What to do When Life Knocks You to the Ground – Wednesday Service
What to do When Life Knocks You to the Ground
Thank you for joining World Changers Nation for Service! We are helping people Understand Grace and Empowering them to Change through teaching the word with simplicity and understanding.
God’s Messages
Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..
Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
Seize your precious sheet. Thank you Lord.
That revelation knowledge will flow freely, uninterrupted and unhindered by a Satan or demonic force.
And father, I pray that you will speak through my vocal chords and think through my mind.
None of me and all of you.
It in Jesus name, we pray and everybody said, hey man, come on, give the Lord a big hand clap.
You may be seated if you have your bibles, open them up to the book of Second Corinthians chapter 12.
Second Corinthians chapter 12 verses nine through 10.
I’m gonna be reading this out of the uh new living translation.
So tonight, we’re gonna talk about the eighth sign of emotional maturity, the eighth sign of emotional maturity and people who are mature in their emotions are going to be people who believe in themselves.
So number eight people who are mature emotionally or emotionally mature will be people who believe in themselves.
Now, how does that work? Because we’re trained to depend on God, we’re trained to believe God.
And yet there is a part of being emotionally mature that says you’re gonna believe in yourself, but you’re gonna believe in yourself based on what God had to say about you.
And based on the support that God gives you, you see emotionally mature people.
They don’t have a false sense of self that is ego based or deluded, but they do have optimism in their God given ability to use maybe their effort and their patience as a way to establish the belief that they are equipped to deal with whatever life may throw their way.
And we’re gonna look at that tonight. What happens when life throws you to the ground?
What happens when you know, you’re, you’re living your life doing all you know, to do and uh man, it ain’t working.
And I’ve got to tell you that that’s, that’s uh that’s an event that will be real in all of our lives.
What happens when, when we’re, you know, we, we, we, we what life throws us down, something happens, we encounter something and, and as Christians, we need to know that all this month, I’ve been trying to just really minister to people on a very practical level because these things are gonna get real and, and, and, and I want you to know how to respond to those things as they begin to take place in your life.
The Bible provides us with wisdom on how to navigate through the ups and downs of life.
And we need to understand that.
So one of the fundamental principles taught in the word is that we are equipped by God to deal with every thing that life may throw our way that God has already by His grace equipped us to, to deal with those things.
So, this belief is rooted in the faith and the trust that we have in God.
And it’s rooted in the faith and the trust that we have in His promises.
So we’ll begin here tonight in Second Corinthians chapter 12 verses nine through 10.
And he says this, he says each time he said, my grace is all you need.
So here’s Apostle Paul talking here and you’ll see that Paul, I mean, there was a curve, curveball thrown at him.
He had a thorn in his flesh and uh he went to God three times to get it out.
And uh he said, my grace is all you need. That’s, that’s pretty powerful.
My grace is all you need. That’s, that’s what I learned over the last three years.
I needed to understand and to gain revelation of my grace is all you need. Wow.
He says my power works best in weakness.
I need to find, I, I, you know, you read these scriptures, you, you shout over them, you, we whatever.
But you know when you, when you ask God Lord, you know, I, I wanna, I wanna go through this, I wanna understand what this is.
You know, I remember praying to Plora Lord, give me influence so that I can make a mark in the lives of people that cannot be erased.
But I failed to recognize that the most influential man that ever came on the earth was Jesus Christ.
And with that influence came misunderstanding and misrepresentation.
And so please listen to this if, if, if, if you, you know, I I’m telling you what I know when you, when you’re praying for, for God to give you influence, what comes with influence is misunderstanding and misrepresentation.
And certainly Jesus was misunderstood and he was misrepresented, but he was absolutely very influential.
And so, you know, I’m thinking about this, you know, God says, so what do you wanna do?
Let go of the influence that you can have in the lives of people because you’re afraid of being misunderstood or misrepresented or keep the influence and just take what comes with it.
And I’m telling you, there are a lot of things that come with our decision to live save lives.
A lot of things that comes with our decisions to, to have to be people of character and to, to stand in our faith and stand in what we, what we believe.
I tell you the saddest thing I think I ever encounter is these messages sometimes I get from uh our, our social media team.
You know, I help, I wanna kill myself in, in it, in it.
And it’s like, wow, this is, this is very serious out there, ladies and gentlemen, and so said, Corinthians Paul is talking here and he says my power.
God is saying my power works best in weaknesses.
It’s almost like he’s saying, if life should throw you a curveball or if life should throw you down.
Remember the grace of God is all you need and remember when you’re on the pavement, the pavement, that’s when God’s power works its best and, and, and I know it sounds, it, it, it, it kind of sounds weird in your mind trying to figure out how is that?
But I just gotta trust that grace is all I need and God’s power works best when we’re weak.
He says, so now I am glad to boast about my weakness. Why, why would you say that Paul?
So that the power of Christ can work through me?
And verse 10 says this, that, that’s why I take pleasure in my weaknesses.
I, I, I don’t understand why, why would I, why would I, why would I even want to take pleasure in my weaknesses?
But he goes on, he says, I take pleasure in the insults. I take pleasure in the hardships.
I take pleasure in the persecutions. I take pleasure in the troubles that I suffer for Christ.
That that’s gonna, that’s, that’s, you’re gonna have to rearrange your thinking right here because what he says is, don’t let all of the trouble, don’t let the curveball knock your faith down where you’re not understanding that you’ve already been equipped.
But when those watch this word opportunity, show up. That is an opportunity for God to show out.
So when trouble shows up, God’s grace is gonna show out, amen.
And I declare that over your life, when trouble shows up His grace is gonna show out in your life.
Now, look at this Philippians 4 13 in the N L T.
So it’s, it’s not, it’s not just us believing in ourselves, but we’re believing in the God that equipped us.
And I believe that I’m equipped so I can believe in myself because of what God has done to prepare me and get me ready.
He says in verse 13, he says for, I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength.
I’m not going around talking about, you know, I can do all I can do everything I’m saying.
I can do all things through Christ.
I am saying that if you remove Christ out of the equation, I’m probably gonna be crumbled.
I’m probably not, I’m probably gonna fail. But because of Christ, I can do all things through Him.
I can do everything through Him.
He is the one I’m depending on even for me to begin to believe in myself.
I first of all believe in Him.
So this scripture uh emphasizes that we have the strength and the ability to overcome any obstacle or challenge in life and we do it through our faith in Jesus Christ.
I’m not necessarily saying that you have so much faith in you.
I, I believe that because of what Jesus has done, I now can have confidence in me as a result of what he has done.
I can do all things through Christ. See. Notice that the, the emphasis for us is through Christ.
The emphasis is not, I can do all things because I know I can’t do all things unless I do it through Christ.
You see, and so um this verse encourages us to have confidence in ourselves, but we know that we are not alone in our struggles.
And so with whatever you’re gonna be facing and you will be facing some things that will show up here real soon, whatever you’re gonna be facing you, you know, you’re not alone, you’re not alone.
He is with you. He will not leave you. He will not forsake you.
He is there with you and your struggles.
And you’re just gonna have to remind yourself when you’re going through certain things. God’s with me.
And, and you’re gonna have to say God’s with me and you’re gonna have to say God’s with me.
I, I, I learned that through my three year job experience, God’s with me and you know what the, the pain didn’t necessarily go away.
But I reminded myself, God’s with me.
And I tell I, I’ll, I’ll never forget the few nights where I thought I don’t even know how it’s humanly possible to take any more of this pain.
And then there’s a peace and a ease that came over and I fell asleep.
God knows how to give you a break when you need one. I’m telling you. He knows how.
I was just kind of amazed. I mean, no sooner than I could get it out of my mouth.
God showed up and did what he need to do and that’s what he talks about temptation.
He says, he says, I’ll provide a way to escape so that you’ll be able to bear it. Amen.
So, so God knows exactly when you need a break, when you need to pull off the side and take a little nod or something like that.
But we trust him in the, in the struggles of life.
And I’m telling you, they’re gonna be a lot of people gonna be interested in what you’re doing when they see what you’re doing and it’s gonna open up a door for you to share Christ with them and show them the faith that you have in the Lord Jesus.
Look at second Timothy chapter one and seven in the King James, second Timothy chapter one and seven in the King James.
I’ve just been inspired most of this month of May just to preach sermons that will, that will just, just get people confidence and get them stirred up and, and, and, and keep them out of the pot and let them know that everything’s gonna be all right man, that everything’s gonna be all right.
I know certain things may look bad and you’re wondering about this, but you just need to take a deep breath.
I think last week we talked about, you know, going go to that calm disposition, showing that you trust God and, and watch God do some things in your life.
Second Timothy one and seven, you’re familiar with this.
He said for God hath not given us the spirit of fear.
Now, here is the thing that Satan is trying to deliver into our lives all the time.
The spirit of fear, a lot of things we deal with are fear based.
Even the anger, sometimes that we express is fear based.
And Satan wants to get that fear into your life through your eye gate, your ear gate in all kinds of ways.
And so, you know, the fear of failing the fear of not being able to make it the fear of being, you know, thrown to the curve, the the fear of, of going through just what I’m preaching right now.
The fear of the struggle, the fear of the, of whatever might come, you know.
But uh he says here, he says he hadn’t given you the spirit of fear.
Here’s what he’s given you power and ability, he’s given you love and he’s given you a sound mind.
And so when, when the trouble approaches you, you have to remind yourself and sometimes I get very practical.
I ask myself, am I consciously aware that God has given me power, that God has given me love.
In other words, he loves me and because he loves me, there’s only certain thing the devil can do listen to this.
Satan can only do what God allows him.
Well, he’s not just, he’s just not open to do anything he wants to do.
You see, and he says, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
And so this assures us that we have the power and the ability to overcome.
First of all, the fear and the anxiety, fear, we have power to overcome fear.
Uh I, I think sometimes you just got to recognize what it is.
You know, I lost my temper because I was really afraid that this particular thing is gonna happen.
And uh fear. In fact, anger is an expression of your fear. It’s what I’m afraid of.
Maybe I’m afraid I’m not gonna be able to make this, I’m afraid.
I don’t, I’m afraid, I don’t have the wisdom or the strength to go through this afraid.
But, but God is going to help us to overcome the fear and the anxiety and that we have a sound mind, a sound mind to do what to make wise decisions in difficult situations.
Whenever you come into a situation, you don’t quite know what to do.
Just pause and say God, I just think you have a sound mind and I have wisdom, uh wisdom is knowing what to do when you don’t know what to do.
But I’m talking about be intentional, about your faith.
I have faith that I have the wisdom of God to know what to do.
Even when I don’t know what to do presently and, and just begin to speak that to yourself.
I can’t tell you testimony after testimony of seeing this operate in my life.
It’s just so impossible for somebody to tell me that there is no God because he’s operating so much in my life.
It’s like God moved into my life, my house and started rearranging furniture and where the couch used to be.
It’s somewhere else. Amen. And my prayer is that God will move in your house and rearrange your furniture. Amen.
Now, I’m not talking about your physical home.
I’m talking about you, your life, rearrange your attitudes, rearrange certain things that you have been cautious about doing because you’ve been called here to do a particular thing.
And in fact, go to Jeremiah 29 11.
This is why you ought to have confidence and, and, and, and just really believe in yourself, all of the things that God has equipped you with and even all the things that God said, you don’t walk around here, you know, doubting you and, and, and walk around here with a low estimate of who you are.
You’re amazing. You’re beautifully and wonderfully made by God and you are equipped to deal with whatever this life dishes out to you or God would not have allowed you to be born at this time.
But since he allowed you to be born at this time, he obviously knew you were the one that needed to be here in this generation in this time.
Now, a lot of us could not have been born before this time.
You, you think you could, you were not equipped to go through some of the stuff that your ancestors went through.
You know what I’m saying now?
But I’m telling you, they were not equipped to go through some of the stuff that you’re going through.
You were specially made and delivered for a time such as this. Praise God.
So uh somebody says, well, you know, my momma said I was a mistake. God didn’t make no mistakes.
Yeah, she didn’t think she was gonna get pregnant that night.
But if she had asked the Lord, the Lord would have told her that it was the night she was gonna get God knows how to take even messed up situations.
And I know there’s some messed up situations of how people got here, but God knows how to take some messed up situations, anoint it and use it for good before it’s all over.
Look at what Jeremiah prophesized about our lives.
Verse 11 in the uh N L T uh He talks about that.
God has plans for us and he talks about how those plans are good.
He says, for, I know the plans I have for you says the Lord. So God knows the plan.
First of all, there’s a plan for you. Oh my goodness.
First of all, there’s a plan for everybody in here.
There’s nobody in here that doesn’t have a plan assigned to their life.
And that’s what life is all about being in the process of discovering the plan for your life.
One of the greatest days of your life is when you discover the will of God for you, the day that you discover why you are here and why you’re what you’re supposed to be doing.
But he says, I know, he says, I know the plan I have for you.
God has a plan for me, but that just did something to me one day when I was walking around, I don’t know what to do.
You know the thing that I had planned did not work. I, I, I had planned to have this job.
I, I had a plan I had written down and it did not work and I never thought about being flexible enough or having a plan, plan to uh uh a second plan, plan or a third plan.
And, and I freaked out like, what, what am I gonna do?
And I, I just saw God just taking over in favor, just showing up and because God knows how to get you on the right path.
Now, let me say something about that right path.
Here’s how I see life and I’m off the page for a moment.
Here’s how I see life and I think you’ll be less judgmental of people when you understand what this is.
We are all on a journey. OK? We’re all on a journey.
Uh Let’s just say, for example, let’s say if we were to leave Atlanta and we begin a road trip from Atlanta to Los Angeles, California.
That is a journey, right? I now check this out. There’s certain things you’re gonna have to do.
You’re gonna get off the path every now and then, even on the way on that road trip, you’re gonna have to get off the path and go get some gas.
You’re gonna have to get off the path and you might have to, you know, change your tire.
You’re gonna have to get off the path. You might be, I’m tired. I need to go to sleep.
But, but, but nobody’s there judging you and saying you’re going to hell because you got off the path.
We gotta stop that man.
We’re on a path and every now and then we, we have to stop for a tune up.
We’re on a path, but we get back on the path every now and then we, we need our wheels balanced.
We’re on a path every now and then we need to be refueled.
But what Christians do, they look at it, we get on this path and we’re just watching to see when you gotta take a exit.
So we say you’re gonna go to hell. Look at it, you’re going to hell right now.
Look you doing, stop it. It’s a, you, you’re on a path and there are all kinds of things that are happening on the path.
There will be things you encounter on that path that you’ll learn from as you make progress towards your destination.
That’s what the Christian life is all about.
Quit beating people up because they took a exit to get some gas, right?
Are you, are y’all understand what I’m saying?
I’m just, it’s like it’s just, it’s just filled with people that are like they got machine gun waiting to see if you get off the path or you off the path.
You ain’t right. You ain’t God. See you, you’re on a path.
This path is, is, is a, is a long path.
It’s a path that takes years to travel because heaven is not right around the corner, but God promised get on the path and I promise you that you will reach your destination before Jesus comes or the day that Jesus come.
So that’s his responsibility. My job is no matter what happens on that path. Get back on that path.
If you fall, get back on that path. If you get lost, get back on that path.
If you, if you hit a coyote and, and they damage the car and you, you stop somewhere and you had to get the car fixed and you, you five days out of motel somewhere, get back on that path.
That’s the key is get back on the path, not beat people up.
So anyhow, you, you follow what I’m saying and, and God says I got this plan for you just stay on the path and Satan says, I’m gonna do everything I possibly can to get you off this path and to get you on another path.
Ok? That’s why you can’t be paying attention to a whole lot of stuff.
I mean you don’t let people condemn. You don’t let people shame.
You don’t let people cause you to feel guilty.
Don’t let any of those things happen because whatever you’re guilty of at least you’re back on the path, man.
I love that. I’m gonna give me a t-shirt to say I’m on the path and then on the back, I’m gonna say, don’t judge me and then I’m gonna finish eating that chocolate cake.
I got off the path but don’t be, don’t be judging me.
See you gonna die because you ate chocolate cake. I don’t think it’s that serious, right?
So God has a plan for our lives and this reassures us that God has equipped us with everything we need to fulfill his plan.
I am equipped and I have confidence in my equipment.
I have confidence that as I take this journey that I am equipped with everything I’ll need for this journey.
Amen. And then go to Romans chapter eight and verse 28 Romans chapter 8 28 in the N L T.
So even if there’s certain things that happen on the, on that path, Romans 8 28 says, and we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.
So I, I am convinced that everything, everything that happened to me in those three years, all of the, all of the, the, the sickness and the pain and the cancer that hit my body.
Uh God knows how to take even those crazy things and cause it to come together for my good.
And in other words, God can take all of the bad pieces of clay and put it with the good.
And by the time He finished stirring it, you won’t be able to make a distinction between the bad or the good.
So God’s whatever you’re going through, he’ll figure out how to use it for your good. My goodness.
He didn’t cause it. He didn’t make it.
But boy, he will make it a part of where you’re going.
He’ll make it a part of the curriculum to help you to get to the destination that you’ve been called to.
I don’t care what it is. I’m, I’m, I’m here to tell you.
I, I, I, I feel I feel more equipped, more deliver more free today as a result of these last three years than I have ever been in in my life, especially freedom and deliverance from people.
It’s like praise God amen. Now I’m not completely delivered from approval addiction, but I am in the class.
I am in the group. Amen. I am in the a a group.
It’s a different kind of a a this is an approval addiction group that I am constantly working and telling myself, God help me to not think I need this person’s approval in order to value who I am.
But all of that happened because God knows how to take the good and the bad.
Put it together and somehow I get the good out of it.
But I, I, I don’t know, sometimes I just kind of freak myself out.
I’m just like, I’m so free. It don’t even, it don’t even make no sense.
Sometimes it’s just like whatever the stuff I just don’t care about now.
I, I mean, I can’t tell you, I just don’t care. I can’t tell you how, I just don’t care.
I, I, I mean, if somebody were to get up and, and now they already have call me names and insult me and stuff like that, I don’t care.
I, I realize I don’t have to listen to none of the insults.
Just tell me where they are and then I’ll avoid them and then I’ll go in the mirror and I say, look at your big guy.
Yeah, you’re not 68 but look at your boy.
You hang curl back in the day. You use some little help. Look, you remember curl kits.
You remember I put that on Jeremy’s hair and they didn’t do nothing but sparkle.
I said, boy, you light skinned and your hair is straight from, from, from, from the, the deep, deep part of Africa or something.
I’m like, bro, what is going on there? I tell you what I am.
I still believe the greatest freedom you’ll ever achieve is the deliverance.
You can come that you can come by when you get delivered from approval addiction, greatest thing in the whole world.
And now you can do everything that you believe God’s telling you to do because you’re not looking over your shoulder to see who’s trying to grade what you’re doing.
That’s having confidence in yourself. And I believe that somehow stops you from believing in yourself.
If you, if you’re going around looking to see if somebody else is believing in you too.
You can’t let other people determine your value when God has already determined your value.
And God has already determined your self esteem and God’s already accepted you and God’s already said you’re the apple of his eye and none of that is enough because you gotta get this old boy’s approval over God’s don’t do yourself like that.
That is abuse. Don’t do yourself like that.
Don’t let, don’t give somebody that much control over your life where you’re, you’re letting their approval, you control how you feel, control what you do and then stop you from doing the things that you’re supposed to do.
I guarantee you they are not that important and I guarantee you ladies, single ladies, there is somebody out there so much better than him and you sitting around trying to stick with that old.
And so even in the midst of the trials and the difficulties, God can use these experiences for our good and he can use these experiences for our glory.
And yeah, some of them are hurt, some of them are painful, some of them cause you to cry.
Um But God knows how to use them all and that’s just how, how good He is.
Uh Psalms 46. Let me move on here. Psalms 46 verse one in the N L T.
Here’s what he says. Uh He says, God is our refuge. Thank you Lord.
We all need a refuge and he’s our strength.
Always ready to help in times of trouble, always ready to help in times of trouble.
God is God is always ready to help and so you can be sure of that.
So let’s, let’s kind of break this down a little bit as we close. How do you see yourself?
Now, how do you see yourself emotionally mature? People will have this sign about them?
This symptom about them where they are, they are seeing themselves in a healthy way.
I mean, do you see yourself the way God sees you? Do you believe in yourself?
I can believe in myself only because I believe and depend on God.
That’s really the only reason, not because I need somebody’s approval, but I believe in myself because I depend on God and I believe in God.
So as we look at that, let me shout out a couple of scriptures to you.
Colossians chapter three and three in the N L T. Our identity is to be found in Him.
My identity is not found in what other people think of me.
My identity is found in Jesus Christ and Colossians 33 says for you died uh for you died to this life.
And your real life is hidden with Christ in God, my real life is hidden with Christ in God.
Our self image should be founded on who God says. We are not. What other people say.
We, we are. Our self image is found in who God says. We are.
We still battle against our sinful flesh. Yes.
But if we are in Christ, we are beloved Children, we are secure, completely known.
We are completely forgiven. We are wholly loved by God, the very creator of our souls and we are no longer condemned Romans eight and one says there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ All right.
There are and, and let me, let me show you something right quick.
Uh I taught on this a while back. Uh Romans eight and one in the King James.
Let, let me show you something right quick. This is something that you really needed.
He says there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus.
And I put right here, period.
I noticed in the another translation who walked, not after the flesh, but after the spirit, that’s an italicized, which means it was added by the privilege of the translator.
Actually, he literally says, once you’re in Christ Jesus, there is no condemnation, there is no condemnation and it’s not based on anything you bring to the table or anything you brought to the table.
It was based on Jesus’s decision to do the thing he did. And he says you get in me.
There is no condemnation, there is no guilt, there is no shame.
He that believeth in me, that’s a whole deal right there.
And it’s not, you know whether or not you walk in the spirit or walk in the flesh.
Those things are important but not where he talks about here that there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ, Jesus get in Christ Jesus and the days of being condemned, condemned are over.
So we need not condemn ourselves either. It’s so important. First John 3 19 through 24 turn there real quick.
I know I’m running out of time but uh first John 3 19 through 24 we don’t need to condemn ourselves.
We’re talking about having confidence in who you are and believing in who you are.
And certainly, you know, that’s gonna be a problem when you, when you take opportunity to condemn yourselves.
Uh First John 3 19 through 24. Let’s look at that in the N L T.
Uh this is something so important. I think, I think we need to hear as Christian people.
He says, our actions will show that we belong to the truth.
Our actions will show that we belong to the truth.
So we will be con confident when we stand before God.
He said, even if we feel guilty, God is greater than our feelings, good, y’all hear that even if you feel guilty, God is greater than your feelings and He knows everything dear friends.
If we don’t feel guilty, he says, we can come to God with, with bold confidence.
And then verse 22 says, and we will receive from Him, whatever we ask because we obey Him and we do the things that please Him.
And this is this commandment. Now, immediately, I’m like this is commandment. You’re going back to the 10 commandments.
He’s not talking about the 10 commandment.
He’s talking about uh in John chapter 13 and 34 he’s talking about this commandment, a new commandment I give to you that you love one another.
That’s the commandment he’s talking about.
And he says that we must believe uh he said this commandment I give to you.
We must believe in the name of his son, Jesus Christ and love one another just as he commanded us.
And then in 24 he says, those who obey God’s commandment, the one that’s talking about.
Love remain in fellowship with him and he with them.
And we know he lives in us because the spirit he gave us lives in us.
Look at all the amazing ways that you have been equipped so that you can actually take the time to really believe in yourself.
So our self image should not be inflated by human pride, nor devastated by the reality of sin.
Right? Self image is having humility in the sight of God, right?
Self image is understanding our great need for God, right?
Self image is something I think can be summed up in first Corinthians chapter 13 and 12.
For now, we see only a reflection as in a mirror.
We don’t see everything like it like it really is right now.
Uh I think the king of James says, we we see in part, he says, then we shall see face to face.
He says now I know in part, then I shall know fully even as I am fully known.
In other words, one day we’re gonna be with God in heaven, fully restored with clear vision of who he is and clear vision of who we are in him.
And so all of the fussing and stuff we’re doing right now trying to prove who’s doctrine is the best.
It’s just, it’s crazy, man. It’s just real stupid.
And you know, I gotta, I gotta, I gotta love all those folks, but please, man, don’t, don’t get involved in just playing church and doing all this stuff.
Learn how to have a personal relationship with Jesus.
Realize how he’s equipped you and have confidence in the way that he’s equipped you so that you don’t walk around wondering when your day of failure is gonna take place.
You’re gonna be all right. So all of the stuff that’s getting ready to come your way.
God’s already prepared. You, you go ahead and rock with that thing, man and you have some days where you go home.
I’m just gonna praise God. Somebody say why? Cause of the trouble. What?
Yeah, I’m gonna praise him cause of the trouble. I’m just gonna lift my hands up. I’m gonna pray.
I’m gonna, I remember I was, I was in my car not too long ago and I was screaming out prayer.
I know the people driving next to me were just looking like what is wrong with him?
I’m up there talking in English. Oh Lord.
And I can see a little lady like, oh, he’s special.
I tell you what, I, I got it out and, and and I just just declared you’re, you’re not going to, you’re not gonna have this day.
This is the day the Lord hath made. I will rejoice and I’m gonna be exceeded and glad in it.
You’re not gonna have this day. And so I want you to stand up. I want you to be bold.
I want you to be strong.
I want you to know God is with you and I want you to make your mind up that I’m gonna walk in victory.
I’m not, I’m not trying to do something to get the victory. Jesus already gave me the victory.
I’m going from victory to victory and on and on and on. Grace, upon grace, upon grace.
You get anything out of this. Amen. Father. Thank you. Thank you so much.
Thank you that we believe in ourselves because of how you’ve equipped us.
Thank you that on this eighth step that we are noticing the symptom of just really believing in ourselves, not because of who we are, but because of who you are.
And we thank God that we’ll see clearly one day and we just give you praise that we will walk in that love commandment and we’ll learn how to love and learn how to value the intimate relationship that we have with you.
We give you praise for it.
Now, in the mighty name of Jesus, we pray and everybody said, thank you all very much where He’s got give God some praise for that word.
Hallelujah. So today, if you’re out there and you hadn’t accepted Christ as your Lord and personal savior, it’s one of the greatest decisions that you’ll make as a human being.
I was uh speaking with one of the pastors today and as I was speaking to him, I said, man, one of the reasons I got saved if, you know, if we, we put a lot of emphasis on us accepting Christ.
And that’s a big thing. That’s what we’re supposed to do. But why did I do it?
Because he gave his life for me first. That was what motivated me.
It’s me coming into that understanding.
So if you’re out there, understand he gave his life for you and then he overcame death to show you that you can do the same thing.
So if you’re out there and you hadn’t accepted Christ as your Lord and personal savior, just repeat after me say, Father God, I admit that I am a sinner.
Come into my life. Be my God, be my Lord, be my savior.
I surrender my body, my mind and my spirit to you. In Jesus name.
I pray. Amen. You guys give God some praise.
If you just said that prayer, welcome to the body of Christ.
One of the greatest decisions that you could make is to accept Christ as your Lord and personal Savior.
After that, commit to a lifestyle of renewing your mind daily. Amen.
If you just said that prayer, I want you to text. I’m saved one word to 51555.
We have a digital download that we’d like to put into your hands.
Uh, that’ll further, uh, uh, start the process of discipline. You amen.
So now it’s offering time praise God.
If you need to offer an envelope, just raise your hand and the ushers are minister to you.
Uh, if you’re given by text, uh text world changers plus the amount to +74483 or you can call +18664777683 or you can mail it in to 2500 road College Park, Georgia 30349.
Or you can always reach us on our website world changes dot org or Creflo dollar ministries dot org.
Everybody got an envelope. Users feel free to pass the buckets and then we’ll pray over it.
Praise God. That was a good word. Hallelujah.
You guys excited about this conference coming up. I know I am.
We’ve been, you know, you guys gonna have a good time.
But these teenagers though we about to turn up.
It’s gonna be a home coming for real. All right, let’s pray over the offer.
We got a hand raise back here, right? Father God.
I thank you Lord God for every seed sown and I pray 100 fold return. Lord God.
I thank you Lord God that the seed grows and grows and is able to impact people, impact communities, impact people, impact the nation, Lord God and just change lives.
I declare it. So in Jesus name, Amen.
So if you’re looking to register for the conference, uh you text Grace life to 51555 or you can use your phone, go to photos and put it up and just hit that bar code right there and it’ll be able to get you what you need.
Amen. Let’s get registered for this conference. We’re gonna have a blast, man.
I’m just so excited about the speakers that are coming in about everybody coming back together, man.
It’s just gonna be super, super, super awesome.
And with that being said, I’m gonna pray over you guys and we’re gonna let you go. That’s cool.
Right? Father God, I pray a hedge of protection over each and every person watching each and every person sitting in this room.
I declare peace be still in their lives, Lord God, I thank you Lord God that as they go in tomorrow, that they go into it without anxiety without fear.
Lord God, I thank you Lord God that there’s wisdom in tomorrow for them today tomorrow and for the rest of their lives for you have a plan for them.
Lord God, I thank you Lord God for that right now.
Lord God, I just thank you Lord God that as they flow and as they go through their journey and as they move in you, Lord God, that your traveling mercies and your grace and that your love, it encompasses them.
I declare their soul in Jesus name. We pray all that agree said a man you are dismissed.
Are you ready for grace? Life homecoming.
We are, we’re lining up exclusive in person experiences at the World Dome on July 13th through the 15th.
We’re calling on the entire world changers, family members, partners and friends to show up and show out for Grace Life conference 2023.
Joining Creflo and Taffy Dollar in our lineup of speakers are Clarence mcclendon, Gregory, Deca Michael Smith and more with me music performances by Ty Trippett, William Murphy and other surprise guests.
We’re bringing back the teen conference and Children’s Ministry to make this homecoming a real family affair.
You don’t want to miss this free three day experience register right now and get travel discounts.
Text Grace Life to 51 555 scan the QR code on your screen visit world changers dot org or call 866 477 76 83 today.
What if we could take every groundbreaking message on Grace all the life changing sessions from conferences in every radical interview with the stars and those with inspirational stories that moved us and share them with you 24 hours a day.
Now we can, this is our network.
It can all be found here changing your world network, streaming, hope, grace and the wisdom of God with simplicity and understanding 24 hours a day, seven days a week for free download the low dollar ministries app on your smart TV, and streaming devices, Roku Amazon, fire TV, apple TV, and begin streaming.
Changing your world 24 hour network through the app today.
Visit C Y W N dot TV for more information now, girl, thanks.
No, and nine.
Yeah, and I get one came World Change.
- How to Mature in Your EmotionsTháng bảy 2, 2024