What Is Heaven Like? | Joyce Meyer
What Is Heaven Like? | Joyce Meyer
“When you are tempted to give up, your breakthrough is probably just around the corner.”
― Joyce Meyer
― Joyce Meyer
Well, what is heaven gonna be like?
Well, there’s more that we don’t know that we do, but it does say there will be no hunger and no thirst.
We’re gonna eat in heaven, but we’ll never feel hungry.
Revelation 196 through nine.
Now this is an important part. Don’t lose me.
Then I heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude, like the roar of many waters and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder crying out.
Hallelujah for the Lord, our God, the almighty rings.
Now, these are some of the things that the Apostle John saw that’s recorded in revelations he heard and he saw these things and he saw things that Paul said that he saw things in the third heavens that he couldn’t even talk about.
He couldn’t even explain it. There were no words to explain it.
Let us rejoice and exalt and give him the glory for the marriage of the lamb has come and his bride has made herself ready.
Now, that’s what we’re supposed to be doing right now. Did you hear me?
We are this bride that he’s talking about and Jesus is the bride groom.
And you think about a bride, how she prepares for her wedding day?
Oh, my goodness. I mean, I’ve got a granddaughter that knows who she’s gonna marry but they’re not gonna get married for couple of years yet.
We hope. Well, whatever God wants, but last week she’s out looking at wedding venues.
She said I want to be prepared. I wanna be ready.
What if we had that attitude? Come on. What if we had that attitude?
This is not my home. This is practice.
I’m just learning how to love people here.
I’m just just practicing, learning how to forgive and and learning how to not get angry and not be selfish.
I’m a bride preparing myself to meet the bride groom.
Come on not focusing on everything we want and need but focusing on being prepared to meet our bride groom.
I mean a bride looks her best on the wedding day.
She said the skin worked on. She’s been losing weight.
I mean she, she has her makeup done professionally.
She gets her nails done, she gets her hair, hair done. The dress has got to be perfect.
Oh, there’s such a fuss made over getting her ready to meet her bride groom.
Oh Jesus. I hope somebody’s understanding me okay.
Now I just want to tell you a couple of things about what heaven looks like before I read this sentence because then I’m gonna have to the whole city is gold, not just the streets.
For some reason, I had the idea. It was just the streets.
No, it says the whole city is made of pure gold like crystal, 12 gates, each one made of a single pearl.
Now, I don’t know how big those gates are. But whoa, can you imagine a pearl like that?
And the walls are all embedded with the finest of gems, with rubies and diamonds and jasper and all these different lot of gems that I’ve never even heard of.
I had somebody write in a long time ago and said my Rhinestone earrings were bothering them and I thought you’re gonna be really uncomfortable in heaven.
If my, if my Rhinestone earrings or my ring or you know, whatever bothers you.
Okay. Back to the marriage supper of the lamb.
Matter of fact, I’m gonna read a little bit of this again.
Let us rejoice and exalt and give him the glory for the marriage of the lamb has come and his bride has made herself ready.
It was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure, which represents holiness for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.
And the angel said to me, write this blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the lamb.
You’re invited.
Amen. It’s an invitation.
The Lord is saying to you tonight, I’m inviting you.
I’m inviting you to accept me to become part of my bride to prepare yourself for the marriage supper of the lamb.
What kind of a meal is that gonna be? Oh, my goodness. We got a glorified body.
We’re in this perfect atmosphere where the bride of Christ it’s an invitation and I’m gonna issue that invitation right now to anyone here.
Are anyone watching by television?
No matter where you’re at in the world, no matter what you’ve done in the past, no matter how far away from God you’ve been.
If you’ve killed someone, if, if you’ve done terrible, terrible things tonight, I want you to know that you’re invited, you’re invited and you don’t have to do anything.
All you have to do is R S V P.
Yes, I want to come to receive Jesus.
All you do is surrender your life to him.
Believe that he died for your sins, that he paid the price for your sins.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved and all those who come to him, he will never cast away.
He will never cast them out. Anybody who comes to him will never be rejected, they’ll never be cast out.
So if you’ve never received Christ as your savior and you’re ready to turn away from a life of sin, receive Christ and start preparing yourself in a minute.
I’m gonna ask you to raise your hand.
If you have back slid in, you’ve served God at some time or tried to, you didn’t get very far your back slid, you’ve gone back into sin.
Now, the devil is telling you, God will never have you back. Or maybe you’ve tried 4567 times.
And a lot of that is if you just don’t, you gotta have the right teaching.
When you get born again, you’ve got to have the right teaching or you don’t know where to go from there.
Or maybe you’re one of those people that I was talking about before that if somebody asked you, if you’re going to heaven, you’d say I hope so.
Now you can know for sure you can have assurance of where you came from and where you’re going.
If you’re here tonight and if you’re home watching by TV, or watching on your ipad or your phone and you want to be part of this, you can do the same thing right?
Where you’re at. If that’s you and you wanna pray tonight, let me pray for you.
Will you just slip your hand up and let me see where you’re at. Come on all over the place.
I want to see those hands everywhere in the building.
I want to see those hands. Yeah. Yeah.
Okay. Listen. Can I ask you to do this for me not to embarrass you but just to get you started.
It’s kind of like a jump start.
I’m not gonna bring everybody down to the front cause they’re probably too many people.
But if you really meant what you said when you raise your hand, I just want you to stand up.
Come on, just stand up all over the place. Just stand up.
Come on everywhere. Just stand up, stand on your finger.
Come on because see, we’re not trying to embarrass you.
But if you won’t take a stand in here, you’ll never take one out there.
All right, some Christian that’s around these people.
Just touch them gently. Put a little love on them. Now, let’s all pray together.
Everybody pray this prayer with me, Father God. I love you Jesus.
I believe in you. I accept your invitation.
I want to be yours.
I repent of my sins. I believe you paid for them.
You took my punishment and I receive you Jesus as my savior and my Lord and I release myself to you.
Take me just the way I am and make me what you want me to be.
Now, I believe I’m saved. I’m born again.
I believe you love me and I’m on my way to heaven.
I’m coming home. Amen. Come on, give God a big prayer.
Well, there’s more that we don’t know that we do, but it does say there will be no hunger and no thirst.
We’re gonna eat in heaven, but we’ll never feel hungry.
Revelation 196 through nine.
Now this is an important part. Don’t lose me.
Then I heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude, like the roar of many waters and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder crying out.
Hallelujah for the Lord, our God, the almighty rings.
Now, these are some of the things that the Apostle John saw that’s recorded in revelations he heard and he saw these things and he saw things that Paul said that he saw things in the third heavens that he couldn’t even talk about.
He couldn’t even explain it. There were no words to explain it.
Let us rejoice and exalt and give him the glory for the marriage of the lamb has come and his bride has made herself ready.
Now, that’s what we’re supposed to be doing right now. Did you hear me?
We are this bride that he’s talking about and Jesus is the bride groom.
And you think about a bride, how she prepares for her wedding day?
Oh, my goodness. I mean, I’ve got a granddaughter that knows who she’s gonna marry but they’re not gonna get married for couple of years yet.
We hope. Well, whatever God wants, but last week she’s out looking at wedding venues.
She said I want to be prepared. I wanna be ready.
What if we had that attitude? Come on. What if we had that attitude?
This is not my home. This is practice.
I’m just learning how to love people here.
I’m just just practicing, learning how to forgive and and learning how to not get angry and not be selfish.
I’m a bride preparing myself to meet the bride groom.
Come on not focusing on everything we want and need but focusing on being prepared to meet our bride groom.
I mean a bride looks her best on the wedding day.
She said the skin worked on. She’s been losing weight.
I mean she, she has her makeup done professionally.
She gets her nails done, she gets her hair, hair done. The dress has got to be perfect.
Oh, there’s such a fuss made over getting her ready to meet her bride groom.
Oh Jesus. I hope somebody’s understanding me okay.
Now I just want to tell you a couple of things about what heaven looks like before I read this sentence because then I’m gonna have to the whole city is gold, not just the streets.
For some reason, I had the idea. It was just the streets.
No, it says the whole city is made of pure gold like crystal, 12 gates, each one made of a single pearl.
Now, I don’t know how big those gates are. But whoa, can you imagine a pearl like that?
And the walls are all embedded with the finest of gems, with rubies and diamonds and jasper and all these different lot of gems that I’ve never even heard of.
I had somebody write in a long time ago and said my Rhinestone earrings were bothering them and I thought you’re gonna be really uncomfortable in heaven.
If my, if my Rhinestone earrings or my ring or you know, whatever bothers you.
Okay. Back to the marriage supper of the lamb.
Matter of fact, I’m gonna read a little bit of this again.
Let us rejoice and exalt and give him the glory for the marriage of the lamb has come and his bride has made herself ready.
It was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure, which represents holiness for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.
And the angel said to me, write this blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the lamb.
You’re invited.
Amen. It’s an invitation.
The Lord is saying to you tonight, I’m inviting you.
I’m inviting you to accept me to become part of my bride to prepare yourself for the marriage supper of the lamb.
What kind of a meal is that gonna be? Oh, my goodness. We got a glorified body.
We’re in this perfect atmosphere where the bride of Christ it’s an invitation and I’m gonna issue that invitation right now to anyone here.
Are anyone watching by television?
No matter where you’re at in the world, no matter what you’ve done in the past, no matter how far away from God you’ve been.
If you’ve killed someone, if, if you’ve done terrible, terrible things tonight, I want you to know that you’re invited, you’re invited and you don’t have to do anything.
All you have to do is R S V P.
Yes, I want to come to receive Jesus.
All you do is surrender your life to him.
Believe that he died for your sins, that he paid the price for your sins.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved and all those who come to him, he will never cast away.
He will never cast them out. Anybody who comes to him will never be rejected, they’ll never be cast out.
So if you’ve never received Christ as your savior and you’re ready to turn away from a life of sin, receive Christ and start preparing yourself in a minute.
I’m gonna ask you to raise your hand.
If you have back slid in, you’ve served God at some time or tried to, you didn’t get very far your back slid, you’ve gone back into sin.
Now, the devil is telling you, God will never have you back. Or maybe you’ve tried 4567 times.
And a lot of that is if you just don’t, you gotta have the right teaching.
When you get born again, you’ve got to have the right teaching or you don’t know where to go from there.
Or maybe you’re one of those people that I was talking about before that if somebody asked you, if you’re going to heaven, you’d say I hope so.
Now you can know for sure you can have assurance of where you came from and where you’re going.
If you’re here tonight and if you’re home watching by TV, or watching on your ipad or your phone and you want to be part of this, you can do the same thing right?
Where you’re at. If that’s you and you wanna pray tonight, let me pray for you.
Will you just slip your hand up and let me see where you’re at. Come on all over the place.
I want to see those hands everywhere in the building.
I want to see those hands. Yeah. Yeah.
Okay. Listen. Can I ask you to do this for me not to embarrass you but just to get you started.
It’s kind of like a jump start.
I’m not gonna bring everybody down to the front cause they’re probably too many people.
But if you really meant what you said when you raise your hand, I just want you to stand up.
Come on, just stand up all over the place. Just stand up.
Come on everywhere. Just stand up, stand on your finger.
Come on because see, we’re not trying to embarrass you.
But if you won’t take a stand in here, you’ll never take one out there.
All right, some Christian that’s around these people.
Just touch them gently. Put a little love on them. Now, let’s all pray together.
Everybody pray this prayer with me, Father God. I love you Jesus.
I believe in you. I accept your invitation.
I want to be yours.
I repent of my sins. I believe you paid for them.
You took my punishment and I receive you Jesus as my savior and my Lord and I release myself to you.
Take me just the way I am and make me what you want me to be.
Now, I believe I’m saved. I’m born again.
I believe you love me and I’m on my way to heaven.
I’m coming home. Amen. Come on, give God a big prayer.