Worship In Spirit and In Truth – The Power of Prayer and Praise Vol. 1
Worship In Spirit and In Truth – The Power of Prayer and Praise Vol. 1
Prayer is the very foundation of the Christian life. Every believer needs to know how to pray and how to have confidence that their prayers have been heard and will be answered. Never forget that the effective fervent prayer of the righteous shall avail much! In this series Dr. Bill Winston shows you straight from God’s Word how to know without a doubt that your prayers have been heard and will be answered.
The believer’s wonk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers, righteousness has everything to do with your successful life of prayer.
When you pray righteously, you pray with confidence that whatever you pray, God is gonna hear you when you pray something and you’re waiting on the manifestation of the answer.
Once you pray, it is when the fight begins, the devil sides with your thoughts.
So if you thought wrong, put your hand over your mouth.
Because if you come out with something that negates that prayer, then you’re gonna have to start over again.
So we have to watch what we say because angels are on assignment and waiting on God’s words that you speak.
How do you know that you have the petition you desired of Him? Because He heard you.
How do you know He heard you? Because you prayed according to his will.
So when God suggests the impossible to you be it unto me, don’t try to figure it out how he’s gonna do it.
How is this gonna work? To me? Only believe There’s two kinds of knowledge.
The knowledge that comes by the senses is what I refer to as dark knowledge.
Ok. It is knowledge that helps one to navigate in this dark world.
Got it get different degrees of that knowledge.
But that’s not all the other knowledge is spiritual knowledge, which comes from God that if you don’t have spiritual knowledge, you’re missing part of your knowledge.
Because this knowledge here, dark knowledge may be able to get you a good job, but it won’t, it won’t keep the devil from trying to work something on you that that knowledge cannot, cannot, cannot stop.
Say amen. I’m saying, we’ve got to make sure we get this knowledge as well.
And that’s why you have to bring people in church.
I mean, these professional people, you gotta make sure that wait a minute, you gotta have this man.
I mean, ain’t no use in getting that job and didn’t catch cancer.
Now you need to get something to get cancer off of you just like you need the job.
Oh You follow what I’m saying?
So this, that I’m talking about it, knowledge of the spirit that the natural man many times considers foolish.
First Corinthians chapter two and verse 14.
But the natural man receive not the things of the spirit of God for their foolishness.
Sam, neither can he know them because their spiritual deserve.
So the natural man, the person who doesn’t have spiritual knowledge or light, I call it in dark knowledge thinks that’s foolish.
So when I tell them, you don’t have to be sick at all.
That every virus disease and germ that touches your body can die instantly.
The natural man says that’s not right. What he’s doing to y’all is he’s lying to y’all.
And I just read it out of the constitution and because the natural man has no knowledge of the constitution or no revelation of how to walk with God, then the natural man disputes that and some people follow that because he got credentials.
I’m here to tell you all that mess you’re seeing on TV.
That doesn’t apply to you that, that, that don’t apply that.
You know, the devil has this trick that he’ll come in with a flip chart and make a full presentation to you.
He’ll take a flip, John and fold it up and say look, this is what you got right here, don’t you have to and give you some symptoms and you said no, no, no, that ain’t what I got.
And then you roll it up.
He said now this I know you got because your great grand mama had this and it’s running in your family line now.
He don’t know you in a different family right now.
But it’s, I mean, it’s running in your family life. Watch it.
But you gotta say no, no, no. See you can receive any one of those you can receive.
They’re making a presentation on TV. They’re making a presentation man.
They, they telling you what you got, they, they say you got this and we open up the cancer center just for you because you got this and you need these pills and you got this.
Your mama had this and this pass it down and you, this is in the air so far you gotta say now in Jesus name by his strength, I’m healed and no plague shall come down my dwelling.
That’s why it’s called television. He’s trying to tell you his vision.
That’s not God’s vision for you. God sees you heal. God sees you. Wow. God sees you victorious.
God sees you. A millionaire. God.
Come on now, let’s sit out now.
Now, wait a minute. You got some Spectators in here. See that?
Oh He getting these people all hyped up. I just read it out of the constitution.
But that, that don’t make no difference with them because they saved. Stay safe.
See, you got to get saved to receive a lot of times we’re trying to follow after somebody that let him save.
You ain’t saved. You can’t tell me nothing because you don’t know nothing.
Must oh boy, don’t make me preach.
How’s somebody pulling this out of me?
See the devil don’t want me to tell you this, but he’s under your feet.
Tell him if he got another presentation to make to you, tell him to talk to your shoes.
Oh, yeah, they do another but make presentations on television and they trying to the enemy is trying to use that communication media to tell you what you got.
That is not information, not to inform you. So you’re more intelligent.
It’s to make you think you got it.
And when he comes in with suggestion and then he comes in with a symptom.
Oh huh. And you need to rebuke it as soon as you come in, I rebuke you in the name of Jesus.
You got a friend around you somewhere. That girl lay hands on me right there. Oh, ok. Thank you.
Appreciate it. Amen. All right. Where do we go from here now?
Don’t, don’t be, don’t, don’t, don’t be, don’t be a little thrown out of somebody around you don’t, don’t like this.
Put Romans chapter three up there verse three. See, I got something for you.
For what if some around you do not believe, shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect.
Come on, God forbid. Yeah. Come on, read it. Let God be true.
Never man be alive.
So when you start stepping out over into the impossible because you’re about to get something now.
That’s big. Come on you about to step into can land. You’re about to get the best of God.
You’re about to be a witness for Jesus.
You’re about to set up a platform for, for people to know your God.
You got to know that the enemy tried to stop you at some point.
And sometimes he try to put a symptom or disease or something on you like that to try to make it and you gotta shake that thing off.
You gotta know, wait a minute, what, who, who, who, who see you follow what I’m saying and you gotta walk it out by face.
Say amen to that. Now, the next one is over here in Romans chapter eight verse one, he said there is therefore now no condemnation to them.
Put you in Christ, Jesus who walked not after the what flesh but after the who?
Spirit right now, remember Satan is a deceiver, a temper And a condemner or an accuser.
He accused the brethren before God. The Bible says in Romans chapter 12, day and night.
So he is an accuser. All right. Now, here’s why I wanna go through this with this.
Here’s why I wanna go through it. Now all this is Kingdom Mindset.
Now say Kingdom Mindset in 2nd Corinthians chapter five verse 17, he says, therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, all things are passed away.
Behold, all things are become new right now. Here’s what happened with this.
You and I are not flesh, we are spirit, thank you.
uh the Bible talks about 2, 2 men, two people In 2nd Corinthians chapter four and verse 16, we read it last time.
He said for which cause we faint not, but though our outward man perish, the inward man is renewed when day by day two men same body, two men, same person, two men Got It.
one man is inside that one. You can’t see the other man is outside.
That one you can see the outside man is perishing.
The inside man is being renewed day by day.
Now when you and I expire or Jesus comes or, and, and you and I are expiring before he comes, then which man is still gonna be alive and well, then what man, your spirit can live without your body, but your body can’t live without your spirit because there ain’t no life in it.
All right. Yes. All right. There’s no life in it.
If that body falls on the ground and nobody does anything with it. What is it gonna do?
It’s gonna go back to the dust. So your body is dignified dirt.
Come on, dignified dirt.
I know we’re trying to do a whole lot with it, but it is dignified dirt.
OK? OK. Now, OK.
Let me get off over here. OK. All right now. So you’re still with me.
So now the real you is in there now, you have a soul called your mind will, motions, intellect and imagination.
It’s right up here and it runs down.
Now, it’s the connector between the spirit and your body.
Now, you were never led, you were never designed to be led by your body nor your mind.
You were designed to be led by your spirit.
And that’s why I put up that Proverbs chapter 20 and verse 27.
Please put it up there right quick. Let me just read that for you. Notice I’m walking through this now.
The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord.
Watch this searching all the what inward parts of the belly. Let me define that. Break it down for you.
Simple, God will use your spirit to guide you. So he doesn’t talk to your mind.
He talks to your spirit. Your mind is not alive. God wants to talk with you.
So we’re coming back to a time now.
He wants to spend time with you.
He walked and talked with Adam and Eve you, you, you, you in the God class, you and God, y’all can talk together when you pray.
He talks back, you’re not and now stay there and listen.
So he that worship the Father must what worship Him in spirit and in truth.
So my spirit, he is alive.
And Romans chapter one verse uh pardon me, chapter eight and verse one says there is therefore now no condemnation, watch it to them to them which are in who Christ is.
Are you in Christ church? Who what walk?
Not after the what flash but after the spirit. Now, why is this?
Because when you got born again, your flesh was involved in what you did before what says in your mind remembers it?
But your new spirit wasn’t involved. No.
And your new spirit is you not your body. That’s not you.
That is your house that you live in while you’re here in this dispensation in the earth.
When Jesus comes back and the glorified church come, you’re gonna get a new body, it’s gonna be a glorified body.
So now, no condemnation.
So what did you do before that body?
Whoever did that died, whoever, before that new spirit came, whoever did that died, that body is not you.
It’s gonna be dirt. That’s not you.
That person who did that died and the person who’s in that now never said.
Now, wait a minute. Why are you feeling like you did?
Because your mind still remembers What that one did and your mind can’t be born again.
It can only be renewed. So it’s renewed when you get the word and find out that what God says about you is true and don’t go by your feelings because your feelings will lie to you.
You need to go by the word.
If your feelings contradict the word, go with the word because Jesus said I am the way the truth and the like.
So wait a minute, I’m almost done. So look at scripture in Isaiah 43.
I even I am he. This is he means God that blood out your transgression for my own sake.
And I will not, I will what not remember your sin, black blot.
How am I gonna blot? Something. How about spot remover? Anybody ever worked with spot remover before?
Notice you don’t know what happened to the spot, but it got removed.
And I’m saying that God blots out what you did watch this out of his book.
So he has no recollection of what you did when you got born again.
So I just got born again. I’m now in the kingdom of God and guess what? I’m brand new.
Oh, my flesh might have participated in some stuff.
But the man who did that, the woman who did that, they died. I’m brand new. Now.
You’ve got to receive this. Suppose I get born again and I miss it.
Now, God just told me when I got born again, uh He’ll remember my sins no more.
That that’s not say amen to that. So that’s gone. He blotted it out of his book.
Now, wait a minute. He didn’t put it in history because history, I can recall it.
He blotted it. It’s like it never existed.
So when God sees you, he sees somebody that never sinned folks.
This is key for you to have what we call righteous prayer.
See, when you pray righteously, you pray with confidence that whatever you pray, God is gonna hear you.
Now suppose you saved and get into sin. You got condemnation in your life.
You see yourself low, you see yourself low. You can’t even look right. You can’t even dress right.
Your hair look like I don’t know what it’s, it’s so far because you got the wrong perception of who you are.
But when you get a clear picture of how God sees you, you can look right, dress, right.
Talk right. Be happy all the time and so forth.
The reason why you’re manipulated and brought down and your attitude is bad and everything is because the devil is still in your counsel and he’s telling you how to think how to walk and how to talk.
He’s crippled you long enough. Now I’m preaching you this because I had to come through the same teaching myself to get free because I had a whole life that if I brought it in my mind, it would make me ashamed.
It would make me feel I’m not worthy to preach the gospel, but I had to remember it.
That is in Christ man.
First John 1 9 hear what he says. I’m not done.
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to do what, forgive us our sins and cleanse us, call our what our righteousness, the effective fervent prayer of the who righteous of much of the enemy trying to keep you from your righteousness.
And let me tell you if you confess that thing, God is faithful to do what? Forgive it.
I didn’t put it in no memory bank.
If he gave it, he wiped it out, blotted it out. It’s gone. I’m here to tell you.
Yeah. This is what Jesus did for us.
He paid it all.
He paid it off and thank God he did so that people like me could preach the gospel.
People like the Apostle Paul, all them people that Paul had and consenting to their death and getting them killed and so forth like that, Paul end up saying in second Corinthians seven and two, I’ve hurt no man.
Well, he touched no man.
Why he’s talking about the, the new man.
Now, all I gotta do now is renew my mind because the enemy is gonna come in.
My old thoughts, try to renew those old thoughts. Watch this and give me this idea that I got.
Every time I get on my knees, I gotta be confessing sin that’s called sin conscious.
And what it’ll do is will weaken your spirit.
And when it weakens your spirit, your spirit will not release a force of faith.
And if we won’t release a force of faith, your praying do no higher than your nose.
Now give the Lord a praise.
I’m done three and last nobody.
I’m free at last. Yeah.
Well, I trust that you are blessed by this powerful teaching from this, for this series.
It’s called The Power of Prayer and praise, praise God. Now, here’s a very important point.
You want to remember that’s the key to an effective righteous prayer is having no condemnation.
Now, believing that God has blotted out your transgressions for his own sake and will not remember your sins.
Now, it says that in Isaiah chapter 43 25 you see it every time if you got down to pray and you start thinking about what you did wrong, it will take it and dilute your faith because faith makes prayer work.
Prayer doesn’t make faith work. You need the faith to launch your prayer.
So when condemnation comes in, it tries to take your faith right out and make you ineffective in prayer.
But God has blotted out your transgressions for his own sake and he’ll not remember our sins, right?
God, the announcer is gonna give you some information on how you can order this powerful set of teachings.
I’ll be right back. Righteousness has everything to do with your successful life of prayer.
When you pray righteously, you pray with confidence that whatever you pray.
God is gonna hear you when you pray something and you’re waiting on the manifestation of the answer.
Once you pray, it is when the fight begins the devil side with your thoughts.
So if you thought wrong, put your hand over your mouth because if you come out with something that negates that prayer, then you’re gonna have to start over again.
So we have to watch what we say because angels are on assignment and waiting on God’s words that you speak.
How do you know that you have the petition you desired of Him?
Because he heard you how do you know He heard you because you prayed according to his will.
So when God suggests the impossible to you be it unto me.
Don’t try to figure it out how he’s gonna do it. How is this gonna work to me?
Only believe, stand in your righteousness and exercise four easy steps that will yield effective fervent prayer every time you pray in Pastor Winston’s life changing four disc series, the power of prayer and praise to Order on CD or DVD by bankcard at 1 to 807 119327 or online at Bill Winston dot org.
Hello, my name is Bill Winston.
I am here to tell you about this exciting book is called The Vengeance of the Lord.
Now, this is a topic that a lot of Christians never understood. It’s not revenge. That’s, that’s a human concept.
This is vengeance. God says in Hebrews chapter 10 verse 30 vengeance is mine.
And I will recommend say the Lord, what does it mean? It means justice.
It means that God is the one that’s gonna justify you.
When we were trying to buy our first shopping mall.
The people didn’t want us to have it but the vengeance of the Lord stepped in.
And the next thing you know, we’ve got the ball, not only that they tried to keep us from having services and we’ve got that too.
My point to you is there are places that you can’t go without the vengeance of the Lord and just like anything else that a provision of God, you have to do it by faith.
Well, how does faith come by hearing and hearing by the word, the vengeance of the Lord?
Get this book, build your faith. And I’m telling you, it will make you unstoppable.
I’m talking about in the education area, changing educational laws back to be under the, the, the order of the Kingdom of God.
A economic, a government said everything, this vengeance of the Lord will open the pathway.
One man said this because God’s people have not known vengeance. Many have been victims.
Not you praise God because here’s the book called the Vengeance of, of the Lord. Get it today.
You’ll be blessed. Bill Winston saying, keep walking by faith.
Now remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
So don’t forget to subscribe and click on the notification bell so that you don’t miss any of our videos.
This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
When you pray righteously, you pray with confidence that whatever you pray, God is gonna hear you when you pray something and you’re waiting on the manifestation of the answer.
Once you pray, it is when the fight begins, the devil sides with your thoughts.
So if you thought wrong, put your hand over your mouth.
Because if you come out with something that negates that prayer, then you’re gonna have to start over again.
So we have to watch what we say because angels are on assignment and waiting on God’s words that you speak.
How do you know that you have the petition you desired of Him? Because He heard you.
How do you know He heard you? Because you prayed according to his will.
So when God suggests the impossible to you be it unto me, don’t try to figure it out how he’s gonna do it.
How is this gonna work? To me? Only believe There’s two kinds of knowledge.
The knowledge that comes by the senses is what I refer to as dark knowledge.
Ok. It is knowledge that helps one to navigate in this dark world.
Got it get different degrees of that knowledge.
But that’s not all the other knowledge is spiritual knowledge, which comes from God that if you don’t have spiritual knowledge, you’re missing part of your knowledge.
Because this knowledge here, dark knowledge may be able to get you a good job, but it won’t, it won’t keep the devil from trying to work something on you that that knowledge cannot, cannot, cannot stop.
Say amen. I’m saying, we’ve got to make sure we get this knowledge as well.
And that’s why you have to bring people in church.
I mean, these professional people, you gotta make sure that wait a minute, you gotta have this man.
I mean, ain’t no use in getting that job and didn’t catch cancer.
Now you need to get something to get cancer off of you just like you need the job.
Oh You follow what I’m saying?
So this, that I’m talking about it, knowledge of the spirit that the natural man many times considers foolish.
First Corinthians chapter two and verse 14.
But the natural man receive not the things of the spirit of God for their foolishness.
Sam, neither can he know them because their spiritual deserve.
So the natural man, the person who doesn’t have spiritual knowledge or light, I call it in dark knowledge thinks that’s foolish.
So when I tell them, you don’t have to be sick at all.
That every virus disease and germ that touches your body can die instantly.
The natural man says that’s not right. What he’s doing to y’all is he’s lying to y’all.
And I just read it out of the constitution and because the natural man has no knowledge of the constitution or no revelation of how to walk with God, then the natural man disputes that and some people follow that because he got credentials.
I’m here to tell you all that mess you’re seeing on TV.
That doesn’t apply to you that, that, that don’t apply that.
You know, the devil has this trick that he’ll come in with a flip chart and make a full presentation to you.
He’ll take a flip, John and fold it up and say look, this is what you got right here, don’t you have to and give you some symptoms and you said no, no, no, that ain’t what I got.
And then you roll it up.
He said now this I know you got because your great grand mama had this and it’s running in your family line now.
He don’t know you in a different family right now.
But it’s, I mean, it’s running in your family life. Watch it.
But you gotta say no, no, no. See you can receive any one of those you can receive.
They’re making a presentation on TV. They’re making a presentation man.
They, they telling you what you got, they, they say you got this and we open up the cancer center just for you because you got this and you need these pills and you got this.
Your mama had this and this pass it down and you, this is in the air so far you gotta say now in Jesus name by his strength, I’m healed and no plague shall come down my dwelling.
That’s why it’s called television. He’s trying to tell you his vision.
That’s not God’s vision for you. God sees you heal. God sees you. Wow. God sees you victorious.
God sees you. A millionaire. God.
Come on now, let’s sit out now.
Now, wait a minute. You got some Spectators in here. See that?
Oh He getting these people all hyped up. I just read it out of the constitution.
But that, that don’t make no difference with them because they saved. Stay safe.
See, you got to get saved to receive a lot of times we’re trying to follow after somebody that let him save.
You ain’t saved. You can’t tell me nothing because you don’t know nothing.
Must oh boy, don’t make me preach.
How’s somebody pulling this out of me?
See the devil don’t want me to tell you this, but he’s under your feet.
Tell him if he got another presentation to make to you, tell him to talk to your shoes.
Oh, yeah, they do another but make presentations on television and they trying to the enemy is trying to use that communication media to tell you what you got.
That is not information, not to inform you. So you’re more intelligent.
It’s to make you think you got it.
And when he comes in with suggestion and then he comes in with a symptom.
Oh huh. And you need to rebuke it as soon as you come in, I rebuke you in the name of Jesus.
You got a friend around you somewhere. That girl lay hands on me right there. Oh, ok. Thank you.
Appreciate it. Amen. All right. Where do we go from here now?
Don’t, don’t be, don’t, don’t, don’t be, don’t be a little thrown out of somebody around you don’t, don’t like this.
Put Romans chapter three up there verse three. See, I got something for you.
For what if some around you do not believe, shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect.
Come on, God forbid. Yeah. Come on, read it. Let God be true.
Never man be alive.
So when you start stepping out over into the impossible because you’re about to get something now.
That’s big. Come on you about to step into can land. You’re about to get the best of God.
You’re about to be a witness for Jesus.
You’re about to set up a platform for, for people to know your God.
You got to know that the enemy tried to stop you at some point.
And sometimes he try to put a symptom or disease or something on you like that to try to make it and you gotta shake that thing off.
You gotta know, wait a minute, what, who, who, who, who see you follow what I’m saying and you gotta walk it out by face.
Say amen to that. Now, the next one is over here in Romans chapter eight verse one, he said there is therefore now no condemnation to them.
Put you in Christ, Jesus who walked not after the what flesh but after the who?
Spirit right now, remember Satan is a deceiver, a temper And a condemner or an accuser.
He accused the brethren before God. The Bible says in Romans chapter 12, day and night.
So he is an accuser. All right. Now, here’s why I wanna go through this with this.
Here’s why I wanna go through it. Now all this is Kingdom Mindset.
Now say Kingdom Mindset in 2nd Corinthians chapter five verse 17, he says, therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, all things are passed away.
Behold, all things are become new right now. Here’s what happened with this.
You and I are not flesh, we are spirit, thank you.
uh the Bible talks about 2, 2 men, two people In 2nd Corinthians chapter four and verse 16, we read it last time.
He said for which cause we faint not, but though our outward man perish, the inward man is renewed when day by day two men same body, two men, same person, two men Got It.
one man is inside that one. You can’t see the other man is outside.
That one you can see the outside man is perishing.
The inside man is being renewed day by day.
Now when you and I expire or Jesus comes or, and, and you and I are expiring before he comes, then which man is still gonna be alive and well, then what man, your spirit can live without your body, but your body can’t live without your spirit because there ain’t no life in it.
All right. Yes. All right. There’s no life in it.
If that body falls on the ground and nobody does anything with it. What is it gonna do?
It’s gonna go back to the dust. So your body is dignified dirt.
Come on, dignified dirt.
I know we’re trying to do a whole lot with it, but it is dignified dirt.
OK? OK. Now, OK.
Let me get off over here. OK. All right now. So you’re still with me.
So now the real you is in there now, you have a soul called your mind will, motions, intellect and imagination.
It’s right up here and it runs down.
Now, it’s the connector between the spirit and your body.
Now, you were never led, you were never designed to be led by your body nor your mind.
You were designed to be led by your spirit.
And that’s why I put up that Proverbs chapter 20 and verse 27.
Please put it up there right quick. Let me just read that for you. Notice I’m walking through this now.
The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord.
Watch this searching all the what inward parts of the belly. Let me define that. Break it down for you.
Simple, God will use your spirit to guide you. So he doesn’t talk to your mind.
He talks to your spirit. Your mind is not alive. God wants to talk with you.
So we’re coming back to a time now.
He wants to spend time with you.
He walked and talked with Adam and Eve you, you, you, you in the God class, you and God, y’all can talk together when you pray.
He talks back, you’re not and now stay there and listen.
So he that worship the Father must what worship Him in spirit and in truth.
So my spirit, he is alive.
And Romans chapter one verse uh pardon me, chapter eight and verse one says there is therefore now no condemnation, watch it to them to them which are in who Christ is.
Are you in Christ church? Who what walk?
Not after the what flash but after the spirit. Now, why is this?
Because when you got born again, your flesh was involved in what you did before what says in your mind remembers it?
But your new spirit wasn’t involved. No.
And your new spirit is you not your body. That’s not you.
That is your house that you live in while you’re here in this dispensation in the earth.
When Jesus comes back and the glorified church come, you’re gonna get a new body, it’s gonna be a glorified body.
So now, no condemnation.
So what did you do before that body?
Whoever did that died, whoever, before that new spirit came, whoever did that died, that body is not you.
It’s gonna be dirt. That’s not you.
That person who did that died and the person who’s in that now never said.
Now, wait a minute. Why are you feeling like you did?
Because your mind still remembers What that one did and your mind can’t be born again.
It can only be renewed. So it’s renewed when you get the word and find out that what God says about you is true and don’t go by your feelings because your feelings will lie to you.
You need to go by the word.
If your feelings contradict the word, go with the word because Jesus said I am the way the truth and the like.
So wait a minute, I’m almost done. So look at scripture in Isaiah 43.
I even I am he. This is he means God that blood out your transgression for my own sake.
And I will not, I will what not remember your sin, black blot.
How am I gonna blot? Something. How about spot remover? Anybody ever worked with spot remover before?
Notice you don’t know what happened to the spot, but it got removed.
And I’m saying that God blots out what you did watch this out of his book.
So he has no recollection of what you did when you got born again.
So I just got born again. I’m now in the kingdom of God and guess what? I’m brand new.
Oh, my flesh might have participated in some stuff.
But the man who did that, the woman who did that, they died. I’m brand new. Now.
You’ve got to receive this. Suppose I get born again and I miss it.
Now, God just told me when I got born again, uh He’ll remember my sins no more.
That that’s not say amen to that. So that’s gone. He blotted it out of his book.
Now, wait a minute. He didn’t put it in history because history, I can recall it.
He blotted it. It’s like it never existed.
So when God sees you, he sees somebody that never sinned folks.
This is key for you to have what we call righteous prayer.
See, when you pray righteously, you pray with confidence that whatever you pray, God is gonna hear you.
Now suppose you saved and get into sin. You got condemnation in your life.
You see yourself low, you see yourself low. You can’t even look right. You can’t even dress right.
Your hair look like I don’t know what it’s, it’s so far because you got the wrong perception of who you are.
But when you get a clear picture of how God sees you, you can look right, dress, right.
Talk right. Be happy all the time and so forth.
The reason why you’re manipulated and brought down and your attitude is bad and everything is because the devil is still in your counsel and he’s telling you how to think how to walk and how to talk.
He’s crippled you long enough. Now I’m preaching you this because I had to come through the same teaching myself to get free because I had a whole life that if I brought it in my mind, it would make me ashamed.
It would make me feel I’m not worthy to preach the gospel, but I had to remember it.
That is in Christ man.
First John 1 9 hear what he says. I’m not done.
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to do what, forgive us our sins and cleanse us, call our what our righteousness, the effective fervent prayer of the who righteous of much of the enemy trying to keep you from your righteousness.
And let me tell you if you confess that thing, God is faithful to do what? Forgive it.
I didn’t put it in no memory bank.
If he gave it, he wiped it out, blotted it out. It’s gone. I’m here to tell you.
Yeah. This is what Jesus did for us.
He paid it all.
He paid it off and thank God he did so that people like me could preach the gospel.
People like the Apostle Paul, all them people that Paul had and consenting to their death and getting them killed and so forth like that, Paul end up saying in second Corinthians seven and two, I’ve hurt no man.
Well, he touched no man.
Why he’s talking about the, the new man.
Now, all I gotta do now is renew my mind because the enemy is gonna come in.
My old thoughts, try to renew those old thoughts. Watch this and give me this idea that I got.
Every time I get on my knees, I gotta be confessing sin that’s called sin conscious.
And what it’ll do is will weaken your spirit.
And when it weakens your spirit, your spirit will not release a force of faith.
And if we won’t release a force of faith, your praying do no higher than your nose.
Now give the Lord a praise.
I’m done three and last nobody.
I’m free at last. Yeah.
Well, I trust that you are blessed by this powerful teaching from this, for this series.
It’s called The Power of Prayer and praise, praise God. Now, here’s a very important point.
You want to remember that’s the key to an effective righteous prayer is having no condemnation.
Now, believing that God has blotted out your transgressions for his own sake and will not remember your sins.
Now, it says that in Isaiah chapter 43 25 you see it every time if you got down to pray and you start thinking about what you did wrong, it will take it and dilute your faith because faith makes prayer work.
Prayer doesn’t make faith work. You need the faith to launch your prayer.
So when condemnation comes in, it tries to take your faith right out and make you ineffective in prayer.
But God has blotted out your transgressions for his own sake and he’ll not remember our sins, right?
God, the announcer is gonna give you some information on how you can order this powerful set of teachings.
I’ll be right back. Righteousness has everything to do with your successful life of prayer.
When you pray righteously, you pray with confidence that whatever you pray.
God is gonna hear you when you pray something and you’re waiting on the manifestation of the answer.
Once you pray, it is when the fight begins the devil side with your thoughts.
So if you thought wrong, put your hand over your mouth because if you come out with something that negates that prayer, then you’re gonna have to start over again.
So we have to watch what we say because angels are on assignment and waiting on God’s words that you speak.
How do you know that you have the petition you desired of Him?
Because he heard you how do you know He heard you because you prayed according to his will.
So when God suggests the impossible to you be it unto me.
Don’t try to figure it out how he’s gonna do it. How is this gonna work to me?
Only believe, stand in your righteousness and exercise four easy steps that will yield effective fervent prayer every time you pray in Pastor Winston’s life changing four disc series, the power of prayer and praise to Order on CD or DVD by bankcard at 1 to 807 119327 or online at Bill Winston dot org.
Hello, my name is Bill Winston.
I am here to tell you about this exciting book is called The Vengeance of the Lord.
Now, this is a topic that a lot of Christians never understood. It’s not revenge. That’s, that’s a human concept.
This is vengeance. God says in Hebrews chapter 10 verse 30 vengeance is mine.
And I will recommend say the Lord, what does it mean? It means justice.
It means that God is the one that’s gonna justify you.
When we were trying to buy our first shopping mall.
The people didn’t want us to have it but the vengeance of the Lord stepped in.
And the next thing you know, we’ve got the ball, not only that they tried to keep us from having services and we’ve got that too.
My point to you is there are places that you can’t go without the vengeance of the Lord and just like anything else that a provision of God, you have to do it by faith.
Well, how does faith come by hearing and hearing by the word, the vengeance of the Lord?
Get this book, build your faith. And I’m telling you, it will make you unstoppable.
I’m talking about in the education area, changing educational laws back to be under the, the, the order of the Kingdom of God.
A economic, a government said everything, this vengeance of the Lord will open the pathway.
One man said this because God’s people have not known vengeance. Many have been victims.
Not you praise God because here’s the book called the Vengeance of, of the Lord. Get it today.
You’ll be blessed. Bill Winston saying, keep walking by faith.
Now remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
So don’t forget to subscribe and click on the notification bell so that you don’t miss any of our videos.
This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
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