What Would Change About Your Life if You Really Believed in the Goodness of God? | Lysa TerKeurst

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What Would Change About Your Life if You Really Believed in the Goodness of God? | Lysa TerKeurst

Check out Lysa TerKeurst’s message from She Speaks 2024: A Women’s Conference for Christian Communicators.

Related Resources:

– Do you ever wish you had someone who could walk you through the steps you need to take to fulfill your calling? Someone who has been in your shoes and knows the best-kept secrets on how to move forward? She Speaks exists to be that “someone” for you. See when the next conference is taking place here: shespeaksconference.com.

– Having your trust broken can be life-altering, but it doesn’t have to be life-ruining. Stop having more faith in your fears coming true than God coming through for you, with crucial what-if questions to better process your doubts with Lysa TerKeurst’s new book, I Want to Trust You, but I Don’t. Get your copy here

[Applause] Lord thank you for this beautiful time that you have set apart for us to focus on you pursuing you trusting you loving you and following hard after you g we lord we dedicate this time we dedicate all of our hopes all of our dreams all of our aspirations all of the things that brought us to this conf conference that we’ve been seeking Lord we give it all to you sift them out Lord take away what needs to be gone enhance and highlight what we need to see and focus on and Lord open the doors and make the

rough places smooth Lord we trust you we love you in your Holy Name and All God’s girls said amen amen you can have a seat I have a question that I want to read and then I’m going to read some scripture and the question is this how would your life change if you became absolutely convinced of the goodness of God how would your life change today if you became absolutely convinced of the goodness of God how would your anxiety change How would your stress change how would your disillusionment and doubts change how

would your fears change how would your life change if you became absolutely convinced of the goodness of God let’s read God’s word Psalm 236 surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Psalm 1459 the Lord is good to all and his Tender Mercies are over all his Works Mark 10:18 no one is good but one that is God James 1:17 every good and perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father of Lights with whom there is no variation

or shadow of turning Matthew 7:11 if you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him Psalm 2713 I would have lost heart unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living Psalm 145 5-7 your majesty and on your wondrous Works men shall speak of the might of your awesome acts and I will declare your greatness they shall utter the memory of your great goodness and shall sing of your

righteousness Psalm 33:5 he loves righteousness and Justice the Earth is full of the goodness of the Lord as I read those verses my heart settles sometimes life is like the game of whacka did y’all ever take your kids to that dreaded place called chuckecheese you know I had five kids and so I went to the German fested place of Chuck-E-Cheese that my kids absolutely loved and I went there often it seemed like hardly a month would go by where we weren’t invited to a birthday party there it was the thing but I would often pay attention to the

game wackamole that they had there at Chuck-E-Cheese in case you weren’t blessed with the experience of Chuck-E-Cheese and the whack-a-mole let me explain it you stand in front of a board and little plastic moles pop up little creatures and you have a padded uh hammer like thing and so one would pop up and you bang it but when you bang it down three more would pop up and so quickly you had to bang those three down and then two more over here you’d bang those and then four more over here and then one more over here and it never

stops until the game is done I think life is a lot like that game of whack-a-mole and the thing that gets me in trouble with the goodness of God and forgetting how my life would change if I absolutely believed in the goodness of God where I get in trouble is I think as soon as as soon as I get through this really hard thing then I will see the goodness of God as soon as God does this as soon as God answers this prayer as soon as God takes that person away or brings that person back as soon as this happens as soon as that happens as soon as I get

to this place as soon as I get to this conference this study whatever it is but the problem with it is because as soon as this gets settled down three more things pop up and then we think as soon as as soon as as soon as and then two more things pop up if we wait to stand in the absolute Assurance of God’s goodness until everything is fixed and writed and good in our estimation of good we will live our whole lives and miss the blessing of living as someone absolutely convinced of the goodness of God I think just like that game of

whack-a-mole what sometimes gets me in trouble is that I get caught off guard I hate getting caught off guard how many of you in enjoy getting CAU off guard in here I just want to know I would like to get close to you that’s what I would like to do because I would like to learn your secrets I hate to get caught off guard and it’s especially Troublesome to get caught off guard when you’re standing in front of people with a microphone and the spotlights are on you and everybody’s expecting you to have it

together right well at one of the first Arena events I ever spoke at and I had dreamed about speaking speaking at an arena event I had done my time it’s called going through the pit put in time speaking right so i’ gone through the pits I’d put in my time I had spoken in basements of churches with three people and as I left they gave me a potted plant and it cost me more in gas to get to the speaking engagement right than I made but it wasn’t about that for me it was truly about sharing the good news that I have

learned that God’s word actually applies to our everyday life I didn’t know that for so long and when I finally put that together and I finally learned how to not just know facts about God but to have a real relationship with him I was so eager to tell anyone I would go anywhere and I would do it for a potted plant I would do it for nothing I was even willing to pay people to let me speak you know what I’m saying and so the road to an arena event it was long and it was many many many years but finally I got invited and I was so

excited I got there and quickly figured out that you were not only supposed to speak but you also every speaker was supposed to participate in making announcements now let me clearly State something I do not have the spiritual gift of announcements I think it’s important for you to understand that right off the bat here okay and so I was very nervous about the announcements I was good with speaking I knew exactly what I was going to say I I knew how I was going to start what was in the middle and how I was going to close I I

got that but the announcements were making me panic in my heart and so I told the coordinators of the event I’m willing to do announcements like all the speakers are required to do however I need to make sure that you write down every single thing I’m supposed to say because I really don’t have the spiritual gift of announcements I’m not good at winging it I will tell people wrong things and it’ll send the whole day into a tizzy right and so they assured me oh today Lisa since it’s your

first day you don’t actually have to say anything during the announcements that you’re supposed to make all you have to do is carry a tote bag on stage with packets inside that you’re going to hand out to people and the two speakers you’re going to walk on stage with they’re going to say everything I said okay let me just have you repeat that one more time emphasize the fact I’m not going to have to say anything they assured me you’re not going to have to say anything great so the announcement was for a wonderful

child sponsorship organization that I do sponsor a child but not for this particular organization so I very much believed in the cause but I knew zero details zero details about how much it was how to sign up what you’re supposed to do with the packet I knew nothing except I had my tote bag with my packets and I was going to hand those out we got up on stage the other speakers started speaking and they got moved in the spirit now I’m all about getting moved in the spirit y’all but not when you’re supposed to be

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