Thankful Sunday Blessings August 11, 2024

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Thankful Sunday Blessings

“Father, thank You that You know best when it comes to the things I want and ask You for. Thank You that You see what I cannot see and You have reasons for closed doors as well as open doors. I believe that You have something bigger, something better, something more rewarding up in front of me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Lord, it says in Your Word, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” (Psalm 150) I want this Sunday to be a Sunday that is filled with Praise for You, Lord. Let my heart be reminded of all the good You have done, and let my mind meditate on the joy of my salvation. For You, O’ Lord are wonderful. You are full of goodness and mercy. I am forever thankful to have you as my Lord and Savior. Thank You for everything You are doing what You will be doing in my life. In the powerful name of Jesus, Amen and amen!

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In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord, in the calm of this day that has just begun, I come to ask You for peace, wisdom, and strength for all the tasks I have ahead. My God, I want to bow before You to praise Your majesty and glory. Though You are almighty and need nothing to exist, You chose to pour out all Your love upon us, Your humble creatures.

My Lord, I want to be patient, understanding, and prudent to improve my relationships with others and to fulfill Your will. I ask, Lord, that You prepare me to move forward on the path of life with the courage to face its challenges. Beloved God, I want to be Your instrument, helping to transform the world into a better place.

Heal the wounds in my heart that prevent me from living in peace with all Your commands. I want to be a laborer working to build Your kingdom. Blessed are You, for You speak to me clearly and often comfort me with words of tenderness and love.

Today, I praise and bless You, because before seeking desperate solutions, I have the peace of heart to place everything in Your hands. Thank You for always being by my side and embracing me with Your greatest blessings.

I want the one and only inspiration in my life to be responding to Your love by loving others. Father, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

I also pray for those who are facing difficulties today, that they may feel Your presence and find in You the strength they need. May Your peace flood their hearts and encourage them to move forward with confidence.

Allow me to be a tool of Your love, bringing comfort and hope to those who need it most. Thank You, Lord, for life, for the opportunities You give me, and for Your unconditional love. May this day be an offering to You, and may everything I do and say reflect Your love and grace.

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Be with me in every step I take, illuminate my path, and guide my decisions so that I am always in harmony with Your will. Stay with me throughout this day; do not let me experience loneliness, but instead, let me feel Your presence by my side.

I trust in You completely, and I offer You this new day with all its possibilities and challenges. Today, I only want to do Your will, even if it requires me to let go of everything that opposes it.

I praise and bless You, my Lord, from the depths of my heart. I cry out and praise Your holy name for giving me another day of life. Amen.

I will pray for the health and well-being of my family and friends, asking God to grant them His protection and blessings. Children of God, acclaim the Lord; acclaim the glory and power of the Lord; acclaim the glory of the name of the Lord; bow before the Lord in the sacred court.

Psalm 28

One Comment

  1. This was a beautiful Sunday message just what I needed. It says the things I feel but cannot say I always ask the Lord to look in my heart because my words don’t come out the way I want them to, but you help me today to read out loud to the Lord, our God for the things that I wanted to say, but can never do you gave me that chance thank you and God bless you. I love to listen to your sermons you give me inspiration, you bless me every time I make God bless you and keep you safe and see you every day what you do and you bless others through Jesus Christ, our Lord and savior amen

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