A Receiving Mindset | Joel Osteen
A Receiving Mindset
God has blessings prepared for you, but you have to be willing to receive them. Allow yourself to receive His promises.
God is saying to you today,
“Get ready to soar. If you wait on Me, I’ll renew your strength. You will smile again. You and your family will be just fine. I have a plan. Trust Me.”
Well, God bless you.
It’s great to be with you today and I hope you’ll stay connected with us during the week through our daily podcast, our youtube channel, social media and you can come visit us in person.
We love to have you be a part of one of our services.
But I like to start with something funny.
And I heard about this minister, he was driving down the road when he got pulled over by a policeman.
The officer came to the window and smelled alcohol. He saw a thermos and said, sir, what are you drinking?
The minister said just water officer.
He asked to see the thermos and he took one snip and said, this smells like wine to me.
The minister said, what do you know Jesus did it again?
Say it like you mean it, this is my bible. I am what it says. I am.
I have what it says I have. I can do what it says I can do today.
I will be taught the word of God. I boldly confess my mind is alert, my heart is receptive.
I will never be the same in Jesus name. God bless you.
I wanna talk to you today about a receiving mindset.
God has great things in store for all of us. But too often we don’t think we deserve it.
We’ve made too many mistakes and we don’t see how it can happen instead of receiving the mercy and receiving the approval, receiving the abundance.
We come up with excuses. I can’t get, well, you saw the report and I can’t be blessed.
I’ve had a rough past. I’ll never have abundance. I don’t have the training.
We don’t realize we’re self sabotaging our future. We wanna be blessed. We’re praying for favor.
But because of how we feel about ourselves, we’re pushing away the very things that we want.
And Paul said in Romans, the gift of righteousness is for all who will receive it.
God has gifts for you. He has mercy, wisdom, favor, you don’t earn it. You don’t work for it.
It’s not based on your education, your background, it’s a gift but these gifts won’t do you any good.
If you don’t receive them, the enemy will work over time to try to keep you condemned.
Feeling unworthy, not good enough, smart enough, attractive enough. Instead of believing those lies, try a different approach.
Have a receiving mindset. God, I’ve made a lot of mistakes, but I receive your forgiveness.
My dream looks impossible, but I receive your favor.
Been fighting this sickness a long time, but I receive your healing, quit rejecting the good things God has for you and learn to receive the gift.
You don’t have to force it. You don’t have to talk God into it.
Perform good enough just be a receiver. God. You promised whom the sun sets free is free. Indeed.
So Lord, I receive your freedom right now.
Lord, you said my latter days would be better than my former days. So I receive a bright future.
Now, thoughts will whisper not for you. You’ve had too many bad breaks. You always struggle.
No one in your family is successful. You have a choice.
You can let the gift sit there and say, yeah, you’re probably right.
I wanna be blessed but it’s never gonna happen. That’s self sabotaging. Do yourself a favor and take the gift.
Lord, I receive your abundance, I receive your favor. I receive your blessing on my life.
When our Children were small, six years old and three, I would take them up to the toy store.
No special occasion. Just during the week. I love being good to them.
I say, hey guys, you wanna go to the toy store? Do you know?
They never once said no dad, we don’t deserve it. We’re not worthy. We didn’t clean our room last week.
I bit my brother. I threw food at my sister, Children. They know how to receive.
They didn’t start debating whether or not they deserved it. They didn’t question me as their father was.
I telling them the truth did.
I really mean it, they just received the gift and the scripture says you have to have faith as a little child, Children have no problem receiving.
They haven’t been contaminated with all the inferiority lies about how they don’t measure up what they can’t become.
But as adults, we can start reasoning things out. I didn’t perform up to par. God’s not gonna bless me.
All my family struggles. I’m sure I’ll struggle too. I’m not attractive. I don’t feel valuable.
There’s nothing special about me. Why don’t you start receiving the gift? God said you are fearfully and wonderfully made.
He calls you a masterpiece. He knew you before you were formed in your mother’s womb and approved you.
He approved you before you could do anything good. He didn’t approve you based on your performance.
He approved you based on the fact that you’re his child created in his image crowned with his favor.
Now you have to receive that approval.
Receive that validation, not ordinary but a child of the most high God hand picked by the creator of the universe.
You may not get this from people but your heavenly father says you’re one of a kind, a prized possession.
Don’t go through life inferior, not up to par. Have a receiving mindset. God, I receive your approval.
I receive your love. I think that you have accepted me that I am worthy. I am valuable.
I am a masterpiece. See, the scripture says it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
That means it makes God happy.
It gives him great joy to bless you, to forgive you, to show you favor.
But there’s a condition where you receive the gift where you believe you’re worthy, you’re approved, you’re valuable, you’re blessed, you’re favored.
Or are you pushing away all the gifts, the love, the mercy thinking you don’t deserve it.
You could never get well, never have abundance, never feel attractive.
If you wanna bring God joy, if you wanna make him smile, have a receiving mindset, start accepting the gifts, start believing the promises.
He said, you haven’t seen heard or imagined what he has in store for you.
Your mind will tell you just the opposite. You’ve seen your best days. Nothing good is in your future.
Tune that out, father, I’ll receive a future greater than I can imagine. I’ll receive you far and beyond favor.
Thoughts will tell you that your Children will never get back on course they’ll never fulfill their purpose.
But God says your Children will be mighty in the land.
He said, the seed of the righteous is blessed instead of receiving the doubt.
How about receiving the faith, receiving the promises? Father?
I think that my Children will become all that you’ve created them to be.
I see them serving you doing great things, leaving their mark.
What you’re receiving is what’s going to come to pass.
If you’re receiving the doubt, the negativity I can’t get well, can’t break this addiction. I’ll always be lonely.
You’re receiving the wrong things. Start receiving the gifts, receive the promises, receive the abundance, receive great relationships, receive a long healthy life, receive a bountiful productive, abundant year.
One time Jesus was in Galilee teaching the people.
And there were so many gathered that he asked Peter if he could borrow his boat. He never met Peter.
Peter agreed and let him use it. And Jesus pushed out from the shore and talk to people.
When he finished, he wanted to thank Peter.
He told him to launch out into the deep and he would catch a great haul of fish.
Well, Peter had fished all night and caught nothing. He was tired.
He didn’t feel like it, but he said to Jesus nevertheless, at your word, I will do it.
He went out and caught so many fish that his nets begin to break.
He had to call another boat over. When they loaded up all the fish, both boats begin to sink.
It was a net breaking boat sinking. Blessing something Peter had never experienced.
But when he got to the shore, the scripture says he fell down at jesus’ feet and said, Lord, please depart from me.
I’m too big of a sinner to be around you. He was saying, I don’t deserve this blessing.
I’m not worthy of this favor. I’ve lived a rough life. Have a problem with my temper.
I use bad language. He came up with all these reasons why this shouldn’t have happened.
But God was showing us that His blessing is not based on our performance.
His favor, his healing his freedom, his mercy. It’s the gift of God something we don’t deserve.
We don’t earn it. We couldn’t work for it. We can’t make it happen in our own strength.
It’s his goodness. But like Peter, it’s easy to find all the reasons not to accept it.
But I love what Jesus did. He didn’t say Peter, you’re right. I made a mistake.
I chose the wrong person. I didn’t realize how unworthy you were, how you have all these weaknesses and shortcomings.
No, he said Peter don’t be afraid from now on. You’re gonna be fishing for people.
I’m gonna make you one of my disciples. You’re gonna impact the world upon this rock upon you. Peter.
I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against him.
I can imagine Peter standing there in amazement looking around thinking. Does he know who I am?
I’m not a history maker. I’m a fisherman. He can’t build anything on me. I’m not a leader.
I don’t have any influence. All these excuses flooded his mind telling him what he was not how he didn’t deserve it, but something rose up in Peter.
Despite all the doubt, all the fear, all the insecurity, the scripture says Peter left everything and followed Jesus.
His attitude was I may be a little crazy, but I’m gonna accept this gift seems far out more than I can imagine.
I don’t have the training, I’ve made mistakes, but I believe that I’m forgiven. I believe that I’m worthy.
I believe I’m a history maker, a world changer, a barrier breaker.
Peter had every reason to reject the gift to push away the blessing, the abundance, the purpose by the grace of God.
He had that child like faith that went beyond natural reasoning and he accepted the gift.
The scripture says Peter was aw struck at the size of his catch.
He could have gone out and caught a few fish. He would have been grateful.
He could have caught a net full of fish that would have been amazing.
He’d have been so impressed, but God on purpose did something out of the ordinary something that boggled his mind.
He was aw struck. He didn’t know what to think. No wonder he fell down and thought I’m not worthy.
This gift is something that I can’t comprehend. This blessing is bigger, greater more than I’ve ever imagined.
Like Peter God is going to bring some gifts across your path that you’ve never seen things that are gonna leave you.
A struck net breaking boat, sinking, blessings. You’ll be tempted to dismiss it. I’m not worthy. I don’t deserve it.
How could this be possible? Dare to receive the gift? Let that seed take root. Let that promise.
Get down in your spirit, abundance, overflow, healing freedom. Jo I don’t deserve it. None of us deserve it.
It’s the gift of God. He wants to show out in your life.
He wants to trust you with more resources, more influence, more favor.
When these moments come across your path, don’t push away the gift. Don’t talk yourself out of it.
I’m not qualified. It’s never happened in my family. That’s way over my head. God will on purpose.
Put you in situations so you have to trust him.
It may be over your head, but it’s not over his head.
When we were trying to find property to build a new auditorium. Twice the doors closed.
And I was kind of discouraged thinking that we were stuck.
There’s no way we could keep going at the other location.
We didn’t have the room, a friend called that I hadn’t spoken to in a long time.
He said, Joel, I wanna take you to lunch. It’s important. We went the next week.
He said, I know you’re looking for land to build an auditorium, but there’s something better.
The Rockets basketball team is moving out of the compact center. You should get that building for your church.
When he said that something came alive on the inside.
It was like an explosion went off in my spirit. I was awe struck at the thought of it.
Couldn’t even imagine something that amazing, but like Peter. My mind started coming up with excuses. That’s impossible.
They’re never gonna let a church have it. Even if they do Joel, it’s gonna be too expensive.
You’re not gonna have the funds to buy it. I had to make a decision.
Was I going to receive the gift?
Let the promise take root, believe that God could do exceedingly abundantly above what I could imagine.
Or was it gonna push it away? This is too good to be true. I don’t deserve it.
I’ve only been ministering three years. Haven’t been to seminary. How could I handle that? Favor that influence?
On one hand? I was praying for God to do something awesome.
Let me help people all over the world. Then when the opportunity comes, we’re tempted to push it away.
Now, don’t self sabotage the greatness God has for your life. Don’t let fear unworthiness doubt.
Keep you from stepping in to levels. You’ve never dreamed Peter didn’t feel qualified. He felt unworthy.
He had weaknesses. He was inconsistent yet. God said you’re gonna become a rock.
I’m gonna build my church on you. God wouldn’t have given you the gift.
If you couldn’t handle it, you may not feel qualified, but he’s going to train you.
You’re not a finished product. He’s making you molding you, bringing out talent that you didn’t know you had.
Now you have to do your part and receive the approval, receive the confidence, receive the favor.
We had some big obstacles.
But God fought our battles, brought down the giants and gave us the compact center. Here’s my point.
None of this would have happened. Had I not had a receiving mindset.
You have to receive it in your spirit before it will come to pass.
And too often we’re good at receiving the negative, but you’ll never get, well, never pay your house off.
Your child will never get back. On course, you’ve seen your best days we think. Yeah, you’re probably right.
Looks impossible. And I’ve made so many mistakes. Inflation is so bad. You’re receiving the wrong things.
Start receiving what God says about you. You will lend and not borrow. I receive the abundance.
You can do all things through Christ. I receive that strength.
1000 may fall at your side, 10,000 at your right hand, but it shall not come near you.
I receive that protection. You have the mind of Christ. You know the right decision.
Every time I receive that wisdom, God will make you the happy mother of Children.
He will give you the desires of your heart. I receive that baby.
We’ve been believing for God will do exceedingly above and beyond what you could ever ask or imagine I receive the favor.
I receive my compact, sinners. I received the business. I received the influence. I receive the victory.
It’s interesting how people can put things on the internet that are not true.
And a staff member sent me this screenshot that talked about my net worth. It was like a zillion dollars.
Many, many times exaggerated. They’re just trying to stir things up. And my friend said, does that bother you?
Should we try to have them take it down? I said no, leave it up. I receive it.
They are, they will prophesy my future. I have a receiving mindset.
They meant it for harm. They don’t realize God’s gonna use it for good.
My attitude is God, let it happen. Show out in my life.
See, I have everything I need, but I’ll use it to build the kingdom to get the message of hope out, to build orphanages, to build hospitals.
Why don’t you have a receiving mindset?
Don’t push away all the good things that you believe in for dare to receive it.
You may not see how looks unlikely. You don’t have to figure it out.
All you have to do is believe when you believe all things are possible.
When you believe angels go to work, chains are broken, favor is released. Good breaks are set in motion.
The scripture says God has blessings stored up for the righteous.
There are blessings that have your name on them.
Businesses, houses, ministries, inventions, healing, freedom, Children, spouses, they already belong to you at the right time.
God’s going to release them. The question is, will you receive those blessings you can’t have?
And I’m unworthy mindset. I don’t deserve it. It’s too big. I couldn’t handle it.
That’s pushing away what’s stored up. Live with a receiving mentality every morning. Lord, I receive your love today.
I’m gonna love myself and I’m gonna love others. Lord, I receive your peace.
I’m not gonna live stressed and worry. God, I receive your mercy fresh and new every morning.
Thank you that you’ve approved me, accepted me and anointed me. God, I receive your healing.
Thank you that I’m healthy, whole full of vitality that my youth is being renewed like the eagles or God, I receive your favor.
Thank you. That blessings are chasing me down, that goodness and mercy are following me.
That my latter days will be better than my former days.
A friend of mine is very good at encouraging people.
You can’t be around him five minutes without him complimenting you and telling you how great you are always makes you feel so blessed, so uplifted.
But what’s interesting is for years, he could never receive a compliment. He always had some reason to downplay it.
It’s like he had trained himself to not feel good about who he was to push away any kind of thoughts that would build him up.
He would speak in front of people and I would call and say man, that was great today.
That was so strong. Yeah, but I got distracted and I should have said this and I left this part out.
He didn’t realize he was self sabotaging He was letting this inner recording keep playing. You’re not worthy.
You’re not good enough. You don’t deserve to be happy.
You have to turn that recording off and start receiving the approval, receiving the honor, receiving the blessing.
You can’t love others the way you should without loving yourself.
You’re supposed to feel good about who you are. You compliment others. Why don’t you receive the compliments?
It’s not honoring to God to go around down on yourselves feeling unworthy like you don’t measure up.
The scripture says God has crowned you with his favor.
You wanna honor God, put your crown on, put your shoulders back, hold your head up high and receive the honor.
His friend went with me to um interview. I was doing on television.
It was a big deal, a national thing live and I was kind of nervous about it.
When we got finished, we got in the car. And the first thing I said was I did really good.
I felt relieved and I thought I did great.
I didn’t think anything about saying it, but he said that moment changed his life.
He realized he had never complimented himself. He had never once said I did good.
That’s not how he was raised. He was taught to show your humility.
You need to be down on yourself, feel like you’re less than don’t think too good about who you are, but you can’t reach your destiny.
Feeling inferior, inadequate. You have enough people in life against you don’t be against yourself.
You’re supposed to feel good about who you are.
You’re supposed to not only receive compliments but learn to compliment yourself. You build others up, build yourself up.
You tell your friends how great they are. Tell yourself how great you are.
It’s not being selfish that’s receiving the approval, receiving the honor when God was creating the universe.
At the end of each day, he stopped and said that was good. He complimented himself.
Nobody else was around but he said, you know what I did good today.
He was showing us a principle. Have you ever said to yourself? I did good today.
I worked hard today. I look good today. I was good to others today.
Some people, all they do is find a negative. I didn’t get enough done.
I didn’t stay on my diet and I should have spent more time with my Children.
Shouldn’t have said that to my coworker.
They focus on their faults, their weaknesses, it’s not doing anything productive to beat yourself up.
Being critical towards yourself is not going to help you do better.
You’re receiving the wrong things, the guilt, condemnation, do yourself a favor and start being for yourself and not against yourself.
The scripture says, our faith is made effective when we acknowledge everything good.
Your faith is not effective, pointing out your flaws focused on your shortcomings down on yourselves.
Peter would have never left his mark. If he had kept that unworthy, don’t deserve it. Mentality.
He had to learn to receive the approval, receive the honor that came from his heavenly father.
When the church was first starting back there in the Book of Acts, they needed someone to speak at the inaugural service.
Very prestigious position. They could have chosen one of the apostles or a religious leader, an esteemed scholar.
But out of all the people they chose Peter. Look at how his mentality had shifted from, I’m unworthy.
Go away from me, Jesus to let me step up and start the church.
I’m well able, I’m strong in the Lord. I’m anointed. All depends on what you’re receiving.
Start receiving God’s approval. Lord, thank you that I’m a masterpiece. Receive his mercy. Father.
Thank you that your mercy is bigger than my mistakes. Thank you that I’m redeemed, restored and forgiven.
Receive his favor. Lord. Thank you that you’re shining down on my life, taking me where I’ve never dreamed or how about receiving those net breaking blessings, blessings that leave your Austra your compact sinners.
Lord, this seems too good to be true, but I’m a believer and not a Doubter show out in my life.
This is what a teenage girl in the scripture did named Mary Angel appeared to her and said she was gonna have a baby without knowing a man that he would be the messiah.
You can imagine what went through her mind. That’s impossible. That defies the laws of nature.
She could have dismissed it, walked away. But she asked the angel, how can this be?
The angel said, the spirit of God will come on you and cause you to conceive.
And despite all the doubt, all the uncertainty, she looked at the angel and said, be it unto me, even as you have said, she was saying, this doesn’t make sense.
It’s never been done, but God, I receive what you promise, let it happen. She gave birth to the messiah.
You’re gonna have these times like Mary, it’s not gonna make sense. The odds are against you.
Your mind is telling you no way. Don’t get your hopes up. You can’t get well start your business.
Never have that baby. Dare to do like Mary and say God, let it happen. I receive the abundance.
I receive the healing. I receive the freedom.
I believe this baby that we’ve been dreaming about is on the way.
Let that take root in your spirit. That’s what allows God to do amazing things.
But I wonder how many blessings are we pushing away?
How many of the good things God has for us that we’re not receiving, we feel unworthy.
Don’t go through life, self sabotaging, receiving the wrong things, the guilt, the doubt, defeating yourself every day.
Receive what God says about you. I’m loved, I’m valuable. I’m approved. I’m worthy. I’m a masterpiece. I’m blessed.
I’m favored, I’m victorious friends. It’s the father’s pleasure to give you the kingdom.
He has all these gifts for you. All these promises that he’s spoken dreams.
He’s whispered to you in the middle of the night instead of dismissing it, have a receiving mindset with that child like faith, God, I’m in agreement.
I know you can do it.
Let it happen if you’ll do this, I believe and declare like with Peter God is going to do things that leave you Austra, new doors are about to open the right people tracking you down.
Promotion is coming, healing is coming. Freedom is coming, the fullness of your destiny in jesus’ name.
And if you receive it, can you say amen?
I’d like to give you an opportunity to make Jesus the Lord of your life.
Would you pray with me? Just say Lord Jesus, I repent of my sins, come into my heart.
I’ll make you my Lord and Savior. If you prayed that simple prayer, we believe you got born again.
Get in a good Bible based church and keep God first place. We love you. We’re praying for you.
It’s gonna be a blessed productive favor, filled week for you and your family.
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We also want to take a moment and thank you for all you do to support this ministry through your donations and offerings.
You keep this ministry going strong. Thanks so much for your generosity.
And I believe when you give like God promised you live under the open windows of heaven and just see God’s blessing in favor in awesome ways.
Know that we love you very much. Hope to see you next time.