Victory Over Sinful Behavior – Episode 2

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Victory Over Sinful Behavior – Episode 2

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Coming up next on changing your world.
Renewing the mind is not a one time event.
It’s a lifetime process. Not a one time event.
You can’t say today, I went to church and I renewed my mind. I’m done. No.
You you you got a piece.
And then when did you get another piece?
And you go home and you practice time, you get another piece. And A lot of this is gonna happen
with between you and god.
As a What happens after you sin? Do you lose your righteousness?
God’s gift of righteousness gives us peace with him, not through our work, but through faith in Jesus’ finished work on the cross.
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This is your world.
It’s all a vowed make it a better place.
Let every heart than me is now. You love a city,
We are changed.
Our new creation will never sin.
So let the new creation dominate your whole body.
Let the new creation dominate your soul so you can live according to who you really are.
You will never live in this physical life according to who you really are, which is your new nature, which is your righteous new creation.
See, I I I I’m I I’d like to break this down because I wanna know how.
All I was like, are you telling me to do this And then I found out, okay, how?
What what I meant? Well, how?
The new creation is trying to impart and impact you, trying to impact your body.
The new creation is working all the time to try to infiltrate that software.
You gotta understand now.
The key is what are we gonna do about this software, our soul, our mind, our will, and our emotions, that have have gotten so use to the dictates of the old nature, if we don’t do nothing with this, even though we are now perfect, if we don’t do nothing with this, in this life, similar behaviors and sin continues.
Oh, y’all y’all gotta hear me now.
So you you start hearing what’s wrong. We’re just here somebody said.
Oh, ain’t no problem with me going to whatever this church, this because all churches are the same.
See, that’s where you’re missing it.
Because churches were supposed to take on this task that I am describing to you right now.
This You you you know what? You know what the Bible calls this?
The flesh.
That wrong way of thinking that that software influenced by the old nature You know what your issue is?
You know what my issue is? You know what the issue of the whole world is?
When you stop renewing your mind.
Something That needed to be taken care of has never been taken care of because you have not done a complete wipe.
Of that old software, from that old sinful nature.
So how do I let the new creation dominate me by renewing your mind?
How do I how do I get to a place where I’m not being dominated by the old nature?
The old nature’s gone But the residue of that old nature resides here.
Look at colossians 3, 9, and 10. The residue resides here.
And so if we’re if we’re coming to church and we’re not learning and we’re getting a bunch of tongue foolery, and and we like what we feel in our body, and and and we like to jump and scream and hop and shower, and you’re not renewing your mind to think differently, then the struggle continues between the new nature in you and your behavior outside of you.
Closses 3, 9, and 10.
Linate Not not lie down, not, but quit lying.
Lie not one to another, sing no. No. No.
That’s what he said. Seeing that you put off the old man. What is that?
The old nature lying is a result of the old nature. We had the nature to lie.
Lide out one to another, seeing that you have put off the old man with his deeds.
The old man he’s saying lying here is is one of the deeds of your old nature.
Verse 10? And have put on the new man, that new creation, which is new which is renewed and the knowledge is renewed after the image of that of him that created him.
We are never going to see what some are convicting you of If we don’t rightly divide the word of truth and renew our mind with this gospel of grace, it won’t happen.
And I will preach this if everybody leaves. It won’t happen.
You could somehow coming to church has got to be a session of a a white session where each time you come, we ought to be wiping something else from your soul that was influenced by that old nature because you don’t have that nature no more.
But you still have the behavior. Why? It’s a it’s a soul white.
And and it’s, like, I use this as a cell phone. It’s time for an update.
You can’t get a we keep trying to use the same software for a new laptop and expecting a new output won’t happen.
Even though it’s brand new, you’re still gonna get the same outputs.
It’s not like. This is the first time I’ve talked about this.
It is that every time I talk about it, Satan figures out a way to be little and cause this to be subtle, will we get to focusing on all of the religious stuff?
And we don’t stick to the facts.
Taff and I were was counseling somebody yesterday.
And we said, don’t let the emotions get in the way. Write it down. Stick with the facts.
Cause you know how it is, you start arguing about something, and then you’ll you’ll leave the facts And then tell them, like, oh, I always, oh, I always, what about the time I did that?
And that ain’t gotta do anything to stick with the facts. And we don’t do that at church.
We come to church and just see how I’m a I’m a feel today.
Oh, I feel it real good. Oh, I feel it feel good today.
Who I know I I know god will answer my prednis because I felt like print praying this morning.
You you, bro, you all or anything the devil can do to keep you out of renewing your mind with the word of god, which means you need to post yourself up somewhere where your mind is being renewed properly with the right information in the software.
You know what happened? We got born again and started renewing our mind with the rules stuff.
We started renewing our minds with rules and not removing, renewing our mind with the savior.
And so we care more about keeping rules than we do about loving people.
And sometimes, if you didn’t keep the rules, I ain’t gonna love you.
Did you pray this morning? How much did you say this week?
Uh, uh, uh, can’t feed you? The Bible says, touch that to unclean.
You look like you real duddy today. That ain’t right.
Now you have a religious software that is based on your self performance, your self effort, and Jesus ain’t nowhere.
It’s based on your law keeping, and Jesus ain’t nowhere.
So you’re still you have you have him and you. Get with your budget.
You know something wrong Because even when you do that time I test not to unclean, the impulses of the new creations, like saying, not
any right, they ain’t right.
You know what you have to do?
You start going to try to find more scriptures and and and rules to make you feel better about what you did while you completely ignore and harden your hearing to the impulses of the new creation
on the inside of you that says something ain’t right about what I just did.
So who wants to come to church and learn stuff?
I ain’t talking about y’all. Stop.
Romans 12 verse 1 and 2 in the NLT. Romans 121212 in NLT.
And so dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to god.
Now I get it. You know you know what he’s talking about?
This this this god that’s on the inside of you.
Give your bodies to god. Because of all he has done for you.
Paid the price was the perpetuation for your sins.
Moved into you, gave you a new creation, a
new nature, a nature to live righteously.
Let them be a living and a holy sacrifice, the kind he will find acceptable.
This is truly the way to worship him.
Verse 2, don’t copy the behavior, uh, and the customs of the world. But let god
let let god transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.
Then as you allow him to change the way you think software issue, then you will learn to know god’s will for you.
Which is gonna be good and pleasing and perfect.
I can’t tell you the number of people who are still asking God show me you will.
God show you my will. Your will. And you know what he’s saying?
I won’t do, but you won’t swipe and update the software. You can’t hear me.
You can’t know me because you’re trying to hear and know me with the thinking that has come from your own nature.
And and and and and I’m I’m limited.
I’m I’m talking all the time. I’m speaking all the time.
I’m leading all the I’m throwing all kinds of stuff
at all the time. You just can’t receive none of them because you don’t have the capacity.
And everything about our lives, when we talk about god, oh, god bless me here.
He says, I want to. You don’t have the capacity to receive. Oh, god healed me.
I I’ve already done it, but you don’t have a capacity to receive. Oh, god. Give me a promotion.
Oh, yeah. I want that to happen, but you don’t capacity received. What do you think he’s talking about?
He says, I cannot transfer the necessary wisdom to operate in this physical world because you won’t change the software.
Some of you see Emilia.
What what are you saying? You know exactly what I’m saying. What are you talking about? What I’m saying?
You know exactly what I’m saying. I’m just spreading it out a bit. You know exactly what I’m saying.
Your your soul is inundated with the old nature stuff which is why you’re doing what you do.
It’s why you’re doing what you do. Chase the software.
I’m not trying to beat you up so you can feel bad and feel convicted.
I’m trying to convince you change the software.
I’m trying to impact you while you’re in your house.
You know what happens when some of us get out of our house?
When you when you get out of this body, you’re gonna know everything.
Because there’s nothing here to limit it.
A sworn again spirit outside of this body And a soul outside of this brain is infinite in knowledge.
You you ain’t even gotta hardly talk to somebody when you see him.
You will already know.
I think it’s gonna be a bunch of talking in heaven.
I don’t need to. I already know. I don’t need to communicate nothing.
All of that will be good about Satya Dominican. I don’t need no no no.
You think you know what’s gonna happen?
You don’t you do you realize how much you don’t know? You think you really got this figured out?
You, bro? You are gonna be Oh, you have no clue. All of the story you heard.
You know, one day we gonna lead the body, we gonna be with the lord, and I’m gonna dance and shout.
You ain’t doing none of that.
You think you you think you’re gonna go up there and just do what you wanna do?
There’s gonna be honor and assignment.
And besides, you’re not be you you’re not gonna be finite thinkers?
You could do you understand who you’re in? You’re in the wisdom of ages.
This scripture for this, everything he knows.
You know, what did he say at the end of the day?
When everything is over with, when you see him, Now, you understand. Wait.
When you see him, you’re gonna be like him because you’re gonna see him and you like you are and ain’t gonna be no difference between you and him and everything he know, you know.
Just like Jesus and the father and the holy ghost.
And we try to divide them up into pieces. Stop it. The holy ghost is god.
Jesus is god. God is god. You have god on the inside of you.
God living in you. That was god walking in that flesh.
Somebody said, why he ain’t live more than 33 years?
What kind of flesh, what kind of suit can hold god, what kind of body can hold god, He stayed in there as long as he could.
His body was already the the God was already spilling over.
That’s why when he was a young boy, he could go into the synagogue and sit down and talk to them, reference that thought they knew everything, he couldn’t contain the wisdom that flowed out of it.
He he didn’t go to no school to learn all that. That’s it. He already knew all of that.
He when he came. Many times you heard Jesus say, I knew their faults.
So renewing your mind will, number 1, get you out of your head.
Renewing your mind 2 changes you.
Renewing your mind 3 gives you purpose and direction.
Again, renewing your mind, it’ll get you out your head.
And that’s where most Christians spend their time.
It’ll get you out your head. We’ll really get you out of religion.
It changes you, number 2, when you renew your mind. Change
doesn’t happen without the renewing of the mind.
You can get saved and say you’re saved, but
ain’t no change. You’re gonna happen. You’re still gonna be the same kind of person. Listen.
If you were a hellion before you got saved, If you don’t renew your mind, you’re gonna be a hell on you with the Christian title over you.
And nothing nothing changes without the renewing of the mind.
And renewing of the mind is not a it it’s it’s not a an event.
It’s a process It’s a process. It’s a process.
Exchanging your way of thinking for his way of thinking, exchanging your ideas from with his ideas.
That’s that’s renewing of the mind.
And then thirdly, renewing the mind gives you purpose and direction Let me show you one more description, then we’ll we’ll close.
Ephesians 4 and verse 23 in the amplified. Ephesians 4 and verse 23 in in the amplified.
And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind having a fresh, mental, and spiritual attitude.
Get what I’m saying here.
It’s something that’s gonna be constantly going on, constantly happening,
renewing the mind is not a one time event.
It’s a lifetime process. Not a one time event.
You can’t say today, I went to church, and I renewed my mind. I’m done. No.
You you you you got a piece.
And then, when did you get another piece?
And you go home and you’re part time, you get another piece. And A lot of this
is gonna happen with between you and god.
Be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind. Have
a fresh. So now, although, the additional stuff you’ve been thinking and hadn’t rightly divided it, that might be the stuff that’s keeping you unhappy, sad, Why I keep marrying the same kind of no good for nothing husband?
You ain’t renewing your mind. Well, he said he was saying, yeah, but you found out that night, he wasn’t.
And if you’d have renewed your mind, you’d have been able to pay attention to the fruit that was on the tree.
A fresh mental, which brings a spiritual attitude from here to work.
I think I’m all in. I’m tired.
Some I see it.
I’m not. Why why’d you say you tired? Because I am.
All is hollering is screaming. Well, don’t holler scream.
Well, I can’t I can’t happen. I mean, I I guess I could help it, but I won’t have it.
I get excited about what I’m saying. So it it come out with a a volume 10.
I’d like to sit here and whisper to you, and I’ll be renewing up the mind.
I can’t do that. I get too excited about what I already know. Praise god.
And get an opportunity to share it with you. Like, I don’t know why I’m hollering to you right now.
It seems like I should just be calm down and just say what I’m saying.
But I know how good god has been.
And when you know how good god has been, you can’t help but to show.
Hallelujah. You can’t help but to show.
Would you know Yeah.
You will hope on a on a on a $700,000 cocaine addiction.
And you tried to get at it with your own physical help and your own intelligence, and you kept going back.
And you kept going back. And you kept going back.
But one day you challenge yourself, I’m gonna just keep coming to church I’m gonna keep coming to church.
I’m gonna keep coming to church, and then some start happening. You started renewing your mind.
You start doing a white on that software.
And then all of a sudden, the impulses of the new creation started rising up on the inside of you.
Started changing your thinking and you couldn’t help but to shout.
So I’m tired.
But I ain’t gonna never be too tired
to teach this
gospel of grace. Amen.
Because when you understand this grace, you’re gonna be empowered to change.
You renewed your mind from religion.
Grace That’s all I’m trying to do.
Believers, are you equipped for battle in these last days?
Our minds are the battlefield and arena of our faith in the five part series, how to maintain your righteous stance.
Creflo dollar uncovers how we get the upper hand in this fight.
Start focusing in on your identity. I am the righteousness of god.
I am righteous because of Jesus and as long as Jesus is alright. I am alright.
He’s the acceptable sacrifice. He died once and for all, praise god.
I am the consciousness of god today, tomorrow, when I’m up, when I’m down, I’m the righteousness of god, as long as I am focused and still caught into Jesus.
I believe in him, praise God, he has made me righteous. I received my righteousness.
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Mark, your calendars now to join creflo and Taffy dollar for a 3 day life changing celebration July 11th through 13th at World Chambers Church International for our annual Grace Life Conference.
We’re kicking off this year’s conference with in operational singer and songwriter, Do Jones.
There’s something for everyone, men, women, ministers, and leaders, plus loads of fun filled activities for your children and that will lead them with a deeper understanding of god’s grace and empowered to lead the next generation.
General session times are 10 AM and 7 PM. Ministers and don’t miss the 5 PM just for you.
These powerful sessions are designed to uplift your spirit and transform your life.
Spend the afternoons visiting the nearby attractions and create memories that will last a lifetime.
It’s a joyful celebration of faith, fellowship, and fun.
Del Miss, our biggest event of the summer, Tex Grace Life, one word, to a 51555 and register today.
I pray that this broadcast blessed you today.
I want you to pray about sewing a financial seed into this ministry.
I also want to extend a special thanks to those of you who have remained our loyal partner, supporters, and friends.
Your financial support goes a long, long way.
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God bless you.
Hopefully, you’re gonna choose to let heaven determine your thinking because whatever choice you make, then that’s gonna be your mentality.
For today.
Can you say that he’s a waymaker? Yes.
Can you say that he’s a god that sits high and look slow. Yeah.
Get the message of Grace any way you want. Stream Service Live, 10 AM Eastern Time.
On Sunday with re airs at 2 pm, 6 pm, and 10 pm Eastern Time.
I don’t ever wanna take for granted that you’ve received Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior.
And there’s no better way to embark upon a new stage in your life than to enter into a personal relationship with Jesus.
So if you wanna become born again and began an exciting intimate relationship with Jesus, I want you to pray this prayer with me, and I’ll I’ll say it so you can repeat after me.
Repeat after me. Heavenly father. I believe that Jesus is the son of god, and that he died and was raised from the dead, and has forgiven all of my sins, and I receive him into my life right now as my lord and personal safety.
So by faith, I declare that I am saved Praise God.
Now, that simple prayer, change your entire eternal destination, and we wanna welcome you to the family of God.
Because of you, creflo dollar ministries is providing a new understanding of grace and empowering change in the lives of millions of into millions of homes all across the globe.
The preceding program was brought to you in part by the partners and friends of creflo Dollar Ministries.

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