You Didn’t Let God Down – Sarah Jakes Roberts
You Didn’t Let God Down
Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week.. Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
One thing about me, I’m gonna get on this Instagram looking any kind of way I am supposed to be resting on vacation.
Well, staycation, staycations are the same things as vacation. You just stay at home.
Um, ok, so real fast. I am on here looking the way I’m looking because I don’t know, I’m here.
I’m worshiping. I’m cleaning up and um hey guys. Hi and I don’t know why.
I don’t know who, I don’t know who this is for.
I don’t know what you’re going through, but I felt it necessary to let you know that God really cares about you, that God wants more for you than he wants from you.
And I don’t know if you’ve got a big assignment.
Maybe you’re trying, you’re disappointed in yourself because you didn’t perform in a way that you felt like you were supposed to perform.
Maybe it was a test, maybe it was a relationship.
I don’t know what this is, but God’s got somebody on my heart. So I’m hopping on here.
Look any kind of way to remind you that you are not a performer.
You are not living out a role of a perfect person who does everything the right way all of the time.
You are a human on a journey and God knew that you were going to mess up.
God knew that you weren’t gonna always get everything right.
God knew that you were gonna have moments where you had to learn some lessons before you had some victories.
And I just don’t want you to distance yourself from God or to diminish your self worth and your value because you don’t feel like you performed well.
God cares about you, not what you do, not the score you made, not the relationship.
You have not the deal you dropped. God cares about you. And this is so random.
I really never do this, but I just felt like that.
Maybe this year, maybe this year didn’t go the way that you anticipated.
Maybe you’re not as far ahead as you want it to be.
Maybe you’ve had some genuine setbacks that maybe they were your fault. Maybe they weren’t.
But when you look at them, you’re feeling discouraged, you’re feeling disappointed.
You’re feeling like you’ve let God down and I just want you to know that you can’t let God down.
Um Come on, Gyra wasn’t holding you up, so there’s nothing I can do to let you down.
That’s a song by Maverick City and Elevation Worship called Gyra.
If you haven’t heard it, you needed to check, you need to check it out.
But I just want to remind you that in this society and culture and social media streets where it can be so easy to look at what you have or have not accomplished and then determine whether or not you have value or worth that.
God’s not checking for any of those things.
The things that matter, matter the most to God is your willingness to be open, honest, vulnerable about where you are, um your ability to have faith in who He says you are, in spite of where you are.
Your ability to have faith in who God says you are.
In spite of where you are, where you are right now.
It may not be a reflection of who God says you are.
It may not be a reflection of what God feels is possible for you.
And in those moments where there is a disconnect between where you are and who God says you are.
It can get really dark, really depressing. I’m not fearfully and wonderfully made. I’m used up. I’m not smart.
I don’t have what it takes. God didn’t make me with intention. I just have blow after blow after blow.
Life gets really, really dark. So maybe this live is just a match in the middle of a dark season for somebody.
But I want you to know that matches, turn into flames and flames into fire and fire into explosions and you are going to burn again with passion and joy and optimism and faith.
And purpose. And so maybe life isn’t performing, maybe you aren’t performing and maybe that’s the greatest gift that you can give yourself this season is to not perform.
But to be, be honestly wounded, be honestly disappointed, be honestly exhausted, be honestly excited, be honestly on fire.
Just don’t shrink whatever you do, don’t shrink, don’t pretend and don’t beat yourself up for not having what you think you’re supposed to have or where you are.
Instead figure out what you’re working with.
And based on what you’re working with, allow God to say I can use that.
I can work with that so random. And I hope it’s for somebody who really needs it.
And I wanna pray with you. Oh man, God, this is how I talk to God. I’m sorry.
It’s not, this is how I do what I do, man. God.
Um I acknowledge your presence.
I acknowledge your love God before I ask for anything before I breathe out my frustrations.
First, I acknowledge you God, I acknowledge that you are the creator of the universe.
I acknowledge that the very breeze in the air is your breath. You set it in motion.
I acknowledge you, God. I thank you for your divine wisdom and strategy that has been in the earth for thousands and thousands and thousands of years.
And God in these moments where we feel small in comparison to other people or we feel small in comparison to your great plan.
I thank you that you see us as huge, you see us as big, you see us as valuable.
You see us as worthy. There is not one thing that has been created, not a mosquito, not a, a blade of grass that doesn’t have a purpose.
So why then would we get to this stage of our lives and believe that you did not create us with that same purpose and intention.
And so we receive your presence in this moment in this day and we receive the intention that came with our life.
Oh God, I thank you that you created us with intention and with purpose, God.
And we thank you that when life feels random and when life feels like it’s not connecting at all, that, that purpose is still alive.
And so God, I speak to the purpose inside of every person on the other side of this life live, I speak to the intention on the other side of this life, God.
And I thank you that the gift of God is being stirred up on the inside of them. God.
I thank you that there is a flicker of hope that is beginning to shine in a dark season.
I speak against depression in the name of Jesus.
I speak against anxiety in the name of Jesus, that they will not be labeled, that that will not be their identity.
I thank you God that this will not be their final destination.
I thank you that where the enemy is trying to convince them that there is nowhere to go from them that you are raising up a standard that says I’ve got more yet left for you.
I have more yet for you to do more, for you to see more for you to experience.
I still have healing. I still have restoration.
I still have breakthrough connected to your name and God, I thank you that as we have just the mustard seed of faith that says, maybe I can believe it for one more day.
Maybe I can believe it for one more hour that you will break into the middle of our circumstance, God, that you will break into those thoughts.
You will break past those excuses and you will breathe life into them again.
You will breathe hope into them again. You will breathe power into them again.
God and little by little hope will be their inheritance. God. I thank you.
I thank you for laying them on my heart.
I thank you for open in my spirit to hopefully help someone on the other side of this life.
And I think you got that as a result of this, that someone else is gonna be obedient and they are going to decide to be the light for someone else in the dark season.
And so I think you got that this is a gathering of leaders, it is not just a random life that this is a gathering of leaders, social media may call us followers.
But God, we are leaders in our community, leaders in our family, God.
And I thank you that even as I am speaking, that someone’s getting up again, even as I am praying God, that the power of God is meeting them and, and transforming them and no longer will they be reactive, but they will be proactive God.
And I thank you that ideas are coming back, that creativity is coming back, that innovation is coming back and it will be contagious.
And so I thank you that as they are being raised up, that a generation is coming with them.
And I thank you that this is just the beginning you guys, I’m in my room and the wind is blowing so hard right now.
It’s a windy day here in Los Angeles and it is a windy day in my soul, a windy day in their lives.
We receive the wind God as acknowledgement that you hear us, you see us, you love us and you care for us.
So may we surrender into being, being empty, being broken, being exhausted, being afraid, being nervous and as we surrender God as we lay down that sacrifice, I thank you that you will do what only you can do.
You will transform, you will empower and you will present us ane to the very world that we were once going to give up on.
And we will say it is nothing but the grace of God that I am who I am in jesus’ name.
I love you guys and I’m praying for you.
Even this, I’m going back to worship and going back to praying and I’m carrying you in my heart.
Maybe I’ll say this. You can share it with someone who needs it. OK? I love you.
- The Power of Godly Meditation – Dr. Charles StanleyTháng 5 4, 2023