When the Enemy Counterattacks You | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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When the Enemy Counterattacks You

Opening Prison Doors – Message 2414

We all deal with obstacles, setbacks, inabilities, frustrations, and barriers. We all want breakthrough and freedom. How do we find it? Find the keys from an ancient prison on how to break out!

“God’s will is that none should perish. Judgement isn’t His desire…but His necessity. The good must bring evil to an end, or else it would cease to be good. And yet His mercy is still greater than His judgement. His heart always wills for redemption. And therein lies the hope.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger

Now what happens also opens
up a spiritual realm? Because here would knows what happened. Paul, it begins when Paul casts out this demonic spirit.
That’s a victory, but notice. So now the enemy is counter striking.
You see that, you know, so sometimes there’s victory, but be careful. Don’t get proud.
Don’t get don’t get lax because the enemy doesn’t like victories. But that’s okay. Don’t fear it.
Don’t fear it. And don’t live on the defensive. Live on the offensive.
It’s still better to get a backlash and have victory that have no backlash and no victory.
In India, you know, we went to India. And when I went to India, it was the it
was the most the greatest warfare I’ve ever ever witnessed between the enemy, god, in the spiritual and and on the earth.
I won’t
go into all of it.
The most dangerous thing trip I ever did.
But at the end of it, we saw about 70,000 Indians pray to dedicate their lives to Jesus.
And we’re having a celebration at the end of it. You know, uh,
a thanks give a prayer, you know, Thanksgiving, uh, you know, uh, feast and banquet.
And I’m about to pray with these these these long tables, and I’m about to pray.
And as I’m about to pray, the one who was came on the on it was a ex policeman who came to be my bodyguard and was used of the lord.
At that moment, he he He’s, like, thrown back onto the table. The table crashes.
He’s having a seizure. He never had a seizure in his life.
And and and, I mean, it it it it was scary. It looked like he was gonna die.
and we prayed and prayed it.
And he ended up he came back to America, and he went to the doctor.
There was no trace of anything.
But having just just at the that point, with we have we are in a
real spiritual battle. Now the enemy is upset first about that he lost this woman And now he gets the the masters who are are dark people.
They have a slave, and they’re exploiting her for her her occult gift. Now he he uses them.
He’ll use anybody. He uses them,
and he brings them to the the governor magistrate, and that uses him And then it says the mob.
It says the it
says verse 22. The crowd joined in the attack against them, and
the chief magistrates toward their robes them and proceeded to order them to be beaten with rods.
When they struck them with many blows, they threw them into prison commanding the jailer guard them securely.
and he having received such
a command threw them into the inner prison fastened their feet in chains. See,
the crowd, you know, does we think that the the crowd is always right?
The people are, no, the majority is not always right. Sometimes they’re totally wrong. You cannot follow a crowd.
You know, the crowd haled. We’d held Jesus coming in, held Messiah coming in to Jerusalem and then crucified him.
the crowd.
It doesn’t matter. Don’t ever don’t ever try to fit into the majority because most of the time, the majority is wrong.
You and god is all enough. That’s all you need.
So since they they they struck them many times, wounded them, stipp strokes the word in in in Greek, When Richard Wurmbrand, great believer of the lord who who was in prison for his faith in communist romania, he came here and near the end of his life.
And he spoke not at this building,
the other building. He was eighty four years old at
the time he first came. And administering, he had just had a stroke And the doctor said you cannot minister anymore.
You just had a stroke.
He said, a stroke. He said, I was in prison.
I had 39 strokes, and that didn’t stop me.
I’m let one stroke stop me.
Paul and Silas are beaten repeatedly with rods thrown into jail into the innermost thing.
So it’s dark, dark, dismal. You wanna do god’s will.
You gotta be willing to pay a price. but it’s worth it. It is glorious. You got one life.
Go for the best. Embrace it. Embrace the pride.
Embrace it embrace the honor of standing up for god even when everyone is against you. Embrace it. Hi.
I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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