God’s Favor On You – End Time Faith

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God’s Favor On You – End Time Faith

Faith is the primary foundation and building block of Christianity. Faith is required to tithe, to prosper, to live in health, and even be healed. Everything we do and say must be done in faith. In End Time Faith, you will learn about audacious faith, bold faith and real faith. This is a series you will want to play and replay to strengthen your foundation of faith.

the believer’s Walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries partners and viewers up next on the believer’s block of faith I’m saying God it will deliver you but even when you make a mistake he starts recalculating and getting you back on Court and if you got breath in you you coming back he’s not giving up on you no matter what happens to you and don’t you ever doubt that he will he loves you and he said his Mercy is new every morning you got to have audacious Faith you got to have nerve the nerve of you that’s where you
want to go if they’re not saying that you’re not you’re not there yet the nerve of you you’re going to ask me that the nerve of you and preacher same thing they preaching the pulit and finishing the pullit many times don’t call for Souls because it it takes boldness now not only call for souls put them in the back and tell them they’re going to have to be baptized they sure won’t do that matter of fact they don’t have a pool there is no pool don’t mention filling them with the
Holy Ghost all of it takes bonus and the enemy is there to make you timid Lord to intimidate you and make you think now I’m I’m saying that because it’s the same thing that happen to your body you’re going to have to call your body healed and you have visible signs of something wrong with your body he’s saying I dare you to say that in the end time you need Supernatural Solutions the end time so I need prayer if I don’t know how to pray I’m in trouble amen so right after you get born again and go through our foundation
class we have prayer class cuz you need to know how to pray pray will bring Supernatural Deliverance Prayer Prayer Will another thing is you need Angels you need Angels right angels are Covenant enforcing agents amen amen uh you have the CIA in the natural but these are ceas got it amen and they are here to protect you they’re here to help you say Amen to that they’re on assignment you need God’s wisdom Lord say I need wisdom I need wisdom in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus so he said If any man lack wisdom what does he
do he ask of God who will give it to you liberally and abrath uh and abrath not then now next you need favor now a lot of times you don’t pray favor people don’t pray favor in church but I pray favor almost every day I have a confession that I read that the favor of God surrounds me like a shield producing Supernatural increase promotion restoration honor increased assets greater victories recognition prominence preferential treatment po I granted policies and rules changed and battles WS which I do not have to
fight say Amen so I’m winning battles that I don’t have to fight because I prayed favor yes sir folks me being here is not a coincidence this is not an accident this happened on purpose yeah yeah God has taught me a little bit about prayer and I’m trying to teach you yeah because God will give you favor look at Esther didn’t Esther get favor I mean that was a law that well let’s look at that Esther 4:1 ready read do know that or woman shall King the king shall hold out the golden that he may live but I have not to come in
unto the king these days that’s to say I can’t come in there yes King hadn’t called me in there for 30 days and if I go in there unannounced and he doesn’t point that scepter at me my head is off she knew that but God gave her favor come on you better hear what I’m saying you do not go looking for a job without favor you do not go calling on a client without favor you do not you hear what I’m saying favor will cause them to do things for you that they never planned to do yeah yeah that favors on me can’t
you see it it’s favor something is on me can’t you see it yeah you can’t see it on me look around and see can you see it surrounding I’m just saying favor favor I’m praying it every day it’s not automatic you got to pray it so Esther had to get herself together she had to get over that fear over that timidness over all of that she needed audacious Faith man I can see the k now you got the audacity to come up in here I’m going just point this scepter at you and whatever you want I’ll give it to
you up to what half of my that’s called favor one day of favor is worth a lifetime of Labor one day of favor one day of favor gets you so much money in the bank you don’t know what to do thank end time requires fruitfulness you’re in the end time now okay so it it required at first Supernatural Solutions and end time now requires fruitfulness say fruitful all right so here’s where it’s easy for you this is where it’s easy this is easy what we’re used to doing is doing everything out of our
head and that’s that took us a distance but you’re still in 3D you’re still in 3D when Jesus cursed a fig tree let’s put it up there ready read and Jesus answered and said unto him no man eat fruit of the Hereafter forever and his disciples all right now this this is a key this is how I found out how I got where I am my mind does not know what I can do come on that’s good once you accept that you are in the money yeah it does not know what you can do it has no idea your mind has to be reprogrammed it has been programmed for
where you are now where you are now is what you think yeah now what we’re going to do is we’re going to move you up but don’t expect your mind to lead you they that are led by the spirit of God these are the sons of God Romans chapter 8 verse 14-1 17 you got what I’m saying yeah so when I’m going to speak to a tree I’m not going to ask my mind if if it worked because if you do you begin to cut off the flow of Faith you it it’ll bring so much doubt in there till it’ll weaken that Faith so
you can’t even do that amen they that believe shall lay hands on the who sick and they shall what now when you do that is that coming out of your head or out of your spirit out of your spirit so you can’t ask your head I wonder if they got healed no no you what you say you believe what you say is going to come to pass all spiritual operations and that’s why most people don’t get there intellectuals hard to get there because their mind has such a grip on on on their life and and the more people are program I’m not saying
anything about schooling you can get Scholastic but you’re going to have to train Paul Paul said he had some of the best turn teaching and they tell me he spoke very ious languages and all of that but he said he counted all what D for Christ for the anointing that’s in here and I’m just saying cuz this doesn’t know it only knows what has been programmed it has not been programmed that you speak to trees come on it has not been programmed that you call in money it has not been programmed that it
thinks that is foolish until it gets reprogrammed so when you speak to something like the first thing I spoke to was my car that wouldn’t start and I went back in I spoke to it and then I looked around first to see if anybody was looking because it was really cold in Chicago on the North side when when I lived on the North side and then I spoke to it I went inside and get you know watch the ball game football game and got a cup of tea about half an hour then I went back out got all my stuff because I’m I’m I’m I’m doing all the things
Faith does I got my you know my bag and everything because I was going to the office and I got everything and I got in that car it started up man I raised that seat up as high as I could man I my chest struck all out you you follow what I’m saying my mind was surprised it is surprised so you speak to that thing in your body and give it a minute Lord have mercy I said give it a minute now did I tell you to put the debts on the table did I tell you that and I told you to do what to them speak to them suppose it’s
a Mortgage Debt speak to it suppose it’s a apartment building that you own speak to it I’m saying it doesn’t make it speak to it decree a thing yeah and it shall be established job chap 22:28 fruitful means to be able to produce by the superior method of the spirit Realm by faith and then the next thing under that same section is that God created you to operate on the level of the Creator glory to God but that that’s strong stuff is it God created you to operate on the level of the Creator how
many you know in the garden Adam walked and talked with God say amen amen well today you’re going to walk and talk with really you ask God God you want me to buy a motorcycle yeah I want to ride with you praise God going down and B and get I’m you know what I’m saying God is with you amen and he wants to Fellowship every day end time Faith requires boldness how about Abraham all right now watch this but this is Genesis and chapter no please understand I’m teaching you now what I know yeah yeah I’m being very
transparent you know what I’m saying there there’s nothing I got nothing up my sleeves I’m I’m saying I’m telling you exactly what I know not hiding anything okay okay all right now uh okay let’s see okay Abraham a Abraham all right so look at um uh 12 uh Genesis chter 12 in verse one all right ready readto the out of thy country and from thy and from thy father’s house to a land that I will show thee stop that took bold Faith people won’t leave their tribe that is one of the number one
reasons especially with people who have a sense of low self-esteem and so they won’t leave that tribe they won’t leave it and here’s God got a fortune for them they won’t leave it I had to leave I had to leave thank God I left because I’m able to bless a lot of people if nothing else leave get rich and come back and get them after you get rich but they they they they’ll take the opinion of the tribe over the opinion of God talking to them and you got to watch that I’m not telling you leave somebody
just so forth I’m saying if God speaks to you because I had to leave and and I went back this is chask I went back and a friend of mine said hey um I heard you going to get an airplane I said yeah he said what time what kind you going to get I’m going get I said get a Gulf Stream a Gul stream oh man now Gulf Stream is you know it’s a nice airplane okay amen amen it’s it’s Rolls-Royce of the air okay but but AR said yeah you got a ghost what you’re going to get a ghost stream and I’m looking for a job see I’m
supposed to say oh no oh praise God well I’m not going to get it then cuz you you know what I mean no I you know I’m I’m reaching for you but I can’t feel you you you know I’m I’m saying I I I I I I’m going pray for you and so forth but I’m going on cuz they don’t want you to go guaranteed Abraham had to leave say I’m I’m out and when he got out look what it says over here in Genesis and chapter 13 and verse 2 ready read stop this what God will do for you because what you’re doing is you’re
trusting him more than you trusting your tribe and there’s nothing wrong with tribe it’s a nice support system but there’s a time that God wants to support you he wants to be your only support right we came here nobody knew us nobody cared my Lord I had a picture of me and my wife she was playing to guitar and I was singing in the mic I had two sports coats a suit about three pair of pants and I’d flip them up every Sunday you know I like you know I’m trying to you know every Sunday didn’t have much right
there you could have said oh he ain’t going nowhere are you follow what I’m saying no I was on my way I had left the tribe I had left what he told me to leave at IBM I had left are you follow I’m saying none of my relatives came down there none of her relatives came down there now they come here but none of them came down there I left and I’m not talking against them I’m just saying somewhere you got to go and then come back and get them when you got money to give them so you can help them get out
of what they’re in and get to where God wants them say Amen toight see let me let me tell can I tell you something whatever I’m preaching the spirit of it comes with it that’s right and and if you listen to it it’ll make you strong that’s right so don’t stop got so I’m not trying to come down on anybody or anything like that I’m just telling you what it takes to because I’m just giving you what tra Road I travel and if you look in the Bible a lot of your life is going to be exactly like
Abraham’s you read how his life was and you can track it that’s good all right so put it up there please ready read for it was little which thou has before I came and it is now increased unto a multitude now this is Jacob talking and let’s see next next verse please coming and now when shall I provide for my own he had been with him 20 years and didn’t have enough money to provide for his own home how many people been working that job 20 years and can’t take a vacation to Hawaii if you can’t
get at least to Hawaii you need to check yourself now I don’t care if you talk about me when you get out of here I’m going to tell you the truth see if I don’t tell you the truth the devil will keep you where you’re at that’s right I got to make it so that either you going to get mad at where you’re at and decide to come out of there or get mad at me and don’t come [Applause] back see but but in either case you go you going to make a decision I’m trying to get a decision out of you cuz people
will go for years without making a good decision a good decision is one that you won’t depart from it’s the decision that you going to make if Hell Freezes Over you still going to stay with that decision that devil tried me with that decision but I made it he’ll send people to prop you up somebody encourage you here or you’ll see something on television and it’ll encourage you just a little bit just a little bit more cuz if Satan ever finds out you’ll stand forever you won’t stand
long that door will swing open he just feels if he puts enough pressure on you and just shake you just enough that you’ll say no I’m quitting this I’m I’m not this stuff ain’t working for me yes it is I’m your I’m your example right here I’m the one I’m the one that you can use I’m a living Epistle of of of what God will do for you say Amen all right let me let me finish up this right there let’s go over to Joshua 21 now this are some people Joshua learned his lesson he’s not sending out
10 12 Spies anymore how many is he sending out this time two even know you learn your lesson or sometime you know it’s all right to miss it but don’t miss it the same place the same time doing the same thing amen that’s good learn a lesson you don’t have to teach me but one time and I’m out say Amen to that all right go ahead read ready read Joshua the son of net the land even Jero and they went and came into an har house named Raab and lo there stop W no this this is a little extreme and
I’m not saying that you have to do this you’re not but this is one of those extreme situations where uh you have to understand that uh you know this this is opening up the whole thing to you this this and and God will have you do things just to throw Satan off because Satan has got your pattern in his index cards he he has already your dorier already on file he knows exactly what button to push to get you to shout at your children or be mad at your wife knows exactly so what you got to do is confuse
him come on you you got to make it so he looking down and here wait a minute wait a minute I don’t have that I don’t have that down there and confusion see and I’m not saying you got to go in the wh house to do that but you got to understand that this this say are you follow I’m saying he’s going to take you in a direction that baby can I talk can I talk is it the right group I’m just saying I’m y’all follow what I’m saying I’m saying he’ll take you a direction where the enemy can to be
surprised he didn’t look what it says over here in First Corinthians and chapter 2 and look at verse 6 and 7 glory to God hallelujah ready read how be it we speak wisdom among them that are perfect yet not the wisdom of this world nor of thees of this world that we the widom of God even widom God ordained before the world unto our Glory keep going which none of the princes of this world knew for they know they would not crucified the he took the Lord a certain way and that’s what I’m saying sometimes you
think you know which way the Lord’s going to go and you go that way where you off course but when you off course you just listen real good it says watch this recalculating it’s going to take you and bring you back on course and I guarantee you he going to take you away that you never thought you were going to go because he’s got the devil and he’s throwing them off cuz the devil has checked his file on you and he knows which turn you going to make if he puts this kind of pressure on you but you got

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