You Are Fearless with Offering Message – The Dominators

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You Are Fearless with Offering Message – The Dominators

David heard with his own ears the threats of Goliath against Israel and said, “This day the LORD will deliver you into my hands and I will strike you down and cut off your head,” (1 Samuel 17:46). David took dominion over the enemy, defeating him and an entire Philistine army. As believers in Christ, we carry that same authority and power today. Dr. Bill Winston’s new series, The Dominators, will empower you to frustrate every attack and win every battle facing you.

The believers walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries Partners and viewers.
Off next, on the believer’s block of faith.
You don’t have to beg another person for a no the thing.
So he means that your days of begging are over. Your days of twirling are over.
Your days of worry are over. Your days of being without a over. All things are yours.
Here’s Adam, and he’s putting Adam in the earth, and he’s blessed him.
Then he said, be, fruit Now, Adam is going to produce something from the superior by the superior method of the spirit realm.
Now, what is he gonna produce?
He’s gonna produce something in the earth that came from heaven.
Jesus said, thy kingdom come, come on, thy will be done in earth as it is enough.
So he’s gonna do that. Yes, sir. Now I had to do it too.
Let me give you my time. We needed an airplane.
And, lord, we don’t have an airplane. I need 1.
So he had a man come here and speak on a Wednesday night from Africa.
And is that Pastor Winston? Your airplane is in Ecclesiastes chapter 10? Right.
Well, what do you think I did? I thought looking because I need some seed.
See, god already knew I needed the airplane. Yes.
But I got to bring it forth.
And I’ve got to bring it forth starting with a seed. Yes. Yes. Yes.
I’ve got to get a seek Luke chapter 8 verse 11th. The seed is the word of god.
I’ve got to get some seed first. Yes, sir. Adam, I’m giving you every herb bearing seed. Amen. Amen.
And I gotta start with some seed first so I get some seed from god from a man who carried it from Africa.
Yeah. Right. And I look at verse 20, a bird of the air shall carry your voice.
That’s called sea. So god gives sea to the soul.
So I’d show that seed. Yes, ma’am.
Now, mar Matthew chapter 12 in verse 35, a good man, out of the good deposit of the heart.
He said, out of the good, what did he say up there? Out of the good what? Treasure. Treasure.
Let’s substitute the word deposit. Uh, good man out of the good what deposit of the heart.
What is he gonna bring for? Good thing.
So god is making it so no man can keep me from my airplane because my airplane is not in their hands.
It’s in my heart. Do you hear what I’m saying?
See, nobody can keep you from your business. No come on. Nobody can keep you from your rent money.
Nobody can keep you because it’s not in their hands. It’s in your heart.
And the sower soweth, uh, word.
And over in, uh, the moo mark chapter 4 in verse 26, He goes on down the source of the word, and he sleepeth night and day, and the seed springs come on and grows up.
Keep going. Keep going. He doesn’t know how. You don’t need to know how it is coming forth. That’s right.
You don’t know how it is coming forth. And if you don’t know, the devil don’t know. Yes, sir.
And I’m saying, god may have you to do this, do that, stand on one foot, a shout, that that you don’t know how it’s coming forth, but it’s gonna bring forth.
And the seed carries the instructions for manifestations.
So, it doesn’t matter.
You don’t have to beg anybody for anything because your your blessings come from home.
Your blessing come from another realm. I’m talking about a spiritual realm that nobody can stop it.
It’ll come up through concrete. It it nobody can touch it.
Nobody can have it so you’re you’re black, you’re white. You can’t do this. You can’t.
None of that has crossed your table. You don’t even need none of that.
All you need is a mouth and some sword.
He would have said that.
All you need is a mouth and some sword. God’s got your seed.
He knew you were gonna need that before you got there. And he’s got plenty of seed for you.
If the devil’s trying to stop you from your seat, god will bring it to a person from Africa.
Uh, bring it from a person from Australia. They’ll somehow y’all are meeting up.
And he said, god told me it tell you that their scene is in Ecclesiastes and tap the 10 verse 20.
All you’ve got to do is believe.
Once you believe and show it, you sleep and rise night and day.
The seed springs and grow up you don’t know how, but the instructions are in the sea.
This airplane came from California.
I didn’t notice that plane from anything, but I do know this at a point of that sea development the instruction said to me, pick out your interior.
What you wanted to look like on the inside?
I took it and I start looking online and I said, this is too complicated.
Let me just get a picture of one I like. I got the picture of the one I like And do you know what happened?
The one I like came from California.
I didn’t know it was in California, but god doesn’t it don’t make no difference, because all the earth belongs to god.
For I’m preaching back.
Well, y’all pulling something out this time.
You don’t out the bag, another person for another thing. Yes.
Say amen to that. Your days are big, and are over. Your days of tolling are over.
Your days of worry are over. Your days of being without Uh, all things are yours.
Uh, lord, by law. Now, this truth He said, god, let god be true.
So when they came back from spying out the land of cana, the numbers have to 13 in verse 33, they said, wait a minute.
We’re like grasshoppers. In their eyes, And so are we in our sight?
Now, notice what the the 2 spies said over in numbers chapter 13 verse 30.
Let us go up at once. Keep going. For we are willing to overcome them.
Well, that’s the truth. Yep. Because god said, over in Joshua, chapter 1, and verse 5, no man.
Come on, man. No will be able to stand before you all the days of your life.
Whether you’re young or whether you’re old, they ain’t gonna be able to stand before right.
Is that the truth? Yeah. See, if I stand on the truth, everything gotta change.
It’s gotta change in me. It’s gotta change out side of me has got the thing.
Do you believe that? Now let’s keep going.
So one of them gave a fact, and the fact was what he could reason in his natural mind.
They’re giants. Yes. They’re more experienced than we are. We’ve been in slavery. They they’ve been fighting wars.
Uh, the all the things that look right.
And then they eventually said, Well, let’s make a decision. Let’s go on back to Egypt.
And, uh, because, uh, we face these guys, They’re gonna kill us, take our women, children, so forth.
All that sounded reasonable, didn’t it sound reasonable?
And that’s what they can see with their natural eyes. You I’m talking about the x-ray.
You can see it with your natural eyes. You you can see it.
But god said by his stripes, come on.
I’m not saying that the doctors are not good.
I’m just saying that there’s a reason why god has spoken the truth. Yes, ma’am.
Because only the truth is gonna make us what? 3. 3.
See, you look at that TV enough it’ll tell you who you are.
God said that are you not god’s are you not god that you’re being god, some that this is the this is the uh, the foundation of the supernatural in your life to know that you’re not a natural person.
Alright. Let me keep going here. Woo. Y’all with me so far. Alright.
So now the lie Alright? So the devil just sells a lot. He just sells a lot.
Alright. Now let’s take an example. Somebody born. They’re born a male Okay?
Now god says he created 2 denominations over in Genesis 127 He created a male and female.
Alright. Now that’s the truth. Yes, sir. But now here comes somebody And they’re gonna use these, uh, hormones.
And they’re gonna change their Now, I’m not talking about people.
I’m I’m here in love, say I’m in love. And they’re gonna change their sex now.
Now, notice what’s happening now, a fact is taking place. Yes, sir. Because that’s what you’re telling people.
Now, I’ve changed my check. I’m not him anymore. I’m her.
Now, understand that this sit this poses a real situation. Yes. Because in Psalm 139.
That’s right. And verse 16, god said now, from the beginning, I wrote your members in a book.
Better than that, he sent Jeremiah to say something in Jeremiah chapter 1 verse 5.
He said before you even came into the womb, I knew you. I knew what you work.
I knew what you’re gonna die being. I knew everything you.
Now, somewhere, you don’t listen to some voice that was not the voice of truth, and you don’t took a fact and trying to change yourself, but here’s the good news.
Come on. 1st John chapter 3 verse 8 said that get the devil sent it from beginning.
But the reason why Jesus came was to undo the work the devil had done that I don’t care how far gone you are.
God can turn it out I I’m saying, I don’t care what has happened in your life.
God can reverse it Truth of that is you sitting up in here right now, giving god praise.
That was one time you was running a away from god, say amen. Yes. Yes, sir.
Now, I’m saying, I don’t care what the enemy has done to you.
I’m glad he has messed with our minds.
People had abortions here and had this year, but I got good news for you.
You came to Jesus, any man that’s in Christ, any woman he is a brand new creature.
All things are passable. Now all you got to do is renew your mind to what god said and god be truth and every man be a liar.
You don’t have to carry around guilt.
And shame and all of that because god can make it so that you never did what you did.
He he can cover you. He can make it so that the blood of Jesus cleanses your mind, cleanses your heart, and you say I’m free.
I’m free indeed. Is anything too hot further lord.
No. No. No. No. No. No. We all messed up. Why? Because we were listening to the wrong voice.
The devil comes to kill, steal, this one. That’s what he does.
So I can’t you can’t be hard on people who are listening. To that voice.
You’re in the world to win the world. We all had some crazy stuff.
But god is good. Amen. Matter of fact, his mercy is new every morning. Morning.
You get up and say, lord, forgive me for going off on him. Lord, forgive me for that.
God said, I’ll forgive you. Let’s go. Come on.
Say I’m forgiven in the name of Jesus.
Now last thing.
The last thing is fear not. Say fear not. Fear not.
Fear not. The Bible says god has not given us the spirit of fear.
Yes, sir. But of How? Hello?
You can fear not because god is with you.
Here’s what David said. The lord is my ship, and I shall not want.
He making me to lie down in green passes. He leadeth me besides still waters.
He restoreth my soul. He leads me in the path of righteousness for his name, say, yay. Yes.
Though I walk through the valley, the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.
For thou art with me, that rod, and thy staff, they comfort me.
I’ll prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
Now, anointing my head with all my cup runs. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me.
Hold the days of my life. And I will dwell in the house of the lord.
David Niew that nothing could separate him from the love of god.
He said if I make my bed in hell.
There you are.
If I take the wings of the morning, you see, he experienced missing god.
But it’s good news. Yes, ma’am. His mercy is new. Yes, ma’am. Every morning.
So what would fear do? Fear came on Job?
Jope said the thing that I feared Moses come upon me, Job chapter 3 in verse 25, watch this, took my health and my wealth.
It took my family. This is Job. Yes, sir. This is what fear can do.
The next thing, fear will stop a person from increasing.
He said in 1st King’s chapter 17 here at the woman.
And the prophet said, feed me.
And she said, I only have one more meal left, one meal left.
And then he said, well, feed me with that one. And fear not. Fear not.
Feed me first. See, fear not. Can’t you see what I’m saying?
It’ll keep you from increasing because if she would just feed him then the oil where the food would start to multiply.
I’m saying, if you’ll just give your time. Yeah. Can’t you see what I’m saying? Fear got you blocked?
It’s not a man. It’s not about somebody tricking you. It’s fear.
He said I’ll open up the windows of heaven. I’ll pour you out a blessing.
Your name will be known all over the world.
But fear says you better not do it. Right.
Then I was at that crossroads with this shopping mall. God says so 400,000.
Fear tried to come and own me. As one person, what shall I do?
He said, don’t do it. Another person said, obey god. I said, okay.
Fear, get out of the way. I’m going for it.
1, 2, 3, 4, and look at it now.
Can keep you from your destiny.
Oh, they were going over the other side on the ship, but look what happened.
Here comes the wind and here comes this this storm coming.
And the Bible said they woke up Jesus and accused him that he didn’t care about him.
He rebuked the wind, said to the sea peace be still.
And then he turned to them and said, why are you so fearful?
How is that that you have no faith?
Fear can keep you from being all god called you to be. And fear is from the devil.
I’m saying, David’s men, he called a mighty man. Right.
It came to him, broke busted and discussed it. Oh, something like that.
But look what David did.
He turned him into such fearless men that one of them could slay 800 men.
I’m telling you your potential is locked up. And we’re gonna unlock it.
You’re gonna unlock it. Now it’ll it’ll keep you from receiving your healing.
That’s what fear does. It paralyzes. But the biggest thing fear will keep you from is your miracle.
It’ll even keep person from being saved.
Oh, yeah.
If Satan could work it in somebody’s life, and try to hold them in fear.
See, being saved is the biggest miracle in the book.
But I declare it will not hold you. Say no fear here.
In the name of Jesus. Here’s what David said.
I saw the lord and he heard me and delivered me from all fears.
She getting getting old can bring fear. Come on.
Not knowing what tomorrow might bring could bring fear. Uh, poverty brings fear.
There’s a lot of some things that bring fear. Some people don’t like to swim. Because it brings fear.
But David said, all my fears say, I want all my fears gone.
In the name of Jesus.
So the last thing is fear and fear can be cast out in the name of Jesus.
Amen. Fear can be eradicated by revelation.
Over in 2nd King chapter 6, when gehazi could see the angels around him.
Fear left. Yes. Yes. Amen. You can get rid of fear by knowing about vengeance.
Vincents is where god moves on your behalf.
And he taught Abraham vengeance.
He taught him where Sarah, he told Sarah, don’t tell him you’re my sister, but they may kill me.
But god had to show him that the judgment judgment of god would come and protect him.
Say amen to that. Yes. And also fear perfect love casts out for you.
But what am I telling you? Your days are fury.
That fear has run your life for the last time.
That today, You are being totally delivered. Oh, Hammers. A Fear.
Well, I tried to do a blessed by that teaching.
Now this is offering down the cast.
It’s a time that we have those who are listening, uh, partners, whatever, to sow a seed into the work that we’re doing.
Now, here’s a scripture that I want to bring to mind. It’s found in 2nd King chapter 4.
This is when a woman, uh, her children were about to be taken to put in bondage or work off a debt that apparently her family owed, they couldn’t pay it.
Well, you may be like that.
You may have something that you want debt canceled or you can’t pay these debts or what are you gonna do?
Well, god is a debt counseling god. And what happened is she cried to the man of god.
Man of god began to give her a series of steps that she could do to be able to get enough, accumulate enough to be able to pay off that debt.
And so what happened? He said, now, what do you have in your house?
She said, well, I don’t have anything except the pot of oil, a little oil. Now, that was burial oil.
Which is very expensive. They tell me it’s about worth about a year’s wages. And so she had this oil.
He said, okay. Now take that. Go borrow some vessels.
Don’t borrow you come in and shut the door with you and your sons and pour out.
And the Bible says she did that and went back the man of god, said, what do I do now?
He said, go sell the oil and pay your debt to live you and your children under arrest.
Well, first of all, god is a god of increase.
Some 115 in verse 14, says the lord shall increase you more and more. You and your children.
Now isn’t it interesting? I put children in there because she called her kids in, then shut the door, and then watched the miracle take place.
So in this offering message, I want you to know that god is a debt counseling god.
Secondly, know that miracles can take place anytime.
That as you put that pressure on that covenant, that miracle will break loose.
And the third thing, pass on faith as a legacy get your kids involved in the things that you’re believing for and watch them grow up operating in faith just like you.
Praise the lord. Well, if you have your offering ready. Praise god.
Just think in mind or write out a check or have your, you know, whatever you text whatever you do, have it ready.
Let let me pray over it right now because I’m I’m the prophet right now.
Uh, let me pray over that gift that you sold that seed prayer would write now.
Father, I pray in the name of Jesus that those who are sowing, I pray for a multiplied return.
Increase right now in Jesus name.
Father, we thank you for it and call it Don in Jesus name a hand, glory to god.
I wanna thank you so much for your giving.
We are able to do so much because people like you are sowing seed, glory to god.
This is Bill instance saying we love you. And until next time, keep walking by faith.
Blessed by today’s message, order the Domino’s its entire to receive the full teaching.
This 3 part series is available on CD or MP3 on DVD or MP4.
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It’s a
lot of single parents like my self that’s doing everything by itself, and this actually is a big help.
It’s in these days and times, the way it is in this world today, it is very hard, you know, and people are doing what they can to take what they have to make it.
Some of us are, like,
swamped in bills and in in property taxes. And then, um, this is excellent. Um, we appreciate the blessing.
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It was so powerful. When praise and worship started, I just felt the anointing And if you’re looking for change and you just wanna change your life, this is a place to come when they come to your city.
The believer Wunk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries Partners and viewers.
Now remember, you need faith to get to your destiny.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking
by faith.


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