The Ancient Mystery Behind Your Personal Computer | Jonathan Cahn Special
The Ancient Mystery Behind Your Personal Computer
Could there be an ancient mystery behind your computer, your personal computer. This is Jonathan cahn.
And what I’m revealing is a taste of the return of the gods.
The latest book I’ve written, When America turned away from God, it turned to the gods didn’t know it, but it did and the spirits came back and when it turned away from God it turned to paganism.
Now the bible says when the people of the ancient world, when they turned away from God like ancient Israel, they turned to the gods and they turned to idols.
The bible says when they turned to idols they served the works of their own hands.
An idol is something you put over God that you actually serve.
That you focus on all the time or that has consumed you or that you are with all the time.
Well the bible says they served the works of their own hands.
They made this thing and then they served it. Which is kind of strange paul.
The apostle paul when he’s on mars Hill recorded in the Book of Acts, a pagan place filled with gods and idols.
He stands there and he speaks to paganism to the pagan world and to idols.
And when he speaks of idols, he uses the greek word technique from that greek word that he uses of idols.
We get the word technology, we get the word tech, we get the words high tech.
What does this reveal? We have made the greatest idol the computer because it’s an idol.
You see the idols looked human but computer can actually act human.
See what it’s saying is when we turn away from God, we will end up serving the works of our hands, will end up serving our own technology.
That’s not saying technology is bad, it’s neutral.
But what it’s saying is when you when a culture a civilization turns away from God or a person turns away from God, it ends up serving the works of its hands.
It ends up So we are now serving our tech name. Our computers. The computers have become masters of people.
People have increasingly become part of computers prompted by their computer attached addicted to their computer.
As if an appendage to their computer. Each generation gets more and more addicted.
Now the bible says the idol is made in the image of its maker.
So computers are taking on more and more human qualities, human powers, human attributes, human functions.
And the bible also says amazing revelation that those who worship idols become like the idols they worship.
So what’s happening, what’s happening is that people as they spend more time in front of their computers, their screens, they become less and less human.
They take on more attributes of the computer.
They become more joined to the computer, less able to relate While computers are taking more and more functions of man of humanity.
This is a little taste of the mystery that is revealed in the return of the gods.
The latest book I’ve written, which is about what is happening, transforming your life and what you need to know and what you need to do about it.
God’s is literally everywhere, wherever there are books for you to get and for those in your life, for those who need to know and this is what we’re gonna be continuing on in the next message.
The next message, the image of an ancient god that has actually materialized before our eyes in America.
It subscribe. So you don’t miss it. This is Jonathan cahn.
I’ll see you next time with the molten beast.