Thankful Tuesday Blessings October 08, 2024

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Thankful Tuesday Blessings

Dear God, thank You for this day. Thank You for keeping me safe and secure. Thank You for giving me another chance. Today, I pray over the things that I say. Your word constantly demonstrates the power and impact that my words have. Help me to be wise and kind with my words. I want to be a person who builds others up and encourages them with my words, not someone who tears them down or speaks negatively. Help me to control my tongue and speak words that honor myself, others, and especially You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences. -Proverbs 18:21

Father, thank You for loving me and for never writing me off when I’ve been off course and failed. Thank You that You saw a chosen vessel in Saul when he was persecuting the church, and You’re going to use me as Your instrument as well. I believe You are bringing me into my destiny. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I praise and bless Your holy name, Lord, for granting me the grace to witness a new dawn, to start this day filled with joy and motivation. You, who have given me life and everything I have, are the source of my hope and the reason for my existence. Thank you for this new day, which I begin with enthusiasm and happiness, knowing that You hear my prayers. You are the patient and loving potter, molding me into Your image. You breathed life into me with Your Spirit. I am Your creation, formed by Your hands.

Remove from my path all the burdens that hold me back and enslave me, preventing me from being my authentic self. I feel truly blessed, for in You I find completeness, and in You, I discover true happiness. I surrender all that I am to You, asking You to shape me according to Your plan, transforming my life into a reflection of Your love and mercy. I trust that You will sustain me through every challenge and difficulty, for nothing is impossible for You.

I praise and bless You because You give me the strength to live, to fight, and to face every adversity. I ask You for clarity of mind to understand and interpret each situation I experience. Make me aware of the need to empathize with those around me. Help me remember that we are all brothers and sisters, children of Yours, and that You have called me to love them as You love me.

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Blessed are You, Lord, for even if an army were to rise against me, I am at peace because You are with me, holding me up and loving me. I ask You to work within my heart, so I may trust You more each day, without fear or anxiety about life’s challenges. The only certainty I have is Your great love for me and Your unmatched mercy. No one is like You.

I lift my gaze to Your holy face in this beautiful morning, dedicating this sacred moment of prayer to You alone. Help me remember that, no matter how strong the storms may be, You are my refuge, my fortress, and my solid rock in whom I can fully trust. Give me the wisdom to see the good in difficult times, and help me not to be overwhelmed by the moment. Allow me to see the world through the eyes of love, as You see it. Help me to be a protector and kind-hearted soul. I trust that You are acting within me right now, giving me what I need in every situation of life.

Lord, I step into this day, confident in Your infinite mercy, knowing You encourage me to make this day the best it can be.


I will turn off any electronic devices and step away from worldly distractions to spend more time with my loved ones. Rest in God alone, my soul, for He is my hope. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I will not be shaken (Psalm 61).

May the Lord bless us today, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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