The Ripple Effect of Your Life | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Ripple Effect of Your Life | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Jewish people have a blessing for everything and every occasion. But there is one blessing that is greater than them all that can change the way you live the rest of your life.
We must speak the word. We must be, but what is the effect of your life about the on those around you, the on your spouse, on your children, on your parents, do you, or do you have no offense?
Not just a verb. It is a noun.
You are to be a blessing.
That not just that it can’t just be that you bless and to bless as part of your life but another part of your life is acting like a jerk that doesn’t go.
You know, if something a blessing is part of your life, then you go home and you’re irritable and you’re hard to be with and you’re impossible, and nobody at home would call you a blessing.
That’s not it. It’s not enough to be part of your life.
You are at it’s actually to be your life that the effect of your life is a blessing.
The impact of your entire life is a blessing.
You know, there was the prophet or the then false because it was balum.
He was told to curse Israel and he came to curse Israel, but then he was unable to curse Israel.
He blessed Israel. And it says in deuteronomy, 235, it says, however, he speaks about that, the lord your god would not listen to Balham, but turn the curse into a blessing for you because the lord your god loves you.
God is not only the one who blesses. He’s the one who turns curses into blessings.
You know, when I got saved, I helped lead well before that.
I I helped. It was part of helping a friend come to the lord, but I wasn’t saved, but I helped him I led a few people to the lord without knowing the lord without being saved myself because I knew it, but I didn’t wanna do it for myself.
But so so finally, my friend got saved and when he got saved, it was like he said it was like lightning and it threw his body.
So I thought, okay. You get saved. Lightning comes in your body. I went up a mountain top.
I kneeled down. I prayed to the lord, give it to give my life the lord to receive him.
And I thought there’d be something like maybe a sign, maybe a you know, maybe, uh, you know, the bell or so or a or a, you know, hey, number 503 for you.
He he came in, you know, but there was nothing. And I thought, well, maybe something went wrong.
And But when I went back to work, I was in college.
I was working as a security guard at at night studying in a and the the cleaning man, a black cleaning man, looked at me and said, what happened to you?
I said, what do you mean? He said, you got that glow.
Now I didn’t see it, but he saw it.
But one thing I knew is that that 1st week, some things could not come out of my mouth anymore.
That very 1st week, It was like my something awoke in my heart and I what I could not curse anymore.
I could not curse. Many of you used to curse.
And Messiah says, well, comes out of your mouth, reflects what’s in your heart.
We cursed before knowing lord because we were not a blessing.
We curse because that’s what we did. It was in our hearts. We live for ourselves.
And one of the signs of salvation is you pretty much stop cursing. Why?
Because a blessing doesn’t curse. Now you’re called to be a blessing.
Once we were living curses, now we are living blessings.
And so the question is, but even in the lord, we could still be going on the old and not realize who we are and how we are to live.
What is your influence on the world around you? How do you affect your family?
How do you affect the world? How do you affect the people closest to you? People far from you?
When you walk in a room, does it light up, or does it light up when you leave?
Some of you walk into rooms and your relatives will put on garlic and hold up a crucifix.
And what’s worse, they’re orthodox Jews, and they’re doing that. That’s a bad sign. Bad sign.
Do you, but what is the effect of your life? You know, there’s a proverbs. Proverbs 27 verse 19.
That says as in water, face reflects face so the heart of man reflects man.
Now it’s gonna be taken a few ways, but one way is that the heart of a man reflects a man.
The heart of a person reflects another person.
In other words, the heart of of people around you in some way reflects you.
I mean, they have their choice. It’s not complete or total.
They have bought in some way, what is in their heart or their face?
What is there is reflecting you when you come into that room? What happens to their continent?
Do you I mean, this. For real, what do do they light do they is there a joy?
Is there a lighting up, or is there something else?
Is there something else in part that is a mirror, especially with the people you’re close to, what is your effect?
What’s your actual event? Not not what your talk. We must speak the word.
We must speak, but what is the effect of your life about the on those around you, the on your spouse, on your children?
On your parents? Do you or do you have no effect?
Is it that your presence doesn’t really do much? It’s neutral. Is that what you want your life to be?
Is that what Messiah called you? Called me to be? He said you are the light of the world.
That means you have an effect on the world. You are supposed to light it up.
In Zechariah, 8 verse 13, god says to Israel.
Just as you, Judah, and Israel have been a curse among the nations.
So I will save you, and you will be a blessing Don’t be afraid.
Let your hands be strong. He’s saying you were a curse. Now you will be a blessing.
That is the effect of being saved.
That your life goes from being a curse or having a negative effect to having a positive effect around you.
You are to be a blessing that walks a blessing that talks a blessing that has thoughts of blessing that has muscles can do things can affect things, but it’s all to be part of a blessing.
God said to Baroque, whom name literally means blessing or blessed blessed.
He said in Jeremiah 45, the word of god, the word came, Jeremiah, the prophet, he spoke to Barak, And he ends up saying to Baruque, he’s saying Baruque, you say you’re saying woe is me.
You know, the lord has given me grief, And he says, thus, you shall say to him, listen.
Basically, he’s saying, I’m gonna judge this this people But for you, don’t seek for yourself, Barack.
Don’t seek for yourself here. I will give you your life And I wherever you go, but but Barack, don’t seek for yourself.
And one of the things about a blessing is that characterizes a person who is a blessing is that you don’t live your life seeking for yourself.
To be a blessing, you have to start thinking like a blessing.
Barouk is saying don’t seek for yourself, Barack.
I’ll take care of you, but you cannot live if you’re living to think okay. How can I get this?
How can I get this? How can I do this? How can I defend myself?
How can I how can I advance myself? That’s not a blessing.
Because a blessing must resolve a blessing, blesses, a blessing gives something.
So that means your whole life is a to be a blessing, you must a point your life to keep, to bless, not to take.
You know, the word blessing in Hebrew, means not only it comes from a root word, that means to bend your knee.
In other words, to humble yourself. You wanna be a blessing. You have to be humble.
You have to have no ego issue. You never see a blessing with an ego problem.
You examine, oh, you’ll never see that a blessing is there to bless.
You know, one of the things when you say, you look at the blessing, What’s the next word of almost every Hebrew blessing?
What does that mean? Uh, what does it mean?
It means you, A ta blessed are you, blessed are thou.
A ta is you. So what’s the what’s the connection right there? What does it reveal?
Blessings are linked to the you. It’s a you based life, not a me based life.
It is a thou based life. First, being god, Uh-uh. Uh-uh. I don’t know. Bless it, are you, lord?
It’s a it’s a life that’s not focused on itself and what it can but it’s a life that’s focused on you, god.
1st of all, over me, your will, uh, your will, over my will, and, uh, based life.
Your desire god over mine. But then if it’s a a a you, a thou based life and a ta based life, then it’s not only gonna be to the lord.
It’s gonna spill over to all those who are in the image of the lord.
In other words, you’re gonna be a person who blesses others and you bless the lord as you do.
Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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Thanks for watching, and I’ll see you next time.
Not just a verb. It is a noun.
You are to be a blessing.
That not just that it can’t just be that you bless and to bless as part of your life but another part of your life is acting like a jerk that doesn’t go.
You know, if something a blessing is part of your life, then you go home and you’re irritable and you’re hard to be with and you’re impossible, and nobody at home would call you a blessing.
That’s not it. It’s not enough to be part of your life.
You are at it’s actually to be your life that the effect of your life is a blessing.
The impact of your entire life is a blessing.
You know, there was the prophet or the then false because it was balum.
He was told to curse Israel and he came to curse Israel, but then he was unable to curse Israel.
He blessed Israel. And it says in deuteronomy, 235, it says, however, he speaks about that, the lord your god would not listen to Balham, but turn the curse into a blessing for you because the lord your god loves you.
God is not only the one who blesses. He’s the one who turns curses into blessings.
You know, when I got saved, I helped lead well before that.
I I helped. It was part of helping a friend come to the lord, but I wasn’t saved, but I helped him I led a few people to the lord without knowing the lord without being saved myself because I knew it, but I didn’t wanna do it for myself.
But so so finally, my friend got saved and when he got saved, it was like he said it was like lightning and it threw his body.
So I thought, okay. You get saved. Lightning comes in your body. I went up a mountain top.
I kneeled down. I prayed to the lord, give it to give my life the lord to receive him.
And I thought there’d be something like maybe a sign, maybe a you know, maybe, uh, you know, the bell or so or a or a, you know, hey, number 503 for you.
He he came in, you know, but there was nothing. And I thought, well, maybe something went wrong.
And But when I went back to work, I was in college.
I was working as a security guard at at night studying in a and the the cleaning man, a black cleaning man, looked at me and said, what happened to you?
I said, what do you mean? He said, you got that glow.
Now I didn’t see it, but he saw it.
But one thing I knew is that that 1st week, some things could not come out of my mouth anymore.
That very 1st week, It was like my something awoke in my heart and I what I could not curse anymore.
I could not curse. Many of you used to curse.
And Messiah says, well, comes out of your mouth, reflects what’s in your heart.
We cursed before knowing lord because we were not a blessing.
We curse because that’s what we did. It was in our hearts. We live for ourselves.
And one of the signs of salvation is you pretty much stop cursing. Why?
Because a blessing doesn’t curse. Now you’re called to be a blessing.
Once we were living curses, now we are living blessings.
And so the question is, but even in the lord, we could still be going on the old and not realize who we are and how we are to live.
What is your influence on the world around you? How do you affect your family?
How do you affect the world? How do you affect the people closest to you? People far from you?
When you walk in a room, does it light up, or does it light up when you leave?
Some of you walk into rooms and your relatives will put on garlic and hold up a crucifix.
And what’s worse, they’re orthodox Jews, and they’re doing that. That’s a bad sign. Bad sign.
Do you, but what is the effect of your life? You know, there’s a proverbs. Proverbs 27 verse 19.
That says as in water, face reflects face so the heart of man reflects man.
Now it’s gonna be taken a few ways, but one way is that the heart of a man reflects a man.
The heart of a person reflects another person.
In other words, the heart of of people around you in some way reflects you.
I mean, they have their choice. It’s not complete or total.
They have bought in some way, what is in their heart or their face?
What is there is reflecting you when you come into that room? What happens to their continent?
Do you I mean, this. For real, what do do they light do they is there a joy?
Is there a lighting up, or is there something else?
Is there something else in part that is a mirror, especially with the people you’re close to, what is your effect?
What’s your actual event? Not not what your talk. We must speak the word.
We must speak, but what is the effect of your life about the on those around you, the on your spouse, on your children?
On your parents? Do you or do you have no effect?
Is it that your presence doesn’t really do much? It’s neutral. Is that what you want your life to be?
Is that what Messiah called you? Called me to be? He said you are the light of the world.
That means you have an effect on the world. You are supposed to light it up.
In Zechariah, 8 verse 13, god says to Israel.
Just as you, Judah, and Israel have been a curse among the nations.
So I will save you, and you will be a blessing Don’t be afraid.
Let your hands be strong. He’s saying you were a curse. Now you will be a blessing.
That is the effect of being saved.
That your life goes from being a curse or having a negative effect to having a positive effect around you.
You are to be a blessing that walks a blessing that talks a blessing that has thoughts of blessing that has muscles can do things can affect things, but it’s all to be part of a blessing.
God said to Baroque, whom name literally means blessing or blessed blessed.
He said in Jeremiah 45, the word of god, the word came, Jeremiah, the prophet, he spoke to Barak, And he ends up saying to Baruque, he’s saying Baruque, you say you’re saying woe is me.
You know, the lord has given me grief, And he says, thus, you shall say to him, listen.
Basically, he’s saying, I’m gonna judge this this people But for you, don’t seek for yourself, Barack.
Don’t seek for yourself here. I will give you your life And I wherever you go, but but Barack, don’t seek for yourself.
And one of the things about a blessing is that characterizes a person who is a blessing is that you don’t live your life seeking for yourself.
To be a blessing, you have to start thinking like a blessing.
Barouk is saying don’t seek for yourself, Barack.
I’ll take care of you, but you cannot live if you’re living to think okay. How can I get this?
How can I get this? How can I do this? How can I defend myself?
How can I how can I advance myself? That’s not a blessing.
Because a blessing must resolve a blessing, blesses, a blessing gives something.
So that means your whole life is a to be a blessing, you must a point your life to keep, to bless, not to take.
You know, the word blessing in Hebrew, means not only it comes from a root word, that means to bend your knee.
In other words, to humble yourself. You wanna be a blessing. You have to be humble.
You have to have no ego issue. You never see a blessing with an ego problem.
You examine, oh, you’ll never see that a blessing is there to bless.
You know, one of the things when you say, you look at the blessing, What’s the next word of almost every Hebrew blessing?
What does that mean? Uh, what does it mean?
It means you, A ta blessed are you, blessed are thou.
A ta is you. So what’s the what’s the connection right there? What does it reveal?
Blessings are linked to the you. It’s a you based life, not a me based life.
It is a thou based life. First, being god, Uh-uh. Uh-uh. I don’t know. Bless it, are you, lord?
It’s a it’s a life that’s not focused on itself and what it can but it’s a life that’s focused on you, god.
1st of all, over me, your will, uh, your will, over my will, and, uh, based life.
Your desire god over mine. But then if it’s a a a you, a thou based life and a ta based life, then it’s not only gonna be to the lord.
It’s gonna spill over to all those who are in the image of the lord.
In other words, you’re gonna be a person who blesses others and you bless the lord as you do.
Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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Thanks for watching, and I’ll see you next time.