Your Life Is What You Make It! – Pt 2 | Radio Podcast | Joyce Meyer

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In today’s program, Joyce delves into her series, Life is What You Make It. If we want to enjoy a truly fulfilling life, we must learn to live God’s way. While we all have the gift of free will, choosing obedience to His Word allows Him to grant us the desires of our hearts. Now, here’s Joyce with today’s teaching:

Recently, God spoke to me on a day when I was about to slip into a bad mood. How many of you can recognize when a bad mood is creeping in? That’s the moment to take action! Don’t wait until you’ve been stuck in a negative mindset for a week; address it immediately.

First Peter 5 (Amplified Bible) advises us to “resist the devil at his onset.” Satan prowls like a roaring lion, hungry and seeking someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in faith, knowing that your fellow believers worldwide endure similar struggles. Everyone faces challenges, so let’s not waste time feeling sorry for ourselves. Instead, let’s apply the Word: “Submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7).

We have authority over the enemy, but it requires action on our part. It’s not automatic. That day, God reminded me to check my attitude. I could choose to have a bad day, but I could also decide to have a good one. Trouble is inevitable, but misery? That’s a choice.

Spiritual maturity is revealed in how we respond to life’s challenges. How many of you want to grow spiritually and become more like Jesus? That should be every Christian’s goal. We’re not here simply for God to fulfill our desires or to give us an easy life. We’re here to serve Him. Each day, ask God: What can I do for You today?

Living an Unselfish Life

Jesus calls us to take up our cross daily and follow Him (Mark 8:34). This means living unselfishly, shifting our focus from ourselves to God’s purposes. Many of us believe that getting what we want will make us happy, but true joy comes from giving. Acquiring things might bring temporary happiness, but it’s fleeting. The more you try to fill your life with things, the more you’ll crave.

The Bible warns us about the deceitfulness of riches (Mark 4:19). If you think a bigger house, more money, or material possessions will bring lasting joy, you’re mistaken. While there’s nothing wrong with enjoying nice things, our primary desire must be for God. When we delight in Him, He promises to give us the desires of our hearts (Psalm 37:4).

The Power of Gratitude

When you feel discouraged or tempted to focus on your problems, turn to gratitude. Start thanking God for every blessing in your life. No matter your situation, you have more blessings than problems. Satan’s strategy is to shift your focus to your struggles, distracting you from God’s goodness.

The Bible tells us to “look away from all that will distract to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2). Pray about your problems, give them to God, and then focus on being a blessing to others.

How often do we purposefully seek to make someone else’s life better? Imagine the transformation in our relationships—especially in marriages—if we stopped focusing on what others can do for us and started serving each other selflessly.

Stay tuned as Joyce continues to share insights that inspire us to live a life aligned with God’s Word. Remember, joy and fulfillment come not from what we receive, but from what we give.

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