Understanding the Anointing Part 3 – Back to the Basics

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Understanding the Anointing Part 3 – Back to the Basics

Dr. Winston brings a revelatory message that gives believers a clear understanding of how the anointing functions how to value the anointing through the Word of God and how honoring the anointing brings protection into your life.

Sometimes, as we grow in our Christian walk, we forget about the basics that got us there. Yet, the basics of our faith are the very foundation we need to be successful in our relationship with the Lord and with others, and to fulfill God’s plans and purposes for our Kingdom destiny. In this Back to the Basics series, a powerful compilation of 16 series of dynamic teachings by Dr. Bill Winston, you will learn how to renew and re-energize your Christian walk.

Enhance your life as a believer with our Back to The Basics series. Order Today

Bill Winston Ministries (BWM) is a partnership-based outreach ministry to take the uncompromised Word of God to the whole world, starting with the major cities of our nation. To learn more about BWM partnership, visit

the believer’s Walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries partners and viewers are you ready to go deeper the back to the basics summer series continues to unfold with Dr Bill Winston we’re going to 4 d we’re going to whatever’s missing can be restored come on we’re going to win the Devil shot his best shot you said try it devil Try Your Best Shot and we going to fix what’s broke you just know the god that you serve he will deliver them experience the transformational power of

understanding the fundamentals of faith in your everyday life through these Timeless teachings by Dr Bill Winston join us as we build your foundation and help you lay a path toward living victoriously as Kingdom citizens join the journey tune in every week and share the inspiration with your [Music] gr this anointing is on you why to enable you and Empower you to do what God’s called you to do and do it better than just your talent would take you you got what I’m saying he add some super to your natural all right so this is what we do

and we are to manifest that in the sphere of influence that God has placed Us in we said one of the biggest things the church sometime people are not teaching on the kingdom and they just bus trying to you know grow a church church growth programs but what God is out to do is he’s out to have the church to occupy until he comes till Jesus comes he’s out to have us to raise up up screenwriters for Hollywood or raise up politicians for the mayor’s office or raise up he’s have because whoever controls the mountain controls what’s in

the mountain and so that’s what he wants us to do subdue the Earth and so this influence or this power that we have be used to subdue the devil and turn people back to God I think he said over in Psalm chapter 66 and verse3 saying to God how terrible art thou in thy works and through the greatness of thy power shall thy enemies submit themselves unto thee so it’s going to have to take power for the devil to submit he just not going to submit takes power and over in Hebrews Hebrews chap 1 and verse 13 He is saying this is the way we’re

going to end up in this deal but to which of the Angels said he at any time sit on my right hand until I do what make thy enemies thy what foot stol I think he said in Revelation 11:1 15 he said in the seventh angel said sounded and there was a great voice in heaven saying the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his what Christ his anointed ones and he shall what Reign forever and ever so we’re to undo o I like that let me take that scripture 1 John 3 and verse 8 in the Amplified translation PL I like that

scripture undo I like to undo something but he who commits sin and practices evil doings is of the devil meaning that somebody just stays in sin all the time take his his uh character from the evil one for the devil had sinned violated the Divine Law from the beginning but the reason the Son of God was manifested visible was to do what undo come on Destroy come on loosen and dissolve the work the devil has done see when you when you dissolve something it can’t be reformed see that anointing is is to dissolve

it so the devil can’t put it back on you again praise God okay so we we’re going to undo some stuff here and so what I talked about I talked about um Romans chapter 10 if you go there and chapter 10 and verse uh starting at verse six but the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise say not in thy heart who shall Ascend into the heaven or into heaven and that is to bring Christ down from above or who shall descend into the deep and that is to bring Christ again from the dead but what saith it the word is nigh thee even

in thy mouth and in thy heart that is what word the word of faith which we preach okay what he’s saying here is that this word you don’t need Jesus to come back now we know he’s coming on the second coming but we don’t need him to come back to work the Miracles because you have the word and over in Psalm 107 and verse 20 he said that he sent his word and healed them and what else delivered them from their destructions he did what he sent his word and you remember what the Centurion said I think over in Matthew 8:8 he said you

don’t need to come to my house didn’t he say that but just speak the word only and my servant shall be healed you see because what we saw is that where you got the word you have the spirit Jesus said in John 663 that my words they are Spirit and they are life now I’m going show you what I’m getting at and then then if you go on down it says in Luke Chapter 5 and this is when Jesus was preaching and he this is verse uh uh chapter 5 and verse 16 he was preaching uh you know in a house or something and it says and he wouldd drew

himself into the Wilderness and prayed and it came to pass on a certain day as he was teaching that there were Pharisees and doctors of the law sitting by which were come out of every town in of Galilee in Judea and Jerusalem and the power of the Lord was what present to heal them and behold the men brought in a bed a man which had been taken to p with in py and they sought means by to bring him in and to lay him before him and when they could not find by what way they might bring him in it it uh is because of the multitude they went upon

the Housetop and let let him down through the roof through the tiling I call it roof with his couch into the midst glory to God before Jesus and when he saw their faith he said unto him man thy sins be forgiven thee now I’m not going to go any further the man got healed how about all those other people in there see but the word was already there to heal them but they didn’t get anything because they didn’t receive it the doctors of the law was sitting up there trying to catch him in his words but if you come here and to

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