Jack Hibbs : Mass Shootings | Jack Hibbs – God’s Messages

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Alright everybody. So right now at the time of this video being made, there’s been 13 shootings in the United States, six of them in California which doesn’t surprise anybody except that why all of a sudden why now what’s up a couple of things really quick.
Number one, we watched Gavin Newsom, the governor of California when he spoke at Monterey Park for example where one of the shootings took place.
He didn’t talk about evil, he didn’t talk about lawlessness. He didn’t talk about bad D. A. S.
He didn’t talk about bail. He didn’t talk about any of those things that are a problem in California.
He didn’t talk about the shortage of judges in California to hear cases. No no no no.
He talked all the while regarding gun control and and and and the revisiting of the Second Amendment, why what’s going on the issue?
Listen, you can make all the laws you want and it’s not gonna change one thing about man’s heart, if you take away guns, people use knives.
In fact, did you know in china, that’s the number one way of murder in china is knives.
Well we gotta let’s take away knives.
What if all the knives and guns are gone Take away rocks because people are gonna use rocks.
And then if they don’t have anything else, people are gonna use their hands to strangle somebody else.
Why the issue is not a immaterial as it were gun. The gun is a piece of metal.
The rock is a rock. The thing is the heart of America. Our hearts as a nation are lost.
We are sick with sin. And the bible says in the book of Deuteronomy, When God leaves a nation, it becomes violent and people die and the economy falls apart and all of these things begin to take place.
God sit in Deuteronomy when a nation leaves him, their health as a nation will begin to collapse and their crops will begin to fail.

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Listen, friends don’t let anybody dupe you by crying gun control, gun laws. Oh my goodness! How about this?
Sure is interesting that Kamala Harris from California promised when she was on the campaign trail to become vice president that she would implement her California gun laws.
I think she’s bent on doing that.
I’m not saying she caused these events, but I’m saying they’ll take advantage of it.
The issue is this not politics? The issue is the human heart, the heart’s got to be changed.
Violence will not stop until this culture embraces the words of jesus christ and the bible.
We’ve got to wake up and realize the answer is announcing thou shalt not murder.
We’ve got to get back at it.
Friends and so take heart in knowing that there’s hope if we will repent and seek God’s face and stop focusing on the symptom and get straight to the core issue, the human heart needs jesus christ

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