Colossians – Pt 2 | Enjoying Everyday Life | Joyce Meyer

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This program is made possible by the faithful support of Joyce Meyer Ministries partners. Remember, love is not just a feeling; it’s a decision. It’s about how you choose to treat others. I’m Joyce, and I believe God can heal you wherever you hurt.

We are called saints, consecrated to God, meaning we belong to Him. When God saves us, we transition from a life of selfishness to a life of service, becoming vessels for His will. He’s the head, we’re the body, and God works through us to fulfill His purpose.

When we pray for God to move, He often uses people as instruments to accomplish His will. That’s the beauty of being a Christian—allowing God to work through you. Being consecrated means being set apart for a special purpose. Don’t just admire those in leadership roles at church or events; realize that you, too, are consecrated and called to a unique purpose.

You were bought with a price, set apart for God’s use. There is something only you can do in the way you were designed to do it. While God’s work will be done, regardless of your participation, true happiness comes when you align with His will and fulfill your part.

Today, take a moment to acknowledge that you don’t belong to yourself. You’re not the owner of your life, your possessions, or your talents—you’re a steward. 1 Corinthians 6:19 reminds us that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. God lives in us, and we live in Him. Let this truth guide you each day: “Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world.”

You were bought with the precious blood of Jesus Christ, redeemed from darkness. You don’t belong to the world or the enemy—you are set apart for God’s purposes. Today, let this message remind you of your worth and calling.

Romans 12:1 urges us to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, dedicated to God’s service. Under the old covenant, sacrifices were dead, but now God desires living, breathing, passionate people. Dedicate your eyes, your words, and your actions to Him. Be mindful of what you watch, what you say, and where you go.

Live with the awareness that you belong to God. Don’t compromise your values to fit in. Even if others reject you, remember that you belong to Him. It’s time to rise higher in your faith and commitment to God’s will.

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