Adrian Rogers: Jesus is the Word of God

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Adrian Rogers: Jesus is the Word of God

In His day, the Bible Jesus knew was the Old Testament. Jesus’ unwavering devotion to it reminds us why we put our faith in the Word of God, cover to cover. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares three key thoughts concerning Jesus and His Bible.

I cannot I do not have enough vocabulary to tell you how important your faith must rest in the word of God now listen very carefully to this next statement Jesus authenticates the Bible and the Bible authenticates the Lord Jesus these rise or fall together profound truth simply stated This is Love Worth Finding with Pastor teacher and author Adrien Rogers would you take God’s word please and open to Matthew Chapter 5 in a moment we’re going to be reading from verse 17 and verse 17 and verse 18 now what I want you to see today is what.
Jesus thought of his Bible now because what Jesus thought of his Bible is so very important to you for the servant must be like his master Jesus had a Bible it was the Old Testament and I want you to hear Jesus testimony to the Old Testament now listen folks only ignorance scoffs at the fact that Jesus Christ was an historical character we know that beyond the shadow of any doubt now just who was this Jesus the scholars are still scratching the heads and thinking we know because we have a Bible now listen very carefully to this.
next statement Jesus authenticates the Bible and the Bible authenticates the Lord Jesus these rise or fall to together I want you to see what Jesus said about his Bible I’m talking to you about the time that Jesus was here on Earth before the New Testament was ever written Jesus said verse 17 think not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets I am not come to destroy but to fulfill for verily I say unto you now folks listen when Jesus says verily everything that Jesus says is true but when Jesus says.
verily he’s saying pay attention that word verily means truly or amen and amen verily I say unto you till Heaven and Earth shall pass one jot or one tit shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled that’s what Jesus Jesus said about his uh Bible he said I didn’t come to destroy the law and the prophets the law and the prophets were the name for the Old Testament that’s what the Jews called and still called the Old Testament uh the law and the prophets now I want you to see what Jesus said about his Bible I’m going to.
call it the Old Testament now I want to lay three things on your heart today I pray God that you will receive them I pray God that he will riit them upon your soul I pray God he will etch them in your psyche I pray God that you will never never never waver on these truths think with me about three things in this passage that we see concerning Jesus and his Bible first thought Jesus fulfills the Old Testament in its predictions the Old Testament is a book of Prophecy it is a book of predictions and it predicts the Lord Jesus Christ think.
not that I’m come to destroy the law of the prophets I’m not come to destroy but to fulfill Jesus Christ is the Fulfillment of every Old Testament prophecy concerning him do you want to key to understanding the Bible the key to understanding the Bible is to look for Jesus in the Bible Jesus is the hero of the Bible if you read the Bible and you don’t find Jesus reread it the Bible has one hero his name is Jesus one villain that is Satan one problem that is sin one solution that is salvation that is.
what the Bible is all about let me give you some scriptures for your margin just to point out what I’m talking about that Jesus in the Bible rise or stand together now Luke 24: 27 Jesus is speaking and the Bible says and beginning at Moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself that is Jesus Took the Old Testament he started with Moses Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers and Deuteronomy and then he went on to the prophets and he began to expound the things in these.
scriptures now it says that he did this in all of the Scriptures it doesn’t say that he showed them all the things concerning himself in the scriptures but he showed them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself that’s the reason I say that the Bible is a Jesus Book sometimes people say have you read the four gospels friend I’ve read all 66 they’re all about the Lord Jesus Christ in all the scriptures now you may not see him literally there on any page if you’re reading the names of uh some of.
the list of names in Genesis that sound like a Hebrew telephone directory you say where’s Jesus there well friend if you understand the history Bible History and all of it you will understand ultimately it is written to present the Lord Jesus Christ now put down this verse also acts chap 10 and verse 43 to him that is to Jesus give all the prophets witness don’t get the idea that the Old Testament was written about one thing and the New Testament is written about something else to Jesus give all the prophets witness that through his name.
whosoever believeth in him shall receive the remission of sins the Savior and the Salvation that the Savior provides are presented in the Old Testament and then here’s what Jesus Jesus says to the church called Belle view now you listen John 5:39 search the scriptures for in them ye think that you have eternal life and they are they which testify of me did you hear that Jesus said you search the scriptures and I want to remind you that his Bible was the Old Testament and he says these are they which testify of me.
God has no no program no plans no purposes that do not ultimately Center in the Lord Jesus Christ and Jesus is in all of the Bible and you will find him especially in Prophecy now I said that Jesus fulfills the predictions of the Old Testament Jesus Christ is unique he is the only person ever born to this world whose ancestry birth time Forerunner birthplace birth manner infancy manhood teaching character preaching reception rejection death bual Resurrection Ascension were all prophesied centuries before he was.
born now friend what a testimony to the character of The Bible and the character of Jesus how they rise and stand together you know in the Bible there are a great number of prophecies in the Old Testament concerning Jesus Christ 333 precise prophecies a man named Peter Stoner who’s a statistici didn’t take 333 of these prophecies he took only eight and he figures the possibility that eight of these uh prophecies could have been fulfilled by chance only eight out of 333 now he wrote In the book book science speaks out this amazing fact he.
said the mathematical chance that eight of these prophecies could be fulfilled in one person eight now listen to this is 10 to the 17th power you say now I know exactly how many that is Pastor well I don’t know that we even have a name for that gazila I guess but he illustrates it this I can understand he said if you were to take the state of Texas from border to border and cover the state of Texas with silver dollars now the Texans would like this with silver dollars two feet high now just in your mind think of the State.
of Texas one week I drove across Texas seemed like a week uh driving from B to B it’s a big state now just imagine Texas covered with silver dollars two feet high and then you take a man and blindfold him and drop him down somewhere by helicopter El Paso Dallas uh it doesn’t matter where and there’s one silver dollar in all all those silver dollars that has a special mark on it and he’s blindfolded and cannot see the chance that he would reach down and pick up that one silver dollar is about the same mathematical.
probability that these eight prophecies could be fulfilled by mere chance and only eight of them that he deals with what about 300 and and 33 of these prophecies you see look one prophecy you say well he may be the Son of God two prophecies well it’s go more different three and so forth you see when you add them up then the possibility of chance greatly diminishes and Jesus fulfills the Old Testament in prediction it it it’s there you see Jesus there in the Old Testament in in prediction if you’re.
enjoying this message from Adrien Rogers and would like to dig a little deeper into today’s topic download this free companion Bible study use the link above to get yours but now here’s the second thing I want you to see Jesus fulfills the Old Testament in its Perfection not only in its prediction but in its Perfection Jesus said here that not a shot or a TT will fail from the law to law be fulfilled listen to it think not that I’m come to destroy the law of the prophets I’m not come to destroy but to.
fulfill for verily I say to you till Heaven and Earth pass one jot or one TT shall in no wise pass from the law to law be fulfilled you say well Pastor tell me what a jot matle is well the jot is is the smallest letter in the Greek alphabet we call an Iota or Iota that’s the smallest marking uh in um Hebrew that’s a jot and then a tit is the smallest uh punctuation mark almost like a flypack and Jesus is saying look this thing is so inspired this Bible that the smallest most Min marks punctuations are there and they.
will never never never fail now Jesus held the highest view of the Bible we have some people today who tells well the Bible is inspired in spots and they think they’re inspired to spot to spots friend I want to tell you if you can’t trust all of it as God originally gave it you cannot trust any of it Jesus said not a j or a tit shall fail from the law till all be fulfill I want to give you two words you may not be interested in these are a little bit technical but the Bible is first of all the Bible is verbally.
inspired that means not just the thoughts but the words verba in Latin means word word for word the Bible is inspired Jesus said in Matthew 4:4 man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God and don’t let anybody just tell you well the thoughts are inspired you can fool with the words friend you can’t have thoughts without words anymore than you could have mathematics without numbers God gives the word so the Bible is verbally inspired say verbally all right now that’s a word you.


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