Your Too Big Calling & How To Grow Into It | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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Elijah placed his mantle over Elisha, and now, Messiah is extending His mantle to you. Maybe you’ve never felt like you’ve fully received it—perhaps it feels out of reach. But today, you can embrace it. No matter who you are, you are called to live the life of Messiah, in a unique way that no one else can. You are called to continue the works and ministry of Messiah, whether you’re young or old, male or female. Just as David was chosen to be king and Elijah to be a prophet, you have been chosen to live in the glory of the Messiah.

What is the anointing? On Pentecost, no oil was given, because it symbolized the pure Spirit of God. The mantle of the Messiah comes through the Holy Spirit. Remember what Jesus said before He left? “You will be clothed with power from on high.” The Spirit is your clothing—your mantle. Imagine how Elisha must have felt after receiving Elijah’s mantle, asking himself, “What would Elijah do?” Just as Elisha wondered about Elijah’s actions, we should ask ourselves, “What would Jesus do?” In every situation, we should reflect on how the Messiah would respond to our circumstances, our challenges, our enemies, and our daily decisions.

But it’s not just about asking, “What would He do?” It’s about asking, “What will He do through me?” Because through His Spirit, He will act in your life. So, what does it mean for you to carry this anointing? If you received the anointing of Elijah, Moses, or Messiah, it would change everything. You’d realize that you can no longer live the same way. You can’t waste time on trivial things. You’re called to a higher purpose—a holy calling. You have the anointing of the prophet, and that means you must live differently, with focus and intention.

Paul tells us to “walk in a manner worthy of the calling” we have received. You are called to live a holy, victorious, world-changing life. You are in Elijah’s shoes, in Joshua’s shoes, but even more so because you’ve been given something greater. Feeling unworthy is normal, but that’s okay. The Hebrew word for mantle is aderet, which means wide, big, and large. The mantle of Messiah is greater than you or me—it’s meant to be bigger than us. It’s designed to give us room to grow.

If you feel the calling is too big for you, that’s the point. It’s meant to stretch you and lift you up. The Hebrew word aderet also means “ample” and “mighty.” God makes you ample—He empowers you to do what you’re called to do. You may not feel worthy, but that’s why you are anointed. The mantle transforms you into what you are meant to be. You are chosen, and with His mantle, you will rise to fulfill your purpose.

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