What Spirit Lives in You? – Part 2 (Romans 8:9-11)

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What Spirit Lives in You? – Part 2 (Romans 8:9-11)

In this message, we learn about the importance of discerning between the Spirit of Truth and the spirit of error, the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives, and our need for discernment in a world with false teachings.

May we embrace the transformative power of the Holy Spirit and find rest in Jesus!

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church I’m going to ask you to stand if you would and open your Bibles to Romans chapter 8 Romans 8. I just heard this last week driving on the radio the the radio Bible teacher uh happened to been passing through Romans chapter 8 in his sermon that he was giving and he said something I completely agree with and he said that out of all the chapters of the entire Bible that if you take the time to study Romans chapter 8 it will be the greatest experience of your life and I agree with them and the one of the
reasons why I agree with them is because we are taking forever to get through chapter eight for that very reason it’s so deep but if you and I get it it’ll transform Our Lives What Spirit lives in you this is part two of that message and I will read the odd number verses if you guys will pick it up in the even Romans chapter 8 begin into verse 9 but you are not in the flesh but in the spirit if indeed the spirit of God dwells in you now if anyone does not have the spirit of Christ he is not his all right
[Music] [Applause] because the prices but if the spirit of him that’s the Holy Spirit of Christ lives in you who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you look at verse 11 but if the spirit of him by the way the word is translated correctly in other translations other versions sense the spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you he who raised Christ from the dead think about that the Bible says that under the
command of the father was the Holy Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead is that amazing think for a moment Jesus In the Flesh trusted the Holy Spirit to raise him from the dead Jesus did that he he brought himself to the place in humanity why because that’s what you and I’ve got to do we’ve got to trust that the spirit of God will raise us from the dead when the Resurrection comes now look if the Rapture happens today it still is the operation of the Holy Spirit who will scoop you up and present you into the
Arms of Jesus the Bible tells us in John 14 but the awesome truth over and over again is the dwelling and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit so father we pray that you would teach us powerfully Lord from your word this is your word it’s not ours we don’t want anything to do with our word we don’t want anything to do with our idea God we don’t want to read anything into this we’re asking you Holy Spirit to take your Bible and not only read it into us but God we pray that you’d emboss it upon
our hearts and our minds forever we pray in Jesus name and all God’s people said amen you may be seated Church Romans chapter 8 verse 9 through 11 in one of the last interviews that Dr A.W Tozer gave the question was asked of him what is the greatest need the church has today and this of course was many decades ago uh to that Dr Tozer replied and I quote the greatest need is and will increasingly be the church’s ability to discern between the spirit of truth and the spirit of error in other words discernment
you and I need discernment friends it’s in the Bible if you’ve never heard that word before you ought to write it down and research it from the scriptures discernment before we get into our study write this down please by way of preparation in second Peter chapter 2 verse 1 Peter says this way and think about what Tozer said about discernment think about the question today what spirit is living in you what Spirit are you of but there are also false prophets among the people he’s referring to the Old
Testament era even as there will be false teachers among you he’s talking about the church era what are they going to do Peter here’s what they’re going to do who will secretly bring in destructive heresies notice the word secret is the word cloaked disguised masked heresies are going to come into the church they’re destructive the word destructive in the context speaks about pulling people apart as you would pull a body apart maybe you tear off a couple of fingers an ear an elbow a foot almost like how a wolf would eat a sheep
are you hearing me very graphic it’s very ugly it’s very destructive and you got to ask yourself man are we living in these days or what and here’s their message and their conduct by the way is defined in the fact that they deny the Lord who bought them oh they talk all about Jesus but in their actual lifestyle they deny the Lord Jesus Christ who purchased them it doesn’t mean they’re saved because he purchased them Jesus listen Jesus purchased salvation For All Mankind you you failing to take that free gift
that he bought is what sends you headlong into hell Jesus doesn’t send you there you do that yourself and you’ll you’ll you will be the only one that you’re going to be blaming in Hell nobody else and many will follow their destructive ways because of whom the way of Truth will be blasphemed by covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words and for a long time their judgment has not been idle wow for their destruction does not Slumber these people who are dangerous in in a Christian setting it may look like
etting away with having a false church and a false Ministry and and pillaging people of uh of resources or whatever it might be God is saying here in this word Don’t Panic everybody don’t panic number one exercise discernment number two Judgment Day is coming for those people the steamroller is rolling but have you ever seen a sting roller they don’t go very quick but once they’ve gone by you know they’ve been there whatever was there is now the size of a piece of paper First Timothy chapter 4 verse 1 says now
the spirit that’s the Holy Spirit expressly says that in the latter times which is a very amazing statement you see Jack he said that 2000 years ago yeah yeah that’s great the latter times were then and every day that you’re in the latter times you’re in the ladder of the ladder of the ladder of times how much late does the late hour get down to the last second that’s where we’re living we’re looking at the last moments of church history which I’m very thrilled about the latter times some will depart from
the faith doesn’t give you any reasons why they’re just going to leave could be covid God abandoned them they think may God left me could be finances could be the shaking of the globe things didn’t work out God didn’t bring me that wife or that husband soon enough and I walked out the excuses could be infinite watch out for them use discernment but here’s the danger and we’re living this right now by the way everybody’s living this right now I got in trouble for saying what I’m about to say
read it in the news a couple months ago and so I’m going to say it again [Applause] so here it is the things that you and I are dealing with in our world today regarding violence this uh mislabeled thing called homelessness the the sexual transition world this whole thing about aberrant sexuality the breakup of the family man’s unwillingness to keep a keep his handshake is all because of this next statement and this is what got the the this is what got the news fired up Southern California pastor says that
people are under uh demonic influence demonic attack well my Bible says here giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons we’re living it right now and how do you know because it says in verse 2 speaking lies in hypocrisy what does that mean it means what they say doesn’t make sense it means what they say goes against truth and we’re living in a world I’m not listen I’m not asking you to be upset with any individual I’m asking you to get prayerfully upset against the Demonic powers that are behind the
entities that are attacking people and using them and morphing them Body Soul and Spirit it’s an attack against you the human created the image of God in the moral likeness of God and the human today is under attack all around the world how do we know it’s happening in the same time doesn’t matter what continent you’re on doesn’t matter what culture you’re in it’s happening all around the world because this is of demonic influence first John 4 verse 1 says beloved do not believe every spirit
but test the spirits how are you going to do that just like this like this have okay first it comes here but then it’s got to be put in here by the way little side note you hear it you hear it you got to make a decision and then once you’ve heard it God sends you a trial don’t don’t panic trials are awesome because trials knock this truth down in your heart listen if you want to be a theologian keep it up here if you want to be a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ you got to get it knocked down into here and a trial does that not
Temptation Temptation comes from Satan the Flesh in the world a trial causes you to go to the word of God and there’s a big difference in all of that but just know this do not believe every Spirit but test the spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets have gone out into the world and it’s happening today so verse 9 last week we saw this just one quick second on this is that we’re asking this question what Spirit lives in you is it the spirit of comfort because God the holy spirit is the spirit of comfort and
you want to answer the question for your own life in three ways we learned in verse 9 that he’s the spirit that confirms that is that he brings you great comfort in speaking to you and telling you over and over again and showing you over and over again that you belong to him and I made a I made kind of a joke but it’s not a joke if you don’t think that you belong to God and uh and you’re panicking about that all you need to do is sin the moment you sin the holy spirit says what are you doing he only says that to his own kids
listen you don’t go next door and uh grab the neighbor kid and said what are you doing over here no it’s his house he can do whatever he does you say to your your own kid in your own house you don’t talk about any other kids we don’t do that in this house you don’t do that to your sister why because that’s your kid and if somebody’s in doubt I don’t know if God loves me well have you given your life to Christ yes but I don’t know if I’m in the well what happens when you
think of bad thought oh oh he he tells me then welcome to the family a non-believer doesn’t have that he brings Comfort he’s the spirit of comfort he confirms the fact that you are his child and one of the great overriding Joys this was a blessing is that he’s the spirit who possesses I I love saying what I’m about to say he possesses his people the Bible says in Corinthians that the believer is the Temple of the spirit of God the Holy Spirit lives in you I love that but isn’t possession scary it depends on
what Spirit you are I want the Holy Spirit to possess me more and more it’s a prayer of mine God possessed me more I want to be less of me and more of you and thirdly last time we saw in verse 9 as that verse concluded is that he’s the spirit who reveals he Delights in revealing himself to us that’s why when you get up in the morning as I’ve made mention though you know the Holy Spirit speaks to you you hear this all the time you hear this little nudge read uh read the word read a verse read it read a paragraph you can do it I know
you can do it you can do it I don’t care if you’re running out of the house are you getting on the car to commute you can put the Bible audio Bible and listen to it just get the word why because that’s where God the Holy Spirit reveals himself more and more and more and more and more to you very important and then just to set up where we’re going with this in verse 10 and I know we’re going right now on these particular weekends verse by verse it’s because it’s the depth of Romans 8.
that’s that’s the reason it’s not because I’m drawing it out though I do want the Lord to come back while we’re in the Book of Romans but it’s it’s this people the fact that he is so precious to announce these things to us please write this down Romans 8 verse 15 says for you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear okay you if you’re fearing right now stop it now just stop now that’s not from the spirit of God but you receive the spirit of adoption you know what that means
it means there’s no need for you and I’d ever again believe or be insecure because adoption is a powerful thing imagine now this is inaccurate it’s but it’s a graphic imagine God pacing back and forth walking up and down the uh what’s the unit with the babies are born the baby unit where the the babies are under they’re all in their little uh okay you don’t even know either yeah you’re all kinds of answers you know in the movies where the babies are all lined up imagine the nursery
nurse SRI do you remember so think of that picture and and think about God walking by and backs up and says you I want excuse me nurse that one right there I want that one adoption God picks I love that we get this sense well you know I was born in my family my parents have to love you um it’s true I mean it’s true how many parents you think well you know he’s my kid and the question is if you would have known this was your kid would you have picked them from the beginning you should see a parent’s eyes light up
and they just go wow that’s deep here’s the great thing about God he knew everything about you and I he picked us anyway listen in fact the more the more stinky you and I were the more of a brat God picked us the more of a dramatic story your life would come from maybe you’re in that dramatic story right now God is saying don’t lose heart don’t be patient listen to the message give your heart to me because when God sees such Troublesome people and or times in your life you become a tremendous project for God
to display his grace and mercy to you and he loves doing that he loves that and looked at verse goes on to say the reason why we’re able to shout out adoption is because we cry out Abba father I got to tell you Church to Jewish ears that’s offensive to Jews who do not believe as Jesus being the Messiah of the New Testament to them is almost Blasphemous so why because we’ve been encouraged in our New Testament Bible to call the god of the Old Testament Abba father the Jews don’t have that relationship with them they should they


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