You Gotta Have Heart | Tim Sheets

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Evaluating Our Role in the Rebirth of a Nation and the Great Awakening

At certain points in life, we are called to deeply reflect on our hearts and our purpose. A pivotal moment in history, a turning point, is one of these times. Who among us thought we would be called through our words, actions, and resolve? Who imagined we would play a role in the rebirth of a nation? Even fewer believed such a rebirth would be necessary. And yet, here we are, at the threshold of not just national renewal but also a third great awakening—the reformation of a culture tarnished by destructive ideologies. We can be part of the greatest harvest the Kingdom of God has ever known—a harvest of perhaps a billion souls, or more.

We are entering a season that demands an uncompromising remnant of true disciples to rise up. It’s time for deep evaluation—what are we doing, why are we doing it, and where are we headed? This evaluation is crucial for both individuals and corporate bodies, especially at the start of a new year. What is your resolution? What are you standing for? What energizes you? What are you devoted to passionately?

This is a time when Christians must honestly evaluate their resolve. Patriots of faith must confront a fierce and long-standing challenge to stand firm for truth. Our future depends on this decision—this is not an exaggeration, but a literal reality. The true church—the body of Christ—is meant to be the active conscience of the nation, the spiritual body that brings Christ’s will into society. The church is to be the soul of the nation.

However, other ideologies are currently fighting for control over this nation, especially over its soul. The Bible is clear: the church is tasked with setting godly boundaries for culture, society, education, laws, and government. This is not a matter of opinion but of divine mandate. If we fail to take a stand for Christ and His Word, we risk surrendering the soul of our nation to those whose minds are warped by evil. Leaders who support actions like abortion reveal their capacity for any form of malicious behavior. If someone is willing to murder an innocent life, they are unfit to lead—whether in government, schools, businesses, or even churches.

Unfortunately, some in leadership have adopted these destructive ideologies. It is the ethical duty of true believers in Jesus to stand up against such beliefs and fight for what is right. As Christians, standing for truth, justice, and liberty is not optional—it is commanded by King Jesus. The apostles called for it. As Jude wrote, there are times when we must contend for the faith, the heritage of our faith, and for truth itself. There are times we must fight against government tyranny and lawlessness that threaten our spiritual freedom and our ability to spread the Gospel of the Kingdom. That time is now.

This is not a moment for hesitant or half-hearted faith. We cannot afford lethargic commitment or pretend Christianity. It’s time for bold action, for leaders and Christians to step up. We need Davids, Gideons, Esthers, Deboras, and Samsons—individuals who will fight for the future and stand strong, no matter the odds. Some leaders may have faltered or followed the wrong path, but just like Samson, it’s time to return to our calling. Let your faith grow again, fight for the future again, and finish stronger than you began.

As Paul told the Galatians in 4:18, “It is good to be zealously affected in a good thing.” We need zealous leaders, zealous intercessors, and zealous Christians. Devotion to a righteous cause is always honorable. It’s time for us to rise up with fervor and dedication to fulfill our calling and bring about the change our nation and world desperately need.

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