The Radical Descent Of Heaven (Holiday Message) | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Radical Descent Of Heaven (Holiday Message) | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
“One heartbeat,” he replied, “one heartbeat. That’s it. That’s all. You’re only one heartbeat away from eternity. Everything you have—your life, your breath, this moment, it’s all borrowed, it’s all a gift. And at any moment it all ends with a heartbeat…just one heartbeat, and there’s no more time. One heartbeat and the chance to be saved is gone. One heartbeat and there’s no more choosing—it’s all sealed for eternal life or eternal death.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future
Heaven is not an escape from this life. Heaven is the redemption of this life. It’s the answer.
It’s the power for this life. Some believers believe it.
So it’s only there and then, and, and no, it’s, it is there and that, but it’s here and now sometimes you’re going through a tough time and you just want someone with you and sometimes when it’s so deep, you don’t even want someone to say anything.
You just want them to be with you. It’s enough, that’s human. That’s how we’re made.
God made us. You know my father was dying. He, you know he’s a kind of tough man.
He just reached his hand, he didn’t say anything.
He just wanted me to hold his hand and just for a long time because sometimes we just want that the child in Bethlehem is called God is with us because deep down we get weird, you know, without God, we’re lonely, deep down, no matter what we have, there’s something missing.
And so it’s enough that God is saying I’m with you many, you want to hear God speak to you.
You would love him to say something to you.
You know tells and God can speak but, and, but of course, through the word he speaks all the time.
But the baby in Bethlehem, he wasn’t called God is speaking to us and he didn’t, he didn’t get up, the baby, did.
The child didn’t get up and say, hey, God is, he didn’t just say God is with you.
He was God is with you. So more than this, this is bigger than speaking.
It’s the fact that He his very life is God is with us. That’s a bigger statement.
You’ve got, you want to know that God’s with you. You’ve got, you’ve got a statement in flesh and blood.
He became that. So you, it’s never changes. It doesn’t go in and out.
It’s not based on what you feel today. You feel them or you don’t. It’s there. It’s a reality.
God is with you. It’s one thing that He speaks to us, but it’s maybe even more important that He’s with us.
What is marriage speaking to each other? That’s part of it.
But it’s really being with each other child, the child in Bethlehem. Nothing could ever say something more powerful.
It’s the power for this life. Some believers believe it.
So it’s only there and then, and, and no, it’s, it is there and that, but it’s here and now sometimes you’re going through a tough time and you just want someone with you and sometimes when it’s so deep, you don’t even want someone to say anything.
You just want them to be with you. It’s enough, that’s human. That’s how we’re made.
God made us. You know my father was dying. He, you know he’s a kind of tough man.
He just reached his hand, he didn’t say anything.
He just wanted me to hold his hand and just for a long time because sometimes we just want that the child in Bethlehem is called God is with us because deep down we get weird, you know, without God, we’re lonely, deep down, no matter what we have, there’s something missing.
And so it’s enough that God is saying I’m with you many, you want to hear God speak to you.
You would love him to say something to you.
You know tells and God can speak but, and, but of course, through the word he speaks all the time.
But the baby in Bethlehem, he wasn’t called God is speaking to us and he didn’t, he didn’t get up, the baby, did.
The child didn’t get up and say, hey, God is, he didn’t just say God is with you.
He was God is with you. So more than this, this is bigger than speaking.
It’s the fact that He his very life is God is with us. That’s a bigger statement.
You’ve got, you want to know that God’s with you. You’ve got, you’ve got a statement in flesh and blood.
He became that. So you, it’s never changes. It doesn’t go in and out.
It’s not based on what you feel today. You feel them or you don’t. It’s there. It’s a reality.
God is with you. It’s one thing that He speaks to us, but it’s maybe even more important that He’s with us.
What is marriage speaking to each other? That’s part of it.
But it’s really being with each other child, the child in Bethlehem. Nothing could ever say something more powerful.

God telling you. He’s with you.
He’s not gonna leave you than Emanuel than the baby that He became Emmanuel in Hebrew.
He didn’t just become Emmanuel. He became a Hebrew sentence.
He his whole life was a sentence to say I’m with you. I’m with you.
God became a word God became, it says the word became flesh and the word became a word to I am with you.
How many times did God say I am with you? That’s Emmanuel in the natural way.
You know every religion is as we talk much is trying to get to heaven.
But Bethlehem is the radical opposite. It’s not in any way about trying to get to heaven.
I mean, what’s that about? It’s not about that at all.
I mean, if he gave you a law, he gave you a thing to do, but it’s not for him to be there in that manger and to be called manual.
What it’s saying is it’s not about getting into heaven. It’s about heaven getting into you.
It’s not about ascending. I can do it. I can get to heaven.
It’s about heaven descending and it’s not about opening up the gate of heaven.
It’s about heaven, opening up the gate of your heart. So it’s about letting him in.
So, so much of the Bible, so much is about letting him in and so much opening up the gate.
That’s what Bethlehem is. We have a concept of heaven is gonna begin after this life is over and there’s some true, there’s some truth to that.
I mean the heavenly life. But we’re thinking about okay, it’s there, it’s gonna happen.
But Bethlehem Emanuel is telling you a little bit more of the story.
Heaven begins here and now heaven is forever but it begins here and now because heaven came down and heaven came here.
Some believers come to me and say, I hate this life. I can’t wait till this life is over.
I can’t wait till I die. But I can’t wait to this. You know, I can’t wait.
I want to, I just want it over. I want to die. What are you a Christian or a vampire?
What is that? You know?
Yes, there are tears and yes, the place we’re going to is better and yes, our hope is on that and yes, we are to live for eternity.
But it’s not that this life is a waste or this life is something that you condemn.
God gave it. God redeems it. And what Emmanuel is saying, Emmanuel, what it’s saying? It says about this life.
God, God is with us where God is with us here. Paul said to die is gain.
Yes, but he said, he didn’t stop.
He said, but to live is Messiah to die is heaven is better.
But to live His Messiah, that’s pretty good too.
And you don’t want your not to overlook here right now because God is with us means He said he is redeeming this life so much.
He came down. You never see this in so many other faiths or ideologies.
He came down that he’s redeeming the life.
He’s saying it counts for something God is with us where well, we’re here.
Well, then He’s God is here when now God were, now God is with us now here and now heaven is not an escape from this life.
Heaven is the redemption of this life. It’s the answer. It’s the power for this life.
Some believers believe it’s all, it’s only there and then, and, and no, it’s, it is there and then, but it’s here and now God is always, you know, some people live in that in the future when I get this, when I get this, when I get this and you’re not living now and some are living in the past.
Well, I used to have this, I used to have this used to be so much better and I’ve lost this.
You’re living, you’re not living now. God is here. God is now.
God is with us, not God was with us, not God will, will simply be with us.
God is with us here. And now true storia man.
I know in Europe was in love with a woman and he said, I’ll buy you a watch.
This is, this is probably wartime or pre war World War Two.
At that time, a watch there was like a car. He took her to the store, a jewelry store.
He said, pick out whatever you want. She asked us which one is the most expensive.
So they show it. She says, I want that one and he bought it for her.
And as they walked out of the store. He said true story. He said goodbye.
He said he wished her well, that you’ll have a good life.
He realized she was not the one because her love was based on what he would give her.
Not on him regardless. Loving the Lord has to be the same way.
It’s not about what he gave you or what he will give you.
And even if he gives you nothing, he gave you everything. Lord.
If you give me nothing from this time on, I’m still gonna praise you because I love you.
It’s not about what you can give me.
Yes, God gives and yes, God bless us and yes, bring your needs to God and yes he does not that he’s gonna do.
You know, despite what is preached, he’s not gonna do whatever you ask. He’s gonna do what you need.
And that’s not, not only gonna always gonna be what you want, but it’s gonna be good in the end, but he will give the best.
But we love him regardless of what he gave because he is the gift.
I mean he could have in Bethlehem. He could have put all different kinds of gifts for us.
He could have given us all kinds of powers.
He puts himself that’s telling us that he’s the gift in the Hebrew marriage.
That mystery I told you about the man visits, the woman comes to her house and she doesn’t see the house.
He’s got, she doesn’t see his bank account. She doesn’t see the house. He’s going to prepare for her.
According to the mystery, she only sees him, she has to decide then and there she receives him.
The house’s second, everything in the life is second. Everything that’s coming in. Second.
Now the second time he comes, he comes to bring her into the house.
He prepared with the Lord.
Same thing, you know, there is heaven but we don’t love Him because if he’s gonna have a house called heaven, we love him because of him for who he is.
Emmanuel, his, all his other name is Yeshua Jesus. You shall call him Yeshua, his real name.
Yeshua Yeshua means salvation. And Emmanuel is God is with us.
So it’s saying that salvation is God is with us.
Our salvation is that God is with us and God is with us and everything God with us in this life, God’s with us on the cross and our sins.
He is with us. He joined himself in every way. He’s with us and everything.
The name of the baby. What is salvation? He is salvation.
So what the name of the baby when he called him?
Emmanuel wasn’t called, he shall be called the streets of gold and the jewels of heaven and all the riches of God and all the promises and all the things He’s gonna bless you with and all the gifts of the spirit.
It was simply God is with us. It’s Him. Nothing else. God is with us. Emmanuel. That.
M, remember that M word, that M word M with M M interesting.
It comes from a root word in Hebrew. That means to huddle together.
It also means to overshadow like spreading your wings over. God wants us.
The key is when you let heaven’s love overshadow you over.
She says under the wings of God will take refuge.
How often he said I would have gathered you under my wings, what I’d say to Mary and the Holy Spirit will overshadow you.
And that’s when the life comes. He wants us overshadowed. He wants us over.
He wants us overwhelmed by that team that with God is actually with me today.
He’s with me here when I go home, you know, you might feel alone but he’s with you.
If you, if you, you know him, he’s really with you.
If not, he’s trying to get you, he’s trying to say I want to save you and he’s still all.
But, but you know, the amazing thing that you have you.
If you, you’re born again, you’ve got God in your life at every moment. You’re going home in your car.
He’s with you. You can talk to Him, you’re on your bed, you can talk to him.
You’re in the worst time in your life, you can talk to him. He didn’t leave you.
And he said, what do you say? I will never leave you or forsake you? I am with you.
Hi, I’m Jonathan Cahn. Thanks for checking out my youtube channel. I hope you were blessed with the video.
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Some believers believe it’s all, it’s only there and then, and, and no, it’s, it is there and then, but it’s here and now God is always, you know, some people live in that in the future when I get this, when I get this, when I get this and you’re not living now and some are living in the past.
Well, I used to have this, I used to have this used to be so much better and I’ve lost this.
You’re living, you’re not living now. God is here. God is now.
God is with us, not God was with us, not God will, will simply be with us.
God is with us here. And now true storia man.
I know in Europe was in love with a woman and he said, I’ll buy you a watch.
This is, this is probably wartime or pre war World War Two.
At that time, a watch there was like a car. He took her to the store, a jewelry store.
He said, pick out whatever you want. She asked us which one is the most expensive.
So they show it. She says, I want that one and he bought it for her.
And as they walked out of the store. He said true story. He said goodbye.
He said he wished her well, that you’ll have a good life.
He realized she was not the one because her love was based on what he would give her.
Not on him regardless. Loving the Lord has to be the same way.
It’s not about what he gave you or what he will give you.
And even if he gives you nothing, he gave you everything. Lord.
If you give me nothing from this time on, I’m still gonna praise you because I love you.
It’s not about what you can give me.
Yes, God gives and yes, God bless us and yes, bring your needs to God and yes he does not that he’s gonna do.
You know, despite what is preached, he’s not gonna do whatever you ask. He’s gonna do what you need.
And that’s not, not only gonna always gonna be what you want, but it’s gonna be good in the end, but he will give the best.
But we love him regardless of what he gave because he is the gift.
I mean he could have in Bethlehem. He could have put all different kinds of gifts for us.
He could have given us all kinds of powers.
He puts himself that’s telling us that he’s the gift in the Hebrew marriage.
That mystery I told you about the man visits, the woman comes to her house and she doesn’t see the house.
He’s got, she doesn’t see his bank account. She doesn’t see the house. He’s going to prepare for her.
According to the mystery, she only sees him, she has to decide then and there she receives him.
The house’s second, everything in the life is second. Everything that’s coming in. Second.
Now the second time he comes, he comes to bring her into the house.
He prepared with the Lord.
Same thing, you know, there is heaven but we don’t love Him because if he’s gonna have a house called heaven, we love him because of him for who he is.
Emmanuel, his, all his other name is Yeshua Jesus. You shall call him Yeshua, his real name.
Yeshua Yeshua means salvation. And Emmanuel is God is with us.
So it’s saying that salvation is God is with us.
Our salvation is that God is with us and God is with us and everything God with us in this life, God’s with us on the cross and our sins.
He is with us. He joined himself in every way. He’s with us and everything.
The name of the baby. What is salvation? He is salvation.
So what the name of the baby when he called him?
Emmanuel wasn’t called, he shall be called the streets of gold and the jewels of heaven and all the riches of God and all the promises and all the things He’s gonna bless you with and all the gifts of the spirit.
It was simply God is with us. It’s Him. Nothing else. God is with us. Emmanuel. That.
M, remember that M word, that M word M with M M interesting.
It comes from a root word in Hebrew. That means to huddle together.
It also means to overshadow like spreading your wings over. God wants us.
The key is when you let heaven’s love overshadow you over.
She says under the wings of God will take refuge.
How often he said I would have gathered you under my wings, what I’d say to Mary and the Holy Spirit will overshadow you.
And that’s when the life comes. He wants us overshadowed. He wants us over.
He wants us overwhelmed by that team that with God is actually with me today.
He’s with me here when I go home, you know, you might feel alone but he’s with you.
If you, if you, you know him, he’s really with you.
If not, he’s trying to get you, he’s trying to say I want to save you and he’s still all.
But, but you know, the amazing thing that you have you.
If you, you’re born again, you’ve got God in your life at every moment. You’re going home in your car.
He’s with you. You can talk to Him, you’re on your bed, you can talk to him.
You’re in the worst time in your life, you can talk to him. He didn’t leave you.
And he said, what do you say? I will never leave you or forsake you? I am with you.
Hi, I’m Jonathan Cahn. Thanks for checking out my youtube channel. I hope you were blessed with the video.
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