All of jewish history rests on an oath | Jonathan Cahn Special
All of Jewish History rests on an Oath
“What would happen, Nouriel, if a gardener tried to remove a weed from his garden by cutting off its leaves?” he asked. “The leaves would grow back,” I replied. “And if he cut off its stem…” “It would sprout another.” “His efforts would be doomed to fail. You can’t solve a problem by dealing with its symptoms…its manifestations.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future
And this, this first time of God swearing by himself is exactly what the book of Hebrews is referring to.
Now listen again to what Hebrews says for when God made the promise to Abraham Genesis 22 since he could not swear by one greater, he swore by himself saying indeed, I will greatly bless you.
Genesis 22. I will greatly multiply you Genesis 22.
God swore that in fact, there’s something in there that you don’t see in English but you, it’s in the original language in Greek.
It reads like in blessing. I will bless you. Multiplying is how it reads multiplying. I will multiply you.
That’s a little strange, but it’s cool because it’s paralleling what’s in the Hebrew?
It’s a Hebrew expression in the Hebrew in Genesis 22. That’s what it says. Blessing. I will bless you multiplying.
I will multiply you. What’s the saying? It means I won’t just bless you. I’ll bless you.
I’m not just gonna multiply you. I’m gonna really multiply u but the Greek is actually paralleling the Hebrew.
Now think about that. How true it is.
He said I will multiply you, Abraham an old man who could not have Children, Sarah, who could not have Children.
And yet he says, I’m gonna, and he has one son. I’m gonna multiply you, Abraham.
Well, look at what God did has he, he swore this 4000 years ago and look what he did.
Has it come true right now. Today there are millions and millions of Jewish people.
Number one as, as the stars.
But someone might say, well, well, it says stars and there’s always, well, that’s, it’s not being that way.
It’s saying that if you look at all of them, you could number them any more than you could number the stars on top of that.
It also has also has the sons of Ishmael, which are like hundreds of millions of people as well.
And then it says as far as specifically talking about the Jewish people, they will possess the gates of their enemy.
Well, that means in the end, the Jewish people are going to prevail and look after after 4000 years of the enemy trying to wipe them out.
They have prevailed, they still are here.
And number three, it says all the nations of the world will be blessed in you.
Well, that has been true. All the nations of the world have been blessed through the nation of Israel in a million ways, but certainly by bringing God to you, bringing the word to you, bringing Messiah to you.
Look at how the world has been effected by that little nations size of New Jersey has changed world history, but it all came true because God said I am swearing by myself.
So when all you see that you see the Jewish people survive?
Remember there’s a vow behind it that God swore by himself. So no matter what, no matter what happens.
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