You Are Marked | Joel Osteen
You Are Marked
One of the hardest things for us is to let things go. We fight the closed doors, get discouraged over who walked away, bitter over that dream that didn’t work out. You have to realize God stopped it, not to make your life miserable, but to get you into your Promised Land. The manna ceased because He’s taking you into something bigger, better, more fulfilling. It may not make sense right now—the disappointment, the rejection, the loss—but later on, you’ll see what God was up to.
In the Old Testament. When the father was up there in years and about to pass, he would call his Children in and place his hand on their head.
He would speak loving faith, filled words over them. These words would help set the direction for their lives.
It was called the blessing. It was so valuable that when Jacob tricked his father Isaac into giving him the blessing that belonged to his older brother, Esau Esau Wept.
He knew he was at a disadvantage. His life would be limited. Isaac couldn’t believe it. He was so distraught.
He said I have given the blessing and I cannot take it back.
The blessing would determine whether they would live a victorious life filled with favor, abundance, overcome whatever came their way or whether it would be a life of struggle, hardship, not able to get ahead.
Sons and daughters looked forward to this blessing.
They long for the day where they would feel their father’s hand on their head. It was a destiny moment.
And some of us have received this blessing from our fathers.
We had great fathers that spoke faith into us others, their father wasn’t around maybe he spoke discouraging words, telling you what you couldn’t become.
You could think you’re at a disadvantage. You’re limited. You didn’t get this blessing.
That’s the way David felt in the scripture. His father looked down on him, saw him as too small.
Not that talented. David could have let that sour his life. Thought I can’t do anything great.
I didn’t get the blessing. But David said in Psalm 1 39 God, you have placed your hand a blessing on my head.
As powerful as the blessing is from your natural father.
Imagine your heavenly father placing his hand a blessing on you. In the scripture.
Jesus laid hands on people and healed the sick. Paul laid hands on Timothy to ignite his gifts.
Fathers laid hands on Children to bless them, laying on of hands was a significant moment.
A transfer of power and healing. When the most high God placed his hand, a blessing on your head.
He marked you for favor. He marked you for greatness. He marked you to overcome obstacles.
You’re a marked man, a marked woman, not by defeat, not by failure, but you are marked by the hand of Almighty God.
And what other people do cannot stop the blessing. Here’s the key.
They didn’t give it so they can’t take it. It didn’t come from people.
It came from your father in heaven, but sometimes it’s good to close your eyes and see that hand, a blessing on your life.
When dreams seem impossible, the obstacle too big, you weary.
You don’t think you could go on just picture the creator of the universe.
The God who spoke worlds into existence, laying his hands on your head, releasing favor, healing strength, breakthroughs.
You are not limited. You’re not lacking God’s hands. A blessing will cause you to defeat giants.
It will keep you safe in a fiery furnace. It will part a red sea.
When you’re at the dead end, it will close the mouths of hungry lions.
God’s hand of blessing is a supernatural favor. Doors were open that you couldn’t open.
It’s a hedge of protection, keeping you safe from what should harm you. It’s a divine empowerment.
You’ll discover ability that you didn’t know you had. It wasn’t good luck. It wasn’t, you’re so skilled.
It was the most high God putting his hand a blessing on your life.
I hope you enjoyed watching this clip. You can watch the full message here on our youtube channel.
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