Woman Does Not Equal Wife x Touré Roberts
Woman Does Not Equal Wife
The word “woman” in the bible was never synonymous with the word “wife”. Pastor Touré gives fresh perspective on the truth about being a “virtuous woman” at the Woman Evolve 2018 Conference.
God’s Messages
Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..
Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
Woman is not synonymous with wife.
It’s not synonymous with whites.
Let me let me back up a little, you back up a little.
He says that it’s not good for man to be alone.
And then he says, and this is where the confusion comes in.
And then he says, I will make a helper comparable to him.
Now, you know, I grew up on the old king James. I love the old king.
I learned the old king James.
There’s nothing like the old in my opinion because you could for the memory sake, it’s amazing.
The Shakespearean sounds beautiful. Now, I I’d use the new James now.
But to be honest with you, my learning is in the old King James. I’ll be honest with you.
But the old king James sometimes can get a little, you know, you gotta to dissect it a little bit because it says this.
It says he made her a help me. That’s not sexy.
Who wants to be a help me here I am with this great destiny.
And if you don’t dig into the original language, you would think that God set this man up just solidly and square gave him this powerful, awesome identity and destiny and said, oh man, you’re gonna need some help with that.
That’s not true. That’s not true. Let’s break down those words.
Let’s break down those words, two words. He says helper comparable. Those are two words, right?
And the is the word translated uh uh helper, right?
And, and I love this because if you look at it is deep, is deep.
If you look at it, this has the idea.
This word is Hebrew word that was translated, helper has the idea of to surround or protect.
It’s not, I’m not talking about an assistant, although a good assistant should surround and protect but watch this.
You’re not just surrounding and protecting the person. You are surrounding and protecting the vision.
Are you tracking with me?
So, so, so if we look at it, he says it’s not good for man to be alone.
Now, we know that that word man is not male. That’s the word man that speaks to mankind.
It’s not good that that man would be alone. That word alone better is translated divided, separate or incomplete.
God is saying what I created is not finished yet. So let me add to it a helper, right?
Which literally means to protect or to surround. What am I saying?
God created her to protect and surround His vision for humanity, which was that they would together subdue the earth and advance the kingdom of God into the earth.
I wish I had about an hour and a half with y’all to really break this thing down.
So what it was about more than Adam because Mel was not, that wasn’t a part of it yet.
God created something to protect his plan. Are we rocking together yet?
You taking notes? So that’s just the first word.
The second word is where things get really, really interesting baby. Can you come up here real quick?
I want to illustrate this. I got to preach.
OK. I’m sorry, may the Lord bless him keep you may make his face to shine upon you.
We’ll pick this up tomorrow.
Now, the second word is even crazier.
So helper comparable to the helper is about surrounding and protecting it has that idea and they protect what to protect, protect the vision of humankind.
The word comparable literally means front, it means front, which means that the woman represents another front, not a rear.
So, so, so what’s powerful now is I’ve got this and she’s got that and, and there will be some times where she is in the front and I’ve got the back and then there will be other times when I’ve got the front and she’s got the back.
But together we are unstoppable and every once in a while we’ll spin it around and be side by side and you definitely can’t mess with us when both of our fronts are facing.
Are you tracking with me? She’s not, this is not, this is not what he meant.
I’m out here and she’s back here. No. Come on.
Let’s just spin, baby. Let’s just spin. Let’s just spin. See, the devil can’t work.
He can’t mess with you when you’re like this because he comes one day one way and we’ll get it from another way.
Are you tracking with me? Come on, somebody tell your sister, I got your back. I got your back.
I got your back. I got your back. Thank you. Gorgeous.
So that word, that word comparable literally means front.
So the woman represents another front.
But, but see, but see we were taught, I’m talking about generationally.
We were taught that it was a man’s world and the woman was just there to serve the man.
And if you have that mentality, if you had that mentality, you never step into what God created you for.
He didn’t create you to be a back. He created you to be a XX.
And it’s time for you to get on the front lines of your own destiny and stop waiting for the permission from some man.
I feel the spirit of the living God in this house right now.
God is stirring something on the inside of women in this season.
We got a lot more to go.
We got a lot more to go.
Woman is not synonymous with wife.
Now, I know how you may have gotten to that conclusion.
That’s why you gotta study in the original languages. The word does not mean wife.
It could be wife but it is woman. And see. So, so Proverbs 31 messed this up.
Proverbs 31 messes up because if we go to Proverbs 31 10 and come on, if you been to any women’s anything, I’m a virtuous woman.
I’m a Proverbs 31 woman. Lord help me to be a Proverbs 30.
You don’t even know what you’re praying for.
When you ask for that, you don’t know what you’re praying for.
I’m about to show you what you’re praying for. You don’t know what you’re asking for.
See, here’s where it gets tricky. It says it reads New King James.
It reads who can find a virtuous wife for her, for her worth is far above rubies, right?
So, so right there, that kind of messes us up. Oh, let, let’s read verse 11 real quick too.
Just to put it in the context, right?
And so and then it says the heart of her husband safely trusts her.
So we have no luck again.
So we look at that and we say, oh, I wanna be, I need to be a wife.
I need to be a wife. If I am to be virtuous, I need to be a wife.
There’s only one problem. That word that was translated wife is that same word is which means woman.
It just so happens in this context that she’s a wife.
But her being a wife is not what made her virtuous.
See some of you in here right now believe that that when you become a, that when you find a man, then you’re gonna be virtuous, then you’re gonna be accepted and then you’re gonna be good, but that’s not even what it means.
She became virtuous and her virtue is what attracted the man.
Are you, are you tracking with me?
So the man is attributed to her being virtuous but but but see, don’t get too happy because let me tell you what that word virtuous means.
Oh yeah, it just make me a virus.
I want to be very make me.
She was the the the the word that was translated virtuous.
There is the Hebrew word hail and it literally means a force, a force.
Oh I feel the Holy Spirit.
Th th this woman through some process which we’re about to talk about in a minute became a force.
Oh I feel it. How do you become a force?
Well, if you break that word down again, to its origin, you get the word or you get the idea of to twist, virtuous means a force in another place.
That same word is also used when it says uh an excellent woman is the crown of her husband, right?
It’s the same word, right? It means to be a force, but it’s translated excellent in verse all. That’s wonderful.
But it means a force. But if you get down to the root of that word, it has the idea of to twist, to twist, to twist.
So, so what makes me valuable? Because it says that this virtuous woman, her, her worth was far above rubies.
What was it that made her valuable? It was the things that twisted her up in life.
I wish somebody would catch it. You, you don’t just wake up virtuous.
You’ve got to be spun into virtuous. It’s when you’ve been twisted around but refused to break.
Sometimes when, when you twisted it, it hurts and it, and it feels bad and you’re lonely and you’re, you’re desperate and you’re depressed, you’ve been spinning around out of control, not realizing, but you were on your way up.
Let me show you something. Let me show you something I wanna teach because I’m about ready to shout for you for you, for you, for you.
It’s your time. Do me a favor. Turn to your neighbor and say it’s your time. It’s your time.
It’s your time. Come on, somebody turn to your other neighbor and say it’s our time. Come on.
It’s been long enough. I’m ready for my destiny according to my identity.
Come on somebody, you’ve been twisted around long enough not realizing that God was shaking you and making you and molding you into something.
I had to be twisted. Come on somebody. I had to be twisted.
But even though, I was twisted. Don’t get it twisted. I’m on my way to something in this place. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
If you want to twist me, if you want, I dare you to twist me.
See, all I need to know is that you can only twist me. You can’t break me.
That’s all I need to know. And I speak that over somebody’s life.
Somebody right now you’re being twisted. And I hear God saying it is not unto death. I feel God.
It is not unto death, not the death of your marriage, not the death of your dream, not the depth of your future, not the depth of your finances.
You’re being twisted. But when God is finished with you, you are gonna come forth as gold.
- Christmas: The Wisdom of God – Dr. Charles StanleyTháng 2 13, 2023