I were here pitching a movie, if I were saying to you, you got to go see this Blockbuster, man.
It’s awesome. It’s about this guy. He comes onto the world scene.
He seems like just some normal dude and he’s starting dreaming up these great ideas.
He pitches them to some movers and shakers and the guy winds up being catapulted to the front of the line and the world loves him.
And you say, man, I want to go see that movie. Listen, this is not a movie, this is Bible.
The scripture is very clear. In fact, it’s not only not a Hollywood script, 27 to 33% of the Bible is what’s known as scatological.
That’s a big word. It simply means this, that the nature of God’s Bible.
The Bible, no other book in the world has had the audacity to do this.
The Bible announces the future in advance. It’s called eschatology.
Future events written down in advance by God working through his prophets.
And oh, by the way, 100% of the prophecies that have been fulfilled have been fulfilled.
100% accurate as revealed in the Bible, whatever you think about Christians or whatever you think about faith, I understand.
But the Bible stands alone, my friend Bible prophecy. So listen, God gave it to us.
Jesus said, I’ve told you these things in advance that when they come to pass when they happen, you will know that I am He.
That’s the term I am the self contained, eternal God, who is the God of time.
So listen, if you want to know more and study with us and share what you’re learning, please go to Jack Hibbs dot com and spread the word God bless you guys.
Until next time you are watching Real life with Jack Hibbs.
The Bible speaks of future events so colossal in magnitude, they will shake the world in order to wake people up and show them their need.
For Jesus author Ed Hensen identifies and describes these extraordinary happenings in his insightful book, 15 Future events that will shake the world from millions of people suddenly reported missing around the globe to a new world superpower that eclipses the United States to a promised new peace in the Middle East.
Each of these important events will grab the attention of the world but will people find the unshakable truth of Jesus in the midst of these earth shattering events?
Find out more by reading 15 future events that will shake the world.
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Welcome to real life radio with Jack Hibbs.
God’s word will never will return. Void God’s word is spirit. It’s power and it has its effects.
God did not give us a Bible prophecy to scare us, but to prepare us, you are the light of the world.
Jesus said you are the salt of the earth. How does that happen?
Jack Hibbs truly believes we are living in some of the most exciting days in history which brings some great opportunities to share with the world, a powerful no nonsense presentation of the gospel to this generation who are searching for answers and truth.
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