Adrian Rogers: Jesus Is Our City of Refuge

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Adrian Rogers: Jesus Is Our City of Refuge

In Joshua 20, God instructs Joshua to explain the cities of refuge to His people. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares how these six cities of refuge are highly symbolic and teach us more about Jesus, the Sinner’s Refuge.

Sometimes people say, have you read the 4 gospels? Friend, I’ve read all 66 of the gospels.
Now all about the lord Jesus Christ. Jesus. Jesus is the hero of the Bible.
Salvation is the theme of the Bible.
And because Jesus is the hero and salvation is the theme, we find Jesus standing somewhere in the shadows in all of the Old Testament if we study it carefully and look at it.
Because god wants us to be saved, and he wants us to love so he’s tucked away illustrations even in the old testament.
Profound truth simply stated. This is love worth finding with past teacher and author, Adrian Rogers.
Take god’s word and find, if you will, Joshua chapter 20.
We’re going to be in the Old Testament, but we’re going to be talking about Jesus, our lord and savior, One of the things I’ve learned about the Bible is all of the Bible is about Jesus.
Sometimes people say, if you read the 4 gospels, friend, I’ve read all 66 of the gospels.
They’re all about the lord Jesus Christ. Jesus.
Jesus is the hero of the Bible.
Salvation is the theme of the Bible. And because Jesus is the hero.
And salvation is the theme. We find Jesus standing somewhere in the shadows in all of the Old Testament if we study it carefully and look at because god wants us to be saved, and he wants us to love Jesus.
So he’s tucked away illustrations even in the Old Testament.
Now the cities of refuge when Joshua was leading children of Israel were remarkable.
And I want us to read today in, uh, Joshua chapter 20 verses 1 through 3.
The lord’s Bake also unto Josh was saying, speak unto the children of Israel saying, appoint out for you cities of refuge.
Now just to underscore that, cities of refuge. And I’ll talk to you about that later.
Whereof, I spake unto you at the hand of Moses, that the slayer, uh, that kill if any person unawares and unwittingly may flee thither, and they shall be your refuge from the avenger of blood.
Now let me tell you what the avenger of blood is.
If a man back in this day were guilty of manslaughter and negligent, are unaware of what he had done, there was a person who was a family member who was called the avenger of Blood.
And he had the right and in that day, the responsibilities to crack down the killer and to slay him.
Well, the lord realized how this could be abused and misused.
And so what the lord did was to take 6 cities and make them cities of refuge.
Now these 6 cities of refuge are highly symbolic and teach us a wonderful lesson.
First of all, I want you to notice what I’m gonna call the saving nature of these cities, the saving nature of these cities.
And you find that scripture there again, in, uh, Joshua chapter 20 verses 1 through 3.
There were cities there that into which The person who was fleeing from justice could go into that city and there be safe.
Now does that refer to the lord Jesus Christ? I think it does.
As a matter of fact, I think that’s what the writer of Hebrew was talking about, and put in your margin Hebrew 618, it speaks of those who have fled for refuge, delay hold of the hope set before us.
They have fled for refuge. Dallas, in my mind, this is a, uh, this is a reference to the cities of refuge tucked away there.
So just put down, first of all, the saving nature of these cities.
And by that, they represent Christ, our savior and lord, who is our place of refuge.
Now the second thing I want you to notice is the significant names of these cities.
Now what are the names? Well, look, if you will, over here in verses 7 and 8, and they appointed Kedish in galilee and Mount Netfili underscore Kedish.
And shechem in Mount Ephreem underscore shechem, and Karjeth Arba, which is Hebrew, underscore hebron in the mountain of Judah.
And on the other side, Jordan, uh, by Jericho Eastwood, they assigned Beazer.
Underlying bezer in the wilderness upon the plane of the tribe of Ruben and Raymoth _ Raymoth in Gilead of the tribe of Gadd and Golin in Beishan out of the tribe of Manasa.
Goalen underscore Golen. There were 6 cities, 6 cities of refuge.
Now it’s an interesting thing as we study this, to find how these 6 cities picture the lord Jesus Christ by their very names.
Look if you will in verse 7 again, there is kedish.
So the 1st city is kedish, and it speaks of holiness.
Thank god for our holy savior, And for you to be saved, to no salvation, to have eternal life, you must come to the sinless, stainless, spotless, holy son of god.
And let him make you holy. Now you can never make yourself holy.
Don’t don’t try to get better so you can be saved. Get saved so you can be better.
Listen, friend. If I’ve learned one thing, it is this that holiness is not the way to Christ.
Christ is the way to holiness. So the 1st city is Cadish, and it speaks of Christ, our savior.
Now the second city is shechem, and it speaks of Christ our strength.
You see, the very name Shekham means shoulder. It means support. And Jesus is our support.
Jesus is our strength. Uh, he’s the one that carries us on his shoulders.
Now look at the next name, Hebron, there in, uh, verse 7, and the word Hebron speaks of fellowship and it really speaks to me of Christ our satisfaction.
Hebron is a place that the Bible gives the name fellowship. That’s what the Hebrew name means.
And what does that say to us?
Well, for not only we save by a holy savior, not only does he carry us through, but hallelujah, he brings us together that we might have fellowship with one another and fellowship with him.
What a fellowship and while the joy divine.
And then the next, uh, city, there in verse 8 is beezer, and that means stronghold.
It means fortification. Now when you come to Jesus, uh-uh, the Holy Savior saves you.
And when he carries you in his arms, and when you enter into that sweet fellowship with him, then you’re going to learn security that Jesus alone can give because beezer speaks of fortification.
It speaks of a stronghold and that means they is Christ our security. Uh, you don’t keep him.
He keeps you. Thank god for Beazer, and speaks of Christ our security. And then, Raimoth. Raimoth means what, exalted.
That’s what the Bible word means, and it speaks of Christ our sovereign.
He is the 1, high and lifted up, and the glory of we are seated in the heavies with him.
He is exalted. He died for us. He rose for us.
He ascended for us, and we are coent thrown with the lord Jesus Christ on high.
So many Christians have never realized, uh, the privilege that they have, being saved as holiness carried by his strength, sweep fellowship with him, secure in him, and then worshiping him in spirit and in truth.
And then Golan speaks of separation, and it really it tells me if Christ our sanctification.
The word, Golan means separated. And you see, when Jesus saves us, We don’t remain the same.
If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature.
Now sanctification is a big double jointed word that we don’t use very much, But what it literally means is to be sanctified or or to be separated, and literally, golden means separated unto join.
Put in your margin now in the new testament, 2nd Corinthians 6 verses 1718, wherefore come out from among them and be separate.
Say the lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you.
And I will be a father under you, and you shall speed my sons and daughters, say the lord almighty.
And you can’t have fellowship with god. You can’t truly worship him.
If you’re dabbling in sin, when I say he will strengthen you, he will, but it must strengthen you to sin.
He will strengthen you. To live right and righteous.
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The third thing I want you to think about now, we we’re talking now about the saving nature of these cities.
We’re talking to you about the, uh, the very symbolic names of these cities or the significant names.
Now think with me. About the strategic nearness of these cities.
Now you see, god wanted people to have safety and refuge So he put these 6 cities out.
And over the land of Israel, he put them in strategic places.
But some in the north, some in the south, some in the east, and some in the west, and one in the center.
Very near to everybody. Listen, folks.
Your city of refuge is Jesus, and he is always Always, always, always near.
Now, folks, I wanna speak to you about a man.
Who was so near to Salvation, and he missed it.
Would you turn over here to 2nd Samuel this time?
And I want us to continue to think on this theme of the cities of refuge.
And this is chapter 3. Of 2nd Samuel. Let me just tell you a story.
We’re talking about how the avenger, uh, would come and chase a man and The man would run into the city of refuge and be safe.
Now there was a man named Abner. An Abner killed a man named Azahale.
He didn’t really want to kill him, but in a battle, azahil was pursuing him, and he killed Azahil.
Now Azahil’s brother was Joab.
Joab was the commander in chief of King David’s armies, but Joab was also an avenger of blood.
And so he’s been looking for time and a place to slay Azahel. Now here’s the background.
Uh, Joab and Abner are just outside the city of Hebrew, which was one of the 6 cities of refuge.
And, what happened now is, uh, Joab says to Abner, Hey, Ab. Come over here.
That’s something I want to share with you.
And Joab just puts a smile on his face, and in a friend of way, He beckons Abner to come to him.
It’s right there in 2nd samuel 3 verse 27.
And when Abner was returned to Hebron, Joeab took him aside in the gate to speak with him quietly.
Sounds friendly enough. Come on. Uh, there’s something I wanna tell you.
And smote him there under the 5th rib that he died for the blood of Azahel, his brother.
Now right at the gate of the city, right in the very gates of the city of refuge, But on the wrong side of the gate, Avner died.
Now when David heard about the death of Avner, David began to lament Second Samuel 3 verses 32 through 34, and they buried Avner in Hebrew.
And the king lifted up this is King David.
And the king lifted up his voice and wept at the grave of Abner.
And all the people wept, and the king lamented Abner and said, Did Avner dies a fool?
Dieth? Thy hands were not bound? No.
Thy feet into fetas, as a man falleth before wicked men so foolish thou and all the people wept again over him, And then in 2nd samuel 3 verse 38, and the king said unto his servants, know you not that there is a prince and a great man fall in this day in Israel.
David Webb. He said, oh, Avner, that’s so foolish You didn’t have to die.
You were not in chains. It was your choice.
And he said, Abner, you died like a fool. Like a sheer fool.
You died. And then he told everybody, he was a great man.
He was a prince and he died. And, friend, where did he die?
Right at the gate of the city of refuge.
But he was on the wrong side of that gate. He never stepped in.
Now I read in the new testament of Judith, who kissed Jesus. That’s pretty close.
He kissed the door of heaven and went to hell. There’s some people who can be so close.
The word is near them, neither in their mouth and in their heart. They are right at the threshold.
Of salvation. Some of you in this building are that way, but you’re on the wrong side.
Now David said a great man, apprentice has fallen.
Be on some men, some of you business men bankers lawyers, entrepreneurs, Some of you very successful ladies, you’re gonna miss heaven.
You’re a great person. I mean, great in the eyes of this world.
You know, the Bible says a rich man died, and in hell, he lifted up his eyes being in torment.
Can you imagine his, uh, funeral? Can you imagine what must have been like this rich man?
Well, no. Uh, you know, if they had automobiles in that day up front, there’d be a lot of Mercedes and and, uh, Cadillac and a high class automobiles.
People would be all dressed, and they’d come into the funeral, and the casket would be there in the body.
And some man would get up and make a speech over it, and he says, here lies, So and so, a man of great influence and prestige, and we commit him to the almighty.
A great man in the eyes of people, but his soul was in hell before the undertaker hurt he was dead.
Why? Why? Because people like this are victims of a cunning deception.
They don’t realize how important it is to deal with the souls.
They deal with their bank accounts. They deal with their golf game, They deal with their family.
They deal with all of these things, but they don’t deal with god.
Bill Gates, a multi, multi, multi billionaire.
Was asked, do you go to church? He said, no. I don’t. Why?
He said it is a waste of time. A great man. The name is known worldwide.
Friend, listen. I don’t care how great you are. You may be a prince in this city.
But if you don’t give your heart to Jesus Christ, the Bible teaches you are a fool.
You’re full. Jesus said to another man who was wealthy, and he was a rich farmer.
And he said, I’ve got it all made. And Jesus said, Bao Fu.
This night shall thy soul be required of thee. What it it doesn’t matter what else you’re doing.
If you don’t give your heart to Jesus Christ, you’re very foolish.
Be because you see, the Bible says, what should it profit a man?
If he should gain his own the whole world and yet lose his soul.
Oh, what should a man give in exchange for soul?
I mean, when you compare your soul to other things, What is more valuable?
A bank account, a career, your your sports, your beautiful yard, What is more important?
Suppose there’s a house on fire, and then that house is a mother and a little baby.
That little baby is in the crib. The mother smells the smoke.
She sees the flame she knows the house is gonna be consumed.
So she goes around and gets the pots and pans and carries them out.
She goes and takes the pictures off the wall and carries them out.
She goes and gets the clothes from the closet and carries that outside.
And the whole time her baby is there in the crib, to perish in flames.
You’d say she’s insane. Well, listen, you are living for the trinkets of this world.
You’re a great man of prince.
I wanna tell you, if you don’t care for your soul, Jesus, said, what should it profit a man?
If he should gain the whole world, and lose his own soul.
Now why did why did Avner do this? Well, Adna was the victim of a cunning deception.
Jo Ab acted as if he was a friend. He said, yeah. Come over here.
There’s something I want to tell you, and he puts one arm around him.
And with the dagger, he steps him under the 5th rib.
And he dies right there on the threshold at the steps of Hebrew.
No wonder David said he died like a fool. He didn’t have to die that way.
He should have known about, uh, Joab and what Joab wanted him to do. And David wept.
David wept over Avner.
You know, it’s time that, uh, we weep over lost souls before they die.
You see, all the tears of David could not bring Abner back. No rescue him.
In another church, I got a phone call.
A lady that I knew well was on the, uh, other end. She was hysterical. Just hysterical.
She was saying, oh, pastor, pastor, pastor, pastor. I said, hold it.
Tell me what is wrong. She said, my daddy is in hell. My daddy is in hell.
My daddy is in hell, pastor. My daddy died. And he was in and he’s in hell.
I said, your daddy’s not in hell. He was a medical doctor.
I said, your daddy’s not in hell. Your daddy’s in heaven. She said, why do you say that?
He want me Christian. I said, yes, he was.
A few days ago, I went by his house and asked him if he knew how to be saved and he wasn’t certain and I told him, And I asked him if he wanted to receive Jesus Christ as his personal saving lord, and he said he did.
And I led him to a saving faith in Jesus Christ. Your daddy is not in hell.
Your daddy is in heaven, but now I wanna ask you a question. Did you ever witness to your daddy?
Did you ever tell him about Jesus? Did you try to save him or get him saved?
For him, one of these days, it’ll be too late for tears.
If you’re going to weep over your loved ones, weep for them now, not before they die, and and shed tears for them, I it we have friends, neighbors, relatives who are being deceived by the devil, and they are going to die and go to hell.
Now what can we learn from all of this? 4 things I wanna lay on your heart.
Number 1, if you are inside, if you’re already inside, hallelujah, what a savior, Thank god for Christ, our salvation.
Thank god for Christ, our strength. Thank god for Christ our satisfaction. Thank god. Thank god. Thank god.
Oh, friend, we are blessed if you’re in if we’re inside that city. Amen. We’re so blessed.
Now number 2, listen. If you’re not inside the city of refuge, if you’ve not yet received Jesus Christ, come in today.
I would not lay my salvation aside if you were to stack this building with gold and say all you have to do is lay your salvation aside for a day.
You say you’re lying. I’m telling you the absolute truth.
You were to stack it with gold from floor to ceiling wall to wall and say it’s all yours.
If you will put aside Jesus for one day. I will do that.
I’ll tell you why. First of all, I might die in that day.
The Bible says, boast not thyself of tomorrow for you don’t know what a day may bring forth.
Number 2, I would miss loving Jesus for that day.
And number 3, I would not so disgrace the lord Jesus to set him aside for all the gold in the world.
Friend, if you have not yet come into the city of refuge, If you’ve not yet turned to Jesus and said, lord, Jesus, come into my heart.
Forgive my sin, do it. I don’t care how great you are in this community.
You can be a a a great man and a prince, but you can die like a fool.
You can die like a fool.
Now the third thing I want to lay on your heart is we need to warn and educate our friends and tell them about the city of refuge and tell them about the deception of the devil.
Your children are sitting ducks for the devil. The devil is a lie.
The devil is a deceiver. He put his arms around you.
Not like he’s your friend, but there’s a knife That’s coming under the 5th red.
He doesn’t want you inside that city.
The last thing I wanna say is this, we need to weep for the lost before they die.
Jeremiah said, oh, that my eyes were fountain of tears.
Somebody has described the modern church.
As a dry eyed church in a hell bent world.
When is the last time you shed a tear?
For some soul that was mortgaged to the death. Valueheads and prayer.
Heads are bowed and eyes are closed.
Now if you’re in that city, thank god for it.
If you have a neighbor, friend, a brother that’s not in, begin to intercede for that one, And, friend, if you’ve not yet given your heart to Jesus Christ, god brought me here and god brought you here and god brought word here, and god put a spirit here that you might be saved today.
And I want to lead you on a prayer.
And I promise you on the authority of the word of god If you will trust Christ, he will save you instantaneously, instantaneously.
He will be with you continually. He will keep you eternally.
Would you pray this kind of a prayer? Dear god, I need to be saved.
I need a city of refuge. I know that judgment is on the trail.
And Satan seeks to slay me. Lord, I need a refuge.
And lord Jesus, I come to you today.
I come to you as a little child.
I lay my intellectual pride in the dust.
And lord, I come as a little child to you. I trust you to save me.
Lord, forgive my sins, because Jesus died and paid for my sins with his blood.
Come into my heart. The lord you promised to do so.
Begin now to make me the person you want me to be.
And lord Jesus, give me the courage to make it public. Even today.
Your name, my brother.

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