The Invisible Fight | Jack Hibbs Today

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The Invisible Fight

The inward pull toward disobedience and the outward pull of temptation are both working to bring you down, Christian. The fight is invisible on both fronts, but the struggle is real. With God’s help, you can overcome!

God’s Messages

Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..

Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….

So listen, we’re gonna be talking about an invisible war, an invisible fight and yet it’s invisible.
You may recognize it, especially to those of you who may not consider yourself Christians.
But you’re watching the Bible makes it very clear that there’s, there’s really two things going on.
There’s a war that’s going on on the inside regarding the battle of truth in the world that is around us as a believer.
Listen, the Christian follower of Jesus Christ, not the Christian by title, but the actual follower of Jesus Christ knows something.
They know that they have a battle going on on the inside and they have a battle going on on the outside.
And that battle on the inside is a battle where we have our desires, our flesh still wants to do the things that now we are not to do as a believer.
But what overrides that is the struggle, the, the fight, the war of the spirit leading us and it all determines the outcome based upon what do I will to do.
Am I gonna follow God in his word? Am I gonna yield?
Listen, this is called obedience in the Bible will I do what God wants me to do or will I do what I want to do?
And every true follower of Jesus knows exactly what I’m talking about that generates a huge battle 24 7 in our lives.
Look, if you’re not a Christian, you don’t know what I’m talking about.
But if you are a follower of Jesus, what will be my will, will my will be thy will be done referencing to God or will my will be what I want to do.
Friend. Listen, whoever you obeying, that’s the Lord of your life. Are you sure you’re a Christian?
Pick up your Bible tune in. Let’s dive into this as we learn about God’s word for us today.
It’s pretty amazing.
In Second Corinthians four verse 16 says, therefore, we do not lose heart even though our outward man is perishing, the inward man is being renewed day by day.
Look, my body’s physically ill right now. But my spirit’s saying, let’s go, right.
You have somebody, you have someone, you know someone who’s dying of cancer or something, their body is the only thing that’s dying.
You remember this.
If you know somebody who’s on hospice like that, take your bible to them, start reading to them out loud.
Say pastor, you don’t understand. It’s my dad.
He’s really old and he’s really mean and well, how sick is he?
Is he gonna get up and beat you up?
No, he’s all plugged into machines then take your Bible and read it to him.
Listen, you see. Well, my friend is in a coma.
Have you heard about people in comas? Sometimes? Now I begin to wonder people are in coma.
God has locked them out from hearing everything else.
People that often come out of a coma will say.
I heard everything I heard everything that was said for six months.
So you better watch out what you’re saying in front of that com a friend of yours but give them the Bible.
Put on praise music. Wow, the inward man is being renewed.
By the way, the day that the Christian dies is the day that the inside of us outgrows the outside caterpillars do that.
Caterpillars crawl up your wall, spin a cry or a cocoon turn into liquid metamorphose is the Greek word comes together as a butterfly and reaches a point of growth that breaks open the shell.
What happened? The inside grew to the point that it was greater than the outside when that happens for the believer is the moment of death that ought to cause you to look at death a little bit different.
If you’re a Christian, if you’re not a Christian, you should freak out because that’s not happening to you.
The moment you drop dead is you get on a slide that takes you straight to hell and it’s buttered or grease on top of it.
Not funny. Jesus died on the cross So you wouldn’t have to experience that everybody in hell today got there because they wanted to go oh man, verse 17 2nd Corinthians four for our light affliction, which is, but a moment is working for us.
A more exceedingly eternal weight of glory. Isn’t that beautiful?
Secondly, under this point is the fact that we fight the invisible, we fight the invisible.
He says in verse 23 but I see another law in my members that his body parts.
It’s an interesting word. By the way, the word uh members is melo.
It speaks about, I mean, it’s not very attractive but it means it pertains to our human body, but it pertains mostly to a limb.
You know, limbs are limbs, limbs, digits or appendages. That sounds kind of cold. How’s your appendage?
Isn’t that a funny word? Huh?
But I see another law in my members in my appendages.
What what law is that it wars against the law of my mind.
My hands say I want to touch that.
You see, Jack? Are you insane?
There’s no brain, there’s no, there’s no determining factors in your hand. I know. Isn’t that weird?
And yet the Bible says it happens and I wanna ask you right now, does it not happen?
You can be the most saintly person alive on the earth today and on the inside you can have this desire that shoots like an arrow in your, in your thinking.
Oh, I want that I wanna touch that. I wanna taste that immediately.
Remember up goes the wall, the mind goes to war against the appetites of the flesh.
And you’re called a Christian. When he says this is another, he says another law.
It’s interesting that word is heteros. It means it implies there’s another man heteros like heterosexual.
It’s listen, it’s one kind but there’s two sides to one coin. You ever heard that term before?
There’s only one coin in the argument and that’s human. But there’s two sides to the coin.
Male, female, spiritually speaking, there’s only one part of you.
But now that you’re born again, there’s two sides to you. It’s you.
But there’s the old you and the new you that war against. I wrote this down.
I don’t know if it blesses you or not, but it meant something to me.
Our bodily members, my body become the tools of our will. Is that not true?
Whatever I will determine, decide my body is going to do.
Number two, I thought this, that my bodily members become the tools for our will.
I choose to do it. And then I decide how I’m going to do it.
That’s either good or bad for our bodily members. Number three become the tools by our will.
That’s the key of our will for our will by our will. I decide you decide.
Jesus says, walk with me. I say no, I say later. I say yes, yeah. Yes.
And that’s true about all of us. Listen to this. You know, I love CS Lewis, listen to this.
We never find out the strength of an evil impulse inside of us until we try to fight it.
Is that great statement? That word war means to declare war.
The mind, the war that is being raged against my mind. The word mind, it’s ethereal invisible.
The reality of man, your mind is much more the reality of you than of course your physical body, which is just simply a puppet to execute what your mind is all about logic, understanding reason, comprehension, the rationale of man.
A lot of people want to talk about reason. Isn’t it funny right now?
I, I, you know, because I don’t feel good. I think I’m, am I being hard on you today?
I feel like I just feel like I’m being a little honor and um I’m just thinking.
So people today are running around saying, well, it has to be rational and logic.
No, no, no kidding. Of course. So what is it that you’re trying to explain?
And people say now in the name of rational, they actually take the literal meaning of words and they flip it upside down.
Well, yes, somebody, is it rational?
Um out of the, well, a year ago, there was 74 genders and now there’s over 100.
So, is it rational for you to pick one? Yes.
And I determined that on who I want to be today.
What if we take a blood test?
Can we take a little DNA?
Why would you want to do that?
Because we want to find out what you really are here. You see what’s going on.
Listen, the Bible tells us in the last days, evil will be called good. Good will be called evil.
Light will become darkness, darkness will become light. Men will say this good is evil and evil is good.
And if you don’t think we’re near the end, the very, very first chapter of the Bible chapter one of Genesis is under wholesale attack by Satan.
When you begin to destroy man in the image of God, the end is near thirdly under the second point is that we fight for freedom.
Verse 23 says, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin, which is in my members.
In other words, my body is trying to pull itself into destruction.
It’s, it’s just, it’s all about um instant gratification, my body and it’s fighting my spirit, right?
Your body wants stuff now and your spirit is looking from an eternal perspective and there’s a, there’s a war.
But listen, we fight for freedom when it’s just bringing me into captivity.
That’s if I allow it now, we’re not perfect. Each and every one of us will at times allow it.
But just know what this is saying here. You don’t have to stay.
There are you a Christian but you’ve been held captive by sins. Let’s push it to the extreme.
Are you addicted? You know, the Lord Jesus Christ, but he hasn’t been the Lord.
He’s your savior and you’re in constant turmoil because the drug or the porn or the money, the gambling hold you captive.
You don’t have to be held captive by it any longer.
You need to get along with God and cry out to him and watch what he does.
I’m not gonna listen. I’m not saying that he’ll snap as he could.
He could heal you of it in a second. He can. And he does.
There are times though most often where he will begin to develop your walk and you’ll go through uh a detox session, so to speak from the world, not from the drug.
I don’t care about the drug. Oh I’m so hooked on, on whatever you, whatever.
I’m so hooked on it. I can’t break it.
Go to God with that thing and let him detox you out of it. You can’t do it.
And the Christian, the Christian can say I can’t do it.
See that the person who’s got confidence still in their flesh says I can do it.
I’ll just go to Malibu check in pay $10,000 a day. Come out. I’m fine.
You know how those companies stay in business.
A lot of repeat customers only Christ can break those chains, man, if Hollywood knew that if New York knew that if Hong Kong knew that the world would be different.
Freedom captive. That word means to take, to lead away captive, to take as a prisoner to take by force or by stealth, to seize upon to bind up.
First Corinthians 10 verse 12 says, therefore, let him who thinks he stands take heed lest the fall.
Listen to that Christian man speak that way. Isn’t that awesome?
Hey, if you think you’re tough and you can take it all, you better think again, no temptation is overtaken you except such as is common to man.
But God who is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you’re able.
But with the temptation, notice, Satan tempts you.
God doesn’t bring the temptation, the world, Satan and your flesh tempts you.
But God watching so that you don’t get swallowed up by it.
Notice it says with the temptation that’s coming from the world, God will also make the way of escape that you may be able to bear.
It. Isn’t that great news? That’s awesome. Third. And finally is this verses 24 to 25.
Am I me? As the statement sounds like a question. But is it the statement?
Yes, you are you and we know the one to whom we belong.
I’m so grateful for this verse 24 teaches me that a sinner.
I’m a sinner in need of redemption.
A wretched man that I am says the great Paul the apostle.
Hey, Paul, what do you got to say for yourself? Oh, wretched man that I am.
Who circle the word? Who not? What, who will deliver me from the body of death?
I love that. Not what? Give me a pill. Give me a prescription. Give me some advice.
Give me some counsel. Give me something. It’s not a something. It’s who, it’s Christ.
When he says wretched, the word means distressed. Listen to this. It means miserable.
Oh, miserable man that I am. Oh alone man. Without any resources man.
The word employs the imagery of being alone or abandoned at sea.
Friend of mine told me when he was in us Navy Seal training, they took him, him and his five other guys took him 14 miles off the coast of Coronado.
They had underwear on and a knife. That’s all you.
You had your underwear and a knife, they throw you. Well, they don’t throw you, ok? Get out.
You jump into the water. Stay together as a team. 14 miles out. Listen to this at 18 inches.
Your head is 18 inches above water at the top of your head.
But your eyeballs are about six inches below a the, the, the top of your head.
At that 14 miles on a moonless night, you can’t see the horizon and they said we’ll see you.
You should be back at a certain time. We, we’ve done this 1000 times before we’ll see you. Uh, sure.
And they, they drove away the boat leaves. They’re supposed to listen, classified information.
They learn how to read the movement of the water to find out which directions land.
They start swimming in that direction. As a team, they believe this.
If a shark attacks you, the rest of you guys, you’re all gonna stab it and kill it and you’re gonna continue on and you’ll be able to use your underwear.
You can tear it and tourniquet, help the guy out.
We’ll see you at the beach abandoned.
The whole point is to get them abandoned.
But they know down deep inside they wouldn’t have put me out here unless I could make it.
They know something about me. I don’t know. Well, listen, God knows something about you.
You and I often forget and that is the Holy Spirit as a homing device as it were in you like GPS leading you home.
Oh Richard man that I am happy is the man who can say that today.
Oh wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from this body of sin and death.
We can’t officially read Romans chapter eight verse one yet, but you’re feeling it.
Somebody said moving from the darkness into the light causes details.
All right causes moving from the darkness into the light causes details to come into view.
It is in the darkness that most listen to this. Most anything looks good.
Everything was good in the dark because its true identity cannot be fully discovered.
It is only after the light is turned on that what is present can be seen for what it truly is.
CS Lewis put it this way. Listen to this.
If a thing is free to be good, it is also free to be bad and free will is what has made evil possible.
Why then did God give them us humans free will?
Because free will though it makes evil possible is also the only thing that makes possible.
Any love or goodness or joy worth having badness cannot succeed even in being bad in the same way in which goodness is good.
Goodness is so to speak itself. Badness is only spoiled. Goodness. Evil is a parasite, not an original thing.
Leave it to him. Brilliant. Awesome. Number two, quickly we’re almost done a sinner.
That’s who I am. Am I me?
Yep, a sinner who is saved, saved my body keeps me in the category of still being a sinner.
The inside of me has put me in the position of righteousness of loving Christ, of wanting to have the separation from my body.
Happy is the man or woman who recognizes I’m a sinner saved by the grace of God.
And if you know what I’m talking about, that doesn’t give you license to sin.
It gives you the unction to hate it all the more it’s beautiful we’re saved.
Have you trusted Christ? The Bible says you’re saved.
And then finally, you guys, it’s this a sinner who knows the truth back to the truth.
So then verse 25 with the mind, I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh, the law of sin.
So what does that mean? It means? He continues to fight day in day out.
So in light of what we’ve just heard, I’m gonna give you a code to live by it.
It’s one that I live by.
I think it’s pretty clear in scripture, it’s what God would have us ask ourselves.
And it’s this, here’s the code word. Everybody, here’s the code statement, the code line as it were.
Who is your Lord? Who is the Lord of your life? I can’t answer that for you.
You cannot answer it for me.
Who makes the final decision for your life at the end of the day when you lay your head down on your pillow, who called the shots?
You can take it all in.
Listen, a lot of people, especially in our western world, we’ve got these issues of control and I’m gonna, I’m gonna fix this and I’m gonna do this and I can handle that.
And don’t worry, I got that and we wind up building our lives and we’re taught in such a way that we can take care of it.
And that’s all fine. I guess, you know, if you’re gonna run the 100 yard dash or if you’re gonna build a building, I get it, I get it.
But when it comes to spirituality, it does not work.
You cannot roll up your sleeves and say I can do this.
Not only you’re not strong enough, but you don’t have what it takes to pull it off.
I’m being honest with you, I don’t have it. You don’t have it.
The code word is who is the Lord of your life.
And if you’re the one calling the shots, you’re gonna come up short every time, friend, listen, the answer is that you are to say yes to the lordship of Jesus Christ.
Can you look back over the decisions you’ve made and come to the conclusion that my drive, my feelings, my emotions.
I grabbed them and put them on the back shelf and I did what God’s word told me to do that’s making him the Lord of your life.
It’s not what you and I want. It’s not what we think is best, it’s what God has said.
So listen, we want to give you more and more information.
You know that we’d love for you to go to Jack Hibbs dot com.
Connect with us there at Facebook, Instagram, telegram.
There’s a lot there for you to grow in your grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ into a deeper walk.
That’s what you need now, more than ever before you are watching Real Life with Jack Hibbs.
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Welcome to Real life Radio with Jack Hibbs.
God’s word, whoever will return, void God’s word is spirit, its power and it has its effects.
So I want to encourage you to grab your Bibles, open them up and get ready to learn from God’s word.
God did not give us a Bible prophecy to scare us but to prepare us.
But I think you’re going to get a lot out of it.
And one of the great you are the light of the world.
Jesus said you are the salt of the earth. How does that happen by the power of the Holy Spirit?
You’re going to get excited about what Jesus Christ wants to do in and through you.
So Jack Hibbs truly believes we are living in some of the most exciting days in history which brings some great opportunities to share with the world, a powerful no nonsense presentation of the gospel to this generation who are searching for answers and truth.
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