What God is Saying Right Now | Tim Sheets

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On March 3, 2019, just over a year ago, I was awakened by a scripture that the Holy Spirit impressed deeply within me. As I made my way to the office early that Sunday morning, the sun was rising, and I began to experience a vision. When I arrived at church, the vision continued to unfold. It was a vision of a great shaking that was coming to the world. This shaking was the result of humanity’s iniquity, rebellion against God’s Word, and the widespread embrace of an antichrist agenda. It was a shaking that would affect the entire world, but the prophetic message I received that day spoke of God’s answers and strategies to protect His people.

The shaking we are witnessing today is the fulfillment of that vision. God clearly revealed that this time of turmoil would come, but He also provided guidance on how His people could remain safe and overcome these challenges. He instructed His ekklesia (true church) to partner with the Holy Spirit and His angel armies to stand strong during this time.

Over the years, I have taught that actions, whether in the spirit realm or the natural realm, can trigger chaos in nature itself. God designed the earth to function according to His principles, His ways, and His Word. When mankind strays from these divine laws, consequences follow. Just like running a red light can lead to an accident, disobedience to God’s ways brings consequences. These can arise from societal sins, government actions that oppose God’s laws, or from anti-Christ doctrines becoming law.

If not repented of, such rebellion can manifest in natural disasters—earthquakes, volcanoes, plagues, and other shakings. Creation itself reacts when it is out of alignment with God’s perfect design. Romans 8:22 tells us that creation groans under the weight of human disobedience. The solution, however, is repentance—turning back to God, engaging in intercession, and praying as a unified body of believers.

The answers lie in the power of Christ’s ekklesia, the church, which is His governing body on Earth. A year ago, God warned us that humanity’s iniquities had opened the door to a time of great shaking. Yet, He promised that His ekklesia would rise, declaring His answers and ushering in the Third Great Awakening to heal the land and bring in the greatest harvest of souls. God assures us that He will turn this situation around for good, and His glorious church will rise.

Let me be clear: God did not cause the coronavirus. This is the work of demonic forces. Satan and his kingdom come only to steal, kill, and destroy. But God’s kingdom exists to bless us and bring life. However, man’s rebellion allows principalities and powers of darkness to affect strongholds on Earth. I believe the demon prince over China birthed this virus for several purposes: to bankrupt the world, promote anti-Christ doctrines, and stop the greatest move of God in history. What we’re witnessing is demonic activity, and it must be stopped by the prayers of God’s people.

The victory we need will not come from the government. While we are grateful for what they do, they are not our source. The answer lies in the authority of the ekklesia—the prayers and decrees of God’s people in the name of Jesus will stop this shaking. We must rise in our authority, operating in the anointing described in Isaiah 22:22 and Matthew 16:18-19. As the Chamberlain held the keys to the king’s household, Jesus gave His ekklesia the keys to the kingdom. We have the power to open and shut doors, and it’s time to use that authority.

I saw in the spirit realm a shaking that would cause the true ekklesia to rise up and function at levels it has never reached before. This is the moment for the church to operate as Christ intended, with divine authority and power.

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