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Sing the praises of the Lord, you His faithful people; praise His Holy Name. For His anger lasts only a moment, but His favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.
Psalm 30:4-5 (NIV$)
But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
Matthew 19:26 (NKJV)
Oh, heaven is so full of blessing says the Lord.
Now that there’s no more room in there.
So this day, say it god I open a pathway from the throne room of the lord, uh, uh, to this house, uh, and I am going to India heaven of of the glory saith, the lord that I have reserved for this hour.
For you have not even began to touch the very virtue of what I’m doing to release in this sanctuary saith the lord.
Uh, for you have come to me from a place where you are battling now.
But do you not know, say it the Lord that the battle was over two thousand years ago.
Uh, when I walk out of the grave, say a god.
Uh, it was settled for that moment to I’m going to astound you now.
Say it, God, uh, even before two thousand and twenty three is over. I’m going to now.
Even today, uh, even right now, say it the lord, I breathe upon you.
Uh, I command every demon spirit in this building to leave this sanctuary in the name of the lord.
Uh, I named you blessed. Uh, I named you he doubt in the name of the lord sees us up for where my presence is saith gone up.
Deaments cannot stand. Uh, they cannot abide. Uh, I am god saith the lord.
Uh, this is my hour to show my glory and to release my day her into this house.
So your battles have already been fought, say it, Connor. I there’s this day.
There are angels this room, say of the lord, that are being touched up by your infirmities, uh, and they are seen the virtue of how the blood of Jesus Christ upon thee.
The roar saith the lord, uh, of the wicked that it’s been in the earth.
This day even as I will take an angel one day
and by himself, I will bind the devil with a great chain.
Even now, say it to Lord, mark it down for I’m God, and I do not lie.
And though I say things that will astound you say at the lord,
they’re but an easy thought for me to call into being and I’m going to put a muzzle on the mouth of the wicked.
There’s gonna be moments, say at the lord, we’re on national television.
There will be things, debates.
There will be rhetoric that is being spewed out of the mouth of the wicked and for some unexplainable reason the screens will go black.
And I will touch satellites that are in
the atmosphere. And I will render them with the inability to translate and to transmits throughout
the world what the enemy is saying because I’ve had enough, sayeth God I’ve had enough say it the lord.
I’ve had enough say it the lord.
Uh, and I am going to fulfill my word now by the power of the holy ghost.
And though men have mocked me, they have raised me. They’ve outlawed me. They’ve persecuted me.
Uh, they have denigrated my body. They have persecuted my prophets say it the lord.
Uh but when there is enough, there is enough.
And this is the day saith called that I am releasing victory in the atmosphere by the power of the lord.
This day saith god. There is such a blessing coming upon the people of god that it will take the accumulative wealth of seven wicked men to put together the blessing for one righteous uh in the house of the lord.
Uh for there is no longer I break debt off of this house, saith god.
Have I not already declared saith the lord? Uh, that when you turn the key, you will be debt free.
Uh, and though the mortal mind has said, how can that be? Uh, god, we need so much.
Uh, the Lord said I already made provision before you ever pounded the first nail.
Uh, and before you ever wrote the first blueprint, uh, I saw it said, god, uh, in the annals of Maria.
And when I put it into your heart, I did not put something in that was unfinished or or unpaid for or that would tax you or or they would look at you and laugh and say they started, but they could not finish.
Uh, this will be a shining crowning moment for the house God.
For I have taken over the city of Nashville, Tennessee, and I am releasing god portals by the weird of the lord.
Uh, and I am releasing the outpouring of the Holy Ghost, of the Holy Ghost.
Uh, of the Holy Ghost. Uh, you are a home on the signs, uh, the wonders, uh, and the miraculous saith god.
I put authority in your mouth decree it, sayeth the Lord.
And while it’s coming out
of thy mouth, sayeth God, I will cause it to be so.
I’m going to make your enemies bow down at your feet.
For decades ago, sayeth God, I released my glory in this city.
With Sam Jones and Ian Bounds and many others say of the lord.
And over time, I have raised up god portals.
And the fires of pentecost have burned brightly days gone by in this city.
But a jezebel spirit and a religious spirit came in through apathy and pride, and it blew out the fires have pentecost.
Until though the ethicist was there, the glory had left.
And my heart has yearned, sayeth the lord, to return to this city.
For even as out of Zion and out of Jerusalem shall go forth the word of the lord.
Hey. Out of this city, and has it not already started saith god?
The word of the lord has gone forth and is going to increase and increase and increase.
And there are places where fires used to burn.
But now, you can look, and it’s like a camp fire that has been silent from flames for some time, and the weather and the rain has turned it into cold ashes.
But out of the ashes says the lord.
Hi about Sunday. You say Lord.
Why would you do this? Because of the blood
that is crying from the soil of
those that have gone before thee. That already paid the price
that put the hours of intercession in. And as their souls leftist o terra firma.
They did not behold with their eyes at which they had travailed for.
But this day saith god, you have been blessed by the kingdom of the lord to be in such a time as this.
And all
of a sudden, say, God, uh, you’re going to begin to hear about the glory, even as for
a moment. I was hitting colleges around this nation. And there was excitement, but then it abated us.
But what I getting ready to do now and I’ve already started in this city. Say it.
God, this fire will not go out
but this fire is gonna continue to burn up hallelujah. It’s gonna burn up bondage.
It’s gonna burn up demonic spirit. Uh, it’s gonna burn up sickness. Uh, it’s gonna burn up religion, sayeth God.
Now, and all the glory
of the lord that going to come.
Uh, and even as you watch gay pride, walk to the streets of Nashville,
uh, and it moved by spirit and you cried, Lord, how can this be a get ready say at the lord, uh, for the days are coming when the believers will march the streets of this city, and the majesty and the glory of Carter will be released upon this city say it, the Lord, and every God poured over from days gone by that the fire went out.
I’m going to breathe on them. Sayeth god.
Uh, I’m going to invade those ephesies that it looks like the enemy is raised up as a tombstone, uh, to revive and your god says, uh, I am not the god of the dead, but I am the god of the living god.
And today, say of the lord, I lose resurrection in this city. I lose resurrection in this nation.
I lose resurrection by the power. Oh god.
Now there I am them songs that are gonna begin to be released out of the spirit of the lord.
There are new gifts. There are new anoints. These are a new touching. There are new mantles.
Uh, heaven is a swirl right now. Say it, God. You are standing up in the midst of atmosphere.
I That has been charged by the power of the Holy Ghost.
So if you press in right now, say it, the Lord.
Now, when you leave this building, you will be forever changed up, forever gifted up, forever anointed up, forever to do with power from Ohio.
That the enemy cannot take away.
God says, I’ve heard the challenge of Goliath.
And the lord says, oh, ignorant devil.
How dare you would throw the gauntlet down to the one who kicked you out.
Of heaven. Even before this year’s out, sayeth the lord, there is a purification that’s taking place in my body.
God said that there have been the lukewarm, but not just lukewarm.
God says it’s those who have practiced sin. Knowing it was wrong.
He had no fear of me. God said, get ready.
Because there are graves that are being opened.
Come on.
Not only the spirit, but god said in the natural Because when I cried to you for repentance, you mock me and said not today, and the lord says, these wicked men and women who have practiced sin, yet held positions in the house of the lord.
You were like a leukemia in the bloodline of the body of Christ.
And god said, I am purging the body of Christ.
And the lord says, uh, even when I have moved in time times passed in situations like this, there has been a ceiling on what I could do because there was so much mixture in the atmosphere.
But the Lord said, what I’m getting ready to do requires a pure atmosphere.
It is like gold that has been in the fire and purified seven times and come forth uh as righteousness in the presence of god.
Uh and god said that the arrogance of these men and women that have stood on my platforms uh and occupy places uh that have written book that millions have bought, uh, and yet they could not live what they preached.
Uh, would not fall on
the rock of ages, would not cry out because not only did they do it knowing it was wrong, but they took pleasure of their end.
Now, so I’m gonna remove them for your say, say it the lord.
Uh, and you’re gonna begin to walk into the atmosphere and say, oh, what is going on?
Uh, I’m standing on holy ground.
Uh, what is happening, uh, and god said, I’m gonna anoint the feet of the right or something.
And if you look down, sayeth the lord, uh, underneath your feet is the neck of the devil.
And you are grinding him, uh, by the blood of the lamb, uh, and the prophetic ocean of god.
Uh, and
there is hardly anointing the, that is fever at least for the power of the lord.
Stories that have been told by men of all that seem but fables.
Where men have been translated in the spirit to another continent, and have laid hands on others that needed healing and deliverance.
If I could do that with Philip, The evangelists.
And he was in the dispensation of grace. Are you not also?
But your mind saith the lord through pleasure, and false teaching and apathy took away your ability to be able to dream of the impossible.
So today, saith gone. I am healing your minds.
Uh, uh, boy, Sunday.
Oh, there is a glory cloud sayeth God that is gonna go home with you.
When you get in your home, say at the lord and some of you as you get in your cars this afternoon, there’s going to be this unexplainable presence and some of you’re gonna have divine encounters with me.
Say it the lord, and it will be the first time in your life. That it’s ever happened to you.
Uh, but it’s a new day, saith god. Uh, for I can no longer restrict myself just to preachers.
I can no longer restrict myself just to a worship team to usher him the presence of the lord.
Uh, but now said God. Uh, the anointing is no longer on Aaron’s beard. Uh, but it’s in the skirts.
Hallelujah. And there is a saturation of the anointing oil that is being released out of heaven right now upon you by the power and the glory of god.
This moment saith the Lord. Uh gifts that I put in your DNA that you did not know you had.
Uh, that when you get your first cry
out of the womb.
Uh, I activated that gift. Uh, but perhaps you’re bringing of the demographics of where you lived or or who raised you up Never gave you the ability to do that, but supernaturally now say it the Lord.
Uh, I am elevating you, uh, and I’m declaring now. It does not matter.
God says I’m going past age now. Well, it doesn’t matter if you’re five or you’re a
hundred, say it the lord.
Uh, the glory and the magic of god. Uh, is released in the atmosphere by the power of god.
Uh, I am going to bring you to such a level of the spirit that no longer will you even worry about money?
No longer will you worry about finances?
Uh even before you have the need to God says I’ll release it out of the heavens.
I’m gonna cause men to come to this house up and they’re gonna say god woke me up and the Lord said to do this.
Uh, you’re gonna have thanksgiving. Now, you’re gonna sign as a signing vessel in a midnight hour.
Even though there come from around the world to this house, uh, get ready, say it.
The Lord, uh, they’re gonna come not by a dozen, uh, not by a few, uh, but they’re gonna come by the thousands.
Uh, but even as it happened in Azusa street, say at the Lord, you have proven to me that this house will not steal my glory, my servant has proven to me that it would not take the credit.
Uh, so this day sayeth Carter, I take the ceiling off of this answer.
I take the limits off for you, say
it to Lord. And I blow on
you. I blow gloria, gloria, gloria, gloria, glory in the atmosphere, glory in the heavens, glory in this So glory in the sanctuary.
Uh glory in your home by the power of God.
Now say it to Lord.
I lose speed. Oh my goodness.
God said I’m losing speed over this sanctuary.
Her, blah, blah, blah, blah, Sunday. I’m gonna call us what would take decades.
I’m a make it happening within a twelve month period.
I’m gonna do things.
Say it God that the apostles are gonna look at me in glory where they are.
And they’re gonna say, we never saw it like that in our day.
And God said, but I couldn’t do it in your day because you weren’t in the last or the last day.
And I saved my best for the last day.
Say it God, and I saved the glory of the latter house greater than that of the former house.
And, oh, no, this saith the lord, uh, that on that day that you cross over into eternity, uh, and pass through the gates, There will be many great patriarchs, uh, that are gonna wanna talk to you, uh, and say tell us what it was like.
Uh, and you will just simply say, uh, it was unspeakable up and full of glory.
Have I not declared saith the Lord? Now, that the revival. It’s not a revival saith god.
It’s not reviving something that has already died. Uh it’s more than that saith god. I am birthing things.
So I am creating things, uh, in the atmosphere because demon spirits have created things since the society that were perverted and abnormal and should never existed.
Uh, the enemy has required me to stand back up and to create some things. And there’s spirit.
Uh, that would be able to overcome the abnormal Ts, uh, and the horrible awfulness that has been in the office Sphere.
And I’m gonna reverse it, sayeth god.
I am gonna shut the mouth of the spirit of perversion in the atmosphere.
And I’m gonna lose a song, uh, unrighteousness, uh, and glory. Yeah.
And the whole earth shall be filled with the majesty of the power of god.
God says, forget everything in your past.
That today I’m turning a new page. Amen.
God says every curse that has been spoken against you.
Every word that has risen up in judgment against you today, God said I terminated.
The Lord says it’s like a new slate.
I’m allowing this house to step over into a realm of innocence.
That has not been tainted.
And I have personally says the lord picked each and every one of you.
To be a part of my majesty that I am raising up in this house for the glory of God.
God says first thing that will begin to shine in this house, you will become a beacon of hope.
And the hopeless and the despairing that I felt like there is no answers.
The Lord says that there are many unbelievers set.
If they could being my presence. They would be here today, but they don’t know about me.
So god says, I am losing a spiritual magnetism of drawing that will start today And it’s gonna hit O Hickory Boulevard.
And bisecting Interstate sixty five, And as people are driving now within the vicinity of where you are meeting, they will fill a drawing and they will turn off on exits.
And they will say, we don’t know why we did this.
And they will begin to walk into the buildings.
God said it’s the beginning of the redeeming of the harvest. Sayeth the lord.
God says that even as the pool of Bethesda had a supernatural anointing on it during a certain season.
God said this day, I am putting a anointing in this house over cancer.
And god says that today, I bind the spirit of cancer in this building.
But not just in this building.
From this day on saith the lord, you’re gonna be a sounded at how many people begin to come in that are dying of cancer, and they’re gonna be healed by the supernatural touch of the power of god.
I see the day coming says the Lord, uh, that There’s going to be so much healing release in the atmosphere that one man.
It’s gonna be different says God Though you’ve stepped out by faith and your pastor has laid hands on the sick on this platform.
God said, I’m taking that anointing, and I’m multiplying it now.
Even as I put the anointing on seventy from Moses, so sayeth the Lord that I am now putting anointing on you, anointing on you.
Anointing on you saith god, uh, and all dispersed
to hallelujah through the building,
all dispersed through the atmosphere, men and women that need help me deliverance and need healing.
Now, God said, I’m giving you the authority. That as a believer, hallelujah, right where you are.
You’ll just reach over and touch and as you touch them, hallelujah, they will be healed and set free by the power of the Holy Ghost.
The Oh, God says you have been a joy to me.
Uh, I have stood and listened to your worship and your praise. Uh, now saith the Lord.
You’ve stood under the burden. Uh, you’ve been weary with the battle, but you did not throw in the towel.
Uh, so hear me say it the Lord. Uh, I lose the burden off you.
I lose the spirit of heaviness off of you, and I lose a new wave upstream and anointing.
Now I called the spirit of rest, uh, on your home, uh, in the name of the lord.
Uh, every lying demon. Oh, my god. I feel the holy ghost stuff. Every line demon in this building up
in the name of the lord.
I have authority over you in the name of Jesus.
I commend you go. Go. Go. Go.
In the name of the lord,
uh, I break your apathy. I’ve produced a Tism, uh, of the Holy Ghost stuff where they have it in touch speaking and tongues up.
I lose you for pornography. I lose you hatreda.
I loosed you from a forgiveness, and I loosed you in the name of Jesus.
God says, be careful to listen because sounds from heaven are going to begin to occur now.
Suddenly, there came a sound from heaven and it filled it filled the house.
God says you’re not gonna have to run on a near empty tank anymore.
The Lord said no longer are my people going to live in the wilderness, where there’s just enough for each day.
But god says today, the man of stock And this day, you shall begin to eat of the fruit of the land of your inheritance.
Say at the law.
Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
Why don’t you stand with me? I know most of you are, but just stand with me for a moment.
How many feel like you’re reaching out to get a hold of this work?
The atmosphere is charged by the power of God.
You can just move those Stantions, right on up.
We’re gonna fill it up today because here’s what I feel like God is saying.
You’re gonna have to come get in the pool right now. Cut up. That’s it. Come on.
Whatever you need from God. Whatever you need from God. Whatever you need from God.
Come get in the pool right now because the lord has stirred the waters in this sanctuary in the name of Jesus.
In the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus.
Listen, this is an unusual moment right now.
Some of you have never been in anything like this, but I’m telling you by the power of God.
Hallelujah God says I’m renewing the strength of the elderly
in this house today. You’re my mobile samba. Yeah.
I’m gonna put a Joshua and Caleb spirit in your bones.
I’m gonna give you the endurance to run and not be weary.
Someday. You hallelujah hallelujah. In the name of Jesus, sir.
God, I thank you that it’s already done. Now, son. Hallelujah.
I allowed it for a moment because I was getting your attention, but raised
you up for this hour to burn bright.
Uh, and, oh, no, this say, Connor, I am breaking the same off of you.
I am loosing the word of the lord
out of your spirit, and all of the anxiety,
all of the frustration. It’s coming up.
In the name of the lord.
Now, and there is a renewing, a rebirthing
of the power and of the anointing
of the glory of god upon you, John. In Jesus’ day.
Now I want you to raise your hands.
I don’t care what it is, how absurd it is, how big it is, how impossible it looks Tell god.
That’s what I want right there. Uh, you have not because you ask not.
Now in the name of the lord.
Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah in the name of Jesus.
Uh, god release it. Release the anointing right now. God, the word that you declared through your prophet today.
You release it in the name
of the lord. Yeah.
In the name of the lord. In the name of the lord. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Now go ahead press in.
Let we’re gonna go into worship. Don’t worry about time.
We might be here for another hour, but there is something happening in the atmosphere.
Oh, glory to your lord.
In the name of Jesus, dye. Yeah.
You all know it’s not over saying it’s called up. But, oh, they’ve got great days ahead.
If back this to Florida where they said it wouldn’t be done anymore.
I’m doing something brand new by the power of the Holy Ghost
stuff. I am Lucy calling go. Yeah. My fresh anointing. Now new doors are
gonna open up. The utterance of god.
Now, that it’s wrong to the lord.
Uh, this being released, uh, and I put the
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