Pastor Kent Christmas | God Will Show Up | October 2, 2024

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Welcome to KCMI TV. I’m really glad you’re here with me today. We’re diving into a couple of well-known passages from the Bible: Matthew chapter 14, which recounts an incredible miracle, and Psalm 23, one of the most famous sections in all of Scripture.

In Matthew 14, we pick up the story right after Jesus miraculously feeds 5,000 men, plus women and children, which probably totaled around 20,000 people. He accomplished this with just five loaves of bread and two fish. The disciples played a key role in this miracle. Jesus asked them, “What do you have?” and they brought Him a small boy’s lunch. Jesus multiplied it, and they spent hours distributing food to this enormous crowd. When everyone had eaten, the disciples collected 12 baskets full of leftovers, leaving them in awe of what they had witnessed.

Immediately following this miracle, in Matthew 14:22, Jesus urged His disciples to get into a boat and head to the other side of the Sea of Galilee while He dismissed the crowd. Afterward, He went up on a mountain to pray alone. Meanwhile, the disciples found themselves in the middle of the sea, with their boat being tossed by strong winds and waves. During the fourth watch of the night, between 3 and 6 AM, Jesus approached them, walking on the water. When they saw Him, they were terrified, thinking He was a ghost. But Jesus reassured them, saying, “Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.”

What stands out to me here, especially in verse 22, is the way Jesus compelled His disciples to get into the boat. The original Greek word used for “constrained” is much stronger than we might think. It wasn’t a gentle suggestion—He forced them to go. The disciples didn’t want to leave Him, but Jesus made them get into the boat and head to the other side, even though a storm was coming. This is key—Jesus knew the storm was coming and still sent them into it.

Sometimes, when we face storms in life, we forget that God has already promised to bring us through. Jesus wasn’t surprised by the storm, and He had a purpose in sending His disciples into it. It wasn’t the enemy’s doing; it was Jesus who sent them into the storm, knowing what they would face. Often, we think that faith should spare us from trials, but that’s not what Scripture teaches. Jesus intentionally placed His disciples in a situation where they would be tested and frightened.

While they battled the storm, Jesus was on the mountain praying for them. Scripture tells us that Jesus continuously intercedes for us before the Father. Even in our toughest moments, we can find comfort in knowing that Christ is praying for us. No matter what we’re facing, Jesus is watching over us and interceding on our behalf.

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